VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #4

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Here is a link to his song I KILL PEOPLE FOR REAL. I dont think DM did that one yet, I think he did THE VOICES and he is doing MURDEROUS RAGE today, so ERIC why dont you do I KILL PEOPLE FOR REAL at this link:

I'm on it. I don't mind. Where I work the kids take turns choosing stations on the radio. This stuff isn't as bad as a certain genre of music I hate (which I'll not identify due to the fact its only my opinion). But when that stuff's on I truly wanna swallow the end of a gun! It definately keeps me out of the room its playing in. . .
I'm going to listen to the Dad/They/Dave one at home tonight. They're not too big on that kind of music here in children's publishing....
This is so crazy! are we hearing from delusional people saying what they WANTED Sam to be, or what he really is? I don't understand this case at all. WHY fly across the country to murder 4 people and do all the things that were done and considered goof moments (the wreck, staying so long, spending the money when he needed it to get a transfer flight according to some reports.) If it's a crime of passion it's a helluva crime. 4 people. Over the span of days. I just don't see how someone that people continuously call silly fun loving can do this. Although, I suppose I should take what she has to say with a grain of salt...i mean she purposefully listens to the disgusting, hurtful, wrong things he "raps" about :(

Not only that but she is in her 50s and a grandmother and hanging around with all these horrorcore kids.
I've been lurking on here fascinated by this story and thought I'd throw my .02 cents in finally...

From the facts of the case, info from pixy and others, as well as personal experience, this is what I think transpired:

I think Sam and Emma had a falling out, due to his jealousy of her talking to other guys (It seems she had several "guy friends"), before SFTW. It also seems Sam was wanting to start a new chapter; but, being 16, she wasn't. They tried to just make the best of it and all went anyway.

Now, at SFTW Mel and her are having a blast and Emma is "talking" to this performer. Sam's hurt/jealous reaction was to make out with some other girl, just as a big **** you to Emma. I think this is when the fuse was lit, but not any violent thoughts.

From the trip back until the start of the murders, I'm sure Sam was shut out/ignored maybe even ridiculed by both the girls (just going off what I've seen with teen girls).

He hasn't left because he's trying to win back Emma imo (he's "determined" on myspace). When she doesn't respond positively (she's getting high but has a frownie face); and then he sees the messages with this other guy and he flips out.

I'm sure in his mind there's no turning back at this point. He has no "home" to go to. He's been fighting with his family, dad told him not to come back and now Emma's taking away the only other "home" he's ever had. On top of that Mel's helping her do it (again, in his mind). I'm sure he bludgeoned them (Emma first), to a degree none of us can even fathom at this point, as they slept, probably in close proximity to each other.

The mother would have been next. I imagine he ambushed her; either when she came in after hearing the commotion, or, the next morning. I figure hammer first.

Then he would've ambushed the father when he came to check on them. I figure maul first and then his rage towards his own father came out.

I apologize for the length, but another thought:

The way they were killed shows me that Sam's lyrics in no way show he has killed before. He's not the type to kill someone while looking them in the face. He's too cowardly for that. He has to ambush them defenseless.
another note about sam's music: During one of his songs there's the sound of a body being dragged. This is lifted from the Eminem song "97 Bonnie and Clyde"
Ok just to update so we can have them all in the same place, here is THE VOICES that DM transcribed for us:

Song is HERE for those who want to hear it:


The evil voices they're inside my head
They want to see me kill
They want to see me dead

The evil voices they're inside my head
They want to see me kill
They want to see me dead

They're always in my head
Tell me it never stop
They don't care about my life
They hope I ??? God
They want me to murder continuously
They want to take lives on mass murder spree

I love the smell of a body that's rotten and decayed
That's what I think about when I'm stalking my prey

I've got this deadly urge and I just don't know why
But I've the heard the voices and they say you've got to die

Knocked you out, dragged you back to my truck
Stained my clothes I'm bloody as ****
Don't beg for me to let you go
I'm going to torture and kill you slow

Knocked you out, dragged you back to my truck
Stained my clothes I'm bloody as ****
Don't beg for me to let you go
I'm going to torture and kill you slow


Its not that easy doing what I do
Its ok the voices they'll help me through
I love to hear you scream I love to hear you cry
As I gag your mouth and blindfold your eyes
Rape torture kill, you're in for a big surprise.
Now it's your sure time for you to die.
I'm going to bury you in my backyard under the ground.
Six feet under, you'll never be found.

Knocked you out, dragged you back to my truck
Stained my clothes I'm bloody as ****
Don't beg for me to let you go
I'm going to torture and kill you slow

Knocked you out, dragged you back to my truck
Stained my clothes I'm bloody as ****
Don't beg for me to let you go
I'm going to torture and kill you slow


I'm really hope I don't ever get caught
And still Dad say (???) I'm never going to stop
I never question the voices, they're always right
And I love the victims that put up a fight
The voices make me seek the prey that is animal
Like Hannibal the Cannibal
I'm definitely not Hannibal (???)
It's not my fault for these bad thoughts and choices
Don't blame me, blame all the voices

Knocked you out, dragged you back to my truck
Stained my clothes I'm bloody as ****
Don't beg for me to let you go
I'm going to torture and kill you slow

Knocked you out, dragged you back to my truck
Stained my clothes I'm bloody as ****
Don't beg for me to let you go
I'm going to torture and kill you slow

Chorus x3

Edited to add: this could use another set of ears and review. I don't think it is exactly right. Especially not sure about the "Dad" reference.


What other songs are we missing DM??
Sure try this one, I think its called MY DARK SIDE.

YouTube- Syko Sam/My Dark Side

How many songs does Sam have anyone know?

I went to the I Kill People For Real youtube link to start transcribing and quickly realized it was a medley of all the songs on the EP. As each song melded into the other a title of the song came up in the video. The songs, at least according to this video, are as follows:

1 - Murderous Rage
2 - My Dark Side
3 - The Voices
4 - Creatures of the Darkness ft. WIR
5 - Burning Churches
6 - Sick Minds Think Alike ft. DSK and Skinny Sick

I believe we've all heard a lot from the first three songs but not the latter three. I'll see if I can find videos or other sources for them.
4 - Creatures of the Darkness ft. WIR
5 - Burning Churches
6 - Sick Minds Think Alike ft. DSK and Skinny Sick

I believe we've all heard a lot from the first three songs but not the latter three. I'll see if I can find videos or other sources for them.

There all there. I'm gonna start on Sick Minds Think Alike.

Creatures of the Darkness: YouTube- Syko Sam - Creature Of The Darkness

Burning Churches: YouTube- Syko Sam - Burning Churches

Sick Minds Think Alike: YouTube- Syko Sam - Sick Minds Think Alike
I've been lurking on here fascinated by this story and thought I'd throw my .02 cents in finally...

From the facts of the case, info from pixy and others, as well as personal experience, this is what I think transpired:

I think Sam and Emma had a falling out, due to his jealousy of her talking to other guys (It seems she had several "guy friends"), before SFTW. It also seems Sam was wanting to start a new chapter; but, being 16, she wasn't. They tried to just make the best of it and all went anyway.

Now, at SFTW Mel and her are having a blast and Emma is "talking" to this performer. Sam's hurt/jealous reaction was to make out with some other girl, just as a big **** you to Emma. I think this is when the fuse was lit, but not any violent thoughts.

From the trip back until the start of the murders, I'm sure Sam was shut out/ignored maybe even ridiculed by both the girls (just going off what I've seen with teen girls).

He hasn't left because he's trying to win back Emma imo (he's "determined" on myspace). When she doesn't respond positively (she's getting high but has a frownie face); and then he sees the messages with this other guy and he flips out.

I'm sure in his mind there's no turning back at this point. He has no "home" to go to. He's been fighting with his family, dad told him not to come back and now Emma's taking away the only other "home" he's ever had. On top of that Mel's helping her do it (again, in his mind). I'm sure he bludgeoned them (Emma first), to a degree none of us can even fathom at this point, as they slept, probably in close proximity to each other.

The mother would have been next. I imagine he ambushed her; either when she came in after hearing the commotion, or, the next morning. I figure hammer first.

Then he would've ambushed the father when he came to check on them. I figure maul first and then his rage towards his own father came out.

I apologize for the length, but another thought:

The way they were killed shows me that Sam's lyrics in no way show he has killed before. He's not the type to kill someone while looking them in the face. He's too cowardly for that. He has to ambush them defenseless.

HI, Welcome Splendor: I think you are right on and that is the basic outline. I never thought before that Sam's determined mood was based on his diligence in winning Emma back ~ good thought~ but I did think her frownie face was based on Sam's presence.

A lot of things could have been coming out in Sam's rage...rage at his own father, rage at his mother, rage at family or lack thereof...rage at divorce, rage at rejection. Maybe he really did hate everything and everybody and his friendships in the underground scene and anticipation of a relationship with a pretty girl kept him functional. He was about to lose it all.

No doubt he snapped. I don't think he went to VA with the intention to kill. I believe it was a series of events that led him to make that decision starting with his arrival and how his interactions with Emma were going.

I will be curious to know some of the details because, as you said, were they ambushed in their sleep, hit from behind? Was he merciless and relentless? Was there overkill on everyone, or just the two that pissed him off the most?
Wow. Creatures of the Darkness really shows the disparity between Sam's rapping skills and the rest of WIR. I mean, Sam gets killed here by some of his labelmates.

What other songs are we missing DM??

Just a throwing this out there, but I'd say good quality ones worth listening to. :angel:
I've been lurking on here fascinated by this story and thought I'd throw my .02 cents in finally...

From the facts of the case, info from pixy and others, as well as personal experience, this is what I think transpired:

I think Sam and Emma had a falling out, due to his jealousy of her talking to other guys (It seems she had several "guy friends"), before SFTW. It also seems Sam was wanting to start a new chapter; but, being 16, she wasn't. They tried to just make the best of it and all went anyway.

Now, at SFTW Mel and her are having a blast and Emma is "talking" to this performer. Sam's hurt/jealous reaction was to make out with some other girl, just as a big **** you to Emma. I think this is when the fuse was lit, but not any violent thoughts.

From the trip back until the start of the murders, I'm sure Sam was shut out/ignored maybe even ridiculed by both the girls (just going off what I've seen with teen girls).

He hasn't left because he's trying to win back Emma imo (he's "determined" on myspace). When she doesn't respond positively (she's getting high but has a frownie face); and then he sees the messages with this other guy and he flips out.

I'm sure in his mind there's no turning back at this point. He has no "home" to go to. He's been fighting with his family, dad told him not to come back and now Emma's taking away the only other "home" he's ever had. On top of that Mel's helping her do it (again, in his mind). I'm sure he bludgeoned them (Emma first), to a degree none of us can even fathom at this point, as they slept, probably in close proximity to each other.

The mother would have been next. I imagine he ambushed her; either when she came in after hearing the commotion, or, the next morning. I figure hammer first.

Then he would've ambushed the father when he came to check on them. I figure maul first and then his rage towards his own father came out.

I apologize for the length, but another thought:

The way they were killed shows me that Sam's lyrics in no way show he has killed before. He's not the type to kill someone while looking them in the face. He's too cowardly for that. He has to ambush them defenseless.

Just FWIW, in his song The Voices, he describes knocking the victim out before killing them. So that might count as ambushing someone that is defenseless idk.
I went to the I Kill People For Real youtube link to start transcribing and quickly realized it was a medley of all the songs on the EP. As each song melded into the other a title of the song came up in the video. The songs, at least according to this video, are as follows:

1 - Murderous Rage
2 - My Dark Side
3 - The Voices
4 - Creatures of the Darkness ft. WIR
5 - Burning Churches
6 - Sick Minds Think Alike ft. DSK and Skinny Sick

I believe we've all heard a lot from the first three songs but not the latter three. I'll see if I can find videos or other sources for them.

Ok so we have those six PLUS I KILL PEOPLE FOR REAL. I think I kill people for real is the one where he says "I just want you to know youre not the only one, Ive killed before, I kill people for real and I kill them real slow."
Sorry no time today to correct this today but here it is "as is"...

First 60 seconds consists of an environmental recording of someone getting into a car, starting the engine, and tuning the radio. (some samples here worthy of additional analysis)

Last night, ??? ordinary night
Last night, I was the murderous rage
But now I gotta get rid of the bodies
Before the corpses start to get to rotting

Thinking about last night, the goods that I had (???)

Got the remains in black plastic garbage bag
Dragged it to my car, wrapped it in a bed sheet
Blood leaking through the plastic, threw it in my back seat

I washed up, there's still blood on my hands
Driving in my car, thinking of a get away plan
Turn on the radio, it's going to be a long ride
As you take you to my underwater grave site

The place where you will forever rest in peace
Oh **** I think I am being followed by police
I need to play it cool, I'm in a stolen Land Rover
And I know they're about to pull my *advertiser censored* over

Gotta get rid of the bodies real quick
Stupid cops pulled me over, son of a *****
Shouldn't **** with a killer in the middle of night
Especially when he's driving to his grave site

Gotta get rid of the bodies real quick
Stupid cops pulled me over, son of a *****
Shouldn't **** with a killer in the middle of night
Especially when he's driving to his grave site

Is there a problem officer as I laughed silently
He told me to step out of the car and lay on the ground
He should have patted me down because this what you would have found
A seven inch blade holstered to my belt buckle
i got out the car now you're in trouble
A Psycho kid ??? with no one in sight
I stabbed him a couple of times with the sharp end of my knife

He tried to ??? and I threw him in the trunk
I had to shoulda fast because the ??? kind of stunk
Go ahead and scream no one is going to hear you now
Hopped back in the car to get away and muffle the sounds
??? screaming from the top of his lungs
I guess I should a cut off his tongue
It's OK ??? mission, to get rid of all the people that witnessing

Gotta get rid of the bodies real quick
Stupid cops pulled me over, son of a *****
Shouldn't **** with a killer in the middle of night
Especially when he's driving to his grave site

Gotta get rid of the bodies real quick
Stupid cops pulled me over, son of a *****
Shouldn't **** with a killer in the middle of night
Especially when he's driving to his grave site
Sure try this one, I think its called MY DARK SIDE.

YouTube- Syko Sam/My Dark Side

How many songs does Sam have anyone know?

Syko Sam, My Dark Side Total: 4:41

Welcome to my Dark side,
Welcome to my Dark side, the dark side,
Welcome to my dark side, the dark side
Welcome to my dark side, the dark side
The other side
That sick side.
Welcome to my dark side the dark side
Yeah, the dark side,
The place you’re
Gonna die.

Welcome to my dark side the dark side
The other side, that sick side.
Welcome to my Dark side the Dark Side
The dark side the place your’re,
Gonna die.

Let me introduce you to a peace of my mind.
Let me explain cause it’s kinda hard to find.
Yes I’m insane
****ed in my brain
Everyday I wake up it’s always the same.
No matter how hard I ****in try,
I’m living this life that’s full of lies
On the the outside, an average human being,
On the inside, so sick, twisted, obscene.
Living in reality of a horrorific dream
Yeah I know what “craves me????”
And I love to make them scream.
Blood death murder and rave (rage??)
I like to mutilate, take em back to my place,
Killa and Slash,
Yeah I’m going for your *advertiser censored*.

And when I got you in, this dark path,
The last words that you gonna ****in hear
The last words, before you disappear,

Welcome to my dark side the dark side yeah
The other side,
That sick side.
Welcome to my dark side, the dark side yeah
The dark side,
The place you’re,
Gonna Die

Welcome to my dark side, the dark side yeah
The other side,
That sick side,
Welcome to my dark side, the dark side yeah
The dark side
The place you’re
Gonna die.

Walking alone in the dark thinking,
You gonna see me stalking from behind
Oh what a mistake
You start to walk faster as you glance back
So do I and I’m ready to attack
I pull out a knife, fro my coat
I jump on your back and I put it to your throat.
You told me to get off, think it’s just a joke
It’s real so I grab you and I start to choke
Look into my eyes as the darkness rolls inside
This is the night, the night ya gonna ****in die.

Your not the first, just to let you know,
I’ve killed many people, and I killed em real slow.
It’s the best feeling watching your last breath
Stabbin and stabbin till there’s nothing left.
Yeah I’m heartless, leave your bloody carcus
As I drag you in this pitch black darkness.

Welcome to my dark side, the dark side, yeah
The other side,
That sick side,

Welcome to my dark side, the dark side,
Yeah, the dark side,
To the place your,
Gonna die.

Welcome to my dark side, the dark side, yeah
The other side,
That sick side,

Welcome to my dark side, the dark side,
Yeah, the dark side,
To the place your,
Gonna die.

I look straight into your eyes as your vision fades away,
As you die,
I’m a psychopath and your gonna feel my wrath,
Cutting and stabbin I can’t help but laugh
If you see me, roaming the streets,
You’d better ****in run or your gonna be dead meat
Layin on the ground
No help found
Your gonna ****ing die with
Blood gurggling sounds coming from ya mouth
No one around to stop me now
I keep stabbin faster

As you bleed,
Cut a human “part??” to “Feed??” is what I need,
Is the only thing,
That I know how to do,
I’m a cannibal use your body as food
Yeah your gonna die and your body will decay
As I leave you dying in this dark alley way
Last thing I need to say
Say this for a record
You’re a slave

To my Dark side Dark side, the Dark side,
Yeah, the other side,
That sick side,

Welcome to my dark side, the dark side yeah,
The dark side, the place your,
Gonna die.

To my Dark side Dark side, the Dark side,
Yeah, the other side,
That sick side,

Welcome to my dark side, the dark side yeah,
The dark side, the place your,
Gonna die.

*There may be a few errors. Especially if I put ?? after or " " Around the words, hope this helps!*
Ok so we have those six PLUS I KILL PEOPLE FOR REAL. I think I kill people for real is the one where he says "I just want you to know youre not the only one, Ive killed before, I kill people for real and I kill them real slow."

THis is actually in the song I transcribed and I will be the first to say it's the ONLY sam song I have listened to, so maybe they ALLLLLL sound this way, but a LOT going on in that one that just gives me the creeps :(
Just FWIW, in his song The Voices, he describes knocking the victim out before killing them. So that might count as ambushing someone that is defenseless idk.

I was thinking more of the parts where he says, "I'm going to torture and kill you slow" and "Rape torture kill". That's fantasy. He doesn't interact well with people and he internalizes everything. He's highly unlikely to confront someone if he gets upset or angry with them. He just crawls into a corner, out of eyesight.

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