VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #4

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When I lived in Farmville, my boyfriend lived on First Ave. In the white house a few doors down that was converted into apt's for students (away from the athletic field). The entire street always gave me the creeps. Other people got the same feel from there. I know it sounds crazy, especially since now this horrific crime has happened here, but I'm not making this up. Did you ever feel that way? When I found out that the murders had taken place there I felt like I was going to pass out. Its like there was an evil presence on that street.

I used to walk by that house on my way from campus to his place. I don't think I would ever want to see it again now. The thought of being on that street again is upsetting to me. I hate to say it, but Farmville has had alot of very tragic things happen there. For one thing, it has had SO many fires, just in the last 10 years or so. There was a huge fire at Longwood in 2001, (no one was hurt but it destroyed the oldest part of the school) and several houses have burned down where students were living (one terrible one where a few kids died) a large storefront area burned down, and since the murders a large apt. complex there had a very damaging fire. Fire always strikes me as demonic.

Also, this is not Farmville's first gruesome murder. There was an ax murder in the late ninties where a local man murdered his ex mother and law and ex wife. As well as a murder/suicide of a local psychologist a few years later.

I'm not trying to bash Farmville or anything, the 4 years I lived there were some of the best of my life and there are great people there. It's not at all a bad place to live. But for one little town, that does add up to alot. Just sayin'.
Never got a bad vibe from First Avenue, always thought it was a very peaceful area. Most of Farmville’s leading business men live or have lived in the avenues. Over the past 50 + years Longwood University has taken over as they continue to grow. Some of the most beautiful homes in the town of Farmville are located there.

Yes, Farmville has seen a few murders, but nothing like this one. The ax murder of the mother and daughter happened in Cumberland. Suzie was a close friend of mine. She was a beautiful human being that was stalked by her ex who was mentally unstable. He killed his self in jail. One crazy dude.

The local psychologist that killed his wife and then himself lived and died on the Back Hampden sydney Road. But there was a murder of wife of a local attorney that lived on the corner of Oak, near the avenues. The attorney was found guilty of her murder.

The Bizarre House is located in Cumberland County and not Prince Edward County. It is listed as Farmville if you look it up.....but it really is not in Farmville, in Prince Edward County. Just happens that main street is listed in the adjoining county.
Well, except for those stabbing-you-until-there's-no-breath lyrics and maybe the let's-crap-on-the-Marine part.... And the hatchet thing. And so on.

Richard Ramirez had basically one side to him: he always looked like he was going to suck your blood out. I bet he looked like that in his elementary school pictures.

Ted Bundy had two sides: everyone who knew him in regular life thought he was charming and sophisticated; yet, he actually bit the buttocks off one of the girls he stabbed to death in Georgia, in his murderous rage.

Sam seems like the latter.

Well, the lyrics are just bad though. I can't really read anything into them because it seems like a poor attempt to recreate crappy music. It seems more posturing and posing than anything.

The grave is just stupid, but I doubt it was entirely Sam's idea, no was it anything more malevolent than a youthful indiscretion. Again, more posing, more trying to look hard, more trying to shock you. Sam with the hatchet.

Whether Sam is more like Ramirez or Bundy, I don't know. You're comparing prolific serial killers to a mass murderer. I'm not sure either of them fits this case well.

To distinguish Bundy a bit, Bundy was always considered a very handsome, well-kept, charming man. He used his good looks and charm to get his victims to let their guards down.

Sam, on the other hand, was notably unwashed, seemingly clumsy, child like.
This is a rumor.....I did not see it with my own eyes but was of the floor had to be removed at 505 First Avenue. The furniture had to be tossed because of blood and odor that could never be removed. I do know there was a huge, hazardous dumpster placed beside the house.

Oh, I'd believe this. If they ever expect to sell this house again, they'll have to do massive renovations. And, i'm sure that furniture is damaged beyond repair.
None of those horrorcore guys are badass in any way shape or form. They couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag. Whether Sam gets the DP or life without parole, he won't be put in the general population. Him meeting Bubba doesn't apply. It's not that they give a crap about him. It's more about they don't need the hassle.
He'll probably be able to get some of the serial killers he so admires to write to him. I hear some of those autographs go for, like, 20 bucks.
I guess that depends on how much attention the trial garners.

Who owns the house anyway? Did Emma's mom rent it? I know a lot of professors rent their houses in college towns.
Debra Kelly was the owner of this home. She bought it not long ago.
I miss Pax and hope he returns. :(
I missed where it was written that Sam's Dad did not want him to come to Va. Can anyone tell me how we learned that?
I think you have to have a thick skin to take part in this thread. My skin is pretty thin, so I am going to be a party pooper D and go to bed. It is getting close to the time for me to turn into a pumpkin. ~S~ Nite ppl

IIRC, we got the information from online conversations that (I believe) Pixie or another one of the skr insiders linked to.
IIRC, we got the information from online conversations that (I believe) Pixie or another one of the skr insiders linked to.

I had thought Sams sister said it in a news paper . I may be wrong.
Hello friends and fellow sleuthers, I am back and I want to personally thank each of you who noticed my absence and expressed concern for the matter (Tapu =) ).

It was a matter of confusion and mis-understanding and I contacted Tricia the site admin in e mail and sent her proof and verification to clear up the matter and we even had a nice conversation on the phone so that she would know I am who I say I am, to seal the deal, and she immediately unbanned me and I am back and ready to continue where we left off!

Missed you folks and it was frustrating not to be able to respond, I need to give one of you my e mail address so if anything happens again at least we can say hello lol.
Thanks folks I appreciate that, Tricia runs a clean program here so she needed to make sure things were legit on my end due to some mis-understanding and confusion and we cleared it up immediately and had a nice chat on the phone and here I am.

Kudos to Tricia for keeping this place going.
I see you guys have come up with some good stuff the last few days, I will catch up and comment as time permits...good to be back. We got a trial coming up and I didnt wanna miss that.

Now that I think of it I should have contacted Sonic at another forum he and I post in and he could have let you all know I was ok lol. Will keep that in mind.
Thanks Zigster and sorry to hear about your concert that stinks. I am catching up myself and just saw Peace Gurl's comment about FLOOR REMOVAL and now I am wondering what sort of flooring we are talking about, was it a WOOD/COMPOSITE/FAUX WOOD FLOORING or CARPET since surely one wouldnt have to remove tile because of stains, so I would guess carpet first or some sort of older style wood floor that wasnt sealed properly due to wear and the wood stained from the blood. This all of course lends credence to our theory and early reports that the place was a slaughterhouse in spite of the fact that we had a relative earlier saying these reports were false.

I do believe Rimer was this last Saturday (yesterday) so maybe Peace Gurl had a chance to attend or not?
I thought BoyGenius was going to Rimer's presentation too, but not sure. I know another local was going to scout it out.

Just one body on the floor, for more than a few days and the fluids purged would certainly contaminate flooring. Had to be either wood or carpet - tile is not common for bedroom flooring in that part of the country.

I'm always fascinated by what happens to the houses afterwards. It's sad that a neighborhood and a home must always carry that stigma forward forever. They changed the number/address of the Ramsey home after the JonBenet murder and it was remodeled so that the room she was found in was sealed off completely. Still, no one has lived in the house long term, not because of anything creepy, but it seems to just be jinxed now or something.

Paul Bernardo/Homolka just had to be torn down. No one would ever live there and the neighbors couldn't stand the sight of it. Completely new house rebuilt in its place.

I hope Farmville will be able to move on. Maybe some nice family will live in the house someday and everything will be fine.
Debra Kelly was the owner of this home. She bought it not long ago.

So, if Debra bought the house a little while ago, the mortgage certainly isn't paid off. So, either Debra's heir (I'm assuming she died without a will?) inherits the mortgage and pays it or the bank takes it. Are Debra's parents still alive? Otherwise, the house is Debra's sister's problem.
So, if Debra bought the house a little while ago, the mortgage certainly isn't paid off. So, either Debra's heir (I'm assuming she died without a will?) inherits the mortgage and pays it or the bank takes it. Are Debra's parents still alive? Otherwise, the house is Debra's sister's problem.

It appears Debra has parents alive as we have reports of a relative taking issue of the discussuion about the place being a slaughterhouse, we discussed this previously a few pages back and he said such talk was upsetting to what I assume were Debra's parents. So that does bring up the interesting question as to who takes ownership of the house assuming Debra had no will and it is likely she didnt at her age, she was sort of young to be thinking about such matters.
I have wondered too what would become of the house. My guess is something drastic will have to be done, like a complete remodel or even torn down, and mabye even an address change. You couldn't pay me to live there. Farmville will be fine though. It has thrived in the last 10 years.

And I am so sorry peace gurl that you were close w/ Suzy. That was a terrible thing, how amazing that she did the costumes for titanic. I didn't know her but she was a local celebrity. I didn't know that he had killed himself. SUch an awful thing.

Would someone mind filling me in on Bizarre House? I never heard of that.

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