VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #5

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Hey DM I just picked up a cool book, check it out if you ever run across it, so far it is EXCELLENT.

The Dark Arts of Immortality: Transformation Through War, Sex and Magic.

Heavy stuff.

Will check it out.
I know exactly what you are talking about. I have lived in Southwest and South Central VA my whole life. In the end, no one else wants to deal w/ anyone elses mess and Farmville is hungry for revenge. They will probably do everything possible to keep it there, and b/c of the economy etc, they will let them stay there. I never thought about it that way, but in the end who is going to come to Sam's defense and do anything about it? No one.

How about his court appointed defense attorney?
Just for the record, I don't believe in demonic possession. But I don't not believe in it either. Believing in this stuff can be dangerous. Remaining completely agnostic is harder, but much safer.

In this case there are a lot of weird things ranging from the address of the house being the New Mexico area code to the fact that Sam was wandering around smelling like death. These occurrences go beyond Sam's mental illness or his specific crimes. Some of these "coincidences" seem to be leaking from the collective unconscious or whatever you want to call it. I don't really have an opinion on why. Maybe demonic possession is just a way to describe something we don't really understand yet.

thanks for the clarification, i appreciate it. alot of coincidences, i agree with you on that.

i find it interesting that his SKR and WI friends didn't mention anything about his stinkiness,,, or have they and i have missed that?

i had a 5th grade student that refused to wash himself too, and he believed he didn't smell. he also kept his hoodie over his head practically all the was quite an ordeal to just be around him...he had so many emotional problems, and his 'wall' was rather thick,,, i cant help but keep thinking about this kid and Sam's not wanting to stay cleaned. not that this kid will be the next murderer, but he sure would lose all sense of who he was when he got quite angry.
thanks for the clarification, i appreciate it. alot of coincidences, i agree with you on that.

i find it interesting that his SKR and WI friends didn't mention anything about his stinkiness,,, or have they and i have missed that?

i had a 5th grade student that refused to wash himself too, and he believed he didn't smell. he also kept his hoodie over his head practically all the was quite an ordeal to just be around him...he had so many emotional problems, and his 'wall' was rather thick,,, i cant help but keep thinking about this kid and Sam's not wanting to stay cleaned. not that this kid will be the next murderer, but he sure would lose all sense of who he was when he got quite angry.

Regarding your smelly student, where were the parents?
Regarding your smelly student, where were the parents?

he lived with his mother and her boyfriend. not sure where his biological father was. he had already been in hospital treatment for violent tendencies, he had threatened and physically hurt his mother. there were times he would be really sweet and helpful. but, they were rare times.
ITA. When I said that his lawyer wouldn't be doing his job if he didn't get a venue change, I meant that his job is to give the most persuasive argument in Sam's favor. But you are absolutely right, it would be foolish for the judge to deny it.

If they send it up to Northern Virginia then perhaps I can attend some of the trial. Northern Virginia is more liberal than other parts of Virginia so I'm not sure why someone thought that Sam would "fry" in Alexandria. IMO he'd have a better shot at LWOP in the more liberal pockets of the state.

Because Alexandria isn't liberal at all. It's a bastion of conservative old money and people who wish they were but made it themselves. The Pentagon is right up the road and employs about 23,000 military and civilian personnel. Marine Corps Base Quantico is not far south of there and has about 12,000 military and civilian employees. Think many of them or people in their families are the type to let someone off lightly for bludgeoning to death 3 unarmed women and a pastor?

There is little that anyone could say as a blanket statement about Northern Virginia that is likely to be true. That area is pretty large and isn't homogenous at all. There are certainly a lot of liberals, and lots of immigrants (who I wouldn't count on to be too lenient to satanic inspired mass murderers) but there are more flag waving, good ole boy, law and order contractor types sitting in trucks on the beltway on a typical afternoon than there are in 100 Farmvilles.

I for one don't think the venue really matters anyway, and I'm willing to bet I can guess what our boy Sam faces if he's found guilty. None the less, Farmville would be about the worst possible place for him if he does go to trial.
So you know I sort of have to agree with SickTanick and Razakel here. There's no benefit to them engaging with anyone here. I'd like to crib some notes from SickTanick on his CDs maybe, but seriously, it would be dumb.

If they had an attorney, and he/she was any good, they most certainly would tell Sick & Razakel not to post here or anywhere else about this situation. They have nothing to gain and maybe something to lose especially if Melanie's parents decide to start looking around for someone to sue.

Remember that Judas Priest was sued when a fan was supposedly influenced to commit suicide by a hidden INAUDIBLE message in their music. And this was despite the fact that the scientific evidence about subliminal messages at the time did not support the merits of the case at all.

...I agree...and if I was Razakel I'd feel the same way....if some strangers were discussing me to the point of obsession just because I know someone that did something I'd be ticked off too,but I'd still wished they'd come and talk to us ....
It might offend you, but understand the duty of the attorney is to his client. He has to make every argument he can to advocate for his client. And, she's not getting off scott-free. She's going to spend a lot of time committed to a hospital.

Cases like this and Sam's evoke a visceral reaction that makes us want to see punishment through retribution. But there are other goals in the criminal justice punishment system that oftentimes get overlooked. Rehabilitation is as big a part as retribution or deterrence.

This woman is clearly sick. What she did is horrible. Spending time in jail isn't going to fix her mental illness. The hospital might help. In my experience, rehabilitation is important in cases like these.

Andres - I understand it is a defense lawyers responsibility, and I think (in some cases) it is a truly noble profession. I believe (for the most part) in our legal system, and appreciate the chance for everyone to have a defense.

My point back on page 3 of this thread, is that I don't believe she was insane ... mentally ill - absolutely. But, in my view, she showed that she knew that what she was doing was wrong at times. For someone like this, I fear rehab is just a pie in the sky, especially with the under-funded penal system.

Do I think she was/is crazy/insane ... YES! BUT, by the law, one is insane if they don't understand their actions, not that they are totally off their rocker. I think we're basically agreeing!
he lived with his mother and her boyfriend. not sure where his biological father was. he had already been in hospital treatment for violent tendencies, he had threatened and physically hurt his mother. there were times he would be really sweet and helpful. but, they were rare times.

Sounds like the kid is doomed. Bound to hurt someone or his self. It's a sad cruel world out there. . .
Crimes against children and animals really piss me off, I am against the DP but I would have no problem taking those kind of perps out and smacking them around a bit.

I'm with claudicici ... a bit?!?!

I have always thought that a child abuser/molester/killer should be put in a bare room filled with parents. That'll do it.

One of the most astounding things I found after I had my son (he's 21 now), is that once I became a parent to one child, I became every child's parent. I cared more about other children, hurt for them when they were wronged, and advocated for them by volunteering in my son's schools for up to 20 hours a week. Many didn't get hugs at home, or a coat to wear at the bus stop in -30 (wind chill), so I gave hugs, and collected winter clothing as payment for kids to come to movie nights in elementary school. It's just so odd ... your heart clicks on in a totally different way once one becomes a parent. I'd be curious to know if others had this same transformation, especially if they adopted.
It's funny, from movies, videogames, etc. I often feel by being desensitized to a lot of violence, but then I'm hypersensitized to crimes against animals and children.

I'm the same way, but I always have been. Can't bear to see animals or children hurt in movies/TV. It just jars me to the core. Probably somewhat because they are 'innocent' although not all adults are (obviously) asking to be in whatever situation they are placed.
I found this interesting/puzzling ...why would Razz want baby socks? after they have been worn.

Quote from a poster on raz's myspace page:
"Juice actually watched most of the birthing.With looking away a few times.. Than he went to go see the baby after she was born..And my placenta wasnt fully out of my sn***h yet.. So he looked over and seen that coming out..All chunky n bloody..n was lik O_O grOSS!!...... Of course ill send you a pair of socks after she wears them..Thats fine with But ill do it after she comes home..CAuse they only wrap her in a blanket at the hospital no sockies for her :p "

snipped and bolded by me.

who the heck knows?!? I figured since she was talking about a guy (Juice) perhaps the woment were comparing males, so Raz was sending the sock to the friend's boyfriend as a *ahem* warming glove?!? :dance:
I'm with claudicici ... a bit?!?!

I have always thought that a child abuser/molester/killer should be put in a bare room filled with parents. That'll do it.

One of the most astounding things I found after I had my son (he's 21 now), is that once I became a parent to one child, I became every child's parent. I cared more about other children, hurt for them when they were wronged, and advocated for them by volunteering in my son's schools for up to 20 hours a week. Many didn't get hugs at home, or a coat to wear at the bus stop in -30 (wind chill), so I gave hugs, and collected winter clothing as payment for kids to come to movie nights in elementary school. It's just so odd ... your heart clicks on in a totally different way once one becomes a parent. I'd be curious to know if others had this same transformation, especially if they adopted. true,and as much as I love animals crimes against children can no way ,no how not at all be compared to crimes against animals...
I commit crimes against animals every day....I eat them...I try not to but can't crimes against children are on a completely different level altogether I think,in all these cases we talk about it always comes down to how the criminals were treated as a kid....always....whatever happens to a kid shapes the future and anyways how could anyone hurt a kid?????
Judges and lawyers don't have "breakfast" to decide someones fate, they have trials. Rulings on motions in capitol cases are not taken lightly. There are many, many constitutional barriers to insure a fair trial, and in the event that there isn't one there is plenty of scrutiny, as well of plenty academics and cash to spend to "right" unfair trials.

Maybe in federal court things aren't settled over breakfast, but I'm sure things like this happen in county courts. No doubt about it whatsoever!
The keys are in search warrant #7, page 10, item 96 (attached jpg).

I've wondered if we should request a forum, but it seems we all enjoy getting together on one thread so I'm not sure whether everyone would like the idea. The benefits of a forum would be that we could have separate threads for the many case aspects.

Is there a way to just have one thread or at the beginning of a thread, a bunch of stickies with timelines, links, documents, etc. or does that only come with a forum?
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