VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #5

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Well whats even more ironic is that rant is coming from a self proclaimed SATANIST which is all about self gratification all MORALS AND ETHICS be damned, so here we have a satanist CONDEMNING another person for enjoying themselves and doing what they want regardless of the moral consequnces. We have a satanist judging another person as being IMMORAL, NOW THATS RICH!!!!

I saw Lizette's comment a few days ago and chose not to mention it here. I felt bringing up something that clearly referred a poster here might seem to call for either a denial or an admission of some sort regarding what Lizette wrote. Actually, I couldn't care less whether it were true or not and would prefer and advise that the accused not comment on it all. But, since it's out there now, I'll say that when I saw that post, I couldn't help but think that a "satanist" who calls someone a "*advertiser censored*" as an insult loses some serious street cred. Lizette comes off as more of an uptight church lady than anything else with that.

Revelation 17

1 And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great *advertiser censored* that sitteth upon many waters: 2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. 3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. 4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: 5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. 6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.
I saw Lizette's comment a few days ago and chose not to mention it here. I felt bringing up something that clearly referred a poster here might seem to call for either a denial or an admission of some sort regarding what Lizette wrote. Actually, I couldn't care less whether it were true or not and would prefer and advise that the accused not comment on it all. But, since it's out there now, I'll say that when I saw that post, I couldn't help but think that a "satanist" who calls someone a "*advertiser censored*" as an insult loses some serious street cred. Lizette comes off as more of an uptight church lady than anything else with that.

Revelation 17

1 And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great *advertiser censored* that sitteth upon many waters: 2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication. 3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. 4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: 5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. 6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.

See also:
I actually did a lot of DUI defense work early on in my career when I was practicing and everyone I knew hated me for it but like you said these people lose their families, often lose their jobs because they cant drive anymore etc and the kids suffer and end up homeless even at times. Yes driving drunk and I wouldnt particularly care much for defending repeat offenders but I think its safe to say we have all or at least most of us have had a few and gotten behind the wheel, it isnt good but it is a mistake and if I can prevent someone from losing everything they have because of it youre damn right I will try and help them.

We seem to have a lot in common, PAX.
I'm gonna jump into this discussion - first with a question ... how many here are parents?

Yes, I truly do think it makes a difference. I have a 21-year old son, and, as I've mentioned before, once I became a Mama to him, something happened hormone-wise and I became a Mama to all children. I hate Sam for what he (presumably) did to my friend Mark, but on the other hand, I feel terribly sorry for him. Whether or not Sam is mentally insane, he obviously has mental health issues, even if it's "just" depression (note I said "just" as I, too, have suffered from chronic depression for 35 years). Sam, no doubt, came from a broken (in many ways!) home, and is still trying to fit into a family-like situation.

On the other hand ... LOTS of people come from as bad, if not worse situations, and do not murder 4 people. Therein lies my frustration.

As for putting people to death ... again, I'm mixed. I asked my son to watch TV with me the morning they killed Timothy McVey (here in Indiana, so it happens). I explained to him what a horrible thing Tim did, how many lives were lost or irrevocably broken that day in Oak-City. But, to my son's amazement (and mine too, a bit), I burst into tears when they announced he was dead. The only way I could explain how I felt is that I still have a reverence for life (not in a religious way), and, even though Tim did horrible things, yet another life was lost by killing him.

I just can't come to a firm decision about the death penality, but that's the way I am ... too soft hearted, but also able to feel the terrible depth of other's tragedies.
I'm gonna jump into this discussion - first with a question ... how many here are parents?

Yes, I truly do think it makes a difference. I have a 21-year old son, and, as I've mentioned before, once I became a Mama to him, something happened hormone-wise and I became a Mama to all children. I hate Sam for what he (presumably) did to my friend Mark, but on the other hand, I feel terribly sorry for him. Whether or not Sam is mentally insane, he obviously has mental health issues, even if it's "just" depression (note I said "just" as I, too, have suffered from chronic depression for 35 years). Sam, no doubt, came from a broken (in many ways!) home, and is still trying to fit into a family-like situation.

I also have children. 2 girls both under the age of 5. I can agree with you when you say that when you become a parent, it changes the way you feel for all children. I couldn't imagine how I would survive with losing one of my girls. I feel truly sorry for Mels parents having to go through this. I sit back and wonder, if something like this happened to one of my kids, if I would be able to forgive their killer and try to help him down the right path the way I am trying to do for Sam and I honestly just don't know if I could.
Forgiving people, especially those that don't really deserve it, is one of the hardest things that anyone will ever do. Contrary to the popular wisdom it often requires both courage and bravery to forgive someone. But forgiveness is also freedom, don't forget that.
Meanwhile, where's my piXy?

She has some 'splainin' to do.... :)
Meanwhile, where's my piXy?

She has some 'splainin' to do.... :)

Hopefully she's cooking a dead turkey and watching football (well not yet, but yeah).

Happy Thanksgiving Websleuths!
It might be lame to you, but most violent offenders I deal with get stuck in bad situations that snowball based on bad decisions.

If Sam just leaves the house instead of killing the girls, no one gets hurt and everyone's lives are different.

This is a little different than saying what he did was just a "horrible split decision."
Guys, all the way up until the moment you decide, one way or the other, you have two possible ways to decide. After that, in any amount of time, you might do what you decided to do, or you might not do it, even if you'd decided to. (For a variety of reasons.)

A split-second decision is one in which the circumstances of the decision come about in a moment's time. You can't make a split-second decision about something where the pieces of the arguments were in place for a while. (I'm mad and want to kill them--should I or should I not?) You can make a sudden decision then, but not a "split-second decision." The latter has a special meaning where the elements have to come together in a "split-second."

--idle linguist on a thanksgiving day (i think we should rename this holiday "Most Boring Day of the Year" :rolleyes: I mean, really.)
Hopefully she's cooking a dead turkey and watching football (well not yet, but yeah).

Happy Thanksgiving Websleuths!

Football... that's the one where the ball has those little pointy tips?
Yeah, we go on about them some time back. What in particular strikes you?
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to everyone,btw.......I have been following the Shaniya Davis case since day 1 and of course, Caylee, Haleigh etc...I have not been following this case, even though it happened down the road a piece from me,,,because it scares me....When I read the search warrants last night, i WAS AFRAID i WOULD HAVE NIGHTMARES, so I stayed up almost all night...From the SW I gather this crime took place in several rooms, and when he told the cabbie, he waited for Emma to go to sleep before he left,,I think he meant he bashed all 3 of them after they went to sleep. I guess based on your reply, this is old already hashed stuff, but I couldnt find the earlier threads,,,So hopefully I can get up to speed with the rest of the FINE crew disgussing this case.....I would like to add, there is a link on here posted several times,,,and I had to learn the hardway,,not to open.Every time I did, I would almost fall off the bed it scared me so much...So now my pc is turned way down low, so I wont have a heart attack when I open a link.....Any way, I will stick around for a while, but please know,,,there are so many wonderful, thoughtfull, inciteful, true honest to goodness human beings here, I am proud to be in their company, as well as you, too.
Welcome, SoVa!

We don't mind at all if you want to rehash anything we've hashed already. New perspectives welcomed and encouraged.

Have a great day, yourself. :) --tapu
From the SW I gather this crime took place in several rooms, and when he told the cabbie, he waited for Emma to go to sleep before he left,,I think he meant he bashed all 3 of them after they went to sleep.

(respectfully snipped)

I tried to bring this up earlier but no one really bit on the discussion. Regarding what Sam told the cabbie, the cabbie said something different on the news interview than what had been reported in print (and, what we've taken as a confession of sorts). This either means: 1. the original quote from the newspaper is wrong or 2. the cabbie is an unreliable witness.
Maybe he felt that way and maybe he didnt, we simply do not know and I tend to try and deal with facts and not speculation or emotional response, when and if we do find out why Sam did it then that would be the time for this discussion, until then we are in no position to judge him. I also completely disagree with you that you are incapable of taking another person's life. I understand you may think that and you dont sit around considering that you could do it but if the right buttons were pushed and you hit your breaking point you could possibly react in a way that would surpirse you.
I totally agree with what you said pertaining to anyone, everyone,,,
I tried to bring this up earlier but no one really bit on the discussion. Regarding what Sam told the cabbie, the cabbie said something different on the news interview than what had been reported in print (and, what we've taken as a confession of sorts). This either means: 1. the original quote from the newspaper is wrong or 2. the cabbie is an unreliable witness.

Or both.
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