VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #6

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I have read all the chemtrial literature and I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. On the one hand I do not recall seeing these things say 20 years ago but there are considerably more planes in the sky now than there were then. Also, I do see this a lot in Arizona, oftentimes the sky is completely covered in these checkerboard patterns and it really looks like it is done with purpose, yet I only tend to see them on humid days and not when it is real dry meaning that they could very well simply be contrials. So I really dont know but I wouldnt put it past the govt to be involved in some sort of covert operation to spray aluminum particulates to repair the atmospheric damage from their scalar weapon experiments for example.

It's been a good 30 plus years since I lived in Oklahoma, and they were very common there at the time. If whatever THEY are trying to do is going to succeed, THEY're going to have to up the dosage.

Maybe this is self medicating.

Edited to add: The grid patterns are intentional, we have the FAA insisting that airplanes fly in patterns. If you go out at night around here, you can see moving lights in the sky in lines. There are obvious flight paths that they keep airplanes on. They have beacons to help them stay on course, because when they don't they may hit the mountains or each other.
snippy snip-

Are they spraying chemicals with the purpose of killing us all or dumbing is down? I would say no since "they" and their children etc breathe the same air we do. So that would seem rather senseless although I have seen dumber things from our elected leaders.

I had been thinking that same question. I also wonder who is going to be working to enrich THEM after they take US all out. Probably their alien brethren. Maybe they are slowly changing our atmosphere to match the atmosphere of their home planet.
Lets not forget oxygen.

There is pretty good evidence about lead, both with regard to knowledge of the specific effects of the chemical on human biology and behavior as well as distribution of the chemical in the environment.
There is pretty good evidence about lead, both with regard to knowledge of the specific effects of the chemical on human biology and behavior as well as distribution of the chemical in the environment.

No doubt. How much do you estimate is loaded onto a typical airplane before it takes off?
No doubt. How much do you estimate is loaded onto a typical airplane before it takes off?

Environmental lead largely came from automobiles, now that lead has been removed from fuel, it is mostly from industrial sources.
Environmental lead largely came from automobiles, now that lead has been removed from fuel, it is mostly from industrial sources.

Wonder if that's why THEY've got people looking up instead of down. Funny how those "exposing" the powerful often seem to be doing the work of the powerful.
I have read all the chemtrail literature and I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. On the one hand I do not recall seeing these things say 20 years ago but there are considerably more planes in the sky now than there were then. Also, I do see this a lot in Arizona, oftentimes the sky is completely covered in these checkerboard patterns and it really looks like it is done with purpose, yet I only tend to see them on humid days and not when it is real dry meaning that they could very well simply be contrails. So I really dont know but I wouldnt put it past the govt to be involved in some sort of covert operation to spray aluminum particulates to repair the atmospheric damage from their scalar weapon experiments for example.

Are they spraying chemicals with the purpose of killing us all or dumbing us down? I would say no since "they" and their children etc breathe the same air we do. So that would seem rather senseless although I have seen dumber things from our elected leaders.

Actually industrial pollution is concentrated in specific geographic areas....

Nice find I never seen that one before. That will be handy in some of my chemtrail debates.

This is a map of CO2 output actually which is correlated with both automobile use and industrial output. Other pollutants are generally concentrated in the same areas, however as with the Bay Area maps I previously linked we see some fairly large differences (10+ years average life expectancy) in fairly small regions.
Actually industrial pollution is concentrated in specific geographic areas....


Kinda looks like it's concentrated in places like NYC, Washington, and other places powerful people congregate.
Again you have to look at local area detail maps like those I linked to for the Bay Area. Here we do see both pollution and "stress" are worse in the poorer areas and average life expectancy is different by about a decade between the rich and poor areas. Moreover, in the Bay Area, the prevailing winds cause the pollution to drift eastward towards places like Hayward, Castro Valley, and East San Jose where it often sits as an obvious visible brown haze during the summer months.
The one I really believe is that 9-11 isnt what we have been told it is.
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