VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #7

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What does Super Bowl mean? I used to bowl a lot when I was very young, but I can't remember most of the lingo.

Strike? But then we might mean baseball.

Spare? I'd hate to let the air out though.

That leaves gutter ball.

Of course, because you are pink and adorable! Rethink that CM cross though...hey, weren't you in that movie, "The Shining"?


It's quite a party.
Satan's palindromes:

This famous maccaronic verse, called "the devil's verse", is a riddle in the form of a palindrome - literally a puzzle inside a puzzle... It means "we wander in the night, and are consumed by fire" or "we enter the circle after dark and are consumed by fire" and is said to describe the movement of months. Some others believe that it is about the 'mayfly', that insect that circles the fire only to be consumed by flame.

According to a legend, the devil himself said this sentence to St. Martin, who had changed him into a donkey and ridden him to Rome. Each half of the sentence is palindromic; in translation: 'Cross thyself, you plague and vex me without need / For by my efforts you are about to reach Rome, the object of your travel'.

from which has a lot of cool puzzle stuff in addition to the devlish palindromes.
You all need to physically keep me OUT of the other threads before I get in trouble. I cant tolerate calling sick people losers etc and I get in trouble over it.

not only that, but people on that thread are looking at you oddly after reading your little note next to your photo

Look at The Tapusa's hair and you will turn to stone...
I don't think they get it ....
Well I'm glad I didn't venture into that site too far because if it made you believe in evil when a few weeks ago you wouldn't have; it must be pretty horrific. Welcome to my world...I see evil people.

I have to say I'm still really freaked out about it.As you guys know I always try to have compassion and try to understand WHY people do horrible things.
When I was on that website however I felt completely violated.I felt like this person KNEW certain things about me and enjoyed making me feel that way....I really felt like scremaing at him ,like leave me alone...I had nightmares and I'm still freaked out about it.
His ex wife on the other thread seems to have a really almost non-chalant kind of attitude about him ,almost like he was just a big joke to her.
So I understand pax,what you were arguing about over there (DON"T GO OVERTHERE ANYMORE!WE DON"T WANT YOU IN TIME OUT AGAIN :) )
but I also understand the ones that were saying ,she had to live with him,she has every right to call him whatever she pleases....I was so angry at him/her at that time I wanted to tell him off far worse...anyways part of me wants to stay as faaaar away from that website as I can,the other part really wants to go back in :waitasec:
I have to say I'm still really freaked out about it.As you guys know I always try to have compassion and try to understand WHY people do horrible things.
When I was on that website however I felt completely violated.I felt like this person KNEW certain things about me and enjoyed making me feel that way....I really felt like scremaing at him ,like leave me alone...I had nightmares and I'm still freaked out about it.
His ex wife on the other thread seems to have a really almost non-chalant kind of attitude about him ,almost like he was just a big joke to her.
So I understand pax,what you were arguing about over there (DON"T GO OVERTHERE ANYMORE!WE DON"T WANT YOU IN TIME OUT AGAIN :) )
but I also understand the ones that were saying ,she had to live with him,she has every right to call him whatever she pleases....I was so angry at him/her at that time I wanted to tell him off far worse...anyways part of me wants to stay as faaaar away from that website as I can,the other part really wants to go back in :waitasec:

Hey sister you're freaking me out and I have no idea what's on that site besides the military rape story. I will trust it's a bad place and not go there - I can't afford anymore distractions and certainly not nightmares.

I know you are very compassionate and I feel bad that this got under your skin. I think it's scary to realize what creepy evil stuff is lurking out there.
For that very reason I suggest my kids study latin, it increases the vocabulary and ability to define words tremendously.

I took a course in college where all we did was study greek and latin roots, suffixes and prefixes and I recall my vocabulary and ability to define words at the time was really helpful, especially in law school.

Good link on some of this here:

I do think it is worth noting that Monet may have picked that date because it is indeed a palindrome. Palindromes are of much significance in both Hinduism and Buddhism and the Pali and Sanskrit languages all of which are used by those who study occult sciences and magic.

I do believe coastal may have found the reason she picked that date.

From Wiki:

Palindromes of considerable complexity were experimented with in Sanskrit poetry. An example which has been called "the most complex and exquisite type of palindrome ever invented",[1] appears in the 19th canto of the 8th century epic poem śiśupāla-vadha by Magha. It yields the same text if read forwards, backwards, down, or up:

ra-sA-ha-vA vA-ha-sA-ra-
(nA da vA da da vA da nA
ra sA ha vA vA ha sA ra
kA ya sA da da sA ya kA
sa kA ra nA nA ra kA sa)

There are two dates in January 2010 that form palindromes and add to 6:

01/4/10 and 01/22/10

The second date has the additional property that if you add the outside numbers (the year and month) you get 11 and 22 = 2 x 11.

I note also this is all using the American style of writing dates. In Britain they write the day ahead of the month so you lose the palindrome structure.
I have to say I'm still really freaked out about it.As you guys know I always try to have compassion and try to understand WHY people do horrible things.
When I was on that website however I felt completely violated.I felt like this person KNEW certain things about me and enjoyed making me feel that way....I really felt like scremaing at him ,like leave me alone...I had nightmares and I'm still freaked out about it.
His ex wife on the other thread seems to have a really almost non-chalant kind of attitude about him ,almost like he was just a big joke to her.
So I understand pax,what you were arguing about over there (DON"T GO OVERTHERE ANYMORE!WE DON"T WANT YOU IN TIME OUT AGAIN :) )
but I also understand the ones that were saying ,she had to live with him,she has every right to call him whatever she pleases....I was so angry at him/her at that time I wanted to tell him off far worse...anyways part of me wants to stay as faaaar away from that website as I can,the other part really wants to go back in :waitasec:

I hear you. I am staying put here.
Of course, I already knew those.

Surely a linguist can find some more?

dyad -- yadday
dyads -- yadsday

shyahs -- yahsshay parts of a "recurve" bow

nyan -- yannay Japanese word for meow
Hey sister you're freaking me out and I have no idea what's on that site besides the military rape story. I will trust it's a bad place and not go there - I can't afford anymore distractions and certainly not nightmares.

I know you are very compassionate and I feel bad that this got under your skin. I think it's scary to realize what creepy evil stuff is lurking out there.

I'm not easily disturbed and I read pretty much the entire site. There are some disturbing images of dismembered bodies there including some of the more graphic ones from the Black Dahlia case. Monet has a way of turning what should be a sympathetic piece dark too. For example, she writes about being suicidal but has to make it a skeevy story about masturbation. It is sad that no one seemed to be paying attention to what this person was writing about.
I'm not easily disturbed and I read pretty much the entire site. There are some disturbing images of dismembered bodies there including some of the more graphic ones from the Black Dahlia case. Monet has a way of turning what should be a sympathetic piece dark too. For example, she writes about being suicidal but has to make it a skeevy story about masturbation. It is sad that no one seemed to be paying attention to what this person was writing about.

Exactly my point, he was a big effing freak show joke to them it appears. Now everyone gets off calling him a loser when it appears he has been crying out rather loudly for help for a long long time and was laughed at and ignored.

He gives me the effing creeps too but christ the guy is obviously mentally ill.

Screw it, its not worth arguing over.:furious:
Exactly my point, he was a big ****ing freak show joke to them it appears. Now everyone gets off calling him a loser when it appears he has been crying out rather loudly for help for a long long time and was laughed at and ignored.

He gives me the ****ing creeps too but christ the guy is obviously mentally ill.

**** it, its not worth arguing over.:furious:

Well like you I find the lack of compassion for someone who was clearly mentally disturbed and suicidal a bit tough to swallow. But "loser" might be a correct description of Monet at some level; it is just not very helpful when trying to understand his motivations, malfunctions, and decision processes.
I'm not easily disturbed and I read pretty much the entire site. There are some disturbing images of dismembered bodies there including some of the more graphic ones from the Black Dahlia case. Monet has a way of turning what should be a sympathetic piece dark too. For example, she writes about being suicidal but has to make it a skeevy story about masturbation. It is sad that no one seemed to be paying attention to what this person was writing about.

That's exactly it,danger,I'm not easily disturbed and especially the Black Dahlia case never disturbed me,I was obsessed with that case a long time ago and the images of her body always seemed like an eerily beautiful work of art to me.I always found it consoling to see how beautiful she was in death.Seeing her on his site for the first time made me see the horror of it and I wanted to get her out of his nasty site....and yes,I don't think I've ever read anything about suicide where I did not feel sadness and compassion until I read his account.....and I always felt like he's enjoying it to make people feel that way....or his coming out piece,I think it's an insult to people who actually have to go through being trapped in the wrong body,I always felt sooo much for people that have to endure it....but again he just drags it through the dirt,I don't know Pax I'm sorry but this guy makes me so angry.
Well like you I find the lack of compassion for someone who was clearly mentally disturbed and suicidal a bit tough to swallow. But "loser" might be a correct description of Monet at some level; it is just not very helpful when trying to understand his motivations, malfunctions, and decision processes.

Hey she is the ex wife and lived with him so I can understand where she is coming from it is just difficult for me to write someone off so easily as a loser if we havent walked a mile in their shoes. According to Monet she had been fighting this since she was TEN YEARS OLD. Thats a fifty year battle if she died in her sixties. IMO that is sort of an admirable stand against the sort of mental torture this person was suffering from as evidenced by her writings.

In the end yes she did the wrong thing but we arent talking about someone who threw the towel in after one round, she obviously fought this for a long long time yet it seems those around her are the ones with no fight in them.

None of this is an excuse for killing someone, there is never an excuse for that and we also dont know what others around her tried to do to help but the writing was clearly on the wall so whatever they may have done apparently wasnt enough.

IMO society failed this person and others like her. There are ways to help them but it is easier to turn a blind eye to it and let someone else deal with it.
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