VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #10

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Jmo, FYI and all anyone who is new and might try to pick up news from Nancy Grace and other shows on HLN...big grain of salt. Their news is almost never as "new" as WS and many times, they are downright wrong/contradictory to what we already know.

If she wasn't in his car, he has nothing to worry about.

"At least three other young women have disappeared in the area in the last five years, though police have said they do not think Hannah's disappearance is linked to that of any of the other missing women."

Totally disagree. The absence of DNA does not prove that she wasn't there, but it does lend credence to JM's alleged claim of having parted ways. In the meantime twisted words could make him appear as a full-blown suspect, too much so to later counteract even in the absence of DNA.
Again, I am pages behind so I don't know if it's been asked, but... Have we heard from JM's former girlfriend anywhere? As per the Daily Mail the grandmother said he had a live in girlfriend previously. Also, I have not seen his sister or mom yet - has anybody? It's just getting so bizarre at this point. JM seems to be making some bad decisions. He needs a lawyer like last week now. Does he have one yet and I have missed it? If he has a lawyer they would have been in touch with police or media by now wouldn't they? Just very odd to me. He can't go on like this.
My problem with the sex trafficking theory is that HG seems like a poor choice for a crime ring to snatch. Middle-class, Caucasian, and likely to be remembered later on by witnesses (as we've seen). I know very little about sex trafficking, but logically I'd imagine the ideal target would be someone who wasn't likely to be missed for a while or remembered by potential witnesses.

ITA… BUT… that night she was dressed provocatively, stumbling drunk and was sort of a hot mess. She may have given off that sort of - easy prey vibe for sex trafficking. (Does that make sense?)

Here's my thing. Dreads obviously know more. He didn't just meet her in the street, buy her a drink and send her on her merry way. I'm also going to say that Dreads isn't going to have the Dexter crime lab in his apartment complex to totally dispose of all evidence. Given the lack of evidence for arrest, I'm not 100% convinced on him… more in the 90% range.

Let's say Dreads (who, working in a hospital might have opportunity to steal drugs) drugs her drink at the bar. They leave together. He does his business - maybe she ODs? He dumps her remains. Maybe she ODs and he takes her to a friend who "knows how to deal with these things". Maybe they have sex and he drops her at the corner her her apartment. That orange car will be on surveillance cameras for any of that. It's just a matter of looking at the right camera.

I think what we need to know is what happened to her cell phone. Was it turned OFF or did it continue pinging for a while? If so, where? I mean, she has an iPhone, right? Hopefully someone can get into her apple account and do a "where's my phone" search.
Hi. I am new. I can reply to your thread and you said. Why was Hannah Graham walking in that direction? This is my personal take on all of this. I have been looking very closely at this case and I couldn't follow it or was drawing a blank. I live in a college ( but it's been awhile since I attended college) but don't live in Virginia, so I am not familiar with the college there.

I had to go back to step one on the video to get some kind of understanding. When Hannah first walks out of her room she sees two people at the end of the hallway. She immediately leans forward with a startled look and then turns around in a "huff" and starts running out of there, like she is jogging I don't think she was lost.. I don't think she wanted to go back to her room. I do think it has something to do with a male but I am under the impression she was not interested in anyone, by her actions. I think she was walking around, buying time ( if that makes any sense)

But if we're all supposed to operate under the assumption that the dude is innocent until proven guilty, why WOULD'NT he help the police advance the case. So many here think this guy is innocent for whatever reason: he doesn't look creepy, he's a good Christian guy, he has a job, he said he left Hannah after Tempo, he coaches youth sports and some people think he's great are some of the reasons I've seen cited here. But it seems like the same people who are saying he is likely innocent are saying, "why should he sit down and help the police charge him. Why would he say anything!"

SO my question is this: is he an innocent good Christian youth sports coach with a job and doesn't happen to look creepy, or is he someone who shouldn't help the police charge him? It can't be both ways, so posters saying both things really confuses me. If he is truly innocent, why WOULDN'T he provide the police with his knowledge of that night? Not only could it help save Hannah's life if she is still alive, but it could also clear his name if he did not do anything to her. The information he provides could lead him to the real perp so why isn't he giving up the info?

I agree- the public persona of JM and his unwillingness to come forward voluntarily either before or after he was identified by LE don't jive. I believe that a "good Christian" would feel compelled to help provide information that could help find/save a girl that he was the last one to have contact with. Of course, that's assuming he isn't the one to have caused her to disappear. I do find it hard to believe that all the seemingly positive things we know about him(i.e. volunteer coaching at a Christian school, going to church , having a dog who he took the time to make sure was cared for etc) he would have done solely to create a smokescreen so people would not suspect him as a predator. Maybe I'm just naive.
I'm the one who has worked around JM but do not know him. I may have spoken to him once or twice but only in passing.
It's really inconceivable.
Again, I am pages behind so I don't know if it's been asked, but... Have we heard from JM's former girlfriend anywhere? As per the Daily Mail the grandmother said he had a live in girlfriend previously. Also, I have not seen his sister or mom yet - has anybody? It's just getting so bizarre at this point. JM seems to be making some bad decisions. He needs a lawyer like last week now. Does he have one yet and I have missed it? If he has a lawyer they would have been in touch with police or media by now wouldn't they? Just very odd to me. He can't go on like this.

Have not heard from anyone besides Grandma, from the daily mail, and I believe his landlord. And we don't know if he has a lawyer yet. He at least consulted with one, but we don't know if he has retained one.
Hey everyone, I just started a new sub thread entitled Blefuscu: Covert or Overt? if anyone is interested!
I agree- the public persona of JM and his unwillingness to come forward voluntarily either before or after he was identified by LE don't jive. I believe that a "good Christian" would feel compelled to help provide information that could help find/save a girl that he was the last one to have contact with. Of course, that's assuming he isn't the one to have caused her to disappear. I do find it hard to believe that all the seemingly positive things we know about him(i.e. volunteer coaching at a Christian school, going to church , having a dog who he took the time to make sure was cared for etc) he would have done solely to create a smokescreen so people would not suspect him as a predator. Maybe I'm just naive.
I'm the one who has worked around JM but do not know him. I may have spoken to him once or twice but only in passing.
It's really inconceivable.

I'd love to know where the rules for a "good christian" in this situation are, since it keeps being brought up. I suppose good Christians don't exercise their rights at all.
Snip20140922_2.pngSnip20140922_1.pnga little difference in a couple years.. looks like he put on some weight since 2012. one is a mug shot from driving suspended in 2012 and one is from just a couple days ago
And (my ignorance here) can dreds be removed and then put back in quickly? As in used to change an appearance?

I am waaaay behind so pls excuse if answered already.
My son wears dreads and in my limited knowledge they can be removed but not quickly. Would be much easier and faster to get a buzz cut .IMO
I just wanna say in reference to people talking about guys in the various videos "staring at HG" etc that as a guy if a hot girl is around especially wearing leggings or something like that I'm going to check her out..that doesn't mean I'm creepy about it or would follow her but I guarantee if a camera was on me you'd see the same thing so that really doesn't mean anything..and I know I speak for 90% of guys when I say that..
I'd love to know where the rules for a "good christian" in this situation are, since it keeps being brought up. I suppose good Christians don't exercise their rights at all.

Oh My

What really P O's me in this case is all of the fake or seems fake info that LE has put out there

Shaved head goateed guy

No one walking with her
Etc etc etc

Personally I think silence is better than spreading rumor

I am a bit confused about the bald guy factoid released earlier. Was it really fake info put out by the police or was that what the WG told the police? In other words, did the WG say she was with a 5'10-6'0" bald black guy?
Does anyone know what LE has said about the car? Why the interest in the car? Did they see the on video? Did someone report something about the car? Hundreds of cars in the area, and LE hone in on that car and get a search warrent for it. More interest in the car than its owner. Longo says little about the car, but a lot about JM. LE tends to say little about what they know---keep those cards close to the chest, and talk alot when they don't have anything and they don't have much on JM. Did they even know that the owner of the car was the person last seen with Hannah? I don't see how they can indentify anyone without knowing who the person is already from those tapes. Any other cars checked out? What's with that car.. what brought attention to the car?
I understand that people want to lighten the mood, but is it really appropriate to be making these jokes on a public internet thread about a girl that was quite possibly raped and murdered?

I know if Hannah was my daughter or friend I would not appreciate it.

I realise that light relief & jokes may sound callous. However, IMO, & experience, they are very necessary to keeping sane through difficult circumstances.

I was involved, years ago, in a messy/difficult court case, and you (not you personally, but a general "you") would very likely be horrified at the black humour we employed to get us through. JMO.
You are correct. I believe that by issuing the warrant, now JM is the defendent and eligible for a court appointed attorney. JM has been handed an attorney on a silver come on in JM and tell LE what you know.

Excellent thought. However, can they discuss a case for which he is NOT the defendant? Does this actually do LE any good except to retain him physically?
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