VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #10

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This is the first I have heard of this LE needs to be alerted to this.

The broadcast linked to was indeed a CNN broadcast and they showed the video of HG by the Shell station, and they did say a man was following her, but I think they were confused, because they later showed the same old Mall video.
I apologize if this has been gone over - I've been following this case from the start, but for some reason never noticed something before in the discussions here. In the video taken from the gas station where Hannah is seen running, the newscast I just watched pointed out that a man was following her at this point (I had never noticed it before). For some reason I thought this man was only seen on both videos from the mall. If it is, in fact, the same man, I wonder how he went from following her to being ahead of her, only to duck into the doorway and follow her again (as seen in a mall video).

If this has already been discussed ad nauseam, I apologize again. I hate to bring up WG again because I think his behavior is probably just a coincidence in this case, but was just wondering if anybody had any thoughts on this or if I have wrong info.

Interesting. I thought I saw her walking back and forth, and then I thought I was getting it confused with another video where they rewind and then replay her walking by Shell.

What if that is the guy from the group at McGradys that is watching her and then gets up and leaves. Would he have left all those guys to go follow her? Just brainstorming. Are they now trying to say this older white man followed her the entire night? Because that would be beyond strange. If this person had been walking for sometime, hey might be able to be seen some McGrady video that wasn't released to the general public.
Okay, I realize this is really off the wall. But what if WG wasn't following HG at all? What if they had a tail on JM already for some reason?

Assuming something criminal happened to Hannah (and I still hope that is NOT the case!) right or wrong, I think we'll continue to see those videos and various opinions about WG in discussion all over the place and probably also in court.

I think the "visual" of the video of WG is more memorable to many than anything "verbal" in terms of him at this point, especially since at this point neither Hannah's been found nor anyone actually implicated in anything and not everyone feels there's a justified reason that JM has been named a POI.

I suspect that unless it were to be stated that he was LE (by LE - though I can't imagine how that would work if he were undercover as some have speculated since it would seem like that would blow his cover if he's more ID-able to some in that video than he has been thus far) that even if someone else is arrested and tried (and possibly even convicted) in anything in terms of whatever has gone on with Hannah, that WG will STILL be discussed and cause differing opinions.

I've not listened to much because it was driving me crazy with all the yelling, but even just flipping through the cable shows relatively briefly, WG's movements/actions are still very much being discussed on several of the cable shows when they play the video, while including statements from LE regarding WG, and with someone else (JM) obviously being named a POI (ATM).
She may not have known she was the first to put his name out there. She could have easily been tricked into thinking that the DM already knew his name for sure, that they would be printing anyway. Jmo

I agree. If the DM didn't already have JM's name, how would they have contacted his grandmother? They make it sound like they talked to people they quote directly when they didn't. The article on Saturday made it seem that JM confirmed things directly with DM, and then directly quotes either his mother or JM (the reference is unclear) saying JM and Hannah "went their separate ways." Only in a subsequent paragraph is it clear that the story is 3rd hand at best, from his grandmother. They quote the grandmother, but it is also possible that it was relayed to the DM by someone the grandmother talked to directly.

Anyway, the grandmother didn't release his name. Do you really think this loving grandmother in Charlottesville, Virginia, recognized her grandson in a video of a missing woman and decided to call up a British paper to say 'that's my LJ!'

All the fingerpointing at JM's family as the source of his name is beneath WS standards and strains credulity, in my opinion.

The police chief set this frenzy in motion last Friday. He released the video of the last person known to be with Hannah and announced we (LE) know his name, you will find out his name, but we are not releasing it.

Initially I was impressed with the police chief after Friday's press conference. But after Sunday's PC, I have been more and more perplexed about the tactics the police chief has used in press conferences.

All just IMO. I do ask that we stop blaming JM's grandmother for the feeding frenzy. Just as we do not sleuth family members of suspects, I would hope we would not castigate grandmothers of persons wanted for reckless driving.

BTW, I do think LE is doing its best to bring Hannah home and to build a case against the person responsible, JM. But I am concerned about the tactics being used to mobilize the media and the public against a person who has not been charged. Finding Hannah is the top priority.
I really think Longo is hoping this case launches his career in politics or perhaps as a correspondent for a national media outlet. Maybe a book deal. There is absolutely no reason he needs to be all over the national media. So much of the discussion is revolving around his behavior, not what happened to Hannah. I do think the theatrics in the PC was done on purpose to attract attention, and it worked. The look for him in the "four corners and beyond" and "disappeared off the face of this Earth" was just bait to turn a local story into an international affair.

It just seems too self-congratulatory for a case where the victim is still missing, and there has been no arrests.
Once his DNA is back, would they immediately run it against the MH case? As in, if we hear something regarding his DNA and the HG case tomorrow but MH is not mentioned, can we assume that he is NOT the perp in that case? Or would that take longer to find out?
Whoa first time I'm seeing that.. Ugh, super creepy. Thanks for pointing it out.
There has been a lot of discussion regarding the last text, as it would have indicated that after walking around all night long, she finally asked for help, right when she was where she started. Some question whether or not it she was the one that sent it. (Maybe somebody else texted it after they came into possession of her phone for various reasons) Or perhaps she typed it out and thought she hit send, but she didn't, and that was a text that she meant to send at the beginning of her long walk, which is why she ends up popping out at McGradys heading East. Then for whatever reason it finally gets sent out much later. Maybe she was getting ready to text again for help, and noticed she hasnt actually "sent" the last one, and then lost the ability to send the next text. endless possibilities.

She was like all night. I just detected the same action in the hallway as well. She did turn around.
But if he was responsible for previous high profile cases, or at least locally known, would he risk being seen with Hannah on so many cameras and by so many people? He would high five a woman, talk to a group of guys then abduct Hannah? Not saying things like that are impossible or that you are wrong, it just strikes me as odd behavior of an experienced criminal. But then again, I know nothing!

Not if he has gained confidence by going undetected in the past. He might have developed a false arrogance even. Didn't Dahmer convince a PO that a panicked naked victim was really just his bf? I may be wrong about that because I don't know much about Dahmer but I remember some unbelievable story like that.

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I apologize if this has been gone over - I've been following this case from the start, but for some reason never noticed something before in the discussions here. In the video taken from the gas station where Hannah is seen running, the newscast I just watched pointed out that a man was following her at this point (I had never noticed it before). For some reason I thought this man was only seen on both videos from the mall. If it is, in fact, the same man, I wonder how he went from following her to being ahead of her, only to duck into the doorway and follow her again (as seen in a mall video).

If this has already been discussed ad nauseam, I apologize again. I hate to bring up WG again because I think his behavior is probably just a coincidence in this case, but was just wondering if anybody had any thoughts on this or if I have wrong info.

They are just talking about the video that we have all seen showing WG following her in front of Sals while they show the video in front of the gas station..that is Hannah everytime they go back thru the gas station video there is no man following her there..bad idea on their part to talk about one video while showing another maybe but that's not what they mean...
ok as you may have noticed i just started posting on this case today because i just read something about it and knew WS was the place to come to get the best info about it. Now i have taken the time to read up on every thing so I will give my opinion ( i'm sure you're all dying to know it).

1. I would be shocked if JM is not guilty of this crime (and sadly i feel fairly certain the crime is murder 1 plus a bunch of other stuff).
2. I would be equality shocked if he is not subsequently found guilty for previous similar crimes.
3. If you live in the area keep your eyes open lets bring this guy in. If he is guilty of even half of what I think he is he needs to me off the street ASAP.
Re: person following her in gas station, I truly believe that's an article error. They go from mentioning gas station to clearly describing the scene on the mall when we know someone was following her.
Parents, please teach your teens and young adults to understand the importance of the difference between when to text and when to call. If you need help, call don't text, and keep calling until the help comes!
I really think Longo is hoping this case launches his career in politics or perhaps as a correspondent for a national media outlet. Maybe a book deal. There is absolutely no reason he needs to be all over the national media. So much of the discussion is revolving around his behavior, not what happened to Hannah. I do think the theatrics in the PC was done on purpose to attract attention, and it worked. The look for him in the "four corners and beyond" and "disappeared off the face of this Earth" was just bait to turn a local story into an international affair.

It just seems too self-congratulatory for a case where the victim is still missing, and there has been no arrests.

It's insane!!
Went back and looked again and I just don't see what you see. I see her walking into the building, then walking out of the building. She always seems to move with purpose and I don't see any signs of an about face or a huff. I see more of a little smile on her face in the picture of her facing the camera.

is there actual video of her in the hallway of the apt when she sees the couple and turns back and appears to be jogging?
I didn't realize she was being followed by the Shell station. I thought she was alone as she ran past it and slowed to a walk. WTH?
I was under the impression that 11:50 was the time frame she LEFT the party, with 12:46 being when she shows up on McGrady's surveillance. Meaning she wandered around for almost an hour before she popped up.
She is also filmed walking EAST, which is TOWARDS the vicinity of the university and/party that she left. Then she loops around the patio, and begins her decent WEST, the WRONG way. She stops for a moment at an offshoot of Grady, a small street which is also confusingly called Grady, looks like she glances at her phone maybe the Grady sign, then she continues on. It is possible she sees the sign for that Grady, and it throws off her inner compass. Just guessing. Once she heads west, all the time stamps seem somewhat reasonable give or take a few minutes. One of the biggest questions has been, where did she go between the party and MCGradys Irish Pub. She is filmed walking EAST, then she goes WEST.
I've wondered that, too. But she obviously was not harmed during that hour and she shows up again at McGrady's - so - even though it is puzzling, I don't think it will answer the question of what happened to her.
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