I fully agree that sketches do not have to be close. Many times they are not even close at all. The artist or the describer just didn't do a good job. But sketches alone aren't going to do it. Doubt many could id the first perp with the sketch, though if you stuck him in a hoodie just as the sketch is, and lose the baseball hat, it would be closer. Also, there are a lot of people out there who look more like the sketches ethan the perps. I know a woman who has the same "look" severe, tight look that the sketch we are showing here has, and she has 4 boys with the same facial hair, must be the style in some places, and I'd ID any of them from that sketch. Very close resemblance. They are much younger, wtih an old, wiry scary, harsh look, until they smile--they have light in their eyes most of the time. it's just that I don't think that sketch is a "Eureka" one for JM.
The second sketch you show does match the photo, by the way, IMO.
I'm not saying that it's impossible for the sketch to be of JM back some years ago, but I don't think it catches his essence. Also, JM is one big dude, and that doesn't come out in the scrip.
I agree it would be great if all of this could be wrapped up in one package and we all know that this perp is off the streets, As it is, he's been loose and about all of this time. As for JM, I wonder too, if this is the first time this happened with him. And what happened that he took it this far.