VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #13

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Did he say who his source was?

Wasn't this the person who said JM was in negotiations to turn himself in? That kept us up for hours waiting until Parker finally said no, that wasn't happening? I'd hold your horses on that one lol.

He said the source is the individuals themselves, but before this case, I had never heard of "Coy Barefoot". Have no idea how legit the guy is.
FYI: For those who have been speculating, the below is from a press release issued by the Nelson County Commonwealth Attorney's office today, September 24, 2014. Please feel free to quote this post and/or share the link to the PR image so that we can put an end to this line of false speculation.

In recent days, there has been much discussion in news reports and on social media as to whether or not there is any connection between the case involving Jesse Leroy Matthew, Jr., charged in connection with missing UVA student Hannah Graham and Randy Allen Taylor who was convicted in May 2014 for abduction with intent to defile and the first degree murder of Alexis Murphy of Nelson County.

The discussions focus on whether or not Jesse Leroy Matthew, Jr. of Chalrottesville was the person Randy Taylor tried to implicate in his trial of being with Alexis Murphy when she left Taylor's camper in August 2013.

Dameon Bradley was the black male Taylor positively identified as the person he was talking about in the Alexis Murphy case. Taylor also said that Bradley drove a maroon Chevy Caprice with big rims. He also described Bradley as having "corn rows".

At no time did the name Jesse Leroy Matthew, Jr., or a vehicle resembling Matthews', come up in the Randy Taylor, Alexis Murphy case. Dameon Bradley, who testified in Randy Taylor's jurty trial, denied Taylor's allegations and had an alibi that was confirmed by law enforcement for the time period Alexis Murphy went missing.

It is also important to note that Bradley is light-skinned and is of much smaller build than Jesse Leroy Matthew, Jr. Bradley also worked at the McDonald's at the Liberty Gas Station, where Taylor saw him on a regular basis.

It was in the media. Searchers had to preregister in order to search. There was a meeting on Friday before Saturday and Sunday searches. They were again briefed before each time they went out on a search of the do and don't, what to look for, what to do if they found something that might be part of the case, etc. Some posters from here were part of the searches as well.

Thank you

I do recall a poster talking about the search which she participated in.
I don't recall everything she said but I do remember her mentioning the top Hannah was wearing
I could swear at one of the pressers a reporter asked if there was video of Hannah leaving in JM's car and the other guy, not Longo, said something along the lines of "I can't comment on that." All I know is that I got the impression they had something putting her in the car but they weren't saying. Maybe it wasn't video, maybe it was only eyewitnesses, but they skirted the issue like many others.

They are playing this close to the vest, maybe because the FBI is involved, or maybe because they don't want to give JM's future legal team anything before they have to, but I'm pretty good are reading between the lines and picking up on what is not being said (maybe because I've been married over 30 years & have 3 children) but I believe they have much more than they're letting on.

I'm not all gung-ho in JM being guilty. When I see his pictures I feel sorry for him. He looks nice, I think he's cute. He reminds me of my son in a lot of ways and I know my son is a good kid. But, I also know it only takes a split second for something to go wrong and change your life forever. I think that's what may have happened here. I don't think JM intended to harm Hannah, but that's not the same thing as not believing he may have actually harmed Hannah.

LE had to have something heavy duty on that car to get a search warrent for it. THey could not arrest JM, they let him go, but they were allowed to search that car and then seize it. That was when they could not seize JM, had to watch him walk right out of the police station refusing to talk to them about the case. So, yes, there has to be something LE has on that car to have gotten that search warrent, but they are not letting out what it is.

LE also has some more evidence, something that makes the DA permit a charge for "abduction with intent to defile", something they could not do earlier when they only could go after him for reckless driving. . Again, they are not releasing the information to the public or the media.

This DA seems to me, to be very cautious and does not want to bite off more than he could chew. Longo, the police chief has indicated that it's the DA's decision as to when to book with what. I get the feeling that the police would be more aggressive and take more chances, but they aren' t the ones on the spot to get a conviction. The DA is.

So we know that the DA feels he can support the "abduction with intent to defile charge". Whether he actually can or not, won't come to light until it;s time to go to court.

My guess here, is that LE and the DA are hoping for further developments. The complete forensics reports are not out yet--those take time, only preliminary, limited ones are ready, if that at this time, IMO. The cell phone info has to be traced and studied. THe soil on JM's car has to be analyzed and they are hoping they can get some idea where has been from that and maybe Hannah was left there. Finally an this should have been first, above all, LE wants to find Hannah, and still hopefully alive. That would be the best thing of all.
A lot of us are very aware they don't have to release evidence to the public. That doesn't mean we haven't seen it before however. We do know that they don't have video or eyewitness evidence of JM and HG in the car together. And without knowing what kind of forensics led to the recent charges, we are still waiting to jump off the fence. LE does not want to chase the wrong perp...but LE has done that in the past, so you can't rule anything out.

They might have eyewitness or video evidence of them together in the car by now. We don't know that either way.
Yesterday, in Philadelphia, a 15 yo girl was killed by an errant bullet, shot 5 blocks away as she left her school. Another male student was wounded and is in critical condition. The shooter was identified and warrants issued for his arrest. He turned himself in later yesterday afternoon, accompanied by many members of his family.

Why is it taking so long for JM to turn himself in? Does he not realize the effect it is having on his family, friends, coworkers? The family of Hannah? Her friends and fellow students?

Every minute he delays is one minute longer before learning of what transpired with Hannah after they left Tempo. And possibly for her safe return? Can't he imagine what her parents are going through not knowing whether their daughter is dead or alive? Doesn't he think that they are in agony?

I wish he would just do the decent thing and turn himself in, guilty or innocent. JMV
BBM - Can I get a link for that??

it was on coy barefoots radio show yesterday there is no transcript thus no link but tons of ppl heard it. IMO he was being over dramatic to drum up interest and it will end up being much ado about nothing, but who knows.
Was he the reporter that tweeted that arrangements were being made for JM to turn himself in on Sunday? Which was false?

Possibly - I really don't remember :(
Re: looking for evidence in Hannah's apartment...

Is this the first we've heard of them checking HER apartment?? Wouldn't they have done that right away, check her computer, look for journals, etc... Any Rx meds...

If you read the article from Huffington Post the tweeter posted, it doesn't say that they are now searching her apartment (at least I couldn't find that info in the article). I would think LE have had access to her things since Sunday the 14th. jmo
I do not want to convict someone before all the evidence is in, and it's innocent until proven guilty, my problem is the fact that since we all know he was the last person to see Hannah, why didn't he go to police and tell his story, where he dropped her off, where she may have been going, etc. It would have been much better for him to do that as far as I'm concerned, instead of taking off and making himself look guilty. If she did accidentally die, why on earth would he have not called 911 to get help for her? I know defense attorneys say not to talk, but there is a human element here, like her parents who desperately want their daughter back. Maybe I think too unrealistically, but if he had nothing to hide why did he run?
Really? Where do you get that idea? What do you suggest LE do to prove that theory? I am not saying it is impossible, because, yes, it is possible, but it's such a specific event you think happened.

I get that idea from the fact that such an event has occurred before. People have died from choking on their own vomit. Bad reactions have been had by drugs. I'm just throwing out my thoughts on the subject. I definitely believe JM is involved with her disappearance, I'm just not sure what happened and am thinking maybe it wasn't a murder with blood and instead something happened which caused JM to panic.
If they had pants and underwear maybe that's where the intent charge came from..

Yeah I had a major duh moment. They could have been waiting for forensics to be 100% certain. It seems like this theory is highly likely.
Perhaps they fear that a witness will be in danger with JM on the lam.

And/or the witness decided to save testimony for a courtroom, perhaps on advisement from others.

Would be nice if he'd just give an update saying, "Article I was promising today has been asked to be w/held by LE" or something.
But don't you think the Main Street area is an area freshmen frequent often? I don't know, I guess if she got turned around while still near her apartment, and got on Prescott heading the wrong way, once she got to the mall she would realize where she was. I think there's a chance she knew she had veered off-course once she hit the mall and was heading to the free trolley stop for a lift back to the area where she lived at Grand Marc.
Hannah posted on her twitter she helped a drunk girl get to a bus (in late August).

Unless things have changed drastically, first years do not frequent the DTM, except maybe on special occasions or with upperclassmen who have cars. It is really nowhere near grounds or Hannah's apartment, which was just off grounds (campus). Aside from grounds, the Corner, the fraternity and sorority areas and perhaps North Grounds (Law School, JAG school, Graduate Business School), there is nowhere else first years would venture as a matter of course, or routine. If anything, all the stores on 29 are reachable by a short car ride and offer more variety.

This is not a mall like the shopping centers depicted in "Mall Cop." It's a pedestrian area of boutiques and restaurants, movie theater, etc. It doesn't offer anything that you couldn't get on or near grounds. Furthermore, it has a dangerous reputation (deserved or not) among students and townspeople alike. Nobody in their right mind would voluntarily walk there, from the Corner, alone and after dark.

It is my opinion she did not intend to end up there. I would be surprised if she had been there more than a handful of times during her time at the University. Furthermore, being drunk and possibly disoriented, wandering around after dark in a neighborhood with which she was not yet familiar (had only lived there a few weeks) likely got her turned around and moving in the wrong direction. That is very easy to do around U.Va.

This is from Parker Slaybaugh 8 news Facebook :

I just learned a reason the possible connection between Jesse Matthew/ Hannah Graham and Randy Taylor/Alexis Murphy was investigated by FBI and State Police was directly because of this page and all of your comments. All of your comments are being read by police and investigators. Your discussions are making a difference and are helping with this investigation. I was told it was investigated because of the "hype" that started right here.
It is still all speculative though. I don't think people should be attacked or ridiculed for recognizing that.

I don't think people are convicting JM solely on the fact that he has been charged by authorities.

I think that the fact that he ran may have a little to do with how people feel.

And that he was the last known person ( at this time) seen with her AFAIK

He has not made things easy for himself
No, they said they ended pursuit because he was endangering innocent bystanders. Or "bydrivers" if you will. Which IMO was the right thing to do. The chances of him committing another crime while running or hiding out aren't very high. The chances of him injuring an innocent person while driving dangerously evading LE....much higher.

More likely they stopped following him because he saw someone following and aggressively drove away. Under those circumstances I don't think police would have the authority to aggressively pursue someone since they would be the ones initiating the whole thing. There would be liability issues involved if something happened as a result of that.
Was he the reporter that tweeted that arrangements were being made for JM to turn himself in on Sunday? Which was false?

Did he say who his source was?

Wasn't this the person who said JM was in negotiations to turn himself in? That kept us up for hours waiting until Parker finally said no, that wasn't happening? I'd hold your horses on that one lol.

ALL MOO - but a thought I had as to why Coy is reporting things incorrectly or prematurely.

He reported before anyone that the surveillance video showed HG walking with a woman (Tweet was later removed). This was sent out by him very shortly after the press conference that showed the McGrady's and Shell footage and Longo had said they were working on additional footage. I'm quite certain he has a friend at the police station feeding him inside info and he is reporting it prematurely and in some cases, perhaps irresponsibly. Perhaps this insider friend also texted him saying "Guess who just came into the police station and asked for a lawyer!?" (meaning JM). He wrongly assumed that he was "turning himself in" and tweeted the "breaking news" wrongly.
I would have to go back to thread one to see, but IIRC, they did take items from her home in the beginning, electronic stuff. Probably looked to see if her clothing was there that she was last seen wearing as well, but I'm not positive on that. Too many cases and I might have that confused with another. So I'll say IMO, but it should be in the media link thread, or in the first thread of this case.


Thank-you somehow I missed that, and figured that the police must have done that right away.
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