VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #14 *ARREST*

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Moving really fast, has there been talk of when the next sighting of JM was after 1:40 or so a.m. at the mall?
So they arrested him? Now they need more's tough to prosecute cases without a body.

Decades ago it certainly use to be the case and they wouldn't even arrest the suspected suspect until many years had passed. But it is a new time now and many missing body cases are tried by DAs now and very successfully. In fact in recent memory I cant think of a missing body case that didn't end in a conviction.

Even in the Sierra Lamar case even though her body has never been located the DA is going for the death penalty on that case.

And before Holly Bobo's remains were found the DA was going to trial without a body.

There are many ways circumstantially to prove a victim is deceased.

I think they are going to obtain quite a bit of forensic evidence when it all comes back in from the lab.
Moving really fast, has there been talk of when the next sighting of JM was after 1:40 or so a.m. at the mall?

That is supposedly going to be in an article that includes exclusive interviews by Coy Barefoot. Coming tomorrow apparently. Was supposed to come out today though, so who knows.
Does arrest equal conviction in your mind? What evidence have you seen that tells you Jesse Matthew is guilty of hurting Hannah Graham?
I agree with that David. Its just that running looks so bad. I get he may feel hopeless. Trapped. Unfairly judged. He just made it so much worse by running. Though people, he pitched a tent on a beach. He did NOT resist arrest. Maybe it's time to wait for evidence now. Because if he us innocent, well then I dont have words.
I work with a rescue and a number of the dogs in our shelter are there because their owners have been arrested. Unless a family member pulls them or a rescue steps in, they typically are put down in 3 to 5 days :( :( :( poor innocent pups!

Me, too, & same scenario. :( I really hope someone steps up for his dog. His dog is innocent & doesn't deserve to die b/c JM has been incarcerated.
It happens a lot, sadly. I always worry about the animals left behind.

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My impression of this guy is that he's not so up to date on current events, laws and government procedures- I highly doubt he is up to date on newer passport laws.

Most likely he's seen movies and tv shows where people just get in their car and drive to Mexico and thought he'd do that too. He clearly has a past issue with impulse control problems.

I wouldn't be surprised if he made it to Texas then realized, "What now?"

Yes, agreed. And while we're at it let's rule out the possibility that he was trying to get on a cruise too. If you're trying to keep a low profile being stuck on a ship with hundreds of other people isn't a good choice. Eventually he would get noticed at a show or at the buffet or getting a daiquiri at the swim-up bar.

Plus a cruise takes $$$.
Does arrest equal conviction in your mind? What evidence have you seen that tells you Jesse Matthew is guilty of hurting Hannah Graham?

Only his actions this past week, actions that have not been the product of a guilt-free and rational mind. He's scared and for good reason IMO. He lacks the courage of his convictions.

I think he had already planned to run as early as Friday when he went to the DMV and got a new license. Would be interesting to know if he had his birth certificate in his belongings as well.

Even on the EXTREMELY slim chance that he isnt responsible for hurting HG, hes still guilty of impeding this investigation and costing taxpayers a ton of money in the process.
Me, too, & same scenario. :( I really hope someone steps up for his dog. His dog is innocent & doesn't deserve to die b/c JM has been incarcerated.
It happens a lot, sadly. I always worry about the animals left behind.

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It seems like he is close with his family. Maybe one of them took the dog.
Sorry if this has already been posted but here's a link to the cruises departing Galveston in the next few days. I think it's a long shot that he'd make it on without being caught but if he did he could have been long gone in the matter of a few days.
Does arrest equal conviction in your mind? What evidence have you seen that tells you Jesse Matthew is guilty of hurting Hannah Graham?

I'm getting the sense that a lot of posters think the case is now solved........
If that's the case, my guess is Mexico wouldn't be his destination of choice. He would blend in much better in the Caribbean, IMO. Just glad they've got him.

I also suspect that he was possibly making a run for Mexico. They aren't willing to extradite fugitives back to the U.S. if the death penalty is on the table (which he may very well be facing depending upon the circumstances and evidence).
So where have they searched for her body so far? I imagine that she wouldn't of been dumped too far out of town..maybe 10-20 miles if that?
Except how many people camp on a beach and with a tent. I think that was a dumb idea.

Many people camp on the beach in a tent. There is Galviston Island State Park. I've seen this in the Corpus Christi area of TX also. I'm more familiar with camping on the beaches in southern California.
His family seem like decent people. I read somewhere that they were praying he would be found. Maybe they will help him do the right thing.
Only his actions this past week, actions that have not been the product of a guilt-free and rational mind. He's scared and for good reason IMO.

Even on the EXTREMELY slim chance that he isnt responsible for hurting HG, hes still guilty of impeding this investigation and costing taxpayers a ton of money in the process.

Wonder if Ferguson left an impression on him and had anything to do with his decision to run?
Does arrest equal conviction in your mind? What evidence have you seen that tells you Jesse Matthew is guilty of hurting Hannah Graham?

No it doesn't mean a conviction. It's an opinion I presently hold based on what seems logical to me. I will never be on his Jury so in the grand scheme of his predicament my opinion really has no effect on him. I'm on a message board. My assessment if I was ever a Juror would be based on all the facts presented at Trial. It's not a requirement to express my opinion here.

He's probably looking at the ocean trying to figure out why he did what he did. Trying to find peace with himself. Hopefully he does find that peace so he can say exactly what he did and where Hannah is.

And then he can go rot in prison for the rest of his life!

You know, maybe I;m wrong about him not talking. There was a reason Longo did what he did at his pressers. He was profiling, IMO and likely trying to pressure the suspect based on what he knew about him.

I stated earlier the fact that JM did show up at the police station and then left without speaking to police, evidences conflict and that the pressure was getting to him. That probably wouldn;t be the case if he was a stone cold sociopath. (And you don;t have to be a psychopath or sociopath to murder a stranger, BTW).

So maybe that shows he has some feelings. Maybe it shows those feelings can be worked on so he feels the urge to talk.

In many of these cases of murders/abductions/rapes, LE is eventually able to get perps to talk. In fact, I've learned that Miranda is kind of a joke. Most criminals do talk. And LE are trained in getting them to. We happen to see the cases where there are not confessions, because those cases stretch on and become bigger news as they are typically not solved quickly.

JM worked at a hospital, he has a a lot of seemingly nice friends, he volunteers with kids playing football, right? He has a a grandma who loves him. Maybe all of that will work in Hannah's favor and he can be made to talk.

I've seen in various cases over the years that a lot of crooks eventually confess because they hold onto what they;ve done and are burdened by it. Yeah, they know they're going to prison, but it's like they can;t bear the burden of what they;ve done.
This reminds me of the day they arrested Scott Peterson as he was headed for Mexico....right after Laci's body washed up in the bay...wonder if this guy took Hannah to the bay??
Frightening story. Scariest part - the sentences the perps got: 8 years for kidnapping and sex trafficking. Unbelievably light sentence.

INSANITY! If they'd have kept Brandon Scott Lavergne in jail for his sex crimes, Mickey would still be here today. Many other victims of these horrible crimes would still be unharmed if they'd lock up these monsters and throw away the key! It's ludicrous to keep potheads in jail but let these monsters out!!!! It makes my blood boil, and no l do not smoke weed --- everyone always thinks that when i say they need to free up jail space by leaving the weed sellers out of jail in order to keep those who are REAL threats to society in jail.

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