VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #15 *ARREST*

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My impression is that he was worried he was going to be left without clothes at all. He seemed okay once they assured him that the jumpsuit would be given back to him.

I am going to assume the police seized his street clothes upon arrest and he was booked into jail in a paper suit. Then once processed he was given the jail jumpsuit. Not sure what he will wear for his trip to face charges. I guess the jail jumpsuit.
Thank you. So it wasn't just DM reporting this misinformation.

We do see misinformation come out quite often in the media now. (sigh)

Always rushing to have the breaking news instead of vetting the story.

If I had read the DM article back then I would instantly have known it was misinformation. We all know here JM was never ruled out. He has been the target of Hannah's disappearance all along.

Remember,at that time we were all supposed to be looking for close-cropped to bald goatee guy, who was said NOT to be seen in the videos....JMO
Replying to a comment from last night ...

We have watched a police investigation unfold over the last two weeks. What started out as a girl that didn't come home from a party turned into a missing person's case, and now most likely a homicide. We were aware of the police progress every step of the way. We know how and why police arrived at the decision to focus on Jesse Matthews. We know that he was initially considered a witness, like all other witnesses that had some contact with Hannah the night she disappeared. He first stood out because he did not do what other witnesses did. That is, rather than come forward with valuable information, he simply didn't come forward. When his car was searched, evidence in the car led to a search warrant to search Jesse's residence. We don't know what the evidence is, but a Judge found that it was good enough for another warrant. That is where the problem is.

The fact that Jesse then refused to talk with police, lawyered up, and fled the area is secondary.

I have read several times that a witness to a missing person's case must be "terrified" (not sure of what), and therefore this witness ran away. I've never heard that witnesses are "terrified". Guilty people are afraid of police, upstanding citizens are not. If Jesse is innocent, he could be the hero that has the missing link that leads to the recovery of a safe Hannah. If Jesse is guilty, then he is the missing link that leads to a homicide. Either way, he has information about Hannah that he is unwilling to share with her family, or the police. The probability that he is innocent is very low.

I agree with you that the likelihood he is innocent is not high, otto. And I agree that being called as a witness is not a terrifying thing if you're innocent. But he was not called in as a witness, he was called in as the sole Person of Interest, which as everyone knows is a euphemism for *unofficial suspect*. So whether he's behind Hannah's disappearance or not (and I suspect he is), of course he was scared. If he is guilty he damn well deserves to be scared, and he should never see the light of day again after he's convicted! But on the slim possibility that he had nothing to do with it, imagine how terrifying it would be if you were innocent (and black) but your name was being broadcast coast to coast as the sole POI in the disappearance and possible murder of a white teenage girl. If he's guilty, they should throw the book at him. But until that's proven, I reserve the right to say that it's still possible--barely--that he's not. We'll know more after he is bound over for trial, and then if specific evidence is presented in court that ties him to Hannah, it will be easy-peasy for me to fall in with the off with-his-head pack...because if he caused the death of this bright, innocent girl, he deserves the harshest penalty a jury of his peers can hit him with.
The video was very bizarre and it almost seemed like he was in total denial of what was going on with his focus on the clothes. Not sure what to make of it.

Yes, something is so weird about that.

Is he thinking he's going to escape? He may feel like he already outsmarted Cops once (when he escaped via car).

Thank you. Something to note, in states where a cheek swab is taken from arrestees, laws say the profile is to be destroyed upon acquittal or dismissal of charges. I haven't read the Virginia law yet, so I'm only speaking in general terms.

Good point. Yes, in VA DNA samples must be destroyed on acquittal/dismissal:

If samples have been shared with other agencies (e.g. FBI), however, there are not necessarily provisions requiring that those agencies also destroy the sample.
Hope the media does not jump in too quick with stories about him being railroaded because I have a feeling those who defend him will be found to have misplaced their belief in him, evidence will come out, and people will have egg on their faces. Have a feeling there are stories that those who know and have grown up with JM could tell that would dispute the side of him that is seen as "gentle giant".

I am reading many comments all over the Internet, and I see very few outright defending him. Some people say they are waiting for more evidence, but I don't really see enough outrage that he is being railroaded. So as of right now, I don't see the media starting some big debate about whether or not he is guilty.
I believe he was trying to chose his words carefully. And, he asked for clarification before signing docs. IMO I believe he knows what he's doing, and isn't slow at all.

From what I could gather from that video, he was concerned with them taking the jumpsuit away when he went through medical because then he'd be naked until he was cleared from medical and given the jumpsuit back. He thinks that he should be allowed to wear some kind of clothes I guess. I'm guessing he went through a strip search procedure prior to being processed and he's thinking about having to go without clothes again.

While he does seem a little slow, he did ask good questions about what he was signing and wasn't an a-hole. He at least knows to do that much.
Not true. Here's a list to felonies that allow for DNA to be retrieved at arrest:

I did say that in cases like this they will get ones DNA before hand as it is needed for evidence.. I think i was misunderstood lol I was seperately saying that no matter the felony it becomes mandatory to have your dna stored after the case is over for future reference.. So Again yes, in cases where its needed as evidence, or this one more specifically, it will most likely be taken very soon
He seemed to think that the jumpsuit would be 'taken away' from him after he left that court room. The judge and deputy did not dispute that idea, but said it would be given back to him. He asked when that would be. The judge said he did not know exactly.

MOO, it seemed he was worried about being naked at some point and also mostly seemed that he was tying to portray himself as a victim and the only thing he could really complain about were the clothes. I don't know if he is a sociopath, but sociopaths do love to play the victim. Nothing is ever their fault, in their opinions.

Yep, TravelingCircusof5, from my observations, imo JM has many of the personality traits of a narcissistic sociopath/psychopath; deflective, manipulative, calculating, creative..

Blame the brain: Psychopaths are wired differently
There's a lot more to it than that. Psycopaths (now often coyly
labelled sociopaths) are the only real persons, places, things, in
their world. The rest of us are figments of their imagination, in
effect, to be manipulated and used in anyway appropriate and
convenient to their needs.

If they believe it to be ultimately useful
to their purposes to be kind and generous and considerate towards
someone, they will -- without limit, if helpful to their ends -- or
if they believe it to be more convenient to destroy someone, they
will. There is no such thing as truth or lies external to them --
which explains why such persons can readily pass lie detector tests,
for example.

A quasi-religious psychiatrist I knew said they were born without
souls. A philosopher long ago came to literally believe that there
are people in this world who are actually not really human beings,
but who absolutely emulate the real thing and are basically
impossible to recognize as non-human. I think he was trying to
explain the psychopath.
The Washington Post reported the same thing. HLN for two nights said he has no criminal record (wrong).

People don't like what the Daily Mail is reporting, so attack the source. Is there anyone that doubts the Grandma story?


I'm sorry for prolonging this thread-swerve, but going on record that I am NOT attacking the source.

I have, am, and will continue to advocate for caution when reading the Daily Mail (because I know it well), and will extend that to almost all MSM. I haven't been on WS for very long; I have been dealing with media, & information from many sources for years.

I'm a researcher, & also have family members in journalism, & friends/family who in the course of their careers, are regularly interviewed. All too often, what actually appears in the press contains huge omissions, or is embellished.

All the above explains somewhat why since Saturday, I'm relying on the pressers for facts, & skimming MSM. Having said that, one of the best media sources in this case so far has been Parker Slaybaugh.
Just logging in this morning - bond was denied, correct?

Matthew's bond was denied on the fugitive from justice warrant out of Virginia and Judge Henry set bond at $1,500 for the Galveston County charge.
After watching the video I understand why his friends have described him as a "gentle giant" and not bright enough to do this.

Yes, something is so weird about that.

Is he thinking he's going to escape? He may feel like he already outsmarted Cops once (when he escaped via car).

LE stated early on they had already checked where MH body was found IIRC..

I wouldn't think he would put her in the same place as the other, could be in that general area though. If he is responsible for others in the area of charlottesville I wouldn't expect the bodies to be found in the spot. jmo idk
That is fine. I would just be hesitant to assume that just because someone goes to a Christian school, they can't do something bad. Especially when both the victim and suspect go to a Christian school. It just seems like a weak argument.

And lets not forget all of those Catholic Priests....ahem.

Moral of the story is never judge a book by it's cover, or person by their religion, skin color, socioeconomic background, job, weight, education level, etc. :)
I did see it in the article and its confusing.

It is like they are saying the black man with the shaved head has been ruled out.

But not JM because the article said LE put a description out of another black male. (JM)

Yes - I remember that - I think there was much confusion and conflicting reports about descriptions. I do not see that error as a reason to disregard this more recent story or at least to attempt to contact the former teammates and verify their stories.

It seems this whole kerfuffle started over the NEW DM story about a prior rape accusation in college. If they got something wrong in the early days when all was swirling around about black males and white males and shaved heads and dread locks - I do not (imho) feel that discredits this new story.

Does anyone else remember a story here about a female who reported being a passenger in his taxi.... he stated he was in massage school?... Did he offer her a massage or give her a card or something to contact him about one? I'm thinking her husband warned her it sounded sketchy? All a big fog in my brain now - but I would like to find out/clear that up. Thx.
When he struggled for words I kept thinking he was going to say that he feels his rights were being violated by not being allowed any clothes.

Yes, something is so weird about that.

Is he thinking he's going to escape? He may feel like he already outsmarted Cops once (when he escaped via car).

My take on this is that Liberty U. did about all they could do - kicked him off the football team AND out of their university. IF someone failed to act, I would say that could be the Lynchburg police or the LE in charge of the case. We have very few facts but if she was indeed hospitalized, it makes you wonder what level of evidence they required....
...sadly! IMO, I think in this case it would have been the victim that opted out of going forward with the charges that would have possibly led to a conviction...
This happened in our murder case, where there had been previous charges levied, but when it came time for trial the victim was too afraid to although there were previous charges, he was never actually convicted ....which in Canada meant that the incident was not put on his permanent record..and therefore would not come up on a criminal record check.
If the victim had been able to follow through, he would not have been working at the retirement home where he met our's a very difficult cannot blame a young girl for not wanting to go to court/being afraid of the perpetrator ; having to relive the experience etc.....
We were undeniably traumatized to learn of the murderer's past charges and conflicted over why his last trial was not completed...but one cannot change past events, nor could we blame the poor girl who was too terrified to testify... There is indeed anger and confusion why serious " charges" can't be included on criminal record checks, but there is the rationality of knowing that "charges" are just that...they haven't been proven in a court of law yet...
It appears that JM has shown a prior pattern for violence and disregard for the law....I am so glad that he has been caught...
This case is extremely upsetting....a supposed "gentle giant, nice guy" hiding an explosive monster beneath a cheerful's frightening and awful...
My heart goes out to the Graham's and all of Hannah's friends and all of us who care deeply for justice in this case
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