VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #3

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I would love for her to have, despite what her family thinks is possible of you, just run off with someone and be fine. A girl can hope. :-(
It simply amazes me the speculation flying around on this website about the man being referred to as the "creepy white man."

This is a fantastic example of why people don't always come to the police when they might have some important information.

If something did happen to Hannah (which appears likely) and no solution to the case is discovered soon, he will be repeatedly "raked over the coals" and speculated about on this website and others. I really wish you people will think about this the next time you are wondering why someone won't come forward with information.

I don't think anyone is trying to rake him over coals they just want to find Hannah. He made himself seem creepy by his actions. If he's innocent I'm pretty sure he will understand our concern for him following her. Everyone who was in contact with her will be speculated. And if he turns out to be a suspect then I'm also sure people will then be glad they didn't leave him out of speculation. It's something you just never know. If she were my child and I saw that video I would want someone to look at him as a possible suspect until they found my child. You can't just rule him out in fear of hurting his feelings. He could be purposely leading them astray. YOU NEVER KNOW!
It seems to me that LE is sitting on footage of the clean-cut, goateed guy but chose to release the other videos in an effort to GET dreadlock guy and/or others to come forward and talk to police. Which explains his tone at the press conference.


I agree.
How many significantly pregnant women go out walking the streets at 1:00am though? I see a lot of men that fit that description.
I don't think we can discount the idea that this mystery guy fits the description of MH's abductor.
I also don't think we can discount the idea that any person who gave the description would certainly have had time to do a google search on MH's abductor and come up with a matching story.

I also believe it's the guy with dreads walking next to her across from the jewelry store. Hell, for all we know, he could've caught up to her to protect her because he thought it was weird the white guy was following her?

So wait, now the POI's description is a bald black man with a goatee and a totally different clothing description? That throws a wrench in things, doesn't it? I'm not sure if I believe that description...what are the chances of two men seemingly following the same young girl and then something else happening to her by a third man? Very low probability IMO. I guess it's possible, but not probable. Although it is interesting that the description seems to fit MH's rapist/killer quite well.

Now I'm even more confused! We need more surveillance footage! There has to be more from the surrounding businesses. :scared:

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for those who have access to all these video's that show her, can you post them in the NO-DISCUSSION page listed on above on #144. I have only watched the guy who was on his cell phone and he looks like he is following her for sure. I would like to compare what all of you are seeing as well.TIA
Websleuths is a victim friendly forum. Unless LE has said they think she was out buying drugs or was an addict, its rather inappropriate to suggest she's out looking to score. Moreso when there's nothing to indicate thats what she was doing.

I feel so badly for her family, who mentioned in their press statement that they're alreafy having to deal with a lot of strangers attacking their daughter. This girl and her family have done nothing to deserve such treatment.

we are discussing all possibilities. No one is attacking HG. I have three teenagers in high school, so I am also looking at this through parent eyes.

LE has said she appeared drunk and disoriented. Until they find a body (lord, how I hope they find her alive) and do a tox screen, no one knows for sure what substances she ingested, deliberately or through drugging-- or perhaps none at all and she's just off balance, scared, lost and tired.
NBC29 ‏@NBC29 · 1m
@HenryGraff reports: police have not obtained any new #HannahGraham surveillance video today. Waiting on banks to get more video.
NBC29 ‏@NBC29 · 58s
@HenryGraff reports: police say no previous surveillance vides collected show #HannahGraham and unknown black male together.
So no dreadlocks. Seriously, this case almost drives me to drink. Which I never do. I need a break. Hannah where are you?
NBC29 ‏@NBC29 · 58s
@HenryGraff reports: police say no previous surveillance vides collected show #HannahGraham and unknown black male together.

Quoting myself to say... okay, so evidently they ARE going on the witness' word about this POI, so they must find it credible.

ETA: I guess we'll find out when more video is obtained.
NBC29 ‏@NBC29 · 58s
@HenryGraff reports: police say no previous surveillance vides collected show #HannahGraham and unknown black male together.

So I have to wonder, is this description based off one eyewitness who was seen following her, or multiple eyewitnesses??
Uber is available in Charlottesville?

It's available here in Tuscaloosa, and the local cops have been cracking down hard on it, saying that people shouldn't get into cars with shady folks that haven't had background checks. I don't have the app to know where it is available and where it isn't. Guess I could google it.

ETA: Charlottesville, VA comes up on the website as a choice, so I guess so.

ETA2: Two local Uber drivers were just arrested with drugs following a sting operation.
That's the problem all she had to do was text someone to come get her. So it's like she was going to meet someone at their house.

But I really wonder how many good friends she had there. Her tweets rarely get favorited or retweeted by friends and no one even noticed she was missing until Sunday afternoon.
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