VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #6

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Hmmm...sleep in woods would be out of character, it would seem for a girl in a sparkle short shirt. She was coherent enough to text a friend saying she was lost, she could have easily sent another text saying, come pick me up, I am at the Shell Station on 14th. I think you are correct in the semantic, literal context that there is no evidence that we, the public are aware of. However, LE don't usually waste a bunch of resources on a person they think fell asleep in the woods, or was depressed enought to commit suicide in the woods. I think the interest in the this board pertaining to this girl is perhaps that all of this is OUT OF CHARACTER for her to be missing, even though she was drunk. Compounded by the fact that she was seen talking to a guy who DID NOT come forward even after REPEATED requests by family and LE for anyone who saw her to come forward. Any logical person could summize that foul play is involved here at this point. I am thinking....except for those who stick to an entirely literal interpretation of everything, and in that case, why come to this forum in the first place?? If I thought this thread was about a drunk girl who fell in a river or committed suicide, I wouldn't waste my time here...that would be very non-interesting to me personally. :)

I'm not saying that that is what I think happened.

I was only offering alternative scenarios to make a point that being missing is not always evidence of foul play.
you have to leave room for other things possibly happening between the bar and when she disappeared.
i mean, plenty of people were OBSESSED with WG when those videos came out. now he's considered a cooperative witness.
you can't be sure about anything. and something may seem really significant and it isn't.

i can't tell you HOW MANY cases i've seen where there was so much indication that something happened one way, that a certain person did it, and it wasn't the case. don't be sure about anything.

I do leave room. I am leaving lots of room. What I am saying is that dismissing something as "not being evidence" does not make sense in this case.

I think that there is evidence of JL's involvement. That does not mean he did it, and it does not mean that something else could not have happened to HG, but I still see plenty of evidence pointing to him. Again, I leave open that a lot of other things could have happened to HG.
There's no tunnel vision here. I let the facts lead me. My imagination isn't as vivid, sorry. JMO.

LOL it's not about imagination, it's recognizing that in MANY cases, there are plenty of 'slamdunk' leads that go nowhere. it's common sense to have an open mind. most cases have a lot of twists and turns. don't get too distracted by the 'shoulds' or 'likely-s'
From the moment the surveillance video was released, no one but the current POI has set off my hinky meter. My instincts tell me he may very well be responsible for the disappearance of Hannah Graham AND the deaths of Morgan Harrington and Alexis Murphy.

In the Alexis Murphy case, I keep asking myself if Randy Allen Taylor was telling the truth about a third party. Could he have smoked pot with the current POI for THIS case that night? Did he misidentify our current POI as Dameon Bradley way back then?

Dameon Bradley had an alibi for the night Alexis Murphy disappeared, plus his DNA did not match.

But if Randy Allen Taylor was telling the truth about a third person being involved, and if it was our current POI, then it supports the theory that a serial killer is behind these disappearances and murders.

Randy Allen Taylor and the truth do not know each other. NO DNA was found in that camper except his and Alexis's. She was on video leaving behind him ,her blood ,hair and nail was found in his camper and her phone on his property. He has been convicted of her murder and abduction and has tried to cut a deal to reveal her location . Randy Also took Samantha.
Being missing is evidence of a crime. You do not understand the difference between evidence and proof. A woman going missing after a walk is evidence that a crime has occurred. It is not proof that a crime has occurred, but it is evidence. It could be wrong. It could be wrong, but that does not mean that at the time it was not evidence that a crime may have occurred.

HG being missing for a week is evidence that a crime has occurred. It is not proof, of course, but it is evidence. If it were not evidence of a crime, then LE would not be searching cars and apartments and analyzing surveillance video. Clearly, LE involved in HG's disappearance believe there is evidence that a crime occurred.

Again, evidence and proof are not the same thing, and evidence can turn out to be wrong later, but when a woman goes missing under unusual circumstances, that is evidence that there has been some sort of criminal activity. It is not proof, and it is not infallible, but it is evidence.

Hmm.. It just may be semantics but in my mind evidence has to point to something in particular. Being missing does not do that. If that were the case we could say there is evidence of suicide or overdose or runaway. Being missing is not evidence of anything. Evidence would be if they found blood, hair or her personal belongings is the car. But having said that I agree that a crime has been committed but that is just my personal suspicion.
There is not even evidence of an abduction yet, much less a murder, at least not that has been released. We don't even know yet if she WAS in his car.

They do have his phone. It was one of the three warrants, car, apartment and phone. So if he had it on, hoping they can ping him through last weekend, hour by hour. If he had turned it off, just for the "hours in question" and had never done so before, that could turn into a piece of circumstantial evidence in a trial...but not the kind to charge him.

If he killed her or she died, but he had not planned it, he may not have been thinking clear enough to turn off his phone or remove the battery. If the phone was off or disabled...a little more suspicious, but again, not yet evidence. Phones lose charge all the time.

They need to first, find traces that she was in his car. Also his apartment. If neither pans out, and his pings are not useful, I have no idea how she might ever be found, if dead, other than by accident. Or how he can be charged.

You know... If I was a rather large (tall and wide) African American male last seen in the company of a white college student who missing.... I don't think I would voluntarily be knocking on the cops door either.
Yeah. Evidence of a crime, and suspicious circumstances are different.

This is the thing. Just being missing may or may not be evidence of a crime, depending on the circumstances.

In this case, HG going missing under the circumstances as we know them, really screams crime to me. Again, I leave open the possibility of something else, and I know that there are other cases out there where women went missing under mysterious circumstances and it turned out there was no crime. But just because that has happened does not make HG's case any less suspicious to me.
There is probably going to be a long dry spell now with a void in information coming from LE. They will need A LOT of time to process the evidence gathered in the 2 search warrants.... The POI is not it would basically take a body to be discovered for more (significant) info to come out from LE. So...we all need to be patient....
But they said they did not know where he is. I would think that home would be the last place he would want to be right now, laying low in there and awaiting a swat team or something to come and get me (my imagination only).

I would hope he has found legal counsel by now and will come forward. He cannot run and avoid forever. He is now likely without a car, job and a "safe" home. With no job he cannot afford rent and would be unlikely to stay in such a visible place anyway.

Good thing there's always Gramma's house. ;)

Here are three links from MSM providing info about the last text... none of them indicating she said anything about a party in her text. Additionally, when Longo addressed the text at the first presser he did not indicate her saying anything about a party. The only time I have seen that implication is on WS by posters.


The Daily Mail had the party quote at one point, but I can't find it now :)
I am so disheartened that people are even questioning LE's analysis...
Judging a person by superficial aspects as, " he couldn't do it, he's just a big Teddy Bear" in a situation when the chief of police has made it abundantly clear that he is a probable POI seems both naive and uniformed...
This person had the ability, the culpability and the means to commit a crime...he was the last one seen with her, he DID NOT COME FORWARD after she was reported missing....he is on LE's radar which was spelled out at the press conference...LE do not lightly address such matters...
personally, this is close to our twenty year old was murdered by a co worker ( who happened to be a nurse assistant) after she trusted him because she knew him from work....and everyone thought he was such a " nice guy"...turns out he wasn't....he was evil to the extreme...but had everyone fooled by his exterior demeanour... Our darling girl was just 20....he was 38... ( look up Desmond Magiure for the case)
I am so distraught that people are giving this guy the benefit of the doubt just based on appearances...
IMO he could most certainly be MH's killer as well...
Serial killers don't walk around acting "evil"'s often the opposite.....

In any case, prayers for Hannah's family, friends and all of us here at Webslouths who genuinely care....

Oh I'm SO sorry to hear about your daughter. it's everyone's worst nightmare. condolences.
and true about psychopaths. they are very disarming and manipulative and charming, depending on their co-occurring disorders.
nurses aides are not the most screened or highly educated people. it's a 3 month cert course and a minimum wage job to start usually.
So far we don't know of evidence against DBG, but LE clearly has enough to have gotten a warrant for the house. We will not know their evidence unless the trial is open to media. until we know the evidence, it's 50/50 guessing if she OD'd by accident or if he or someone else took her. But true, LE seems convinced and they obviously have reason to be, although we don't know those reasons.
again, I'm so sorry to hear about your little girl.
Not only does the story stop there but it's been over 24 hours that police/forensic units have had the car and searched the apartments and they (presumably) still don't have enough for an arrest warrant. That is very interesting to me.
Hey all - I haven't read all the posts from the last few hours but YES, my friend says he was a cab driver at one point.
Hmm.. It just may be semantics but in my mind evidence has to point to something in particular. Being missing does not do that. If that were the case we could say there is evidence of suicide or overdose or runaway. Being missing is not evidence of anything. Evidence would be if they found blood, hair or her personal belongings is the car. But having said that I agree that a crime has been committed but that is just my personal suspicion.

I disagree. I think evidence points to something being more likely than not. To me, when a young, drunk female goes missing at 2 am, then that to me is evidence that some criminal activity took place. You do not need blood or hair or anything. Just the fact that a woman is missing under those circumstances is evidence of a crime. It is not good, solid evidence, but it is still evidence.
People are forgetting things. The LE found something to get a warrant to search the car. Then they found something in the car that allowed them to get a warrant to search the house. They had to have a reason for those warrants to be allowed.
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