VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #6

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Just found this other sketch of MH suspect on post #971 of Morgan's thread #15. This is different than the older looking MH suspect sketch we have seen on here. So is the description. Holy cow, that looks just like HG POI, does it not? If he was a cab driver at the time MH disappeared from that concert parking lot.... Surely, they are on this guy like flies on ****.

ETA pic...

Actually, I do not see the resemblance.....
I use autocorrect all the time- mainly because you type two letters and it finishes the word...for me anyway it's useful and I don't have many mistakes. The ones I have noticed I immediately add to my dictionary so it doesn't happen again. (Like bad words LOL never have I meant "duck"). And to be completely off topic (as I forgot to quote who I was responding to as well) I updated to iOS 8 and the autocorrect is even better on my iPad keyboard. Haven't done it yet on my phone. I'm trying to see how the two streets would correct though since "water" is an actual word? Maybe if she types the other street a all the time??

Edited to say clu it's the same autocorrect on the iPhone as your iPad. I know you said you didn't have a smart phone, but the autocorrect is the same.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Right. I'm just saying I don't think Morgan was looking for a cab, and probably only would have gotten in one if the cabbie had offered the ride for free.

Some witnesses did say Morgan was sticking outher thumb while on the bridge.
Help me out here. I don't have a twitter account. When the post says cont'd I don't get anything further. Must I have a twitter account?

I have twitter and I can't figure out how to see the cont'd posts.
I have NEVER been as conflicted about the (early) facts of a case as this one. I'm impressed by LE's passion and forthcomingness. Rationally, I know it's incredibly unlikely for them to suggest a POI they actually do not believe to be a POI.. the damage to his reputation would be irreparable.

I get the biggest sense of "they've got the wrong guy" feeling right now than I've ever experienced.. which is to say, very, very infrequently. Seeing his FB and the types of absolutely normal friends he has merely confirmed it. Most of the POIs we see follow endless *advertiser censored* pages and befriend fake cam models and whatnot. (just an observation— obviously the "in plain site" creeps are just as prevalent.)

If the DM is right and he told his grandma they got drinks and parted, that's already less than so many other "players" in different cases. I think about the fact that I'm literally the only person I know "irl" who follows these cases.. nobody on my newsfeed reposts missing persons stories or amber alerts. Nobody I know will have heard of any of the recent big cases here. I also don't have any friends who work hospital hours, so irregularly that their neighbors think they don't work. It's super likely IMO that he didn't even know "a college student" was missing, so in his mind he had nothing to report before the warrant was served.

I'm at least glad that I'm not the only one not stunned at the possibility of Hannah having met him that night — two drunk, happy, strangers. One of them apparently well-known and charismatic.

A cursory search about VA alcohol arrests:

"In Charlottesville, Virginia, two adults served jail time in 2007 for providing alcohol at their son's 16th birthday party."

Two men who were arrested for contributing to the delinquency of non-relative minors

"[...] the Office of the Surgeon General, the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, and the National Research Council among others, have been published on the subject of underage drinking. They each stress that enforcement efforts should focus on the retailers and providers of the alcohol."

A Virginia lawyer's reminder:

VA specific thoughts on public intoxication/fake IDs/general strictness:

Again, IF the DM is correct and LJM has admitted to buying Hannah drinks, it doesn't matter that he didn't know at the time she was underage. He could absolutely have already been arrested, IMO. If LE is so sure they have their guy, why has that not happened? I'm not actually trying to sound persuasive here or whatever— I really don't know what the benefits are of arresting vs not arresting a POI in terms of following him etc, outside of obvious "he'll lead us to the body" cases that I've never actually seen pan out. Way too often someone everyone here suspects ahead of time to be a POI is arrested for a minor, unrelated charge. Wondering why everything about this case has been so.. different so far.
I'm off for the evening. For some strange reason, Mr. Carbuff seems to think our anniversary dinner is more important...


I hear ya...I keep convincing my son he's too tired for me to take him to the movies.....:/
It is not easy for LE to rule someone out completely when the case is unsolved, unless they are on video elsewhere.

as you know they can still be involved even when not physically present "on scene".
That is disheartening.

Edit: thought i had quoted...the fact that they are reporting that no clues were turned up in the massive search that was held today.
OT I do,not have a smart phone (which do not sound all that smart to me) but can the auto correct be turned off? It seems to make ridiculous mistakes, not even close. I have mine off on my ipad due t this. I don't know why anyone would use it.

OMG, if there is a way to turn it off, I really would like to know it. Whenever I refer to my my friend, Kellie, it changes it to "Jellies". WTF? I'm sure the word "Jellies" is much more commonly typed than Kellie! Sorry for the OT rant.
From what they say...but the confusion is LE's comments about the location that was typed.
I have seen several versions of what the last text supposedly said. First it said she's lost at 14th and Wertland, but disregard it because it's wrong. Then I saw something about a party. We don't have any idea what it said,.really.

In the article I have linked, Charlottesville Police Captain Gary Pleasants seems to directly quote the text message. Unless he was paraphrasing and the reporter simply assumed he was directly quoting.

"She had been drinking quite a bit," said Charlottesville Police Captain Gary Pleasants. "She told him that she was leaving and going home. He asked if he could walk her home and she said no she was fine. He stayed and she left."

Police say for the next 45 minutes, Graham sent text messages to several friends.

"One text message said, 'I'm lost in the area of 14th and Wertland' which is the area she was in," detailed Pleasants. "It's in an area she's very familiar with."

That article is interesting because it says the text with wertland was one of the texts she sent
It doesn't say it was the last text she sent.
First, let me say that I love the chief. He's dedicated, professional, and dreamy (he is!). But that doesn't mean I'm believing everything...

* LE said POI was not in the released videos. He WAS in the videos, and quite prominent.
* LE said HG wasn't walking with anyone but had a reflection in the store window. Um, no.
* LE said POI was bald and wearing black jeans he has dreads and big white shorts.

So....when LE says the last text is autocorrect or whatever, I'm not buying it just yet.
OMG, if there is a way to turn it off, I really would like to know it. Whenever I refer to my my friend, Kellie, it changes it to "Jellies". WTF? I'm sure the word "Jellies" is much more commonly typed than Kellie! Sorry for the OT rant.

You can add "Kellie" to your dictionary! Then it will never happen again. Side note-it was changed to Ellie for me LOL

I figured this out because my friend has a daughter named "cara" which was always changed to cars. So many times I would ask if cars could come over or go to the movies with us, etc. (cara was my daughters friend).

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
First, let me say that I love the chief. He's dedicated, professional, and dreamy (he is!). But that doesn't mean I'm believing everything...

* LE said POI was not in the released videos. He WAS in the videos, and quite prominent.
* LE said HG wasn't walking with anyone but had a reflection in the store window. Um, no.
* LE said POI was bald and wearing black jeans he has dreads and big white shorts.

So....when LE says the last text is autocorrect or whatever, I'm not buying it just yet.

He really is hot
That article is interesting because it says the text with wertland was one of the texts she sent
It doesn't say it was the last text she sent.

Yeah, it doesn't. But at the initial press conference, didn't Longo specify that the 'lost' text was the last one she sent? And that they were trying to determine why it was sent when it appeared to be incorrect information.

Also I posted a link a few pages back quoting a Charlottesville Police Captain stating that the text saying she was lost was her last text. There is definitely some dispute over exactly what was included in the text message along with the statement of being lost.. but I am not aware of any dispute that the text about being lost was the last one?
Just found this other sketch of MH suspect on post #971 of Morgan's thread #15. This is different than the older looking MH suspect sketch we have seen on here. So is the description. Holy cow, that looks just like HG POI, does it not? If he was a cab driver at the time MH disappeared from that concert parking lot.... Surely, they are on this guy like flies on ****.

ETA pic...

"slight beer belly" - hmmmm...funny they use the exact same phrasing (as opposed to paunch, spare tire, or the like)
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