VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #6

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With all due respect, that is fourth hand information. Personally, I'm skeptical.


A friend of a friend of the boyfriend of the roommate of the girl I once talked to in my science class my first year of high school said.....

Totally agree...the telephone like hearsay nature of this (IMO) made up report by the DM is ridiculous.
God Bless you cville_bob. What an incredibly selfless thing to do with your Saturday.
creepiest thing about this whole investigation is that the police dept. is a block away from where she was last seen! if she had only known that when she was wandering around, this whole thing could have been prevented. surely the building is open 24/7. she also had to have walked by the omni, who would have had front desk staff on duty. why didn't she ask for help?
I'm back home safe from the search and am finally caught up with the threads and checking in with not much information or insight to offer. The search seems to be well organized, they have divided the search area up into sections and sub sections, and send out groups each with a clearly defined area to search, and a group leader with a radio. If anything of potential interest is found they have you call it in on the radio, and give directions as to what to do.

I was team leader in our first group and was assigned a 2 block area just at the edge of campus and searched for about two hours, but found two wallets, and a broken cell phone, but nothing relevant to the case.

After that I went out in a second group, led by a search-and-rescue person from Ohio. We were assigned a more upscale residential area where we found nothing of interest.

After getting home I was watching the NBC national news, and one of the guys interviewed was a member of the team I lead.

I have heard rumors that some interesting items may have been found, but what I was hearing on the radio was things like <modsnip> or "We've lost three members of our search group"
There was a tweet earlier that said they found some things today. <modsnip>

Thanks for searching, btw. I did it once, for 8 days in a row. It can be exhausting. Bless you for going.
Matt Talhelm responded on twitter the search found a few things (they never tell what was found) and generated new tips.
I lived in Charlottesville briefly 10 years ago. At the time the Downtown Mall was a known hangout for a rather large homeless teen/runaway population. IIRC the proximity to the train lines were cited as the reason Charlottesville was such a draw. There were usually crowds of 8-10 congregating--drug culture 'types' who might be hard to identify as they had purposefully gone 'off the grid.'

Local residents: Is this still the case? I am just trying to process how this might factor into her wandering around the Downtown Mall and other possible suspects or even potentially other past victims that might not be reported.

Thanks for your perspective JenMom.

Would there be some type of security patrol for the Mall commons area. WG seemed alerted to Hannah. He stops and watches her go by. And it makes him look like a weird creeper. But maybe he's a Mall employee. It might explain his coming forward so quickly.
creepiest thing about this whole investigation is that the police dept. is a block away from where she was last seen! if she had only known that when she was wandering around, this whole thing could have been prevented. surely the building is open 24/7. she also had to have walked by the omni, who would have had front desk staff on duty. why didn't she ask for help?

Well, if she was very intoxicated, as has been reported, she wouldn't have gone to the police. I suspect she was also on some kind of drugs, by how purposeful and energetic she seemed to me--running, etc. But yeah, why didn't she ask someone to use their phone if hers had died? Or why not ask someone to help her call the the safe-ride program they have? Very sad.
Isn't hunting season coming up? I truly hope and pray she's found alive and soon, but if not there will be a lot of people in the woods in the next few months.

It started today. I had the privilege of witnessing a dead deer being dragged across the yard right in front of me while I was toasting my English muffin.
Im starting to think, despite him being viewed as a good person, and decent citizen, that he was still somehow involved and sometimes alcohol makes good people do bad things.. Maybe JM sent that text message as a Ruse for LE, in order to make them think she was not in the same area as him in an attempt to establish an alibi

IMO, if that's the case, JM knew what he was going to do from the moment he saw her...due to the short period of time that lapsed from the video sequences and the last text. I really question that he would have gotten that duck-in-a-row set up so soon after hooking up with her.
Another OT and then I will stop, lol. Just something interesting I found about forensics techs who were either dishonest or just incompetent. Pretty scary stuff. I had heard of the multiple cases in TX, but not most of the others. Anyway, if anyone feels like reading it sometime.
"Originally, they were here for a vehicle to search and seize — while they were here they found enough probable cause to then search the home," said Carter Johnson, public information officer for the Albemarle County Police Department."

There are a couple of different ways someone can read the above statement. Police very well could have seen someone fleeing the apartment while they were there for the car............ or any number of others things that they arent choosing to share with us at this time.

Since their primary focus at that time was the car, Im reading this statement literally. For all we know they could have seen a hair inside the car or something else that led to searching the home.


The article below from ABC is more specific.

Search & seizure warrant for car executed at midnight.

While LE was there seizing the car, a/the person connected to it and 2 others were in the apartment but LE didn't feel they had enough to detain them.

Evidence found while searching the car (off site at undisclosed location) allowed them to get 2 other warrants (for searching the apartment and phone).

When they returned around 10 am to execute those, ALL 3 individuals there at midnight were gone.

The first warrant was a search and seizure warrant for a vehicle which was executed shortly after midnight. When police arrived at the apartment building and seized the car, a person connected to the car was in his apartment with two others. Police identified those individuals, but the officer did not feel he had the grounds to detain the individuals, Longo said.

After seizing the car and taking it to an undisclosed location for the full search, investigators developed probable cause and sought approvals for the two other warrants. Police arrived back at the apartment shortly after 10 a.m. and the three individuals were no longer inside, Longo said.

Also, seems that means unless they had contact after that, which doesn't sound to have been the case, that they'd not have been able to execute the search of the phone since he wasn't there when they returned.
My grandmothers, God rest their souls, thought I was an angel as well. If I had done something terribly wrong it wouldnt have surprised me if they blamed everything but me.

Just saying.......

Totally agree. I don't take anything the grandmother (or mother) says seriously. I know a grandmother who was convinced her grandson, who lived with her, just lovvved the smell of Febreeze because he used so much of it in his room. :thinking::facepalm:
It started today. I had the privilege of witnessing a dead deer being dragged across the yard right in front of me while I was toasting my English muffin.
It hasn't started here in VA yet. We've got a while to go yet. I don't hunt, so I'm not sure of the exact day, but I'm pretty sure it's not until November.
creepiest thing about this whole investigation is that the police dept. is a block away from where she was last seen! if she had only known that when she was wandering around, this whole thing could have been prevented. surely the building is open 24/7. she also had to have walked by the omni, who would have had front desk staff on duty. why didn't she ask for help?

Wow...that really makes you wonder. And, according to one of her tweets, she had used a safe-ride program in the past--so she was aware of that. It's really a mystery as to what she was up to that night.
I just have a hard time believing the grandmother would admit her grandson aged 32 would buy a 18 year old a drink or drinks.That is a crime in itself.Contributing to the delinquency of a minor.Not to mention the bar would have to serve the drinks to her without carding her.which is another crime.
Wow...that really makes you wonder. And, according to one of her tweets, she had used a safe-ride program in the past--so she was aware of that. It's really a mystery as to what she was up to that night.
It's things like this that make me feel like something else might have been going on here. What , I dunno...
creepiest thing about this whole investigation is that the police dept. is a block away from where she was last seen! if she had only known that when she was wandering around, this whole thing could have been prevented. surely the building is open 24/7. she also had to have walked by the omni, who would have had front desk staff on duty. why didn't she ask for help?
bbm A question I feel we'll never know the answer to....
Would be interesting to know if the named POI (or any other POIs) was scheduled to work after the disappearance and whether he missed any work days.

I am if this has been addressed...

but this would be a very interesting piece of information to know...

whether POI was scheduled to work the next day... But did not go to work...

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