VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #7

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Also it looks like she recently had some issues with her phone.

Hannah @hegraham25 · Aug 21
dear phone: please please start working. I cannot deal with this as well

Hannah @hegraham25 · Aug 21
all I want rn is my wifi to work
Somewhere back was a question about whether Hannah used Tinder. I didn't see anything in her twitter about that, but she posted a lot about the Yik Yak app. She also mentions snapchats.
If she thought that she was on Main, heading towards her apartment, when she was actually on Preston, heading towards the mall and Tempo, she was completely disoriented. If she told JM, or the wrong person, that she was lost and looking for a party, she was in trouble.

"Police detective James Mooney said that in her text messages to friends, Graham indicated that she was lost and disoriented, at one point saying she was on Main Street when she actually was on Preston Avenue. Graham also indicated that she believed she was walking back toward her home when she was actually headed the opposite way, authorities said. She also texted friends asking for someone to come find her after she realized she was lost."

This is the first I have read about this. To me this part (BBM) stood out most:

Graham also indicated that she believed she was walking back toward her home when she was actually headed the opposite way, authorities said. She also texted friends asking for someone to come find her after she realized she was lost. She last texted friends at 1:06 a.m., about the time that the man in dreadlocks encountered her.

So obviously there was no activity on Hannah's phone after that time, and police know that is when she was with JM. I think he took her phone. Up until she encountered JM, she was texting her friends for help - for them to come and find her. Unless of course it ran out of battery. JMO.
I still think HG knew DG ahead of time.

I agree. I also think he has injected himself around the school to take advantage of any situation that would arise. In the video, he practically pounces on her like an animal looking for prey. There was a case at Old Dominion University, where a guy who wasn't a student, befriended (and lived) with college kids. He was convicted and executed for the murder of a 17 years young student. Serial killers seem to strike when they can. And I think this is linked to the other cases in that area. JMHO[/QUOTE]

Taylor Behl? That was at VCU. The case that introduced me to message boards. :)
Possible that she took Adderall. I know that you have a much higher tolerance for alcohol when on it, almost like cocaine...lots of students take it, and lots of students party on it. Would explain maybe why she looks like she's running all over the place. Doesn't really seem like bipolar mania to me, more like substance-related, or she could just be one of those girls that's super hyper.
Sorry, but this kind of drug speculation seems so out of place.

It seems like it comes up every day, it comes out of the blue like spaghetti thrown at the wall, and it doesn't fit anything else.

It's almost equivalent to: maybe she works for the MI6 and was on a secret mission in collaboration with the CIA, and they are flushing out a terror cell (which would also explain why she was rushing around and nobody has heard from her for a week, and why LE is putting out inaccurate info.) :)

I could see how it could maybe fit some other person's experience or situation, but no relationship at all with HEG.

There is no evidence or hint of evidence that she had any history or interest with this or any drug, other than a mucolytic she was taking when she was sick.

You can read the tweets of her account and her roommates' accounts to build a bigger picture of her daily life at school and out of school. She is a good student with tight friendships and strong and open family. The re-tweets give a sense of what is important to her and what she identifies with (examples are overthinking and tallness, and occasionally, hot guys). She seems pretty open about things and pretty normal.

Adderall or addiction and secret drug buy don't fit. They are in a completely different reality.

She was looking for something:
A person
A car
Drinks for the party
Something she lost
-Phone (though LE says texts happened)

Is she backtracking from earlier during the day?

In all the videos she is looking, or else she is walking directionally and quickly. Until she stops. With JM?
The description from WG of JG's encounter was that it was a 5'11, 250 pound male in black pants and a white shirt. A stretch from the all-white getup of JM, who is taller and heavier. Maybe they were working together? If so, I think I may know who it is, although I can't be positive of course.

Please call this in! Dreads job may have been to buy her drink and hand her off.
Thanks Otto! To my point, 59 is definitely cold for a person to wrap their arms around themselves and Hannah appears not to be doing that. Another thought it perhaps JM asked if she was cold and put his arms around her- suggested tempo as a spot to warm up before he took her towards her party? Might be a reason why she'd agree to do it even not knowing the person.

I was thinking about the 15 minutes at Tempo. That would be long enough for JM to convince a drunk girl that he was a good guy. I was just looking through her twitter account and she was definitely aware of the dangers of being out, alone, at night, drunk. One comment is that she "got an alone drunk girl to a bus tonight". She also seems to follow some criminal activities, as she posts about what she perceives as an injustice: For some reason, her guard was down after meeting JM.
I thought her last text was 1:20 am...and that the 1:06 was from an early article...anyone know which time is most correct?
If you have a tip, please, please don't post it here. Call the tipline: 434-295-3851. Chief Longo really stressed at the volunteer briefing that this is the only appropriate way to report tips. If you post here, the police may not see it, but the perp could. The investigators surely aren't disclosing some info deliberately, and what you saw or know may become part of that info.

Also, Longo insinuated at the press conference that they went back to the video and saw JM following Hannah because of people like us who saw that and called it in. Don't assume the police know something already.

It drives me crazy when I see people post tips on Facebook or here like they think LE will see it. Maybe LE does have someone reading all those comments, but I'm sure they're overwhelmed.

JMO She did call it in and if LE would give out a few clues, we could maybe be of some help. JMO
It has to be tweaked in a couple of places (a marker moved a half block or so), and the 1:20 time is not an actual location, but the location where Hannah claimed to be.

Might be helpful to add Hessian Hills Apartments to this map as well. I didnt see them on there although I could have missed it.
Again, the smell of a decomposing body is distinct and undeniable.

A guy was killed/OD/died some way about 1/8 mile from our house. He was leaving a home walking through the woods to another home. Goes behind our house. No one knew he was dead just missing. I came home from the grocery store and almost dyed from the smell. There's a cow pasture across the road and I was so mad because I was sure they had spread chicken manure that day. So the smell is bad but smells a lot like dead chickens that end up in the manure.
Sorry, but this kind of drug speculation seems so out of place.

It seems like it comes up every day, it comes out of the blue like spaghetti thrown at the wall, and it doesn't fit anything else.

It's almost equivalent to: maybe she works for the MI6 and was on a secret mission in collaboration with the CIA, and they are flushing out a terror cell (which would also explain why she was rushing around and nobody has heard from her for a week, and why LE is putting out inaccurate info.) :)

I could see how it could maybe fit some other person's experience or situation, but no relationship at all with HEG.

There is no evidence or hint of evidence that she had any history or interest with this or any drug, other than a mucolytic she was taking when she was sick.

You can read the tweets of her account and her roommates' accounts to build a bigger picture of her daily life at school and out of school. She is a good student with tight friendships and strong and open family. The re-tweets give a sense of what is important to her and what she identifies with (examples are overthinking and tallness, and occasionally, hot guys). She seems pretty open about things and pretty normal.

Adderall or addiction and secret drug buy don't fit. They are in a completely different reality.

She was looking for something:
A person
A car
Drinks for the party
Something she lost
-Phone (though LE says texts happened)

Is she backtracking from earlier during the day?

In all the videos she is looking, or else she is walking directionally and quickly. Until she stops. With JM?

She was looking for a second party, she thought she was on Main going on direction, but was in fact on Preston going in the opposite direction. She continued to look for the party, and her texts to friends indicate that she became lost and wanted help to find that party.
Does anyone know what the temperature was that night? Not that it is an extreme detail, but I think from many of the videos she was walking with her hands at her sides- I think that could speak to her still being extremely intoxicated. With these fall nights and her outfit and build (thin, not a lot of body fat) you may expect a sober or sobering up person to be chilly and holding themselves with there arms or even arms crossed.

Ah, but alcohol makes you nice and warm and rosy!
What I want to know more than anything is how these spur-of-the-moment, amatuer criminals, are able to hide bodies so well that hundreds and even thousands of people are unable to find them.

We see this in case after case in here.

Is there some sort of a massive flaw in the search methods ?

Is hiding an adult body so easy that any half-wit criminal can do it with little or no planning ?

I can't pull into an alley and take a whiz without some motorist driving by unexpectedly.

How are these types able to transport and dispose of someone so quickly and thoroughly, without detection, in a busy densely populated area ?

This quote and the bit about the whizz in the alley...Exactly! I suspect they can get away with it more easily near rowdy college campuses because so many drunks are stumbling about, oblivious. (Insert sarcasm) But, I bet this guy may even make it look like he's assisting a drunk kid to and into his vehicle or to the side of the road for a good barf or a whizz...Just in case some random person stumbles by or vehicle rolls up on the scene.
I have another question for someone more local than me, how close are Hessian Hills Apartments to I-64, Route 29 and Route 250?

Nm, I found it. Looking at the map, interstate 64 is miles away and not convenient at all. Routes 29 and 250 are very close by, only a few block away.

I wonder if the police have looked at the Charlottesville Reservoir yet? Im mentioning it because its the closest large body of water besides the Rivanna River and is only 3 or 4 miles from JLMs residence.
I agree with you absolutely, at least at this point in the investigation while we are still searching. However, the thing about these cases are that right now, she's missing. And we hope and pray she's found alive and if not, then found at all. But I'm sure her parents, friends, family, and others are aware that she might not be coming home, and if she does, maybe not the way they would want. And so they have to think about the fact that if she is gone, then her reputation is what is left. I could imagine that if HG doesn't come home, that it would be painful for those who knew her to know that the public's image or idea of her is different from the amazing girl they know and love. I'm sure they'd want everyone to think of all the good things, her studiousness, her compassion and empathy, her helping others, her athletic ability, her love for friends and family. So I guess I'm just saying that yeah, right now, it doesn't matter. But it might matter to those who love her in the future.

I understand what you're saying and totally agree regarding the future, however, I still don't see any shaming or judging going on here (I'm not referring to twitter or facebook, etc.). While discussing her behavior may be uncomfortable I don't see it as judging or shaming, just speculating on what was going on that night. :)

And maybe this is just my age, but judgers are going to judge no matter what. Shamers are gonna try to shame. The only people who matter are the people who love Hannah. Everyone else's opinion is irrelevant.
Sorry, but this kind of drug speculation seems so out of place.

It seems like it comes up every day, it comes out of the blue like spaghetti thrown at the wall, and it doesn't fit anything else.

It's almost equivalent to: maybe she works for the MI6 and was on a secret mission in collaboration with the CIA, and they are flushing out a terror cell (which would also explain why she was rushing around and nobody has heard from her for a week, and why LE is putting out inaccurate info.) :)

I could see how it could maybe fit some other person's experience or situation, but no relationship at all with HEG.

There is no evidence or hint of evidence that she had any history or interest with this or any drug, other than a mucolytic she was taking when she was sick.

You can read the tweets of her account and her roommates' accounts to build a bigger picture of her daily life at school and out of school. She is a good student with tight friendships and strong and open family. The re-tweets give a sense of what is important to her and what she identifies with (examples are overthinking and tallness, and occasionally, hot guys). She seems pretty open about things and pretty normal.

Adderall or addiction and secret drug buy don't fit. They are in a completely different reality.

She was looking for something:
A person
A car
Drinks for the party
Something she lost
-Phone (though LE says texts happened)

Is she backtracking from earlier during the day?

In all the videos she is looking, or else she is walking directionally and quickly. Until she stops. With JM?

I also think that a lot of people are trouble imagining her being lost because they have a good sense of direction and haven't had that experience of feeling like you know where you're going, when actually you are going in entirely the wrong direction. I can't tell you how many times I have moved with great speed and efficiency farther and farther away from where I'm trying to go. The experience is sort of like when you're sailing someplace where there are lots of small islands and rocky outcroppings (if any of you sail) and looking at a chart, and thinking you know EXACTLY where you are on that chart...and then suddenly the evidence adds up that the islands HERE are configured differently than the islands where you thought you were, and suddenly you realize you were looking at the wrong part of the chart. I don't know if that makes sense, but it's the best way I can think of to explain what things are like if you don't have a great internal compass.
I thought her last text was 1:20 am...and that the 1:06 was from an early article...anyone know which time is most correct?

The 1:06 text was mentioned first in the media, where she told friends that she was lost and asked someone to come and get her. Shortly after telling friends that she's lost, JM swoops in, puts his arm around her, and walks with her. They go to Tempo together, where he buys alcohol. The 1:20 text seems to be where she claims that she is at 14th and Wertland, and still lost. What doesn't make sense about that is that she should still be in the area of Tempo at that time (if she was at or around Tempo for about 15 minutes), and 14th/Wertland is the approximate location of her apartment. We don't know where she was at the time of that text.

One possibility is that she got into the car with JM, that he already knew where she wanted to go, she was immediately injured or disabled by him, he sent the text to throw off her friends and prevent them from looking for her, and then he left the city.
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