VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #7

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The detective said JM was at the PD for about an hour. Did they read him his Miranda rights? And is that why he asked for a lawyer?
I think wasting a lot of time arguing about the chief's demeanor is counter productive. This is a very emotional case. If he were too dry people would say he doesn't care enough and question whether or not he was fully committed. There are always critics. I say let the guy be himself, whatever he has to do to get the god blessed job done and find that kid before another young woman is missing in that area. If emotion is what motives him, good. I don't think he gives a crap if it offends anyone. He has a 15 year old daughter as well, and he is fearful and frustrated as well. I seriously do not think Hannah's parents are bothered by his display of emotion one bit...that is who matters...not all of us here at home on websleuths for crying out loud. Let's focus on the positives of this case. 1) there are thousands of people looking for her 2) she is smart and capable from what I understand, so she could still be alive being held somewhere 3) more and more witnesses are coming forth 4) there is quite a bit of video 5) in a few days they will be able to rule in or out DNA in LM car and apt. So, in short, just focus on the positives. People could be doing some real thinking here and helping to analyze what matters, perhaps even solve a crime.
Since Longo again in this press conference said if anyone saw HG in JM's car or getting into his car we would like you to tell us this makes me think they have no eye witnesses that saw HG in JM car or HG getting into his car.
I think Chief Longo is superb. He looks tired and drained, but if it was my daughter missing I would appreciate that the who Charlottesville PD were working so hard to find her. The Chief is angry. He's angry that a lovely, bright young student has disappeared on his watch.

We know that JM is (at this point) the last verified person to see Hannah. We know that JM has chosen to not co-operate with LE. We know that there is evidence collected from JM's car that lead to JM's home being searched. The evidence must point to Hannah having been in the car or else the warrants wouldn't have been issued. We know that evidence has been taken from JM's house. They are giving the forensic labs until Tuesday and then they are chasing up the results. That was confirmed in the presser.

Longo is angry. But he is driven too. And he wants to get the person who disappeared Hannah. He doesn't want to get the wrong person. But all the evidence so far leads to JM. The trail leads to him. If it isn't him and their is a further trail then JM needs to tell LE what he knows.

The poor parents broke my heart. The dad is desperately trying to hold it together and the mam looked like she would collapse at any moment. The times she closed her eyes for long periods of time, the poor lady is not coping with this well and the sob as she left the room. So terrible. They need to know what has happened to their baby.

I agree 100%
Question about the motive for HG and JM going to Tempos? Why go there? Were there not other bars that she could have gone to that wouldn't lead them off E Main St? Apparently his car was on 4th st but Tempos is on 5th St. If Tempos was HG's destination all along, she was walking on the side of the road that would lead her to turn on the block instead of crossing traffic. There were no other bars in the direction she was heading on E Main St.

I think Tempos was her destination all along for whatever reason. The end of the Mall was just one more block it looks like down from 5th St.
To me, it sounded like Longo was saying they are very interested in speaking with JM because he was the last person seen with Hannah and he believes JM can provide insight into what happened to her, whether he was directly responsible or not. While he seemed very, very focused on JM, he also appealed to the public to NOT get tunnel vision.


OT, but this sounds like my Dad when I was a kid ..".don't do as I do, do as I say do.". OMG I hated that.
I think wasting a lot of time arguing about the chief's demeanor is counter productive. This is a very emotional case. If he were too dry people would say he doesn't care enough and question whether or not he was fully committed. There are always critics. I say let the guy be himself, whatever he has to do to get the god blessed job done and find that kid before another young woman is missing in that area. If emotion is what motives him, good. I don't think he gives a crap if it offends anyone. He has a 15 year old daughter as well, and he is fearful and frustrated as well. I seriously do not think Hannah's parents are bothered by his display of emotion one bit...that is who matters...not all of us here at home on websleuths for crying out loud. Let's focus on the positives of this case. 1) there are thousands of people looking for her 2) she is smart and capable from what I understand, so she could still be alive being held somewhere 3) more and more witnesses are coming forth 4) there is quite a bit of video 5) in a few days they will be able to rule in or out DNA in LM car and apt. So, in short, just focus on the positives. People could be doing some real thinking here and helping to analyze what matters, perhaps even solve a crime.

The parents said Hannah was interested in a career where she would be helping people. They mentioned her trip this past year doing just that. My question is that if she may have met LM in a health science type class or an intern type thing at the hospital where he worked? Just trying to think how and when they would have met...
Longo said that the entire world needs to be on the lookout...why? If JM is a fugitive, then issue an arrest warrant, show his picture, release the car, etc. His words were "four corners of the nation and beyond" which is so dramatic IMO.
I noticed Longo made a point of saying that the POI's name did not come from LE...maybe just in case he turns out to be not involved with her disappearance, jmo.
There have been this many and more over the years. One time - and maybe more than one - the whole site went down. If I recall correctly it was with Hailey in Florida and Cayley Anthony.

(I can't recall ever seeing this many people on one thread, almost 800---what's the record, I wonder? Boston Marathon? Discovery of Lizzie and Lyric?)
Since Longo again in this press conference said if anyone saw HG in JM's car or getting into his car we would like you to tell us this makes me think they have no eye witnesses that saw HG in JM car or HG getting into his car.
I think they want to know who the other person in the car was. JMO

clarify: I think there is at least one other person. LE has not said this.
Question about the motive for HG and JM going to Tempos? Why go there? Were there not other bars that she could have gone to that wouldn't lead them off E Main St? Apparently his car was on 4th st but Tempos is on 5th St. If Tempos was HG's destination all along, she was walking on the side of the road that would lead her to turn on the block instead of crossing traffic. There were no other bars in the direction she was heading on E Main St.

I think Tempos was her destination all along for whatever reason. The end of the Mall was just one more block it looks like down from 5th St.

Maybe JLM knew there were no cameras in there?

As for Tempos, I'd expect some visits from authorities to see if they are serving minors frequently.
I've been on WS for quite a while, but this is the first time posting in this thread. I hope it's Jesse, but if he's not the perp, then IMO they've made his life a living hell. My next door neighbor is a homicide detective. Several years ago 2 cops came to talk to my son about a graffiti incident at our HS. They said that they knew he wasn't involved but might have been a witness. We gladly allowed them to talk to my son. They spoke to him about a half hour. We have no idea what came of the incident. The next day my husband mentioned it to my neighbor, the homicide detective and he said never talk to the cops! He then said if you're ever asked to go down to a precent to answer questions, first get a lawyer. We were surprised, needless to say. I'm only rambling,because I keep thinking of the Olympic bombing and the poor guy that was accused and later proven to be innocent.
Sorry if this has already been covered...What does Hannah's father, John Graham do for a living? Meaning, does he have any type of job in government, CIA or anything of that nature.

Somehow connected with the World Bank, I believe. ( I read that at least a couple of places in the MSM.) Also, if you take a peek at Hannah's twitter feed and read some of her comments re: family interacting at various events, you will quickly get the sense that the family is pretty well connected -- both here and in the UK. Sadly, though, just goes to show that no matter who you know or what you do -- her poor parents are still feeling completely helpless and heartbroken at this point in time.

Just watched presser and poor dad -- just keeping it together as best he can -- and the poor, poor mother. So very, very sad.
Maybe JLM knew there were no cameras in there?

As for Tempos, I'd expect some visits from authorities to see if they are serving minors frequently.

It could be that she was supposed to meet him there, however he decided to play around in the mall area and noticed her walking by and caught up with her at Tuels.
I think the police are on the trail of something much bigger here.........and it isn't Jesse Matthew.

I call BS on LE. They have no evidence, admittedly. The reckless driving is I think the police are on the trail of something much bigger here.just made up or exaggerated in order to be able to go after him. My money says this will end badly for JW. He will probably end up shot. Then the whole case can be tied up in a neat little package. I was believing LE up until this presser. Way too emotional, no evidence, tunnel vision and the city's poor track record for missing girls make me wonder what is really happening in Cville.
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