VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #8

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Question: Does LE need a warrant to put a tracking device on a vehicle? Just wondering if when JM reportedly went into the police station with "family" members, the car was left unoccupied. Also, if and when he gets his car back will a device or chip surreptitiously have been placed in it? JMO

Absolutely need a warrant as the public has a general, reasonable expectation of privacy when it comes to where they drive to and from. Any actual attorneys, if I'm wrong, please correct me.

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This is from the link I provided: "Matthew is a nursing assistant at the University of Virginia Hospital. Before going to work for UVA, he drove a taxi in Charlottesville. His former boss, John Amato, told us:

“He was a nice guy, always in a good mood, always easy to talk to. I never had any problem with him. He was always reliable to call. The customers really liked him, so I’d be very, very surprised if he were tied into this negatively in any way.”

This is the original source for the photo in the above link:

Pretty sure he said federal agents which means FBI.

Bakerlady, I would think that the FBI BAU2 Quantico is involved in the HG investigation since they are only an hour and half away up I-95N.. Should be personal to them with five women missing/murdered in five years from the same vicinity...!2m2!1d-78.4766781!2d38.0293059
The police are saying that video shows JM leaving a bar with Hannah. They do not have any evidence that Hannah got into any vehicle with him, and there is no evidence to disprove that they did indeed go their own separate ways after leaving the bar.

I agree that this look very bad for JM, and it seems to me that the police are very suspicious, but simply do not have the evidence to hold him, forget outright accusing him. They cannot do it.

As for why JM is acting so erratically and refusing to cooperate, bear in mind that he is a poor, non UVA student, AA male being under suspicion for the disappearance of a white woman in a southern state. He has spoken to an attorney, it is clear, and my guess is that said attorney told both the police and him to take a walk. Told LE they had no grounds to hold him, and told him to keep mum. Those are his rights. If LE wants to arrest him, they need some evidence beyond the fact that he is the last person they can track on surveillance camera tapes before Hannah disappeared.

Model citizens, commited Christians, upstanding members of society in the south when AA males accused of foul play with a white female have not fared well.

I say all of this even though I feel that there is sometning not quite right about this. From the tapes, he was following Hannah, and must have noticed that she was acting erratically, was possibly drunk, under the influence, etc. And he bought her drinks? Then just let her go her own way? Doesn't sound good to me at all. But until the police get more evidence, there isn't much that can be done. If some of her DNA is in that car or whatever else of his they got, they might have grounds to book him. Even with that, taking the case to trial would be risky. No body. There are other explanations, unlikely though they may be, still possibilities. So LE needs more information.
His car had that damage way before last Friday night. He's been driving it that way for as long as I've known him.
Yikes! Not exactly a cool ride in which to lure a person. Surely someone would notice such a conspicuous vehicle!
I've never heard of a public defender being assigned to someone who is not charged with a crime and without a judge assigning that public defender.

They will be brought in if police want to question someone.
You can tell them you want an attorney and they have to call you one. Or stop talking to you. I suspect they wanted to talk to him,and he did walk in there so it seemed he might talk .

They have to allow you to call one, or call your rich aunt to hire you one, point is you can call whoever you want. The police department is under no obligation to provide you an attorney. They can either charge you right there or let you go but they don't provide attorneys.
I was wondering what kind of establishment Tempos is... what it is known for... party bar? cocktail lounge?

Locals said it is a classier type of cocktail lounge with food served, I believe.
But if he is such a moral person surely he would want to help find Hannah and help the investigation?

And who says he doesn't want to? You can want to, and still want to protect yourself.
I really shouldn't be posting before I have caught up completely, but I just want to say a few things.

Please try to understand Chief Longo's position. Hannah's disappearance happened on HIS watch and he is going to make sure they find her. Everyone, (and even the searchers), is exhausted at this point. All of them have put everything they have into trying to find Hannah. Time passage is the enemy. Trails can go cold and witnesses can become confused. Chief Longo is angry. He is seeing someone who was the last seen with Hannah and feels that person is either responsible for her disappearance or at least knows what happened to her. There is not a thing the Chief can do about it yet because the forensics are not back and he has no direct evidence he can arrest this guy on. It is so easy to sit here and judge when we have no idea exactly what LE knows. They certainly haven't told us everything they know even though they have told us a lot.

These threads are fast moving. They are almost like chats would be because we all want to comment. I have read threads at a time and it is interesting as to how they go. Chief Longo was our darling just yesterday. Today we are critical as to how angry he seems to be. What I see is a passionate man who is determined to get the person responsible for Hannah's disappearance. As he has also studied law, he knows what he can do and what he cannot. He cannot effect an arrest without specific charges. He is frustrated, exhausted, and feels he is letting Hannah down. Just as importantly, he feels he is letting Hannah's parents and family as well as the community down, IMO.

I am on LE's side in this and just pray they will find Hannah. I do not judge them because I am not there and not doing their job.

As for the guy on the run, he is certainly old enough to know that his running away is going to make him look guilty. He has to know what it is doing to his Mom and his Grandmom. Unless he IS guilty, he needs to turn around right now and go back to LE. Whatever else he may be charged with, it is certainly better than murder charges if he is not guilty of Hannah's disappearance, IMO.

Okay, I know I have been too longwinded and am going back to catching up. My thoughts and prayers are with Hannah, her family, and with LE.

My understanding is that they DID NOT try to speak to him before seizing his car and entering his home with the warrant. I've heard that his first encounter with police was when he was woken-up at 5:45am, being told his car was being taken and his apartment was going to be searched.

I think this is an unfair assumption. The chief said they wanted to speak to him leading me to believe they have tried numerous times. I'm an LEO and anytime a search warrant is served you try to talk to the person in hopes they want to clear up any misunderstanding... So just because they haven't up til yesterday surely doesn't mean they haven't tried numerous times
This is my understanding of using a court appointed lawyer.

At your arraignment, where they formally present your charges to you in court, the court will ask if you want a court appointed lawyer or if you have/will obtain a personal lawyer. If you decide on a court appointed lawyer, they provide you with the contact info. They may also have a lawyer present there to take on your case, and you will then meet with them to talk about your case in another room. The commonwealth pays for the lawyer. The attorney is free to you, if you provide info why you cannot afford one.

If you get a personal lawyer, they often do consultations of your case. You tell them your info and they tell you what they think they can do, how similar cases have turned out, and let you know if they'd be willing to take the case. They provide you with the fee information and you decide if you'd like to retain. This consultation may be free or it may cost depending on the attorney. You can also meet to receive legal advice for a fee. This is useful in scenarios for public speaking or processing paper work.

If you retain a layer, they do speak with police. I believe mainly to getting evidence and information about what will be presented against you. Your attorney can also speak for you with press, media or judges. Your attorney does much of the negotiating with the courts (the DA, the Judge, etc)

what's the process in retaining a lawyer?
do you have to be arrested/charged for a public one? who paid for the lawyers time or is it free?
do they advise for an hour free of charge without being retained?
if they are retained do they negotiate with police on clients behalf?

I've seen csi, but how does it work in real life?
sorry if they're dumb questions
Off topic:
I would like to point out to some new posters that we have an "ignore" feature here and sometimes it's your friend. So if you find yourself getting frustrated with posters you can put them on ignore. Not in any way telling anyone what to do I just didn't know about it when I first joined.

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I never said they haven't tried. I said they didn't try before they executed the warrants. They went in aggressively, and they alienated their POI.

What I mean is they very well could have gone up to the door and tried but he wouldn't and that led them no other choice. You don't just sit back and hope the suspect has a change of heart. These cases
Come down to evidence and every second that ticks by are seconds he could be destroying evidence
Look if a young woman is missing and the POI says he isn't going to talk unless there is a lawyer present do you really think LE will just say 'too bad' and let him leave? Of course not. They will bring in a lawyer.
As I said in the previous thread, so far all leads point to JM. Then they stop. He was with her at the downtown mall, he was with her in Tempo, he left Tempo with her. Then the trail goes cold. But the police looked at his car. They saw something that allowed them to get a warrant to search his car. In his car they saw something that allowed them to get a warrant to search his house. SOMETHING was there. Now if JM is innocent it's time he talked to LE. That way, if he is innocent, they can move their investigation on. But at this moment they have leads pointing firmly in his direction and he is refusing to co-operate to help find Hannah. I don't care how scared he is. Longo wants to find Hannah and find who disappeared Hannah. He's not going to railroad someone. He wants to give real answers to Hannah's family.

JM might be "indirectly" involved in that there might be other players and/or activities that caused HG to "disappear". I don't believe he walked into the PD and asked for a lawyer, as I feel they were questioning him or engaging in conversation outside of the interview room . There might have been a point where he felt he might incriminate himself or say something that can be misconstrued and used against him, thus he asked for a lawyer. First thing any lawyer tells their client is to not say anything without him being present...period. Let's see what forensics have to say with the results from the apt. and car. There better be something or the investigation takes a step backwards,imo.
It IS a very obvious vehicle! . . . . not only because of the color, but because of the condition it was in. It is not at all generic or a car you would not notice (even at night).

Yikes! Not exactly a cool ride in which to lure a person. Surely someone would notice such a conspicuous vehicle!
Facts of position at Tempo, places of work and currently enrolled. Source Linked In. Not sure if I should link to that. YOu can find it easy enough. the rest is theory.

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I wonder why Chief Longo keeps saying that a lot of people knew JM's name before he even said it. It's almost if he's insinuating something but I can't put my finger on what the point of continuing to say that is. Was he suspected of something else in the past that would make people remember him? It's crazy too how without the dreads he does fit the description that was given out at first. Did they purposely give an older description of JM? If so why?
In the picture posted above he almost does look like MH's suspect. Any thoughts on any of this? Anyone?

bc he was outed on other social media?? i think longo knew this.
Thats what I was wondering. Also, the location that searchers found MH shirt, is literally steps from the route the Hannah walked, as well as not far from JM's apartment. And ONE MORE thing that I can't seem to ignore, is that everyone keeps mentioning the white guy from the survelence footage, and how it appears him and JM "could" be texting each other. I recall in the MH case, that witnesses saw a blonde girl with a black man AND a white man under the bridge.

JM could be in this with someone else.

** I am new at posting and do not know how to include the post I was replying too. Sorry! (feeling frustrated)
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