VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #8

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From the link:

Before going to work for UVA, he drove a taxi in Charlottesville. His former boss, John Amato, told us:

“He was a nice guy, always in a good mood, always easy to talk to. I never had any problem with him. He was always reliable to call. The customers really liked him, so I’d be very, very surprised if he were tied into this negatively in any way.”

RAT had a c-ville cab drop him off after leaving Alexis's car in the parking lot, also a parking garage employee was call as a witness at her trial. Not say it is connected but I it is interesting. Both these guys hang out in bars.
What is Longo going to do if they cannot find sufficient evidence? We have seen many cases that have been unsolved for years, where LE likely has a main suspect but not enough to arrest him or her. He says they hope they find evidence after they process what they found in his apartment and car...what if they don't? How long is he going to hold these odd and dramatic PC's for? I really hope Hannah is found and whoever is responsible is charged, but I do wonder what this case will be like a month, six months, or a year from now if it remains unsolved.

Hopefully LE is looking at other avenues in case she didnt end up getting in that car with him.. At least they have a starting point (Tempo) to go by.. i pray someone seen something and hopefully contacted LE, Its not looking good for poor HG, but hopefully shes being held somewhere against her will and still alive
(Dude, sorry but this Chief is a total trip! He's killin me!)
Yes, I agree. I'm getting very concerned that JM will do something like that. In a way it's seeming like a witch hunt. I mean, have you seen some of the posts about him on other websites. :thinking: And did LE say that he drove away from Albermarle recklessly? Scary. This is just becoming an awful mess. Seems like emotions are high on both ends. I hope there's a better break in this case soon, before something worse happens. I'm just still not yet convinced JM is as involved as it has may seem. :thinking:

When LE is so aggressive in these conferences, I worry that JM will commit suicide and then there would be no due process and Hannah's poor parents won't have her remains. That's why I wish LE wouldn't talk about finding and arresting him and just do it. Ya know?
That's may be how JM is perceiving the situation only if he is innocent. If he's guilty or somehow involved, I'm sure he perceives it very differently... as in "oh man, they are on to me".

Even if he is guilty, Longo has a responsibility to real him in. There is a reason why a lot of LE will act friendly towards POI and suspects, to gain their trust. If JM is the guy, Longo has blown it, big time...IMO.
I'm thinking the cops would have JLM's phone records by now right? If they do they should be able to tell where and when he went places that night/morning and who he texted/called or do they need a special warrant for this?
DNA is not taken when people are arrested unless it is related to solving the crime like rape or murder.

Not the DNA of Matthew.

The DNA that has been found on other victims. It is on file
I understand the feeling underneath this but actually he does not need to prove his innocence, that's not how our justice system works. Innocent until proven guilty.

I understand what she is getting at, though. If most of us were in his position (and were innocent), we would be screaming it from the rooftops to everyone who would listen. I know I personally would want to say everything that happened (if I know I didn't do it), but I also don't know what my lawyer would be telling me. For example, a lawyer could really give you a scare by telling you that the police will do everything they can to make this fit. I know I would be scared at such a thought. I know many African-Americans think this all the time about the police. Many of them have a strict code not to talk at all to them -- no matter what. You simply don't know what kind of advice he's getting from family members and friends.
This may have been answered a thousand times already, but does anyone know whether LE questioned JLM at any time before showing up with the search warrant(s) for his car and his apartment?

No. He has never spoken with police about what he may or may not know about HG.
I really did not like him saying that he hopes they find evidence from JM's car/home. It is just not something LE should be saying, Imo. Defense attorney's dream? LE focused only on JM and even told the public that they hoped they could prove him guilty, before even charged? Super unprofessional, Imo.

He (Longo) wants to find Hannah. Uncovering evidence of Hannah being somewhere or with someone after 1:20 am on the 13th will further that goal. That is favorable. That is why he wants the forensics to come back with something that can prove Hannah was in that car and/or that apartment. I don't think he necessarily meant he wanted the evidence in order to prove JM guilty of murder. He needs solid evidence to move the case forward, from whatever source it comes. He is begging the public for it...JMO
i think the way LE kept repeating his name in the press conf. saying jm was the last person to be seen with her before she fell off the face of the earth..was to make it very clear..he was not saying he is a suspect..just the last person to be seen with her. And also saying his name was not given out by LE until it was already out there...LE is covering all their bases in case he is innocent. and also if JM is innocent..what more could he tell the police that he hasn't already. He says he walked out of restaurant with her and they went diff ways. If he is innocent he wouldn't know anymore to tell police.
Someone asked in the last thread why the FBI might be investigating ~ one of the crimes the FBI gets involved with is kidnapping. Even if she got in the car willingly, I would guess she was then taken somewhere against her will and/or was not free to leave...

I believe the FBI is involved because LE has reason to believe they are dealing with a serial killer.

I'm thinking Silence of the Lambs.

If it is true that JM is mentally challenged, then it is possible someone has been using him to secure victims. Or it could be that JM has a more sinister personality that is unleashed when triggered.

I noticed from JM's posts on Facebook that he seems to share pictures and messages (and joined a group) taking up for the underdog and for those who are bullied. Perhaps he was abused at one point and has a soft spot for others who have suffered his plight. Yet perhaps, given the right circumstances, things can also set him off and cause him to hurt others in retaliation and/or as a release for his pent up anger.
And no added charges as they were following the vehicle he was in.. Not trying to stop it when they stopped following it due to the speed and manner they were driving.. It was Va state police that was overtly watching him... Not fbi
It's a serious charge but it rarely sticks unless speeds top 95+. The caseload of the law firm I work for is 75% reckless. In the 3 years I've been there I've seen maybe one person go to jail for a day. Everyone else generally has had the charge dropped to an infraction.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I was just surprised to see forgetting to signal could be reckless.
I will be interested to see if he is jailed for this and for how long, and if for more than a few days how that will be justified.
I believe his DNA would only be on file for certain felonies.
Well, he went to the PD, but to tell you the truth, I'm not sure why. He didn't go there to tell them whatever he knows about HG. He went there, lawyered up, and left.
Maybe he's on your final scenario right now...who knows. His behavior, and this whole case for that matter, doesn't seem very "routine".

Sorry. Not clear. Not his DNA on file.

Those of perps of victims. Perps unknown
I understand what she is getting at, though. If most of us were in his position (and were innocent), we would be screaming it from the rooftops to everyone who would listen. I know I personally would want to say everything that happened (if I know I didn't do it), but I also don't know what my lawyer would be telling me. For example, a lawyer could really give you a scare by telling you that the police will do everything they can to make this fit. I know I would be scared at such a thought. I know many African-Americans think this all the time about the police. Many of them have a strict code not to talk at all to them -- no matter what. You simply don't know what kind of advice he's getting from family members and friends.

If it were me, I'd be willing to talk...but with a lawyer. If LE and just shown up and been like "hey, we know you may have met her that night, we just want to know what you saw" then I'd probably be willing to talk without a lawyer. But if they had searched, and taken my car, and then searched my apartment...I would not be saying a word without a lawyer. And if my lawyer said don't talk, well then...
Even if he is guilty, Longo has a responsibility to real him in. There is a reason why a lot of LE will act friendly towards POI and suspects, to gain their trust. If JM is the guy, Longo has blown it, big time...IMO.

But I don't think you have enough information to say he has blown it. People react differently to different situations, in some circumstances acting friendly is the right way to go and in others being confrontational is the correct move. We don't know or have near enough information to make even an educated guess as to how CPD is playing their cards... or even what their cards are.
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