VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #9

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Jmm124567 I added to your map. IF Hannah was walking around for an hour, especially if she was on Main St, would there be video evidence? Do businesses on Main St have cameras? There has to be video of her somewhere in that mystery hour. Unless she was in someone's car or home....

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Sorry for quoting my own post but I just realized she would have been captured on the shell camera if she walked up preston going towards McGrady's and she wasn't seen then. She was only seen at the shell camera AFTER she left McGrady's. This tells me she must have taken some other winding obscure route in order to get to McGrady's.
Sigh, no need to shout. If you want, I'll go back and find the time during the press conf that they said they did have video post-Tempos. Perhaps the sheriff misspoke. I agree that what Longo said during his prepared remarks and what the sheriff said during Q&A seemed inconsistent.

Yeah I saw it

Also everything we know about the texts are probably false

A reporter asked "can you clarify if her last text was at 1:06 or 1:20" and the LE Jim said "not at this point cause we are still working on getting the phone records with the phone companies"

So I assume they don't know much about the texts
One more time for those who missed it:
These are the arrests/charges for Jesse Leroy Matthew Jr (including all the typos and misspellings of his name) that I found for City of Charlottesville (Circuit & General District Courts) and the same for Albemarle County.
" Albemarle he had only 15 traffic offenses but he Charlottesville he had three serious charges. Two were nolle'd and one was appealed and went up to the circuit court.

GC09005873-00 MATTHEW, JESSE LEORY; JR. 04/22/2010 01:00 PM ATTEMPT - GRND LARCENY: $200+ NOT PERSON
Both occurred on 6/4/2009 both were nolle'd
Note the dyslexic typo on both those charges but it is him DOB 12/14

and this in 2010 which was appealed up to the circuit court on 4/30/2010
he was listed as living in Keswick, VA at time of incident 3/17/2010 (That's St Patty's Day, right?)
at circuit court level:
CaseNumber Defendant Charge Hear Date Status
CR10000129-01 MATTHEW, JESSE LEROY; JR TRESPASS AFTER FORBIDDEN 08/12/2010 Trial - Judge With Witness
The appeal was withdrawn in August 2010 he was found guilty and paid fines and fees.
the rest of the charges in C-ville were 7 traffic offenses
adding these two with the 12/14 DOB and typo of MatthewS
GT14000741-00 MATTHEWS, JESSE LEROY; JR 02/06/2014 10:30 AM 39/25 SP"
In my opinion, LE were onto JM well before they even released the surveillance video. That is why they chose to cut the video the way they did, rather than right before Hannah walks into the frame. They wanted to make sure everyone saw a close up of JM so they created the clip to start with him high fiving the women and walking right in front of the camera. They were already well aware he crossed over and caught up to Hannah. I am sure they already knew by then who he was as well. They just wanted to get any other info they could from other witnesses who might have seen him or come into contact with him that night.

Police also have many of the texts between Hannah and her friends from that night (I am sure friends would have turned them over). There may be lots of info in those texts. If Hannah and JM sat in Tempo for 20 minutes, I am sure she was texting her friends throughout. I work at a university and most of the girls text all time, they text during class, while walking, while eating, while drinking, even while sitting at a table talking with each other. She may have sent a text saying - nevermind on the lost thing or coming to get me, I think I have a ride, guy here at the bar is going to drive me over. (That is a total hypothetical - just saying police know what the conversations were that may have led them to JM.)

I also remember reading that police said they HAD talked to JM but wanted to talk to him again. We have no idea what was said during that initial conversation or how long it was. We have had zero information from JM about anything he has said or done. DailyMail saying grandma said that mom said that JM said....absolutely meaningless. I completely understand JM lawyering up and not talking anymore. He has probably known for awhile that the police suspect him.

I also don't think that JM sauntered up to Hannah and sweettalked her into having a drink at a bar. Hannah has been walking around lost, confused or trying to find someone/something for over an hour and a half at this point. That isn't the frame of mind, drunk or not, to want to sit down and have a drink in an upscale bar, no matter how cute the guy is or how good his pick up line was. I am sure by then she was tired and just wanted to get back to her friends, party or whatever destination she had in mind. I am guessing they ended up in Tempo because either JM knew someone who worked there, there was an offer of help, a need to use the bathroom etc. JM may have bought himself a drink while Hannah was in the bathroom. Then maybe he bought her one while he finished his. It could have been a coke, a water, a beer - who knows. I can imagine she was in a rush to get out of there and get to where she was going and I am sure she was texting throughout.

I think LE has released about 1% of what they know and I think I believe about 1% of what they have said. I don't know if they are doing a fantastic job or a terrible job but they obviously have a plan they are executing in what they release and how they release it. I have no idea what happened to Hannah or JM's guilt or innocence but I don't think the theatrics of the press conference are helpful either way. If he is innocent - a huge mess and if he is guilty, kind of compromises the case (unless they have a smoking gun of a body with his DNA on it)

bbm.. my question is, How drunk can one be to continue to text coherently to friends through out this whole "episode"? Does this really bring into question her actions that night? I mean we see her walking and running all over the place, interacting with people etc. I remember back in the day getting blasted and not being able to function in any manner close to what HG shows on tape.
The good thing about this case is that the people involved in this stick out to people

-JM is a big guy

-His car is a and a rarer color

-What HG was wearing
Doesn't seem to matter how many times or ways the most updated and accurate list of JLM Jr's arrest records, Charlottesville and Albemarle County, are posted, people don't seem to see the updated list.

The same with the question re: video of JLM Jr and HEG on video (THEY HAVE VIDEO per 9/20/2014 Press Conference) after TEMPO.

They may well have video of JM's orange car leaving and maybe they can see JM IN it, but while they suspect that HG was also in the car, they cannot SEE her in the video. That is why they are screaming for eyewitnesses who saw her get in the car. If Longo KNEW she was in the car he would not continue to say I "BELIEVE" she was in the car. End rant. JMO
Please reference your "statistics" about a"better chance" of being shot by mistake by a lawfully armed conceal-n-carry holder or retract your statement please. This is NOT the time or place for your anti-gun, anti-Fox News agenda. I find it very distasteful.

Thank you, DavidC.
Well, IMO, the reporter was asking about video tape surveillance and that is what the officer answered to her question, so I believe there is video.

But, communication is a 2-way street so maybe the officer wasn't understanding what she asked or his reply can be ambiguous to someone.

So, can we all agree to table the question of whether they have video of them leaving Tempo together? It is clear LE is asking for witnesses to come forward and report anything they saw when the two left Tempo -- getting into the car, etc.
Let's just go forward and not keep going back and forth on this point. MOO

It wasn't worded as "Video leaving the restaurant together". It was: "We do have them together after they left Tempo restaurant, so he's still with her at that time"

Not sure but I believe Tempo doesn't have cameras inside or out? So I take what he said above to mean they have footage from another location at a time after they know they left Tempo.
As someone related to someone who recently went through an unpleasant experience with LEO, you can be entirely honest and forthcoming about a situation and if they believe something different from what you are saying there is nothing you can do. At some point you realize, I am being set-up/railroaded and there is zero I can say or do to get myself out of this situation. Many people (if they are smart) clam up, lawyer up and shut their mouth. Maybe that's what happened. He have what he knew- found her, took her to tempo, they left and went their separate ways but they dont believe him. He has nothing else he can add but they are determined he does. I think most would do exactly what he is right now.

I totally agree, I can also see a person like me get extremely nervous and start rattling off things to get me in more trouble, even though I never did anything wrong. Or you say something and it gets misunderstood, I would do what my lawyer tells me to do.
Police received over 900 tips over the last 4 days with well over 50-75 eye witnesses so of course they know so much more than they are telling. The press conferences are all strategic.
Anyone considered JM did cooperate with LE. He told them he had a couple drinks and they went their separate ways. Maybe that is the exactly truth! That's all he knows. Period. LE is not happy because they think he knows more, but he doesn't. He gets accused of not cooperating because he is not telling them what they want to hear. They have him charged, tried, and convicted, in their minds.

What would you guys to? If it were me and I had simply had a couple drinks with her (yes, probably trying to pick her up) and then we went our separate ways, then she turned up missing. First I would tell police exactly what happened. Then if they didn't believe me and blamed me for her disappearance, I wouldn't talk to them again. I would get myself a lawyer. Now its time to protect myself.

Alos, I would get very frustrated they were following me and might speed around trying to lose the tail.

Lots of people are saying if he is innocent he should cooperate with LE. I think he did. He told them what he knew. Problem is LE doesn't believe him.
Sorry for quoting my own post but I just realized she would have been captured on the shell camera if she walked up preston going towards McGrady's and she wasn't seen then. She was only seen at the shell camera AFTER she left McGrady's. This tells me she must have taken some other winding obscure route in order to get to McGrady's.

So my original theory that she entered the page/10 th street neighborhood and walked around in that maze is probably correct. After an hour of being lost she emerged on Preston from 9th street NW and waked west to the pub.
See, I'm not so sure. I think she knew where she was. I don't think she could find the bar she was looking for, which would explain why she walked all over the place. I think she thought she could find it and didn't want to give up and go home. That makes so much more sense to me, especially if it was a boy she was meeting up with.

And having looked at the map of just how far she walked and over the length of time she walked, I would be very surprised if she was still intoxicated by the time she reached the downtown mall.

I kind of agree with this. I think she was purposefully going to the bar and mall looking for someone either to meet up with or confront for some reason. I think by the time she got to the mall she had given up and was just ready to call it a night or meet back up with her friends and someone, whether it be JM (most likely IMO) or another, took advantage of her situation and from there who knows. JMO
According to the presser last night they have tape of them together after leaving Tempo

I would bet that footage is of Hannah in the POI's car. I think that is what led LE to his car and subsequently, his home. I believe LE wants to hear from anyone who saw her get into the vehicle to find out if she got in by force, which would be the abduction site, or if she got in willingly and the criminal act(s) took place elsewhere.
What happens if the forensics from the car and apt show that Hannah wasn't in either place? What do the police say then to Jesse, sorry about all this, have a good day? Just wondering what happens next.

Well I know several people, myself included that have been arrested and then all charges dropped and NO I didnt get my money or anything back, thats not how it works..wish it did but it doesnt. No apology for me or my friends etc.

Wanted to add, almost lost my job over something I didnt even do.
I have been interrogated for 4 hours for something I honestly did not do and the police did not believe me. There whole case was for the most part speculation. They were trying to get a confession out of me but I was truly innocent and I could not convince them of it but I was never charged with anything. I started to shake an hour into it they were doing bad cop good cop. I did not have a lawyer and did not want one because I was truly innocent.
So my original theory that she entered the page/10 th street neighborhood and walked around in that maze is probably correct. After an hour of being lost she emerged on Preston from 9th street NW and waked west to the pub.

Realizing she went the wrong way to the Mall and headed back. It is a 17 minute walk from McGradys @12:46 to Sals where she is seen on camera at 1:02. It looks like she went straight there with no stops.
We know anecdotally that she knew McGrady's well as her ski team often went there. So once there she should have felt a feeling of starting to reorient herself (if she had been lost). She knew she was at a safe spot and could have asked the bouncer/doorman for directions. She didn't. I think the police know where she was between the time she left the apartments and when she arrived at McGradys. I think going there was intentional - not a chance happening after lost wandering for an hour. She doesn't act like someone relieved to have found a familiar landmark. IMO she was looking for someone. She looked on the patio then asked the bouncer if she could look inside (but was denied entrance). I also don't see her as stumbling drunk. Some of the McGrady video clips have been edited to make it look like she steps off the curb then back on the curb. That is spliced - she walks off the curb and is off camera for a couple minutes then returns. I am still undecided if her trip down the mall was intentional or if she became disoriented after leaving McGrady's.
They seem to be very quiet about the two rapes- both occurring not more than a couple blocks from where Hannah was partying. They usually give a description of the suspect-- not the case with these cases.

It seems likely to me that the sexual assaults are not related, and not related to Hannah. If they were, and police had reason to believe that the POI was involved, they would be negligent not to mention this to the public. It is possible, and in my opinion probable, that they have a description of the suspect(s) and that they are not relevant to this case.

This is just my opinion of course. Many of the assaults reported on campuses, or in student areas, are incidents of assault by acquaintances. It can be very difficult for authorities when these reports arise. When I was an undergraduate, our university had a slew of reports about assaults of young women walking alone leading to fears that there was a serial offender. What was unusual about this case is that at least two of the reports were later called into question (one had been a fabrication) and campus and local police ended up determining that these were not related incidents.
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