VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #9

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If this happens ever again, please get the lawyer.

I have been interrogated for 4 hours for something I honestly did not do and the police did not believe me. There whole case was for the most part speculation. They were trying to get a confession out of me but I was truly innocent and I could not convince them of it but I was never charged with anything. I started to shake an hour into it they were doing bad cop good cop. I did not have a lawyer and did not want one because I was truly innocent.
QUOTEHe is a medical transporter who wheels patients to and from surgeries in the hospital. Not in a an ambulance or other vehicleQUOTE

Thank you, SkiGirl! That answers my question!
I want to delete my last map as now realize it is probably very wrong but its been quoted so...uhh I dunno here is my next best guess.

Sorry :blushing:

Anyone considered JM did cooperate with LE. He told them he had a couple drinks and they went their separate ways. Maybe that is the exactly truth! That's all he knows. Period. LE is not happy because they think he knows more, but he doesn't. He gets accused of not cooperating because he is not telling them what they want to hear. They have him charged, tried, and convicted, in their minds.

What would you guys to? If it were me and I had simply had a couple drinks with her (yes, probably trying to pick her up) and then we went our separate ways, then she turned up missing. First I would tell police exactly what happened. Then if they didn't believe me and blamed me for her disappearance, I wouldn't talk to them again. I would get myself a lawyer. Now its time to protect myself.

Alos, I would get very frustrated they were following me and might speed around trying to lose the tail.

Lots of people are saying if he is innocent he should cooperate with LE. I think he did. He told them what he knew. Problem is LE doesn't believe him.

Good point. IIRC it was the detective who spoke with him when police came to search the car (and Longo repeated this in Cooper interview). It was reported that police had spoken to him but hadn't interviewed him (this was prior to him showing up at the police station).
I mentioned it earlier, but by using this "speeding" they can come up with a warrant and this will allow them to easily apprehend him without question. They are using this to their advantage, so that they can bring him in when they want and make the claim it was for his reckless driving. Not that he is a criminal at this point, but criminals are often brought in via simple traffic violations.They felt the need to have him on their radar and this was the way to go about it.

LE could not foresee the future and know that he would speed and that they could get him on a traffic warrant.

That was merely luck that happened.
Are you too young to remember John Norman Collins?

I think it is fair to say that Michigan and EMU were not very safe during Collins' spree over 40 years ago... But I don't think that is to say that the amount of violent crime at UVA the week before last was typical for a medium-sized university town! IMHO something is going on there.

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She was not admitted into McGrady's. JMO
I have not seen anything about that. students are constantly getting assaulted and robbed in that neighborhood(Veneble). Rarely are they beaten and left for dead. I've heard that there is a gang in cville that requires that you break the jaw of a white guy as initiation rite.
Isn't that the frat house area over there? Maybe there was a drunken fight?
IDK, possible but I find it interesting that 1:40 AM is also the end of the time period that Chief Longo wants the community to focus on as to any sightings of HG with anyone and the whereabouts of the orange car (Time frame Longo, per 9/21/2014 PC is most interested in 1:20-1:40 AM 9/13/2014.) Is it a coinky dink or not? Very curious, too me anyway.
I know it has been argued whether or not there is video of HG and JM leaving Tempo. If they arrived and shared a drink together and left at the same time that would make sense.

One thing we know for sure is that Chief Longo clearly stated no evidence exists, witness testimony or video, that proves that HG ever got into the car with JM.
Sorry Im not buying it.
What I don't UNDERSTAND is thinking he is innocent...He has made himself look Guilty.
If this dude was just out for a stoll on the mall and saw himself on video he would have come forward.
To me It appears he saw a young woman that was disoriented and upset and very ALONE ..... made his move!

Sorry fate put him there it is what it is He was seen on video on national TV its time to put the big boy pants on and do whats right. No matter what color u are. All JMO

BBM. I agree with this. If everyone worried about getting self in trouble and will not step up when seeing something that can help a case like this, it's a sad state of affairs. However, bear in mind that he has spoken to and been spoken to by LE twice and has also consulted with an attorney. If that attorney, who is likely one who specializes in situations like this tells him to not talk to the police and to lie low, then that is the advice he is going take, has the right to take it.

A few years ago, there was a case around here where someone was suspected of something. He had a warrent out on him for some minor thing, driving the wrong way on park property, and the police seized on that as a reason to go after him full force. The best thing that happened to him was that he was out of state with no idea what was happening. Things cleared up by the time he got wind of the situation and returned and LE didn't even want to interview him and he could just pay his fine on that warrant and that was it. So, yes, in the case of JM, and others in such a predicament, it is possible, that the best thing to do is to wait and see what further developments arise. IF LE find evidence of Hannah with someone else later and elsewhere, they'll drop JM like a hot potato.

I do think however, that things do not look good for JM, and it is possible, even probable that he is avoiding questions because truthful answers could land him in terrible trouble, rightfully. So he bought a lost young woman who was heavily intoxicated drinks and then what? Just wanted to buy her drinks and send her on her way? Does't sound right to me. She's on her way to a friend's party, and she's going to stop and have a drink and go off with someone she runs into while she's lost? IMO, he told her to have a drink and he'd take here where she wanted to go. She texted at 1:20 what she thought was her whereabouts and then something happened. She was likely in a car at that time thinking she was on her way to social event. That's my theory. Clearly she left the area, had to be by vehicle very shortly after leaving Tempo with JM. Where did JM go? Is he on tape? They both disappeared into thin air after leaving Tempo together? umm. Makes no sense to me.
Wouldn't LE have lifted HG prints from JM car if they were there that would have placed her in the car? Or is that why they were able to get the search warrant for JM home?
More from Longo on the case:

On Matthew coming into the police station, speaking briefly with a lawyer and leaving without answering questions: "Honestly, it's very bizarre. It's certainly nothing that I've experienced in 33 years in this business."

Really? In 33 years he's never had a POI lawyer up and leave? I find that bizzare from what I'm learning of how things work in the US!
It's my opinion that is what has happened, it's my opinion that is why longo was as aggravated as he was yesterday, they have nothing on him.

Yikes. You could be right.
I have been interrogated for 4 hours for something I honestly did not do and the police did not believe me. There whole case was for the most part speculation. They were trying to get a confession out of me but I was truly innocent and I could not convince them of it but I was never charged with anything. I started to shake an hour into it they were doing bad cop good cop. I did not have a lawyer and did not want one because I was truly innocent.

That happened to a guy I used to work with. He was stopped because he looked like a guy wanted for car theft and drug running, and when he produced ID to show he owned the car, they ran him in for identity theft as well. And when he got the car back, they had totally trashed it -- ripped open all the seats, ripped the lining off the door panels, even cut open the spare tire looking for hidden drugs. And there was nothing he could do. Apparently there's no requirement that they return your property in good condition. (Yes, race was a factor...)
It wasn't worded as "Video leaving the restaurant together". It was: "We do have them together after they left Tempo restaurant, so he's still with her at that time"

Not sure but I believe Tempo doesn't have cameras inside or out? So I take what he said above to mean they have footage from another location at a time after they know they left Tempo.
could it mean witness statements (bouncer) and not video? or was it specifically said by LE "video"?
Police received over 900 tips over the last 4 days with well over 50-75 eye witnesses so of course they know so much more than they are telling. The press conferences are all strategic.

BBM I was just going to offer the same opinion. I am friends with a very high-profile attorney who assures me that NO presser is ever given without every bit of it strategically planned. Planned to glean information that LE needs, planned to let a POI know that LE is in posession of certain information, etc. Even the parents, in that poor dad's impassioned plea, are coached on what to say that will potentially resonate with the perp.

Also, I just can't get WG out of my mind. On the video, he is in front of her, then ducks into the doorway, then steps out again following Hannah. I've read all of the speculation about why this might be, but something about it is very fishy to me. VERY fishy.
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