VA - Hannah Elizabeth Graham, 18, Charlottesville, 13 Sept 2014 - #9

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topcat made a good point earlier. ..Texting while intoxicated. My experience with this with friends, family etc is that YES you can definitely tell if someone is intoxicated by their texts especially if they are very wasted. So how on earth did this overly intoxicated young lady, to the point of hanging onto strangers seem to keep texting so coherently?
Been trying to think things out...please correct me if I am wrong..

We know that the WG came into the police station the night the videos were released (some say he had called the tip line prior but this was the first time he was interviewed)

The chief had said JM had come into the station as well..Could it be he came in after the chief indicated that the video shows only HG and her reflection? Maybe JM heard this and felt he was clear because he was not seen with her on video? Could he have been the one who gave the description of the person seen with her and not the WG? Did the chief specifically indicate that WG gave that description?

Once the chief got multiple phone calls that the reflection was actually, JM, thats when they started the warrant ball rolling?


That video clip starts with JM walking on camera and ends with JM walking off camera. That entire clip is about JM. Police played dumb as part of their tactics but likely not only did they know exactly every movement JM had made on camera, I am sure they also already knew who he was.

If I saw a videoclip released that tracked my movements and focused on me, red flags would be flying and no way would I speak to LE from that point on without a lawyer present, even if I was 150% innocent. Especially when very shortly after my car was seized and my house was searched.
Just remember this is a college town, a lot of times bars in those locations don't always follow the rules. I live in Harrisonburg, another college town, and only an hour away from Charlottesville and when I was younger and out partying I've been served alcohol on many occasions after 2 am, even after the bar is officially closed, we've had many of places lose their liquor license and subsequently close after breaking similar laws. Also last call is usually around 1:30 am to 1:45 am. I know Tempos hours are until 1 am, but many times places like that will stay open longer if they are still busy, it's not illegal until after 2 am anyways.

Thank you. Seems kind of crazy a bar would risk that. Greed I guess lol
Random thought time:

Can't help but think the Police might want to investigate the two sexual assaults that occurred the same weekend that HG went missing - one of them on the same night at practically the same location where HG texted someone saying she was lost. 14th and Wertland.

Report on sexual assaults:

Strange? Police have said there is no connection. But if that's the case, then this is probably the biggest coincidence of all time. What if the 'text' sent by HG was an attempt to bait her female friends to come out looking for her. Like I said, just a thought....

That's a great point!!! Nice thought USM!!
RE: WG on the Pedestrian Mall: Do you think he stopped because he knew she was behind him and he wanted to follow her OR did he first notice her when she passed him in as he was standing in the doorway?
Hannah is all I have thought about since I logged off late last night, well the wee hours. I was lurking and reading on my phone. Hannah was the first thing I thought about when I woke up this mor... umm afternoon. I think it was about 5am when I got to sleep.

And still, I just can't get my head around it.
Is JLM incredible stupid or incredibly smart
I don't understand why he hasn't spoken to police and cleared his name if he has nothing to hide
Is he scared, of LE, or someone else?
Can't shake the feeling someone else is involved and possibly the real SK
Maybe JLM is the 'pick up guy'
Can't decide if I love Chief Longos passion or if I want to scream stop, reel it in

Just thoughts running round my foggy mind, most importantly... WHERE IS HANNAH?


When I think about this, and Hannah, my brain is always foggy! I completely agree with you. I don't know how I feel about it other than horribly worried for Hannah and sad for her family.

My first reaction to the press conference was that I loved his passion, but now I am more towards let's reel it in. I assume they know more than they want us to know, but if it's not enough to detain their poi, I personally think the anger is misplaced & could potentially cause somebody to make rash decisions they wouldn't normally make. If that makes sense.
Possibly but the way it was phrased made it sound as though he came into the police station for the sole purpose of requesting an attorney and that he did not speak with them in regard to anything else.

if he's fearful about trusting LE, why would he trust the lawyer they provide is impartial and not "in with" the police
Wow...This seems like a lot of foot traffic for an 18 year old college girl to cover alone on a Friday night! Maybe I am wrong, but Hannah does not appear to be a "party girl" type of person that frequents bars alone, "lives for the week-end", gets drunk and high or engages in consensual risky behavior frequently. Not the kind of person I would see walking ALONE to bars. She appears to be social with a lot of friends and involvement in college activities, a softball player, band member, and a smart student who takes her grades and classes seriously. Her facebook/tweets don't display many pictures or comments about drinking and partying. So...why in the heck would she be running, stumbling, or walking around town late at night BY HERSELF???????

I have daughters, nieces (and even myself back in the day) who attended big colleges in party towns. We all have had different experiences with partying and engaging in risky behavior and establishing our "priorities" on a Friday night. Not a single one of us would have walked or been alone for that length of time, especially intoxicated, UNLESS we were meeting someone in particular, a guy we were interested in or someone we knew really well. Most college students (girls in particular) do not get drunk or walk around drunk by themselves, because drinking is a social thing! There is usually one girl in the group that feels they are the "caretaker" of everyone that is drunk and will attempt to make sure everyone gets home safely, even if they themselves are drunk! Look at the videos. There is NO OTHER FEMALE walking alone! Who was Hannah going to meet or who was she looking for? Was it JM? Was it someone she was secretly seeing or had a crush on? In my opinion, she had a purpose of going there alone, and her gait and brisk movements show it (as opposed to being lost).
They do not have video of HG and JM after Tempo

They have eyewitnesses who saw them leave Tempo

Police said they have video of JM car leaving the area but they can't tell if HG is in it, that seems to be why Longo has twice pleaded with the public that if they saw her in his car they should tell police

It was stated at the presser that they have footage of them after they left Tempo... So they're lying now?
Do you have a link? Not doubting you, just want to see what they said.

Video taken at 1:06 a.m. Saturday at 221 E. Main St. showed a white man walking into the camera frame, Roberts said. The man looked over his shoulder, then stepped into a doorway as Graham walked past. After she passed, the man started walking behind her. A second video, taken at 1:08 a.m. from a camera at 319 E. Main St., showed Graham walking with the same white man some distance behind her.

Roberts said the man in the video told police that a black man approached Graham and put his arm around her. They started to talk and the first man continued walking off of the mall.
I wonder if LE will ask for all credit card receipts that were run through after a certain time (like after 12 pm) and contact those people to ask if they remember anything, left at the same time , etc. (from Tempo). They could also do the same for McGrady's since she stood outside of the beer garden (even though she did not go in).
Random thought time:

Can't help but think the Police might want to investigate the two sexual assaults that occurred the same weekend that HG went missing - one of them on the same night at practically the same location where HG texted someone saying she was lost. 14th and Wertland.

Report on sexual assaults:

Strange? Police have said there is no connection. But if that's the case, then this is probably the biggest coincidence of all time. What if the 'text' sent by HG was an attempt to bait her female friends to come out looking for her. Like I said, just a thought....

Very, very interesting possibility.
I just keep wondering that do any of you all think there's a possibility that perhaps no one did anything to Hannah, but maybe something happened to her when she got lost? I mean, for example, the case of the one mentally ill young woman who disappeared, and then later they found her body in a lake, and she had drowned because she had wandered off by herself. Apparently she sometimes imagined things, like things were chasing her or something. And in the dark, she fell into a lake.

I'm just saying this because of the text Hannah sent that she was lost, and on top of that if she was inebrieated to where she didn't know her surroundings. Or even it could be the case that someone earlier had put some kind of date-rape drug or something in her drink, to where she was in a very vulnerable state. Is it possible she could have fell somewhere, or fallen into a lake, or something of that sort?
Thank you. Seems kind of crazy a bar would risk that. Greed I guess lol

It is crazy, but pretty common. We had one popular spot called The Pub shut down because after they officially "closed" at around 2 am they would let some patrons hang around with the staff and they would all drink until the crack of dawn. This went on for awhile until a waitress drove home drunk at like 5 am or something and hit and killed a pedestrian. Needless to say they aren't open anymore, but things like this still go on at different locations regularly.
RE: WG on the Pedestrian Mall: Do you think he stopped because he knew she was behind him and he wanted to follow her OR did he first notice her when she passed him in as he was standing in the doorway?

His statement that he followed her because he thought she was in physical distress makes no sense to me, considering he was in front of her to begin with; he had to have seen her prior to that. I think he stepped into the doorway waiting for her to pass.
if he's fearful about trusting LE, why would he trust the lawyer they provide is impartial and not "in with" the police

That is exactly my same thoughts. Why go to the lions den if your afraid of the lion? There are phone books and plenty of attorneys..I would have called everyone in the book before I went to LE and requested one..if I were so afraid that is.
I think it is bizarre..I never heard of anyone who is a POI walking into a police station and requesting the LE to point you to an attorney. Seems bizarre to me...I could understand if you were brought in for questioning and then asked for an attorney.

I agree. It's not like he was forced to come in. He just walks in and says I want an attorney.

When I think about this, and Hannah, my brain is always foggy! I completely agree with you. I don't know how I feel about it other than horribly worried for Hannah and sad for her family.

My first reaction to the press conference was that I loved his passion, but now I am more towards let's reel it in. I assume they know more than they want us to know, but if it's not enough to detain their poi, I personally think the anger is misplaced & could potentially cause somebody to make rash decisions they wouldn't normally make. If that makes sense.

I see it as frustration because even if it turns out that HG did not leave with him in the car JM has information that investigators need........he was the last known person to see her. They have to assume that he has information and is withholding it for some nefarious reason. Frustration. JMO
Video taken at 1:06 a.m. Saturday at 221 E. Main St. showed a white man walking into the camera frame, Roberts said. The man looked over his shoulder, then stepped into a doorway as Graham walked past. After she passed, the man started walking behind her. A second video, taken at 1:08 a.m. from a camera at 319 E. Main St., showed Graham walking with the same white man some distance behind her.

Roberts said the man in the video told police that a black man approached Graham and put his arm around her. They started to talk and the first man continued walking off of the mall.

I don't remember seeing any comments about this, but does anyone else see a person sitting in the doorway where WG paused and watch HG go by?
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