VA - Johnny Depp's defamation case against ex Amber Heard, who countersued #4

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I haven’t been following the case because it is nauseating. But regardless of who wins, haven’t they both pretty much ruined their careers after this suit?

I don't think both have. I suspect his career will recover especially since more and more people now have come to the opinion that his ex wife is a bold faced liar, and a dreadfully bad actor. I do believe this is working in JD's favor, and to the detriment of AH.
Was this entire audio played in court or only parts?

IDK, but there is a lot packed into this that was recorded AFTER the Australian altercation that Depp had his finger severed and now Heard has dramatically testified about being sexually assaulted with a square bottle that was possibly that broken bottle among many other supposed assaults. Just SMH, it doesn’t make sense how she could fabricate that story knowing that this recording was made.

Since we have learned the attorneys are on a time clock, would they play this whole 46 minute recording or just snippets?
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Sadly I don't think this is quite correct. It comes down to whether what Amber Heard claimed was true. If she can prove that she was abused by JD, then, she wins. I think it is very obvious that even if he was only retaliating, that there was definitely abuse towards her. This is evidenced by damage to property (which constitutes domestic abuse) and emotional abuse (calling her names, etc). This is all that she has to prove, and she will, IMO.

I think JD is very aware he will likely lose this case. I don't think he is doing this to win - I think he's doing it to expose her and to somehow redeem himself through the process.

I'm not a fan of JD or AH, I look at this case quite objectively.
What seems clear to me is that their relationship was very toxic. JD is a tragic lost soul IMO, and he has descended into drug and alcohol abuse. He has engaged in some toxic behaviours. But if I had to adjudicate who was the agressor, I would think it is AH. She comes across as very manipulative, dramatic, disingenuous and the fact she took photos of him in humiliating situations since the beginning of the relationship shows that she was out to set him up IMO.

I agree with some of your thoughts :)

Here is why credibility is so important (imo):
In the op-ed she claims she was the victim of SA. In court she claims (via Bredehoft on opening statements) she was unable to escape a 3-day period of intense physical and SA. Why was she unable to escape? Was she forcibly handcuffed to a wall or locked in closet? Why didn't she send photos and messages to friends and loved ones of what she was enduring? Why didn't she seek help from someone/anyone in Australia?? Did JD pay off every living soul in Australia to keep her hostage and prevent her from calling/messaging/running to someone for help?? I hope to heaven there is at least one member of the jury who will question the credibility of her testimony regarding this SA. I hope that juror questions the lack of evidence of the SA. And, I hope that one member questions the credibility of her op-ed title claim of SA and how well-aware she was of the damages this would inflict on JD.
Which I can understand, but unfortunately when it comes away from MSM, it turns into being about atrocity.

I'm sure TA's family don't see the parallel.

I agree that they probably don't see the parallel, especially to the horrific ending. But the mannerisms and manipulation and lies are definitely similar. Most of all, I think people are comparing the two not only because of these things but more so because of the DV or IPA against men. You don't see a lot of this in the press because it is not reported, covered up, pushed aside or disbelieved.

Nick Wallis is a UK journalist who attended the trial dail yin the UK and live tweeted it. He has a website that has the the daily transcripts of the UK trial along with other information regarding the case including witness statements. This is the link to his website:

Here is a link to one of his appearances on CourtTV. He comes on at about 1:30

He also has a YouTube channel where he is reporting on the trial

And he is verified on Twitter

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I tend to agree with this on the whole. It is clear that his strategy is -- knowing that defamation in the US is near impossible to prove, especially for a public person -- to win in the court of public opinion. The public opinion strategy is to show Heard, and even more so the other "unofficial" defendant, The Washington Post, as hypocritical.
Depp has to show he never committed any abuse to win in court. But he only needs to show Heard herself was sometimes abusive to win in the court of public opinion, as the public is VERY sensitive to hypocrisy.

Looking at some of the algorithm tools we have at my company to analyze social media trends, Depp, fairly or not, is winning, and to a huge degree, in the court of public opinion. Tiktok data is stunning for this case in terms of differentials of what is supportive of Depps case. Same with Twitter.

I think think the real guilty party here is the Post (despite not being on trial). The Washington Post is not the NY Post, National Inquirer, TMZ or the UK-based Sun. The Washington Post is supposed to be top ten prestige sober news organizations in our country. That they did not bother to do any fact checking, a cursory amount of which would have shown that both parties in this have credible abuse allegations, is stunning.
And high public opinion = starring roles. 3 or 4 movies to break even with counter suit if awarded full amount. IMO.
He’s fighting for his reputation. If somewhat successful then the financial costs will get absorbed eventually.

Nick Wallis is a UK journalist who attended the trial dail yin the UK and live tweeted it. He has a website that has the the daily transcripts of the UK trial along with other information regarding the case including witness statements. This is the link to his website:

Here is a link to one of his appearances on CourtTV. He comes on at about 1:30

He also has a YouTube channel where he is reporting on the trial

And he is verified on Twitter


I found this guys website a couple of days ago and have been reading all of the witness statements and transcripts of the UK trial. Very good info for anyone wanting to learn more about this case!
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Nick Wallis is a UK journalist who attended the trial dail yin the UK and live tweeted it. He has a website that has the the daily transcripts of the UK trial along with other information regarding the case including witness statements. This is the link to his website:

Here is a link to one of his appearances on CourtTV. He comes on at about 1:30

He also has a YouTube channel where he is reporting on the trial

And he is verified on Twitter

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I very much doubt she carried the baby.
Didn‘t she and Musk have an embryo frozen? Is this the one? If so, she’s set for life anyway.

In documents seen by the Mirror, Jennifer Howell – a pal of Heard’s sister Whitney Henriquez and mum Paige – says the latter told her that billionaire Musk was suing the actress.

In the statement, Howell said: “Paige told me.... she was in a legal battle with him over the rights to embryos they had created together. He wanted to destroy them, and Amber tried to keep them to have a baby.”
Wow. Thought Elon Musk had more sense than to get mixed up with a psycho like AH.
Wow. Thought Elon Musk had more sense than to get mixed up with a psycho like AH.
Apparently not <modsnip- no link> James Franco found her appealing as well. Not sure what that’s about but hopefully after all this, men/women see a neon sign that says NO above her head when they see her.
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Apparently not <modsnip - no link> James Franco found her appealing as well. Not sure what that’s about but hopefully after all this, men/women see a neon sign that says NO above her head when they see her.

She is very pretty when she smiles,unfortunately that beauty is purely aesthetic and most definitely not a true reflection of the person that wears the facade.
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Wow. Thought Elon Musk had more sense than to get mixed up with a psycho like AH.
She had stunning looks at one point, and Elon must have found her entertaining to some degree IWT. Speaking of which, I am hoping he will have to testify, b/c I think we could count on it being highly entertaining. I think he'd do it too, he loves to shock.

Amateur opinion and speculation
there was testimony I read in the UK trial from JD about texts he has concerning obtaining drugs-
JD denies and then sort of agrees that he obtained drugs for the AUS trip

(reporter at the trial, giving line by line recaps of the testimony)

Anyhow, with enough drugs or alcohol, there might be less physical sensitivity.

I feel pretty sure these arose recently in the U.S., and that JD in fact said it bluntly in plain language, something akin to: "Ms. Heard occasionally indeed asked me to procure drugs for she and her friends". (It was when Rottenborn was prying about Marilyn Manson's assistant, IIRC.)

Also hope she’s questioned about the reason she took embarrassing and humiliating photos of the man she loved so much, her ‘soulmate’.

And why she laughed at the end of the cabinet-slamming clip, while stating she was terribly afraid of him.

And why she believed her friends were entitled to live rent-free in JD’s million dollar properties.

And why she set up a breakfast table with booze and drugs for a photo.

To name but a few.
And why her first thought post-marriage, was to whine aloud about not being in the will, like it was the worst thing possible – “I'm not EVEN in”, I’m like, you JUST got married, lady… people don’t re-do their wills daily…

“The lines”, I must admit, are suspicious, as I’m not sure who exactly would cut a batch of lines and then walk away from them, lol, risking that someone will blow them off into thin air; and the huge glass, frankly, seems more like "tea with lemon", as it's cloudy, than it does whiskey - seems staged; with a vaguely possible 10% chance that the person so arranging this table could be so half blotto that they would walk away from it without realizing they hadn't snorted their drugs - "ooh, look, shiny!", etc.
Yeah….that testimony threw me for a loop. Recalling such a horrendous event without missing a beat or tensing up ….I knew she was lying.

if her testimony is as people are saying…..from the movies… etc.
well…..she has pulled this one from the files of the Fatty Arbuckle trial !!!!

moo moo moo
...Yeah, I've thought that a lot.

Even if you don't know/believe in the principle that she's hoovering exact (movie) lines, there are flashing-sign tropes - deciding practically overnight that, oh yeah, the photo she's known about/owned for years, is in fact the "***REAL***" bottle he "molested" her with... if she had but waited to get on the stand, it would be your standard "Dallas" scenario, where the "trauma" of the witness stand suddenly "shocks" her into remembering... the bold undaunted heroine, fighting with all her might just to get up and stand, staring haughtily down her raised nose-and-chin at the "villain" of the piece... fighting with all her might to force herself to leave this abusive brute she had but loved... is pure historical romance drama... she's quite the piece of work, IMO.
Apparently not and if you Google photos of them together…I’ve seen a few where Musk has markings on his face as though he had been in a fight. Her tongue must be pure silver and her….anyways. James Franco found her appealing as well. Not sure what that’s about but hopefully after all this, men/women see a neon sign that says NO above her head when they see her.
You mean like this one?

Note her sulky expression and the huge red mouse on the cheek of Musk's which is facing her... I swear I've seen one where she looks even sulkier/meaner, which was (probably) taken even closer to her clouting him.

Keep in mind, although he may be a billionaire now; he's got decades of being "just another broke nerd with trouble getting girls to look at him" behind him, as I'm sure he would be the first person to tell would think at this juncture he might feel a little kindlier towards Johnny Depp; although I wouldn't expect to see it reflected in him showing up at court or anything, lol.
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I personally think that anytime someone can not handle their rage and anger that someone could get seriously harmed or murdered. The testimony so far has shown that she "gets so angry that she loses it" .. and I believe those were her words.
I agree, when someone goes "red haze in front of the eyes" type angry... as her former assistant Kate James in fact I believe said, she wasn't entirely sure that was not the case when Amber was blessing her out, something like "I didn't feel certain she was in control of enough of her faculties to really hear what she was saying", and also...

"Hasta la muerte" engraved on a knife???

After which she clearly and blatantly smirks from her seat at the defendant's table, like there's something funny about it?

It's all a little Billy-Bob Thornton and Angelina Jolie, isn't it?

Was it an imminent active plan? I'm not saying that; but (provided she could get into the will, snerk) am I sure she would have minded if he had accidentally wound up dead? That, I'm not so sure about.
I found this guys website a couple of days ago and have been reading all of the witness statements and transcripts of the UK trial. Very good info for anyone wanting to learn more about this case!
Only read a few witness statements so far and have already found quite a few inconsistencies as it pertains to this trial.
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