VA - Meghan Landowski, 16, raped & murdered, Portsmouth, 10 April 2008 #1

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i am not a trained typest ( who knew???) and am squinting with one contact screwey & pecking away..... having approval of the family goes without saying...... but i should have stated it anyway.
I think a rally of some sort would be a great idea to get this back in the news and in the public eye IF there were no "breaks" in the case. However, based solely on the current news report and previous information here, I suspect that they are narrowing on someone. Meghan's mom has been vocal about this from the beginning, and I feel as though there is more to it than what is said. Being that there is information pertinant to the case that can't be shared, and I understand that.

If this was a true "who-done-it" and the PPD was stalling on the investigation, you'd bet there'd be much more public least from the family. Not to say that this hasn't dragged on for what seems like forever, but I'm guessing that what they have isn't enough for an air-tight case and they are covering every aspect of Meghan's life to ensure they've looked at all angles.
I think "we" as humans have this desparate need to know in not only this case, but anything that catches our attention and we want to know but can't at the time. We do have to look at Meghan's parents and tell ourselves that they (PPD) are doing there job. And you know the military opperates on the "need to know" arena. I think if they say too much, rumors and gossip will start flying and will severly interfere with their investigation. Once that happens, everyone involved will have time to "create a story" on the information at hand. If the parents are satisfied and know what's going on, the only thing we can do is "Be Still" and Pray. I believe LE investigated that computer thing before, but news sources got what little information they could pertaining to the case. I don't believe they can answer the "Why Now" because of the ongoing investigation. And if NCIS is involved, you will not hear anything until the very end. So hang on to your seat, sit back, relax, and pray. Prayer changes things. Pray for Meghan's family while you wait. I think they're coming close to closing in on this thing. As someone stated before, this thing is bigger than Lt Hicke and Meghan.
Great! I'll take that mean police have zeroed in on THE suspect.

If Mom is confidant, she has reason..... I hope when the investigation is revealed we will all be ashamed for having had times of doubt.

I know the family is from out of the area, but i hope some memorial will be made there in Meghan's honor...a tree, park bench, small garden or something like that in a public place. God bless her soul.
mmmbrownies, I'm sure there are some hardworking men and women on the police force but there are just some things that I've heard that make me have doubts in their ability.

Which would be a casualty of lowering the standards to get people in that aren't 100% of what they want because they only pay 30,000 a year. It's a dangerous job, one I know I wouldn't do for 30k a year. A perfect example of this is the drug use policy. At one point in time, you could have used illegal drugs exactly never, now all police departments have "relaxed" that standard to allow no usage in as little as three years. Why? Two reasons are cited, first drug use is widespread, second lack of people. Relaxing the standards opens the job to someone that is willing to do it for the money they pay. True though, that no matter what you'll have people that are just coasting along doing as little as possible regardless. I've heard bad about Portsmouth officers, as well as Chesapeake, Virginia Beach, Norfolk and Suffolk officers. I'm not sure that it's only here.

I guess what I'm saying is I agree to an extent, after which government has to assume the fire, ire and responsibility for much of it.

I guess I should qualify my defense of the police. Police Officers sacrifice more than most of us do for the call of work - family, friends, sanity just to name a few. They constantly run into the public and the attitude that "there's never a cop around when you need one" but when most people find themselves in a position where they're dealing with the police because of something they did officers are generally treated shabbily (as are the dispatchers but that's another story). There will always be someone that is not as good as the rest of them, even a few, but that's with any work environment. They are now, and will always be in my eyes, people doing a job (a dangerous one at that) to feed their families, pay bills and generally try to get by. Politicians on the other hand are people that want the power to "change things" and make policies and handle finances that affect hundreds, thousands even millions of people's lives daily. I feel that since they want that job and all but beg us to give it to them, they should be held much, much more accountable for what occurs. Maybe I'm too idealistic, maybe I'm rationalizing too much, maybe I'm just getting old. One last thing, then I'll shut up, I'm not a police officer so I'm truly not defending myself or a member of my family. My opinions are the result of me asking why, finding an answer, and continuing on until I get to the end. I approach everything the same way.
I'm am pretty sure these guys (and ladies) are super stressed with not only this case, but others as well. There job is a lot more detailed than just arresting someone, stopping someone, or showing up at a scene. You've heard the saying that stuff rolls from the top down. Well, they're catching it while the head runs off commands, whether good or bad. And look at their records (the head). Umm! Do you expect to raise and guide a child into the future and you're not being a good role model? They're were probably told to gag it or get out. Now adays, whose going to walk off their job and work for 6 or 7 dollars an hour? And start all over again. I work very close with someone in LE and if you only knew what they go through day to day. They're not calling the shots. Someone else is for them. I think they're doing a heck of a good job considering the circumstances. PPD is not only dealing with a higher command, look at all the criminals (crack heads, thugs, druggies, thiefs, etc) that take up their time. They are like stuck between a rock and a hard place. Let's give credit for the good they do and pray for them also. They really do need it and because we don't know everything doesn't mean they don't. Just like we don't tell everything that goes on in our homes, they can't tell everything that goes on in an investigation.
Great! I'll take that mean police have zeroed in on THE suspect.

If Mom is confidant, she has reason..... I hope when the investigation is revealed we will all be ashamed for having had times of doubt.

I know the family is from out of the area, but i hope some memorial will be made there in Meghan's honor...a tree, park bench, small garden or something like that in a public place. God bless her soul.

I think a memorial would be a great contribution to Mehgan's family and friends in memory of Meghan. But I believed this thing is bigger than Lt Hicke and the department has zeroed in. Maybe Lt Hicke is aiding in the MURDER investigation. Only guessing!
When we had a young girl pass away that was a member of our church a stone with her name and date of birth and death was placed in our flower bed. It's really a pretty area.

Maybe Pinecrest will do the same for Meghan. Something in Portsmouth City Park would be nice too. It's not that far from Meghan's house and the kids she went to school with would be able to go there.

My daughter got her yearbook yesterday. There were some really nice pictures of Meghan in there. There was a page devoted to her. There were pics of her in her dance class, at school, etc. She looked like a happy little girl.
I was thinking that maybe someone could see about getting a nursery to donate some small perennials or tree for a small donation and the profits go to help the family and have something in remberance of her maybe ill call pincrest and see if they would be intrested in helping something like this
CAgirl, maybe you could speak with the family and ask them if they would like some type of memorial for Meghan. If so, do they have anything in mind.

757Ptown, that's a good idea to ask Pinecrest.

I'll help as much as I can. Right now so many things are going on but I would like to be a part of it.
I tend to agree that I think this case must be something bigger and more involved than what looks like an "open & shut" case of murder. (not to make light of the severity in which Meghan's precious life was taken from her family & communtiy). I truly believe that investigators were on her Myspace page long before we were aware of it. Especially as much as the media kept showing her pic on Myspace. And speaking of Myspace, I guess I was the only one to notice or vocalize, that when I went to and queried Meghan, there were two Myspace pages. To me, what looked like the initial MySpace account had a side bar that said "Meghan F%cked Up." When I read that, I kinda got a little uneasy feeling. Granted, Meghan could have created the first account, made a mistake, and then typed that in to show that she was the one who made the error, however, with the way she died and knowing there was a molestation case just really made me creeped out. I mean, why would she refer to herself in 3rd person?

As far as LE, again, I can relate to this area a little bit. My cousin, Rick Spaulding, was the PP officer who died in Nov. 2005 while taking a criminal downtown after he led PPD (and other cities) on a chase. Prior to my cousins death, he told me some of the things LE goes through. During arrests, he has been accused of everything from being a member of the KKK to the Grand Wizard of the KKK. He has seen the after affects of a teenage mother who hid her pregnancy from her parents, go to the bathroon, deliver a baby, toss the baby out a 2 story bathroom window and found the baby face down in the sand (luckily) and by the grace of God, alive! Plus countless other devistations. I mean, LE gets to see ugly side of humanity. Even my cousin worked the late night shift (when the horror of the city happens the most). I'm not trying to get sympathy for my cousin, but they (LE) get bad mouthed from all angles. I really do not see anything positive about their jobs, other than from time to time, they get the bad guys off the streets. Oh yeah, and they know how to find me to meet their monthly citation quota. (I usually get one every year!) And yes, Christmas of 2006 I has so hot, I could have drove off while the officer was writing my ticker. It was a bad year and I could barely afford Christmas for my daughter and here I am getting a dang ticket that was due 2 weeks into January. Yes, I had a lot of choice words for the officer that I kept to myself. I was pulled over off of London Blvd. I wanted to tell him that the neighborhood in front of me has a lot of crack dealers and the best he could do was pull me over for failure to stop at a stop sign (with no oncoming traffic)? I was outraged...of course I kept my mouth shut. Because, when it all boiled down to it, I was the guilty party...if I had not just been in a hurry.

I guess all I'm trying to say is that I think they know alot more than what they share with us and maybe we should not be so hard on them. I know at my current job you have alot of politics you have to go through and we never know what all they have to go through. I know it's a job I would never want to do!
I'm sure you're right. There are some in the PPD doing a good job. I'm sorry about your cousin. Was he the man that died while transporting someone? It was on the on ramp to the interstate. There are flowers still there. A little faded but I bet no one forgets about him because of those flowers.

I haven't had anything major happen to me with LE. Other than the resource officer at my daughter's school blamed her for her book bag being stolen. Then he called me on the phone and said how sorry he was it happened and that it was happening to a lot of the students. Never mentioned that he yelled at my daughter that she deserved it and it was all her fault. Later when my sister went to the office to confront him about how he treated my daughter he put his hands on my daughter. Pulling her by the arm. My sister told him if he touched her again she would press charges.

Then the time that my son got a ticket for parking his car heading the wrong way (it was on our grass and about 2-1/2 feet from the street). I guess he needed to make his quota and my son didn't want to go through the hassle of contesting it.

My main reason for doubting them is I'm observant of LE and I have a friend that works directly with them. I won't get into the stories that person has told me.

Back to Meghan. The longer it goes on the bigger I tend to think it is.
CAgirl, maybe you could speak with the family and ask them if they would like some type of memorial for Meghan. If so, do they have anything in mind.

757Ptown, that's a good idea to ask Pinecrest.

I'll help as much as I can. Right now so many things are going on but I would like to be a part of it.

I'll ask next time I see Meghan's mom. They are moving out of the area soon so I don't know if something has already been planned or if they decided not to do one here.

I'm sorry to hear what your daughter and son went through. I'd be ticked off too, (to say the least) if someone put their hands on my daughter, especially a representative of the law. I'm not defending all of them, because there are alot of bad ones out there. In fact, I have a friend whose husband used to work for the Suffolk Police Dept. He was fired from there because he was sexually harrassing women while on duty. Can you believe he had the audacity to try to set up a mistress on the side? So, instead of getting a real job, he decided to get the ultimate job you can cheat and your spouse would never know...he's an out of state truck driver! Yes, I do believe that there are tons of bad cops out there hiding behind the badge.

Yes, that was my cousin, where the flowers are on the on-ramp of Portsmouth Blvd. They have a memorial on one side for him and on the other side for the sheriff that passed away.

*Piggybacking on what CA Girl said, if the family leaves the area, I wonder if that means the case is cold or it's almost over?
There are bad people in every walk of life, look at some priests. I didn't want to say it before but someone that works with the Police Dept. said that they wear their pj's under their uniform. I guess they were saying that a lot of them cheat. Course my ex-husband was an insurance salesman and he cheated. Where there's a will there's a way. LOL

I didn't take the same angle as you did about the family moving. You're right though it could mean either one. I thought they might be leaving because after something so devestating happens sometimes you just need to move back where family is so they can help you.

I don't think the family would be so quiet if the case had gone cold though. They can always travel back if there's an arrest and trial.

Maybe this was a move planned anyway. Didn't someone say that Meghan's step-dad was in the military (or am I thinking of her bio dad? I thought they both were).
I didn't take the same angle as you did about the family moving. You're right though it could mean either one. I thought they might be leaving because after something so devestating happens sometimes you just need to move back where family is so they can help you.

I don't think the family would be so quiet if the case had gone cold though. They can always travel back if there's an arrest and trial.

Maybe this was a move planned anyway. Didn't someone say that Meghan's step-dad was in the military (or am I thinking of her bio dad? I thought they both were).

You are right about the move. From what I understand, Meghan's mom works for a company that has a office near their hometown so she is transfering to be near family. Same with the step-dad, he is in the Navy and is able to transfer as well. Her company has been nothing but supportive through this (even setting up a trust in Meghan's honor), so they understand that she will need time off for trials, etc. Much better than trying to find another job with someone else when you need to leave town for days at a time.
Maybe they're moving for protection before an arrest? I do understand them moving out of their home. That would bring back painful memories just being there. My prayers go out to the family and the PPD as they work to solve this case.
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