GUILTY VA - Meghan Landowski, 16, raped & murdered, Portsmouth, 10 April 2008 #2

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He had the makings of a sociopath and Meghan was not the only person on his list. When the polioce confiscated his computer, there were other local girls that had similiar characteristics (hair color, talent, etc) as Meghan that appeared to be his "you're next" list. He had these these pics of these girls on his wall. I guess he was going to cross them off one at a time. Thank God the PPD got him before he got anyone else.

I feel that I am glad her Mom & Dad heard him admit he was the one who acted alone and killed her, but if he gets 42 years, he'll be right at 60 yrs old. Old enough to go out and do it again. I think he will not sit in jail and think about what he did to Meghan, I think he will sit in jail and ponder what or who he will do when he gets out. JMHO!

Gayle23074, it's good to have you back. I had never heard that before. Things have been kept really quiet since his arrest. Without the trial there will be things that we'll never know. I'm just glad that Meghan's parents were given the satisfaction of him pleading guilty.

jeepgirlva, I look forward to seeing you Saturday and thank God you got your daughter away from him when he contacted her on the computer.
I also am relieved that the family of Meghan will not have to go through a long and painful trial. However, 42 years seems too short for the crime he has committed. On the other hand, 42 years in the penitentiary is a very long time for someone who has not ever served a day in jail before. So - I have mixed emotions. If the family has received some insight into why this happened, they may be at peace with the plea and the decision to allow him to plead to the lesser charges. All my thoughts and prayers are with them at this point in time.
In this particular case, 42 years means 42 years. There is no chance of early release or appeal. If he is deemed a sexual predator (which is included in the code of VA), at the end of his 42 years (if he makes it through them) he will never get out. Once released from prison he will go to another secure facility for the rest of his life.
I am convinced that he would have done this again if he had not been caught. I had personal contact with him after the crime and there was NOTHING, absolutely nothing in his eyes or on his face. It was like looking at a wall. In my line of work, I deal with juveniles just as much as I do adults, and they usually don't have a lasting effect or bother me. This kid bothered me and I will never forget the emptiness of him.
As far as a "list", I haven't heard that before. I'm curious to know where you got that information.
I am so glad that Meghan's family will not have to go through a trial. There are things that they should never ever have to hear or see beyond what they already have. Unfortunately, the bad things always happen to good people. I think that the particular way that Barnes got caught was Meghan's doing.
I am very proud of the PPD detectives that put in all of the time and hard work that they did. There were a few detectives that regularly put in 14-16 hour days (and even spent some time working at home) to make sure that Meghan's killer was brought to justice. It was the greatest thing to be in that court room as a result of their work to hear that monster say "guilty".
Meghan, rest in peace now little girl. You'll NEVER be forgotten. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your awesome family.
Gatorgirl - In my experience, 42 years in the penitentiary in VA means 42 years less good time/gain time which is 15% typically. All prisoners are entitled to it, unless they mess up. Thus, 85% of 42 years is 35.7 years. Still a long time. However, this sexual predator status, meaning 'civil commitment' is not something I had thought of. That is very interesting, and certainly given that he plead to the sexual assault charges and attempted rape, the psychosexual evaluation will likely show him to require that status. Excellent point.
In this particular case, 42 years means 42 years. There is no chance of early release or appeal. If he is deemed a sexual predator (which is included in the code of VA), at the end of his 42 years (if he makes it through them) he will never get out. Once released from prison he will go to another secure facility for the rest of his life.
I am convinced that he would have done this again if he had not been caught. I had personal contact with him after the crime and there was NOTHING, absolutely nothing in his eyes or on his face. It was like looking at a wall. In my line of work, I deal with juveniles just as much as I do adults, and they usually don't have a lasting effect or bother me. This kid bothered me and I will never forget the emptiness of him.
As far as a "list", I haven't heard that before. I'm curious to know where you got that information.
I am so glad that Meghan's family will not have to go through a trial. There are things that they should never ever have to hear or see beyond what they already have. Unfortunately, the bad things always happen to good people. I think that the particular way that Barnes got caught was Meghan's doing.
I am very proud of the PPD detectives that put in all of the time and hard work that they did. There were a few detectives that regularly put in 14-16 hour days (and even spent some time working at home) to make sure that Meghan's killer was brought to justice. It was the greatest thing to be in that court room as a result of their work to hear that monster say "guilty".
Meghan, rest in peace now little girl. You'll NEVER be forgotten. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your awesome family.

Thank you for that insight... I've only seen him on tv never looked in his eyes but even that scene of him walking thru the halls in jail (they show on the news clips) he comes across as cold hearted I truly believe he is a socipath he had smart people fooled into thinking he could have never done anything like this..... Hopefully he will never get out he may even get some of that prison justice dealt to him ......Kudos to the detectives who never gave up on this case they are Meghans heros...
Gatorgirl - In my experience, 42 years in the penitentiary in VA means 42 years less good time/gain time which is 15% typically. All prisoners are entitled to it, unless they mess up. Thus, 85% of 42 years is 35.7 years. Still a long time. However, this sexual predator status, meaning 'civil commitment' is not something I had thought of. That is very interesting, and certainly given that he plead to the sexual assault charges and attempted rape, the psychosexual evaluation will likely show him to require that status. Excellent point.

There is NO CHANCE of early release for him. From what I understand, this is part of the deal. The judge did order a mental eval on him that has to be done before the formal sentencing on Jan 5. I'm sure he'll do great on that. He's not mental, just EVIL!
Of all the people that defended him, and claimed there was no way he was capable of something like this, I never saw a family member defend him. Do you think maybe they knew the real Robert, or possibly it was just they didn't want to be in the media (or have people know that they were related to him)?

I always wonder what causes someone to get to the point where they commit such a heinous crime. Are they just born evil or is there something else that just causes them so much pain that they want to lash out (at anyone, especially someone innocent, or someone that possibly they envy).
Of all the people that defended him, and claimed there was no way he was capable of something like this, I never saw a family member defend him. Do you think maybe they knew the real Robert, or possibly it was just they didn't want to be in the media (or have people know that they were related to him)?

I always wonder what causes someone to get to the point where they commit such a heinous crime. Are they just born evil or is there something else that just causes them so much pain that they want to lash out (at anyone, especially someone innocent, or someone that possibly they envy).

I think his family is just as shocked as everyone else is. You never think it is someone that you know. He fits the profile of a sociopath.

I'm not sure how people grow up to be so evil but I think it's genetic. They mentioned that his father was in prison but I don't know why.
There was a good turnout for Meghan's walk. I did take pictures, but I'm ashamed to say I'm not really sure how to download them off the camera. I'll have to wait until one of my kids has time to help me. It was a beautiful day.

Reverend Potter said he wanted to think of the walk this year as a thank you walk. Thank you to God, to Meghan, her parents, her friends and family, and to the Portsmouth Police Department. I know I was one that criticized them at the beginning but they really did do a good job. Just because they didn't share every step I worried that they weren't doing anything. At the walk you can tell that this family, and Meghan, was and is very special to them. I even saw one there that wasn't on duty. She had been there the first year (on duty I suppose since she was in uniform), and was back to show her respect.

It's early, and I'm thinking of going back to bed, but later today I'll post some links to news stories about the walk and hopefully the pictures for those of you that weren't able to attend.
I think his family is just as shocked as everyone else is. You never think it is someone that you know. He fits the profile of a sociopath.

I'm not sure how people grow up to be so evil but I think it's genetic. They mentioned that his father was in prison but I don't know why.

Yeah, I think true evil must be genetic. I also agree that he must be a sociopath since some say he behaved as nothing had happened after the fact.
I think his family is just as shocked as everyone else is. You never think it is someone that you know. He fits the profile of a sociopath.

I'm not sure how people grow up to be so evil but I think it's genetic. They mentioned that his father was in prison but I don't know why.

Maybe the portion of the brain that helps us to have emotional attachment to people ...feel empathy for others feels is not fully developed or firing they only feel for themselves but know from watching others this is wrong so they imitate or emulate feelings to fool society ,so they know right from wrong they just don't feel sympathy for another persons feelings or have a conscious when they do hurt someone.....socipath like Ronald Barnes stalk people to kill them and who knows how many girls may have been stalked by him but thank god the opportunity was not there. ...Thats the scary part about him he is talented and plays the part of a normal person but he is a dangerous killer....

Lizzybeth thanks for the update on the memorial walk I was unable to attend.
My husband and I were at the walk. The thing that really struck me was that Meghan is loved and definitely NOT forgotten by often, interest new crimes/victims overtake what happened yesterday and people lose interest. I think Meghan will be remembered as long as her loved ones live. I hope Angie and Chris can now find some peace and work to rebuild their lives.
Of all the people that defended him, and claimed there was no way he was capable of something like this, I never saw a family member defend him. Do you think maybe they knew the real Robert, or possibly it was just they didn't want to be in the media (or have people know that they were related to him)?

Sorry that I'm late. I too, live in the Hampton Roads area & have followed this case from the beginning. Honestly, I wouldn’t blame them if they didn’t want to be in the media. There were no winners in this case, not only for Meghan’s friends & family, but for Robert’s family & friends as well. If I was his father, cousin, uncle, etc., I’d disown him even before this is all brought up in the media, knowing he had brought so much shame, disgrace, & embarrassment to the family. If I was his friend, associate, acquaintance, colleague, or whoever, I’d cut off all ties with him. I would be denying he was my family member, friend, or any knowledge I had that he ever existed. He would be treated like a stranger.

He had so many people snowed. Even one of his own friends from the Wavy 10 site that Lizzybeth brought up said in his/her comments that he/she knew Robert for a long time, & that he/she was very shocked & also said that it proves you never really know who a person truly is. Seriously. He is stupid. Why would he do something like that, when he had his whole life ahead of him? WHY?

Truly sad all around.

I always wonder what causes someone to get to the point where they commit such a heinous crime. Are they just born evil or is there something else that just causes them so much pain that they want to lash out (at anyone, especially someone innocent, or someone that possibly they envy).

I believe that it has to do with the way that they were raised, & that they weren't raised with good morals at all. I also think that it was genetic.
Happy 18th Birthday sweet angel! ::HappyBday

We love you and miss you!
Thank you for posting that. I quit taking the newspaper and I didn't see anything about it on the news this morning. One of the comments said something about this not being finished, and that everyone should come clean. The only person I can think of that they would be talking about is the Navy guy. Any other ideas?
Thank you for posting that. I quit taking the newspaper and I didn't see anything about it on the news this morning. One of the comments said something about this not being finished, and that everyone should come clean. The only person I can think of that they would be talking about is the Navy guy. Any other ideas?

It's just people trying to stir things up again. That boy confessed to everything so why would there be anyone else? He also stood in that courtroom and said that there was no other persons involved (that is one of the questions the judge asked him).

The Navy guy had nothing to do with Meghan's death but has been punished for what he did to her.

The sentencing was rescheduled because Mr. Barnes will not talk to the Court appointed Doctors for his psychiatric evaluation. I guess he thinks if he talks that will make him look even worse. He is already crazy in my book.
Yes, he would have to be crazy to do what he did. It seems to me that he would want help for whatever it is that may have caused him to do what he did to Meghan.

I'm glad the Navy guy was punished for what he did.

Thank you msnmegan for keeping us updated.
just wanted to let everyone know that Mr. Robert Hicke is in court today for the Child *advertiser censored* case. Let's hope the Judge can see through all of the lies he tries to give and punishes him severely for this heinous crime.

Will keep everyone posted on what happens as I get it.

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