Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #1

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The only thing I find weird about IF this were connected to one of the serial killer cases, other missing persons cases, serial rape cases, etc. is why target her at a concert?? There would be tons of people around, police presence (directing traffic, security, etc) cameras, etc. It just doesn't seem likely.
The only thing I find weird about IF this were connected to one of the serial killer cases, other missing persons cases, serial rape cases, etc. is why target her at a concert?? There would be tons of people around, police presence (directing traffic, security, etc) cameras, etc. It just doesn't seem likely.

Maybe thats exactly why...crowded area, lots of young people --perhaps drinking (this is a college campus) and getting rowdy in anticipation for the show, people wearing dark clothing (black apparently was the main color clothing Morgan had picked out to wear), its night time, from what I read no security cams around place, various parking lots spread out over the area as indicated by photos.

I find the whole case to have some rather weird aspects at this point...hoping that more info comes out sooner rather than later so people/tips can help Morgan get home safely and quickly!!!!
The only thing I find weird about IF this were connected to one of the serial killer cases, other missing persons cases, serial rape cases, etc. is why target her at a concert?? There would be tons of people around, police presence (directing traffic, security, etc) cameras, etc. It just doesn't seem likely.

I agree...but at this point it almost seems like anything is possible. You know?
New Information Out in Harrington Search
Posted: Oct 21, 2009 3:19 PM EDT
Updated: Oct 21, 2009 6:18 PM EDT
Harrington went missing Saturday night while attending a concert at John Paul Jones Arena. Investigators also confirmed Wednesday that they have Harrington's cell phone and purse.

A ground search of UVA, JPJ and surrounding athletic fields wrapped up at 4pm Wednesday. Police say a three day search of those areas has not turned up any clues. Video surveillance footage has also been reviewed.

Video: New Information Out in Harrington Search

Morgan&#8217;s mystery: What happened outside arena?
6:15pm Wednesday Oct 21, 2009
&#8220;Witnesses and conversations&#8221; indicate that missing Virginia Tech student Morgan Dana Harrington&#8211; who left a concert in search of a bathroom&#8211; spent the hour between 8:30pm and 9:30pm Saturday outdoors near the John Paul Jones Arena, a time when the performance by Metallica, according to the venue manager, was underway.

Rader attemped to dispel concerns that the missing 20-year-old was under the influence of any substances but did confirm that Harrington merely intended to go to the bathroom when she found herself outside the Arena and, consequently, barred from reentry by Arena policy.

Rader also confirmed&#8211; in a stunning parallel to the 1985 disappearance of never-found UVA student Pat Collins&#8211; that the Sunday morning discovery of Harrington&#8217;s purse by a bystander in a small parking area didn&#8217;t immediately launch a criminal investigation.

Likely $50,000 or more reward in still-missing VT student
October 21st 04:46pm
The purse was found in a small parking lot between JPJ and the athletic fields. Rader said State Police are not yet ready to disclose or talk about phone records at this time.

There will likely be a $50,000 or more reward for any information about the current missing person investigation. Details will be available tomorrow.

Ground and air search called off for missing Virginia Tech student
Published: October 21, 2009
Updated: October 21, 2009
At a news conference in Charlottesville Wednesday afternoon, investigators said they believe that Harrington was on the grounds of the John Paul Jones Arena (JPJA) until at least 9:30 p.m. this past Saturday.

Investigators said a passer-by found Harrington&#8217;s purse between the arena, and the UVA athletic fields in a small parking lot. Investigators said they not find signs of a struggle, but are treating the case as a criminal investigation.

Police also said they checked surveillance video from JPJA and the surrounding area, but it has not helped their investigation.


Mr. harrington was just on JVM (Jane Velez Mitchell) and he said that it did NOT sound like Morgan to say, "I'll just find a ride" or "I've got a ride" (however he phrased it.) He also commented that she did not have friends in that area (2 hrs away from home.) He said that she spent many evenings at home with them and didn't go out much. She works, or worked over the summer, with her dad, if i heard correctly. She doesn't drink to any significance according to dad.

The compelling part of the dad's appearance for me tonight was what he said about her having "a ride" - that that "didn't sound like her." I believe him. (Altho we can all say that sometimes dads dont know everything; I get that part.) But if he is doubting thqat part, it sort of goes in contrast to the mom's staunch support of the friends' story. The friends said that Morgan said that she had a ride. But again, if she indeed said that the ride issue was covered, why wait for her for hours around the car after the concert?

Also, the exit bothers me. She is an unusually striking woman and she was wearing a distinct T-shirt that would be easy to recall imo and make her stand out. Were there employees or guards at the exits? This is just ODD. Maybe the friends have told LE things that LE hasn't released to the public.
The friends said that Morgan said that she had a ride. But again, if she indeed said that the ride issue was covered, why wait for her for hours around the car after the concert?

Also, the exit bothers me. She is an unusually striking woman and she was wearing a distinct T-shirt that would be easy to recall imo and make her stand out. Were there employees or guards at the exits? This is just ODD. Maybe the friends have told LE things that LE hasn't released to the public.

AGREED! Good points. Hoping that it is the case that LE is witholding info...
I just saw these comments posted on whsv channel 3 site and wondered what you thought of it.

"I'm sorry if some find this offensive, but stranger things have happened: I'm tired of hearing Morgan's father stressing how "transparent" she was, how he had full access to her computer codes/bank statements, how often she would come home, and stressing before the question was even complete that she did NOT have a boyfriend. Her mother seems very guarded-only stressing how Morgan hung out with children from middle school, and went so far as to ask her mother what outfit to wear to a "Metallica" concert. I don't know quite what to think, but the parent's statements are peculiar to me. If her friends were as protective -"having each other's backs," then I wonder if Morgan needed to get away from "overprotective" Dad, who saw the ticket to the copncert on the refrigerator door for 6 months...maybe she had her own reasons for needing act more like the traditional 20-year-old college student. Anyway, I also believe that the reason for the missing cell phonebattery was b/c she knew "them "
Pat Collins is mentioned in the earlier article I posted! Here's the link to the earlier post about Pat Collins

Here's an interesting link I found & wanted to share. Pat Collins case is included in this link too!

List of people who disappeared mysteriously
This is a list of notable, historically testified people who mysteriously disappeared, and whose current whereabouts are unknown or whose deaths are not substantiated.

1 Pre-1800
1.1 1021
1.2 1412
1.3 1483
1.4 1499
1.5 1501
1.6 1502
1.7 1526
1.8 1587
2 1800 to 1899
2.1 1803
2.2 1809
2.3 1812
2.4 1826
2.5 1848
2.6 1856
2.7 1872
2.8 1890
2.9 1896
3 1900s
3.1 1900
3.2 1909
4 1910s
4.1 1910
4.2 1912
4.3 1914
4.4 1916
4.5 1918
4.6 1919
5 1920s
5.1 1920
5.2 1921
5.3 1925
5.4 1927
5.5 1928
6 1930s
6.1 1930
6.2 1934
6.3 1935
6.4 1937
6.5 1938
6.6 1939
7 1940s
7.1 1944
7.2 1945
7.3 1946
7.4 1948
8 1950s
8.1 1950
8.2 1953
8.3 1955
8.4 1956
8.5 1957
8.6 1959
9 1960s
9.1 1961
9.2 1962
9.3 1964
9.4 1966
9.5 1967
9.6 1969
10 1970s
10.1 1970
10.2 1971
10.3 1974
10.4 1975
10.5 1976
10.6 1977
10.7 1978
10.8 1979
11 1980s
11.1 1980
11.2 1982
11.3 1983
11.4 1984
11.5 1985
11.6 1986
11.7 1989
12 1990s
12.1 1991
12.2 1992
12.3 1994
12.4 1995
12.5 1996
12.6 1997
12.7 1998
13 2000s
13.1 2000
13.2 2001
13.3 2002
13.4 2003
13.5 2004
13.6 2005
13.7 2006
13.8 2007
13.9 2008
13.10 2009
14 Related Articles
15 References


Tuba posted a chart in the case briefings. Sadly it doesn't look good.
I just saw these comments posted on whsv channel 3 site and wondered what you thought of it.

"I'm sorry if some find this offensive, but stranger things have happened: I'm tired of hearing Morgan's father stressing how "transparent" she was, how he had full access to her computer codes/bank statements, how often she would come home, and stressing before the question was even complete that she did NOT have a boyfriend. Her mother seems very guarded-only stressing how Morgan hung out with children from middle school, and went so far as to ask her mother what outfit to wear to a "Metallica" concert. I don't know quite what to think, but the parent's statements are peculiar to me. If her friends were as protective -"having each other's backs," then I wonder if Morgan needed to get away from "overprotective" Dad, who saw the ticket to the copncert on the refrigerator door for 6 months...maybe she had her own reasons for needing act more like the traditional 20-year-old college student. Anyway, I also believe that the reason for the missing cell phonebattery was b/c she knew "them "

IMO, lots and lots of people are not who others believe them to be, and I would venture to say that many kids away for college are at the top of that list. Not to imply that Morgan was seriously misbehaving, but it's not impossible to believe she was exploring and experimenting, which is common for people in her age group.

LE, and possibly the parents, are purposely withholding some information. They obviously feel it's important to the investigation to do so, but whatever it is could probably clear up some of the questions we have.

There are just some real inconsistencies in the whole story that don't sit right with me - and I know many of ya'll feel the same way.

I would like to know if Morgan's cell phone was IN her purse when it was found. Has anyone seen anything about that?
Hey guys. Do we know if she called and spoke to her friends to tell them she got a ride or did she text them? Anyone can send a text and since the phone was out of her battery is it possible that the perp grabbed the phone texted her friends and then threw the phone away in the parking lot after dislodging the battery to prevent what he/she thought might act as a location trace?

The references to Morgan's "condition" , and her possibly being sick also worry me. Was she on something and trying to come down and in that slightly disoriented state wandered outside? She goes out to clear her head and have a smoke and someone sees an opportunity?

Also, I have a friend who works at Newsplex here in town and he said that he thinks there is way more to this case than is obviously being released. He is basing that on the police behavior at the presser today.
Well, Nancy Grace has finally morphed into a monstrosity and moved into cruel territory. To have a parent who has a child go missing 4 days ago on the show and begin the interview with, "If it were my little Lucy.... who I pored my heart and soul into..." (with the implication being, Little Lucy is at home safe in her bed ....and your daughter is God knows where.) it is just beyond heartless.

What's next? neener-neener-mine's-at-home-and-yours-is-lost, in a sing-songy voice reminiscent of Eddie Murphy's little diddy bit of, "You aint got no ice cream; You aint got no ice cream; cuz you are on the welfare..."


That is all.
I just saw these comments posted on whsv channel 3 site and wondered what you thought of it.

"I'm sorry if some find this offensive, but stranger things have happened: I'm tired of hearing Morgan's father stressing how "transparent" she was, how he had full access to her computer codes/bank statements, how often she would come home, and stressing before the question was even complete that she did NOT have a boyfriend. Her mother seems very guarded-only stressing how Morgan hung out with children from middle school, and went so far as to ask her mother what outfit to wear to a "Metallica" concert. I don't know quite what to think, but the parent's statements are peculiar to me. If her friends were as protective -"having each other's backs," then I wonder if Morgan needed to get away from "overprotective" Dad, who saw the ticket to the copncert on the refrigerator door for 6 months...maybe she had her own reasons for needing act more like the traditional 20-year-old college student. Anyway, I also believe that the reason for the missing cell phonebattery was b/c she knew "them "

I'm really glad you brought this up. My best friend and I were just discussing this and similar reports. Some people seem to find this odd or think that the child must be hiding something from the parents.

I have a 20 year old son in college. I know all of his passwords, account numbers and talk to him many times throughout the week. He spends weekends with us, has his friends over to my house for dinner parties and is what I would call transparent to me. Maybe it is just the Southern culture. I'm not sure, but I don't find anything unusual about the relationship between Morgan and her parents. In fact, I find it refreshing and comforting.
I just saw these comments posted on whsv channel 3 site and wondered what you thought of it.

"I'm sorry if some find this offensive, but stranger things have happened: I'm tired of hearing Morgan's father stressing how "transparent" she was, how he had full access to her computer codes/bank statements, how often she would come home, and stressing before the question was even complete that she did NOT have a boyfriend. Her mother seems very guarded-only stressing how Morgan hung out with children from middle school, and went so far as to ask her mother what outfit to wear to a "Metallica" concert. I don't know quite what to think, but the parent's statements are peculiar to me. If her friends were as protective -"having each other's backs," then I wonder if Morgan needed to get away from "overprotective" Dad, who saw the ticket to the copncert on the refrigerator door for 6 months...maybe she had her own reasons for needing act more like the traditional 20-year-old college student. Anyway, I also believe that the reason for the missing cell phonebattery was b/c she knew "them "

maybe her parents are just wanting to make sure that the case is taken seriously by people. metallica is a heavy metal band, and maybe they are afraid that judgemental people might make judgements based on what
she listens to or wears. pantera is a metal band as well. so she was wearing a pantera band t-shirt.
imo, i think that parents acting guarded is more out of concern that people might not make assumptions their daughter was wild cuz she listened to heavy metal.

i understand the parents actions in that sense.

i agree with you about the cell battery being missing. she either knew them (from internet, school somewhere) and they wanted to stall anyone finding out who the last calls that came in or went out from morgan's phone were.
I agree about people possibly making incorrect assumptions b/c of the music choice.
Police call no clues, contact from Harrington “disheartening”

The lead investigator in the Morgan Harrington missing person case called the lack of creditable leads and the fact they’ve had no contact from her “disheartening.“

Lt. Joe Rader, a state police investigator based in nearby Appomattox, said while they have no “reliable information criminal activity has occurred,“ the circumstances surrounding Harrington’s disappearance are too strange to ignore.

The search area in and around the John Paul Jones Arena was wider than seen on television.

Rader said someone found Harrington’s purse and cell phone in a parking lot near some softball fields. The fields sit about two blocks from the arena.

We shot video of a team doing a grid search pattern in the area near those athletic fields. Part of the grid included a railroad track which borders UVA’s campus.

The athletic fields aren’t a long walk from the arena, but not really a short one either.

Rader said the investigation can put Harrington in that area of where we saw those officers searching. He said the time Harrington was there was at about 9:30 Saturday night.

After 9:30, Harrington’s trail goes cold, Rader said.

Rader said Harrington told friends she had to go to the bathroom, then for some reason left the arena.

It’s arena policy not to let anyone back in, Rader said.

Rader said police have received around 100 leads so far, but none of them fruitful.

If you can help police, call 434-352-3467.


Bold added by me. The purse was found near the fields further from the arena that I mentioned in an earlier post. That is the area that is more away from traffic and less visible.
Still seems odd that we haven't been told WHY she left the arena. That is crucial. I hope the friends DID ask; (seems like a given.) And I hope they've told LE and LE is just withholding it for some reason.
Did we decide if they were a group of 3 ? Amy, Amanda, (the sisters) and Morgan? Or were there others?
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