Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #1

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Comments posted on Metallica's myspace blog. That blog could serve as a great tool in the investigation if people who saw her keep posting.

..i saw her there on saturday.i was alking to her n she was cool.then like when you guys were playing tht is when she got looking through my pics n see if i can see helping

Posted by Dirty White Boy on October 21, 2009 - Wednesday - 2:19 PM

..When I was walking back to my hotel I heard what I though to be shattering glass and screams. :( I hope shes ok. ..

Posted by Truth Despite Intent on October 21, 2009 - Wednesday - 7:16 PM
The search area in and around the John Paul Jones Arena was wider than seen on television.

Rader said someone found Harrington’s purse and cell phone in a parking lot near some softball fields. The fields sit about two blocks from the arena.

We shot video of a team doing a grid search pattern in the area near those athletic fields. Part of the grid included a railroad track which borders UVA’s campus.

The athletic fields aren’t a long walk from the arena, but not really a short one either.

Rader said the investigation can put Harrington in that area of where we saw those officers searching. He said the time Harrington was there was at about 9:30 Saturday night.

After 9:30, Harrington’s trail goes cold, Rader said.

Rader said Harrington told friends she had to go to the bathroom, then for some reason left the arena.

It’s arena policy not to let anyone back in, Rader said.

Rader said police have received around 100 leads so far, but none of them fruitful.

If you can help police, call 434-352-3467.


Bold added by me. The purse was found near the fields further from the arena that I mentioned in an earlier post. That is the area that is more away from traffic and less visible.
That's surprising to me too, the softball fields are about a quarter mile from the arena. I wonder where their car was parked.

That hint of her knowing someone else either at the concert, who would meet her outside, or on campus really makes it puzzling.
I'm really glad you brought this up. My best friend and I were just discussing this and similar reports. Some people seem to find this odd or think that the child must be hiding something from the parents.

I have a 20 year old son in college. I know all of his passwords, account numbers and talk to him many times throughout the week. He spends weekends with us, has his friends over to my house for dinner parties and is what I would call transparent to me. Maybe it is just the Southern culture. I'm not sure, but I don't find anything unusual about the relationship between Morgan and her parents. In fact, I find it refreshing and comforting.

I do believe she is close to her parents, but I don't necessarily think that means she may not have been hiding something from them.

I also feel that, based on the wording at the PC today, these girls were at least drinking that night - which would definitely explain poor judgment all around.

One of the things that's nagging at me are the conflicting reports about her calling her friends and telling them she couldn't get back in and she would find a ride back and the claim that the other girls waited a "significant amount of time" after the concert for her to show up. Which was it? It wasn't both.
Still seems odd that we haven't been told WHY she left the arena. That is crucial. I hope the friends DID ask; (seems like a given.) And I hope they've told LE and LE is just withholding it for some reason.

I agree - and it bothers me that they said today she left to go to the ladies room. That wouldn't take her outside. If she went out to smoke, she obviously went out the wrong door and I really believe if that was the case, someone would have told her she wouldn't be able to get back in BEFORE SHE LEFT.

IMO, she was either purposely meeting someone on the QT or she was too intoxicated to realize or understand she would not be able to get back into the concert.
Respectfully snipped
One of the things that's nagging at me are the conflicting reports about her calling her friends and telling them she couldn't get back in and she would find a ride back and the claim that the other girls waited a "significant amount of time" after the concert for her to show up. Which was it? It wasn't both.

Yes...why would someone wait a significiant amount of time on someone when they have told you that they are getting a ride back... Doesn't make sense
Did we decide if they were a group of 3 ? Amy, Amanda, (the sisters) and Morgan? Or were there others?

I really think this is a critical piece of information, as well as any potential reason/clue as to why Morgan would have left the arena.

Without knowing more details about the group she was with (how close she was with them-best friends vs. college aquaintances/friends of friends, any contact she had with them prior to entering/in the arena/after she went outside, actions taken by the girls during and after the concert etc.) and what specifically drew her from her seat at a concert she was excited about attending to a fairly isolated area outside of the arena before the main act even went on stage one can only make a variety of assumptions that run the gamut from voluntarily leaving to (God forbid) something much worse. The sooner more accurate information is available (which it hopefully is to LE who are working dilligently to solve this) to the public,the more tips, ideas and clues can come in from those at the concert/in the area/us sleuthers that can help Morgan back safely to her family.
everyone read the astro thread right? what do you all make of it? esp in terms of the location she may be found? hold on.. back with a link
I didn't see the location part. I thought it was interesting that in the astro thread they said that she wasn't feeling well and that someone who she was with may have known the perp?
I'm new here and am interested in the atrsology chart Morgan's chart and am surprised that it points out the Morgan was not feeling well, which is what I have read in various places is the reason why Morgan left her group and possibly ended up outside the arena.

However, if she really was feeling ill (maybe feverish, upset stomach, feeling like vomitting etc.) why walk outside the arena--go get fresh air by door (I'm sure security would let her stand and stick head/go to smoking area? Why were no friends with her? Why not check with concert security/medics (usually at all arenas in case of medical emergencies etc.) to get Tylenol, Tums whatever?
have you ever gotten a fever... sick.. and just wanted to curl into a ball? perhaps this is how she was feeling.. sick enough to leave the concert she had been dreaming about for months? but where would she go to curl up if sick and why not call mom and dad? perhaps something happened in between?
Channel 10 news in Roanoke is reporting that these girls drove to the concert in Morgan's car and that they got seperated at the JPJ arena and that she told them she would find a ride...

Why would she find a ride if she had driven her own car?
have you ever gotten a fever... sick.. and just wanted to curl into a ball? perhaps this is how she was feeling.. sick enough to leave the concert she had been dreaming about for months? but where would she go to curl up if sick and why not call mom and dad? perhaps something happened in between?

I know exactly the feeling you are describing. Feeling sick, overwhelmed with the crowd, perhaps it was getting warm in the arena/she was dressed for winter weather and started feeling hot, needed to get fresh air. But to leave outside by herself, without friends and to contact NO ONE (no parents, no concerned friends accompanying her, didn't say anything to event staff etc.) is odd.

If this was me, I would have perhaps gone OUTSIDE to the CAR, maybe to see if there was medicine inside, take a nap in the backseat etc. However, it seems like this didn't cross Morgan's mind/isn't likely, since the girls who were inside stayed for the concert and after waiting for Morgan for some time, they drove off after the show in said car. Was it Morgan's car? Maybe she thought she had the keys in her bag when she went outside, realized she left them with friends and tried calling friends--no answer because of noise level in arena? Waiting outside since she wouldn't be allowed back in and met an unsavory character who befriended her. When friends finally got in touch, she said she would find a way home--maybe thinking she would go out/party/hang out with new "friend" (possibly a cute guy) or having already left concert area in new "friends" car and had been hanging out in different area of town if/when or by the time she had contact with friends or friends attempted to contact.
Channel 10 news in Roanoke is reporting that these girls drove to the concert in Morgan's car and that they got seperated at the JPJ arena and that she told them she would find a ride...

Why would she find a ride if she had driven her own car?

Thank you! One of the original articles said Morgan was driving that night. This has been disputed, but so have a lot of details! Someone is not being truthful here and it's creating a LOT of confusion.

It was reported that she was going home the next day to study for a test with her dad. So, where were they all going to go after the concert? Back to school or to Morgan's parent's?

To be honest, I do hope she was being sneaky with her parents and her friends. That would indicate to me that she maybe just needed a break and is okay somewhere. It's just the purse and cell phone that worry me.....
If she's the type who spends a lot of evenings at home, comes home once a week, calls every day... no matter what she was up to, I cant see her putting her parents thru this much hell for this many days -- and all the search and whatnot. I wish.... but.. no. *sigh*
Channel 10 news in Roanoke is reporting that these girls drove to the concert in Morgan's car and that they got seperated at the JPJ arena and that she told them she would find a ride...

Why would she find a ride if she had driven her own car?

That's been misreported a lot. Morgan and friend drove in Morgan's car down to other friends' school, which was partway to Charlottesville. there they switched cars and a different friend drove to the concert. So it was not her car at the concert.
It was reported that she was going home the next day to study for a test with her dad. So, where were they all going to go after the concert? Back to school or to Morgan's parent's?

From what I've read, Morgan's family lived quite a ways from the UVa campus. Someone here wrote that one of the girls at the concert (Morgan's roommates sister?) went to JMU and the girls were planning on driving back to that campus after the show? Once again, the friends are key here. What were the plans for after the show? Were they drinking, had a designated driver, planned to meet other friends in the Charlottesville area? Did they have a meeting place set out if they got separated? What did Morgan tell her parents the post-concert plans were (she was driving home in AM after staying at friends etc.) Usually when I go out and party/go to show with friends, I would sleep in at a friends, get brunch and roll home in the early afternoon. Morgan's parents had already contacted LE at 12:30 on Sunday to report daughter was missing, so perhaps they had expected her back that night? Early on Sunday morning?
That's been misreported a lot. Morgan and friend drove in Morgan's car down to other friends' school, which was partway to Charlottesville. there they switched cars and a different friend drove to the concert. So it was not her car at the concert.

WSLS channel 10 just reported that this was new information and that it was Morgan's car that was driven to the concert. I'm not sure why channel 10 would state this is new news and it not be true.
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