Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #10

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Thanks Ghost! That helps me have a better feel for exactly where she was.
I read the family’s website regularly. Today (although dated 23 January) Morgan’s mother, Gil posted a very scathing blog entry. In it she unloaded on the City of Charlottesville and in a more subtle way, the local police department. If you recall, just over a week ago the Harrington’s were in C’ville to meet with the director of the CUE organization to announce plans for an upcoming large scale search. In the interview they gave to the local press they praised the efforts of all police departments involved. Today, she seems to have a different slant on things. She makes inference to the fact that C’ville is more worried about its reputation than people who go missing from there. Without putting words into her mouth she would seem to be under the impression that a specific someone was involved with her daughter’s disappearance. As to her comment about the predator being “still there in November”, I have no idea what is meant by that. Mrs. Harrington has always been a woman of both grace and strength through all of this. Evident by this blog entry is the tremendous amount of strain both she and Dr. Harrington must be feeling. These words reflect a woman who wants answers. Who needs answers. A woman that is frustrated beyond what any of us who haven’t been through this can comprehend; A mom who loves her daughter very much. And a mom who is very afraid for her loved one. Please remember the family in your prayers.
I am glad to see that Mrs. Harrington is finally getting mad. I know that she's a very proper and respectful lady...however sometimes I think some anger and up in your face kind of stuff is needed.

There was a show on Discovery ID about a woman named Jane (can't think of her last name) but she became known as Citizen Jane. She said the only way you can keep LE moving on a case is to be very proactive. Calling the PD every day, if not going there every day. Writing letters, making contact.

I'm sure the Harrington's have been doing this...but maybe what appears to be anger to me will help to fuel the fire that needs to be lighted under the feet of the people working Morgan's case.

Ghost - Like you - I believe they have someone in mind!
I wonder if she is referring to one of the UVA basketball players?
I too read at findmorgan daily. Mrs. Harrington's words speaks volumes. :twocents: Are the pieces of the puzzle following into place w/the basketball players? I will have to read up to refresh my memory.
I read the family’s website regularly. Today (although dated 23 January) Morgan’s mother, Gil posted a very scathing blog entry. In it she unloaded on the City of Charlottesville and in a more subtle way, the local police department. If you recall, just over a week ago the Harrington’s were in C’ville to meet with the director of the CUE organization to announce plans for an upcoming large scale search. In the interview they gave to the local press they praised the efforts of all police departments involved. Today, she seems to have a different slant on things. She makes inference to the fact that C’ville is more worried about its reputation than people who go missing from there. Without putting words into her mouth she would seem to be under the impression that a specific someone was involved with her daughter’s disappearance. As to her comment about the predator being “still there in November”, I have no idea what is meant by that. Mrs. Harrington has always been a woman of both grace and strength through all of this. Evident by this blog entry is the tremendous amount of strain both she and Dr. Harrington must be feeling. These words reflect a woman who wants answers. Who needs answers. A woman that is frustrated beyond what any of us who haven’t been through this can comprehend; A mom who loves her daughter very much. And a mom who is very afraid for her loved one. Please remember the family in your prayers.

My take on Gil's blog was that it was toned towards the perp/his or her family/friends, and the possibility that the perp may come from money.
If the perp comes from a wealthy family, or is a politicians son, (for example), there may be cause to be discreet as to who he is. Politics.
Not to mention someone that wealthy would hire the best lawyer they could get.
(Jan 23rd entry Gil Harrington Whose reputation is being protected?
LE has to make sure they have an airtight case against the perp and right now they don't have a body. I hate to say this however it is true, a high society lawyer possibly could get the perp off. LE may want to be making sure that they have an excellent case, one that a defense lawyer can't get their client off on. LE would want to send this guy away.
Look at the reward money $150,000; huge sum, they aren't seeking someone who is very poor.

While she may be getting frustrated with the time it is taking and LE, which is understandable, if there is a possibility the perp is some politicians son, then LE wants to have a good case against him.

I was wondering if the perp is a UVA student, someone from one of the colleges around that area that Morgan may have come into contact with.

Gil mentioning that the perp was "still there in November"; that is very interesting. My guess would be that he is still out on the streets.

My question is, who is responsible for downplaying Morgan's abduction? LE or reporters who refuse to do articles on Morgan as she is "yesterday's news"?

C'ville, like many other colleges town like to sweep dirt under the rug and forget about things quickly, as god forbid parents are afraid to send their kids to college there. Crimes can and will happen anywhere, no matter large city or small town.
Here is a very useful map done by The Roanoke Times that puts Morgan’s every move into a time line with pictures of the area. You click on the red dot and it explodes into text. I’m sure there have been plenty of maps but I’d not seen one like this. If this is old news to folks then I’m sorry. It gave me a much better picture of the places and the direction she allegedly took that night. Go here;

This map is extremely useful. Considering sighting #6 is a bit "out there" supposedly having Morgan hitchhiking on a bridge, the spot where the purse was found and also sighting #5 would be my guess as to where she was really last seen, ruling out #6 completely.
Here's a link again about the UVA basketball players:

"State police say that the players cooperated fully with the investigation and they make up only a small percentage of witnesses interviewed for the case thus far."

IMO, i don't think the BB players are involved. Possibly the perp may attend UVA and is not a BB player at all.
As for UVA, colleges always want to CYA with their reputation.

As for the BB players being suspended or taking a leave of absence around that time:

"A reporter for the Internet site "Blink On Crime" and other sources say after Morgan Harrington left JPJ and before she disappeared she was seen with a group of UVa basketball players in the Lannigan Field Area where her purse was later found. Web chat rooms devoted to UVa sports buzzed about the coincidence.
UVa wouldn't confirm or deny the report, directing us to State Police, who say they can't disclose the identities of witnesses or anyone involved in the case."

Interesting is a comment on the bottom, below the article which seems to make sense:

"Wilbur Location: Charlottesville on Nov 18, 2009 at 03:49 PM
I have to believe that is is high time for the people investigating this situation to release all credible, verified information they have been able to obtain to the public. Sooner or later, they have to stop hiding behind the age old "releasing information might inhibit the investigation" line. Not releasing the information is what is inhibiting the investigation. It is, however, very conveniently keeping hidden any misteps that the investigators may have made.The public has its hands tied in helping if they don't know what is already known. What are they afraid of?"

Now that is a very, very interesting comment..

I can understand LE holding back certain info as to what she was wearing, etc in the beginning of the case to rule out the bogus sitings. However releasing some info if they have a perp, may be a good idea at this point. It may scare the perp and make him act "off", people will take notice. Obviously some things have to be kept quiet or you have a bunch of wackos coming to the station claiming they are the culprit.
IMO, i think a big problem is that there is no body, there is no Morgan..
As for Charlottesville and the reputation of city, the best thing they can do is not let people forget about Morgan, keep the posters up, keep the media updated on her.

If you have a child going to school in that city, God forbid they go missing, the last thing you want is your child forgotten.

Which is what i don't understand. C'ville may think it's protecting it's reputation, however does it want the reputation that it is a city who forgets about its' missing children?

It is better to be active and show that they will not forget about Morgan, than to let her fade away or sweep her under the rug.

Feb 1st there will be a benefit Basketball game for Morgan:
Show your support for the Harrington Family in their search
for Morgan by attending a benefit basketball game featuring
attending physicians versus resident physicians.​

Date: Monday, Feb. 1
7 p.m.
Location: Northside High School (Alumni Gym)
6758 Northside HS Road, Roanoke, VA​

"The body of a blonde woman clad in dark clothing has been found at a southern Albemarle County farm, several miles from Charlottesville, according to a reliable source. With no blonde persons missing from the Charlottesville-Albemarle area other than 20-year-old Morgan Dana Harrington, whose October 17 disappearance from a Metallica concert touched off a national hunt for her abductor, attention turns to that case."

A poster on Find Morgan also says that a bracelet was found on the body.
Channel 29 is reporting that skeletal remains of a female with long blonde hair and black clothing, bracelet on wrist ...

Large farm fronting on Rt 29 south of Charlottesville.
Channel 29 is reporting that skeletal remains of a female with long blonde hair and black clothing, bracelet on wrist ...

Large farm fronting on Rt 29 south of Charlottesville.

Since Channel 29 doesn't let me know what network or call letters or anything, do you have a link by chance? Please. This doesn't look very good. Sick to my stomach reading this.

Never mind. I found a link. Thanks anyway.
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