Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #10

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Theres 19 listing for that name KM in va... if we go by Va Tech being in blackburg I can place one less that 7 miles from there,,, and the closest i can get to the arena is about 69 miles for a KM I did find one in centerville which is right outside blackburg. However when I did a seach using the g from the email he left that was between his first and last name I came up with one result in washington it could be just this is a coincidence
Gypsy Road I'm hours behind and there's too much reading to catch up - so I wanted to ask...Has the body officially been confirmed by the medical examiner to be that of Morgan's? I've been gone most of the evening but caught a bit of the news before I left. I didn't have much hope left that Morgan was alive and okay, and hearing the news that a female body with long blonde hair had been found earlier today really shook me up. This is so sad for her family - I can't even fathom their pain.

The police came out at the news conference at 5pm and said they are "fairly confident" that it is Morgan. That "official" identification would come later from the medical examiner. Her parents had been called to the scene early afternoon and met with LE before the news conference.

It's her. They just can't say 100 percent without a dental or DNA identification by the ME.

It was said it was a female with long blond hair, dark clothes and a bracelet.
Theres 19 listing for that name KM in va... if we go by Va Tech being in blackburg I can place one less that 7 miles from there,,, and the closest i can get to the arena is about 69 miles for a KM I did find one in centerville which is right outside blackburg. However when I did a seach using the g from the email he left that was between his first and last name I came up with one result in washington it could be just this is a coincidence

There is a Centreville near Washington DC too. I'm not sure about a Centerville near Blacksburg, but there very well could be one.

Edit: Yep looks like there is a little bitty place called Centerville about 10 miles from Blacksburg.

I'm not sure about this particular KM...I must have missed the facebook post in question.
I am wondering if there is any connection between Morgan's remains being found and the house that caught fire that is less than 4 miles understanding is it was rented by students who were to move next could have been set to cover any evidence....just an idea????
I personally feel this is someone that Morgan knew, maybe just someone she knew from school. Here is my theory. Morgan is not allowed back in the concert she goes to the bridge and someone she knows sees her they stop and ask her whats up. She explains the situation and they say well I know this party at this old farm house, or some friends of mine are hanging out at this farm just right up the street why dont you go with me there and I'll bring you back when the concerts over and you can catch a ride home with your friends, and Morgan goes willingly not wanting to stand outside the concert all night or thinking that she may see someone from school and can catch a ride from this party. They park the car on drive way or the main road and walk, when perp sees they are far enough away from earshot, or far enough for her to be able to get away, he rapes and kills her, I am thinking she had to have willingly gone to this place which means that she had to at least be acquainted with the person.

When I was a teenager which was only a few years ago, we use to go to these type fields late at night take some blankets, beer and a radio and just hang out, til about day break, so I know kids do it because me and my friends did.

I don't think she knew the person. I think it's possible she met them that night and they saw her again hitching later on but I don't get the feeling this is a known friend or acquaintance.
Okay folks, I worked long and hard for this one, and according to my calculations.......

THIS is the area where Morgan was found. I turned this image around to match the aerial screenshots you see further down......


Now you'll ask how the hello I know that, right? Of course you will, that's why I love you ya go.... I matched it up using the tree lines and other topographical anomolies.

I did still shots of of video from the helicopter. They're hard to make out but you see the white objects in all three? That's LE and the mobile crime scene unit. Then I turned the map fifty different ways until I matched it up.

Here are those screen shots...




Now let me spin that map for you and pull it out further....


I'm map impaired and this really helps put it all in perspective.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Police 'fairly certain' remains are student missing from Metallica concert
January 26, 2010 10:46 p.m. EST
Police said skeletal remains were found after 9:30 a.m. Tuesday by a farmer driving a tractor through a hay field on his 700-acre farm. The area has no public access point, police said.

The farm is about 10 miles from where the concert was being held.

The farm's owner, David Dass, told CNN affiliate WTVR that he was out looking for damage after wind and rain knocked down several trees in his yard over the past week. He told WTVR that the area is at least a mile and a half from a main roadway.

"I looked down and saw what looked like a human skull, and my first thought was that it was Morgan Harrington," Dass told WTVR, adding that he immediately called 911.

Gil Harrington expressed concerns Saturday that there was beginning to be complacency in the search, she wrote in a blog on the Web site set up to help find their daughter.

On Sunday, more than three months after Morgan went missing, Gil Harrington still clung to hope.

"Despite the length of time Morgan has been gone I remain hopeful," she wrote. "Part of me is waiting to be surprised. Waiting for God to pull the rabbit out of the hat and bring Morgan home.

"I remember that the light always returns, it cannot help but return. Will the light of my life return soon? I cannot imagine that all the water of Morgan's potential is to run down the drain and be wasted. Can it really play out like that?"

Now, it appears, the Harringtons finally have their answer. Police say they have now switched their focus to finding out how Morgan Harrington ended up in the remote farm and who put her there.

Video: Morgan Harrington's body found? 3:43
January 26, 2010Police tentatively identify remains found on a farm as a Virginia Tech student who disappeared in October.


wow, that is some amazing work! thanks ever so much! is the 'big house' (the one we see behind the reporters on the right, at the end of Anchorage Farm Rd?

Looks like it would be tough going to come in from the left on Red Hill Rd, due to the woods.

However, coming in 'cross-country' from Blandemar Farm Rd from the top of the map would be a straight shot across open (most likely mowed) fields ... no prob in a truck or SUV.
Okay folks, I worked long and hard for this one, and according to my calculations.......

THIS is the area where Morgan was found. I turned this image around to match the aerial screenshots you see further down......


Now you'll ask how the hello I know that, right? Of course you will, that's why I love you ya go.... I matched it up using the tree lines and other topographical anomolies.

I did still shots of of video from the helicopter. They're hard to make out but you see the white objects in all three? That's LE and the mobile crime scene unit. Then I turned the map fifty different ways until I matched it up.

Here are those screen shots...




Now let me spin that map for you and pull it out further....


Shutterfly this is AWESOME!!! You're the greatest!! now I understand better!
Ok now after looking at Shutterfly's pictures of where she was found, and I understand I'm just looking from an overhead vantage point and not really from the ground, it looks like you could come in from Anchorage Farm Road and cut straight across to the site, depending on whether or not it was not too hilly. What I'm getting at is this...could a front wheel drive car get to that site? I'm asking this because the woman who owns the farm beside us is now widowed and she drives her front wheel drive car around her cow pastures and land every day checking on her cattle and the fence lines. Her land is not flat and is full of hills and dips. If that elderly lady can drive all over her mountainous farm land is it possible the perp drove a front wheel drive car?
Shutterfly, great work very impressive...thanks a ton I can actually see and understand now
Ok now after looking at Shutterfly's pictures of where she was found, and I understand I'm just looking from an overhead vantage point and not really from the ground, it looks like you could come in from Anchorage Farm Road and cut straight across to the site, depending on whether or not it was not too hilly. What I'm getting at is this...could a front wheel drive car get to that site? I'm asking this because the woman who owns the farm beside us is now widowed and she drives her front wheel drive car around her cow pastures and land every day checking on her cattle and the fence lines. Her land is not flat and is full of hills and dips. If that elderly lady can drive all over her mountainous farm land is it possible the perp drove a front wheel drive car?

Well, I just feel really stupid...I just answered my own question. Of course you can drive a car to the site...just look at LE cars there and I don't think they are 4 wheel drive???? Did I just have a "DUH" moment???? I think I need sleep.
Well, I just feel really stupid...I just answered my own question. Of course you can drive a car to the site...just look at LE cars there and I don't think they are 4 wheel drive???? Did I just have a "DUH" moment???? I think I need sleep.

Well beachy I might be having one with you. According to these calculations, this area is .29 miles from what I believe is DB's house, it's .45 miles (over a steep hill, thru a creek) from Red Hill Road, and it's .30 miles from the house nearest it on Waldemar Drive. Something, and I don't know what it is yet, but something isn't sitting well with me here.....hmmmmmmm.
wow, that is some amazing work! thanks ever so much! is the 'big house' (the one we see behind the reporters on the right, at the end of Anchorage Farm Rd?

Looks like it would be tough going to come in from the left on Red Hill Rd, due to the woods.

However, coming in 'cross-country' from Blandemar Farm Rd from the top of the map would be a straight shot across open (most likely mowed) fields ... no prob in a truck or SUV.

There appear to be fence lines and wooded areas from that direction.
wow no wonder it took so long to find her......she really was in the middle of nowhere question I have...if she has put there during the night would they be able to see the lights from a car or hear a car from the house....or is that just a stupid question
Well beachy I might be having one with you. According to these calculations, this area is .29 miles from what I believe is DB's house, it's .45 miles (over a steep hill, thru a creek) from Red Hill Road, and it's .30 miles from the house nearest it on Waldemar Drive. Something, and I don't know what it is yet, but something isn't sitting well with me here.....hmmmmmmm.

Well, Shutterfly as awesome as you are, I know you'll have it figured out quickly!! It's 5:30 am and I'm going to bed. Keep digging, sleuths! You all are absolutely great!!!
Thanks for all the info. you guys have put together. I was out all day and tonight I signed in "for just a minute" (when is it ever!) and saw this news. I'm in shock (although this was the expected outcome) I guess you don't realize how much you're still holding on to hope until it's gone. Prayers for Morgan and her family and for LE in their investigation.
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