Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #12

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I have a few questions?
(1) Did you feel the comment "the designated driver " indicated
(a)she gave him the keys..because she was going with someone else and planned to meet up later at the arena?
(b)she was already ,intoxicated...or planned to get that way?

(c)he was driving because he knew the area better than her?

(D) after driving almost 2 hours she was just tired, and it had Nothing to do with drinking or drugs

( Fact]81/64 the route , she would have been traveling separates at Staunton..
If time was tight it would have been easier to meet at the park and ride in Staunton and then travel from there together..but the report was she drove on to HSB adding at least 30 minutes up 81 to JMU then retracing that same stretch of 81 back to Staunton and then turn E on 64)

(2)Do we have a timeline from when she left home and what time she arrived in HSB?

(What time did she arrive and what time was it reported they would takes about a good hour and a half to get to JPJ from JMU..(not code lol)
How much time was she out of the car before the concert...time to eat, go to the bathroom..etc ??
(That maybe one reason she went in a different direction upon entering ...if they actually arrived together...)

(4)Do we have any links to video of her friends at the concert?

(5) Was the ticket number she held, turned in..?

(6) Was M the only person not allowed to reenter that evening? If not then why not ask anyone else not allowed to reenter to either come in or call in and be excluded as the person that resembled M trying to gain reentry...How many blond girl wore black that evening?

I think, a time line with the info and cell pings would give LE some insight as to where she encountered the person that was responsible for her death and disposal ...

There has been no mention of a tarp..or one would transport a body without some type of covering...unless they knew they wouldn't be seen...or M was alive and taken to the field .

I am so glad I was raised to believe there is a better place that awaites those that believe and obey the simple rules of "the ten commandments"..(not to get preachy or anything..but it does help me deal with these all too common ,continuing, senseless murders).
I think this might help a little with the confusion of last/first name of Howell, yet I agree, that it is probable that it was his mother's maiden name:



The Blandemar Farms community is sited on property owned in the 1700s by Col. Charles Lewis, who had inherited a portion of his ancestors’ original land grant of 21,600 acres. Charles Lewis was a notable figure in the American Revolution, praised by Thomas Jefferson for his “good sense, integrity, bravery, enterprise, and remarkable bodily powers.” The land and the home built by Lewis and/or his son, Howell, have changed hands many times, but were in possession of the Carpenter family for 103 years.
Didn't the "friends" also have her purse? My understanding was she went to the restroom, left her purse and keys with her friends, and then was locked out. But if she had her cell phone, why wouldn't she have someone come to the doors and bring her purse once she found out she was not allowed back in?
Didn't the "friends" also have her purse? My understanding was she went to the restroom, left her purse and keys with her friends, and then was locked out. But if she had her cell phone, why wouldn't she have someone come to the doors and bring her purse once she found out she was not allowed back in?

No, her purse was reported found the next morning in the overflow parking lot (though the report stated "cage parking lot"), with no apparent signs of struggle and cell phone (sans battery) and wallet/I.D. in it...but no red camera.

I read an early report (unconfirmed) that she was studying for a math test during the drive, and it would not be unnatural, imho, for the one guy to drive in a car full of women anyway (call me sexist, or whatever). Designated driver could mean a lot of things, though of course its normal connotation is one who stays sober while others party. And D kept the keys because there was every expectation that he would drive back as well.
Sorry if this is nit picking but it looks like EHs first conviction was in July 2006 which is less than four years ago from today. He also has a fail to register from the late summer/early fall 2008. I would assume failing to register is not an issue if you are locked up. So I'm thinking he must have been out by midsummer 2008 (probably a little before). So I’m thinking he must have done less than four years.

What truly baffles me is the 2008 charge, is this a new offense or just an additional charge tacked on from the original offense. If it was a new offense then what in the HELL was this guy doing on the streets a little more than a year later to possibly be involved in the MH case.....if he turns out the be the guy who did this then this will stir up a [beep] storm, and rightfully so. I mean if two violent sex CONVICTIONS in two years isn't enough to get you off the streets for more than a year then why the hell do we even have prisons.

To lock up non-violent people busted for three or four joints or a couple of pills or other less serious crimes. I swear, everytime I go to court, they are locking up some 20-year-old for 10 grams of pot or something. It is crazy. I have even seen where they lock them up for a good deal of time when it is a second offense. Also, there is the three times, you are out law that locks up non-violent criminals for life. Who knew? I will take my chance with some dopers over sexual predators/criminals any day.
I think this might help a little with the confusion of last/first name of Howell, yet I agree, that it is probable that it was his mother's maiden name:



The Blandemar Farms community is sited on property owned in the 1700s by Col. Charles Lewis, who had inherited a portion of his ancestors’ original land grant of 21,600 acres. Charles Lewis was a notable figure in the American Revolution, praised by Thomas Jefferson for his “good sense, integrity, bravery, enterprise, and remarkable bodily powers.” The land and the home built by Lewis and/or his son, Howell, have changed hands many times, but were in possession of the Carpenter family for 103 years.

Howell was his dad's name and his mother's married name before divorcing and 2 nd marriage with her current last name. Her maiden name was Snow
No, her purse was reported found the next morning in the overflow parking lot (though the report stated "cage parking lot"), with no apparent signs of struggle and cell phone (sans battery) and wallet/I.D. in it...but no red camera.

I read an early report (unconfirmed) that she was studying for a math test during the drive, and it would not be unnatural, imho, for the one guy to drive in a car full of women anyway (call me sexist, or whatever). Designated driver could mean a lot of things, though of course its normal connotation is one who stays sober while others party. And D kept the keys because there was every expectation that he would drive back as well.

Have any of the band's crew or followers, sometimes just hangers-on, been questioned? Maybe she left with someone with the expectation of getting back stage or going to meet a band member. It seems strange to be studying and then getting wasted, if she had a test the next day. I was just thinking of reasons she would leave the arena. One of the things I come up with is a member of the entourage of the band, an employee of the arena or someone in someway associated with the club member, etc, somebody who promised her a meeting with at least one of the band members after the concert. I think it would be very strange if there is no video of her leaving the arena. That would lead me to conclude that it is someone, indeed, involved with the arena and who would have access to video, etc. And then her friends driving back without her, even after they waited, without phoning her parents or someone, unless they thought she was partying with the band, etc, not just some student. Anyway, it is just a thought. Young, pretty, hip dresser, college student, blonde, almost groupie type...she seems like a good candidate to be partying with the band.
Also, I just went to the Metallica website...they have cameras everywhere. They pan the audience, the stage, everything. Surely, there has to be some footage of Morgan somewhere. Also, at one of the major universities in my area, which I would say is less technologically advanced than Virginia's, they have cameras all over campus and on the major highways and interstates.
I just wanted to list these websites. I don't remember seeing them, but thought they might help some people more familiar with the area.

These are just a few that I found. I am sure if someone were to take the time, they could maybe pinpoint a camera close to where Morgan was found. But, again, it seems she would have been seen at the JPJ arena, to me, or at least in a parking garage. How many parking garages nowadays don't have video? None. They all do. Maybe they do have a perp, but can't identify because of grainy video or can identify just don't know who it is and don't want to release it.

I followed my cousin driving from Houston, Texas, all the way to Crestview, Florida, on traffic cams. Once, when she stopped to go the restroom and didn't show up at the next camera when I thought she should have, I called her, and she was shopping at the little store she stopped at. But she was driving by herself, the weather was bad, and she was coming home for her father's funeral, so I felt I needed to keep an eye on her, so to speak, or at least know about where she was without having to keep her on her phone. Also, she would blink her lights, because I told her where the cameras were that I was going to be checking. You could watch eastbound or westbound.
Also, I just went to the Metallica website...they have cameras everywhere. They pan the audience, the stage, everything. Surely, there has to be some footage of Morgan somewhere. Also, at one of the major universities in my area, which I would say is less technologically advanced than Virginia's, they have cameras all over campus and on the major highways and interstates.

There's lots of video of the C'ville Metallica concert, but MH was reportedly outside already by then. Lamb of God and Gojira, the opening acts, also have some videos online, but nobody that I am aware of has seen her on them (lots of early confusion with D in the Metallica ones, who looks somewhat like MH but stepped forward early to say it was her near the stage). MH and friends' tickets were in section 312, somewhat up in the arena.
i have felt something happened at arena.can someone tell me what type of phone she had.if she had iphone would she be able to communicate with someone through say twitter and there would be no record of it? if she was using a dm type comm.
I remmeber that he went on and on in detail about his day.. i found it erie to read and your right he would have reason to be there because of his occcupation....

"Family and friends of Morgan Harrington will be held in Roanoke today. The ceremonies are open to the public and the media. The Mass will begin at 3:30 PM at St. Andrews Catholic Church in Roanoke. A reception in celebration of Morgan’s life will follow at the Hotel Roanoke. will have a video stream of the ceremonies."

IMO, there is a possibility the perp may show up, as it is likely he may have known Morgan.
If the area where MH's body was found was known for partying, wouldn't the person who left her body there be afraid that others might find her body at some future party? And, given GPS navigation, can we really be certain that this person had a very strong link to the area? Seems likely he may have been in that area before, but he would not necessarily need to have lived there.

One thing that strikes me as perhaps unusual is that no effort was made to cover up her identity; almost as though this person wanted the public to know specifically that MH had been abducted and killed. A bracelet and dark clothing were left on the corpse
[ ]; MH's handbag/pack with her ID were found on UVA property; yet these items could have been completely destroyed very easily & destroying them would would have thwarted the investigation further. Therefore, a random predator seems less likely.

Perhaps she met up with an angry & abusive ex-BF at the concert; perhaps this meeting occurred without prior planning. Maybe he hits her causing the facial injury or maybe he is just nasty to her in some way, someone in the arena confronts him & tells him to leave MH alone, threatening and insulting him. Or maybe someone instigates some type of altercation involving him even without any provocation on his part. MH may have been accidently injured in this altercation.

BBM & snipped

Walker, you make some good points.

Most likely the killer was feeling very paranoid and chose the location as it's within his comfort zone. As far as partying being done by youth at the location, it got cold out quick so that would limit that. Perhaps the perp partied there as a youth several years ago. People may not do that anymore, it was a theory as to why he may have been familiar with it. Maybe it was an old make out spot for locals, maybe dirt bikes, quads were rode there as well as hunting. For some reason, the perp is familiar with the area. Could be he lived around there at one point, or even had childhood friends around there. When i mention possibly it was an old party spot, it could have been for the perp many years ago, doesn't mean it still is today. Kids drink in the woods when they are underage, i did.

As for the body being found, its obvious it would be found there. Maybe he wanted it to be found, he was getting tired, maybe feeling a little guilty?

If he didn't want it found there always is the Atlantic Ocean, tons of mountainous areas to dump a body, not to mention old coal mines if he wanted to take a drive. He didn't. He stuck to what was familiar with him, it almost seems like he did it in haste and didn't really think about it. He didn't bother to burn any evidence. Maybe he is feeling guilt and wanted Morgan's body found?

The part you mention in theory about an exboyfriend, could be a possibility, something triggered him and pissed him off, driving him over the edge to the extreme.
A random killer might not have cared if he doesn't have a DNA profile on record and he has no immediately discernible connection to MH. The issue might have been "get rid of the body fast" and "in a place where no one will think to look for a while."

Do we know yet WHERE she was killed? Or is there another crime scene, e.g., a car?
Based on my own personal experience in recent months, a familar country location during daylight hours can become very unfamilar after dark. On more than one occasion, I have arrived late afternoon and stayed until after sunset working on a farm. It is much more difficult (without roads & reference points) to manuver through a rough pasture after dark. I believe this person knew this land like the back on his hand.

The next paragraph is strictly my Guesstimation:
In my area of the country, there are only a few cattle farms of this type still operating. Nevertheless, the demand for electric mushrooms is still high. IMO the person who put Morgan in this spot, may have for years, harvested mushrooms on the farm in the warmer months. There were no shrooms there in mid October but he knew the territory because he travelled this exact dark path many times before. He would endure the roughness of this terrain because this entry point and route were the safest way to eventually reach the place where the cows had grazed & where the mushrooms were plentiful. He was also accustomed to the wet ground because optimum harvesting is done after a spring or summer rain.

Could his initials be PT? He has the farm connection. Not sure of the mushroom connection though. Remember Det. Rader did not want to go into the past activity on the farm. It fits.
Just about tore my heart out listening to her Mother speak at first.
Police: Harrington's killer unwittingly left clues

Investigators say Morgan Harrington's killer is familiar with the terrain where she was found, and they hope residents of the area will be able to come up with more tips.

CHARLOTTESVILLE -- Morgan Harrington's killer unwittingly offered a clue to his identity when he chose to leave her in a remote hayfield of an Albemarle County farm, according to state police investigators. They now say they believe he is someone familiar with the rural terrain.

The streams, fences and rugged landscape of Anchorage Farm, where the 20-year-old Roanoke County woman's body was found last week, would have deterred anyone who did not know the farm or surrounding land, said state police Lt. Joe Rader on Thursday.

"We don't believe those are challenges someone unfamiliar with the area would confront," Rader said, adding that the body's location is the "most significant" aspect of the investigation so far.


On Thursday, Rader said criminal profilers, both in and outside Virginia, have helped investigators come to six conclusions:

* The person responsible for Harrington's death was familiar with the farm or the immediately surrounding area.

* "Past experience" at the farm may have "inclined" the person to come there with Harrington during what was likely a time of great stress.

* Residents of the area "through no fault of their own" know the person, or know someone who passed through at a crucial time.

* The person has "specific knowledge" of the area and is comfortable there.

* The person chose the farm site instead of other areas considered less risky, such as the side of a road.

* "This particular location would have been a high-risk location unless you're familiar with that area," Rader said.

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