Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #15

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It is odd that her ticket would be 'in pieces' in her purse. Many who go to concerts keep their stubs as memorabilia. Was she furious with her friends and left in a huff, tearing up the ticket in a metaphoric way of saying she was done with it.

I've never heard this before, when was this info released?
It is odd that her ticket would be 'in pieces' in her purse. Many who go to concerts keep their stubs as memorabilia. Was she furious with her friends and left in a huff, tearing up the ticket in a metaphoric way of saying she was done with it.

I've never heard this before, when was this info released?

I don't remember that either.:confused:
Is this something new?
After Morgan left JPP at app. 8:20 pm 10/17/09:

1. According to the Hook: Morgan told the ticket taker at JPJ that her ticket was in her pack "in pieces."

2. Per the ID show (which I haven't actually seen): one of the men Morgan met outside the arena asked her if she had a ticket to get back in. She told him, yes.

3. Morgan had enough cash to just buy a new ticket to be readmitted.

4. Per the ID show: Morgan in fact did not have her ticket; a friend had it in his/her possession at that point in time.

5. Morgan's ticket was never recovered by the police.

Could someone verify statements 2 and 4 for me?

Statements 3 and 5 came from source who supposedly has inside info.

Let's assume that all the statements are true. Doesn't it sound as if Morgan was not interested in returning to the concert?

If Morgan's friend had the ticket, wouldn't this person likely deliver it to the police as evidence that Morgan had in fact attended the concert?

That post by Walker (citing 'The Hook') is where I saw the 'ticket in pieces' mentioned first. Guess I should see which article it came from and post it directly.
Here is the original Hook article mentioning the 'ticket in pieces'. Great article, filled with info I hadn't heard of. For one, her umbrella was also found in the parking lot. I wonder who has her red camera. If it was 'lost' before she was abducted, it is odd that it never surfaced. Could it be the missing link to unlock this heinous crime?

Check out the article
That post by Walker (citing 'The Hook') is where I saw the 'ticket in pieces' mentioned first. Guess I should see which article it came from and post it directly.

Quotes from this link:

When she tried to reenter through the main entrance of the Arena, says Cappuzzo, the ticket taker asked for her ticket.

"She said, 'It's in pieces in my purse,'" says Cappuzzo, who says the ticket taker stopped her when it appeared she planned to dump the contents of her purse again.

Note: We do not know with certainty that the ticket was (1.) in pieces, or (2.) in MH's handbag; only that Morgan is quoted as making this statement to the ticket taker.
From the "Heavy Metal Murder" -

Lt. Rader VSP: “Forensically, there is a DNA connection that Morgan Harrington, at some point during her time in Charlottesville, prior to her death, came into contact with a person who has already been in the unknown subject data..DNA database.”

1. Sketch was not merely someone called in to assist in disposal of the body.
2. Sketch came into contact with Morgan in Charlottesville.
3. Morgan was killed in C'ville.

Illustration of timeline:

Is AF considered part of C'ville?
Is AF considered part of C'ville?

My opinion is no. It is certainly close by, but in Virginia cities are separate from the county that surrounds them. AF is in Albemarle County, not in Charlottesville city.
The article is from February 2011. I guess it will be awhile for familial DNA results or if this will even be done in Morgan's case?

From the Hook link above:

The other DNA test the Harringtons are pressing authorities to run is a familial DNA search, which could help narrow the pool of possible suspects by finding close relatives of the unknown assailant . That search will only work if the perpetrator has an immediate relative-- parent, sibling or child-- who is a convicted felon or has been arrested for a violent felony-- the two ways an individual's DNA would end up in the identified zone of the state databank.

The Virginia Department of Forensic Science has obtained and is currently in the process of validating familial DNA searching software. However, State Police spokesperson Geller says investigators must proceed "very selectively and carefully" with any DNA testing because the evidence available for analysis is limited. DNA is destroyed by the testing process and cannot be retested for different purposes that might arise.
While AF is not in the city limits of Charlottesville, in my opinion, Rader would most likely include it when referring to Charlottesville.

Is AF considered part of C'ville?
While AF is not in the city limits of Charlottesville, in my opinion, Rader would most likely include it when referring to Charlottesville.

Thank you for your reply. Therefore, Rader was not excluding the possibility that Morgan was killed at AF or that she first encountered Sketch at AF.
EVERY TIME i read this i cry. so so heartbreaking. ugh. it gives me a feeling of angst.

"I imagine golden hairs from your head woven into nests in that field and the nearby trees; beautifying and strengthening those homes, as you did ours. It gives me comfort to think of those elemental parts of you, Morgan, moving forward, combining in new ways, transforming and nourishing new life in that sacred ground on Anchorage Farm. I am grateful to the land for cradling you; holding you gently as nature dissolved away your tissues and reclaimed the precious molecules of your flesh that men had destroyed and discarded..."
Morgan Harrington's parents, Dan and Gil, will join us this Sunday on Websleuths Radio. Please listen right here

Be sure and check out the family's website

Also joining us will be bounty hunter Leonard Padilla. Leonard has all kinds of info about the Casey Anthony case.

Whatever Leonard starts talking about will be our topic :)

This Sunday and every Sunday Websleuths Radio. 8 PM Eastern/5 PM Pacific.
Wow, I have followed this case from the beginning but never here at WS, and I click on the thread and suddenly I see an argument about Hindu symbolism in art...I am trying to figure out what's going on but every time I peel back a layer I become more in need of a glossary. What does SS stand for and who is she? Thanks :)
I'll just say something, Morgan Harrington's case really hurt me more than most cases ever do. I guess The Lovely Bones coming out right then played a part. I took a bottle that washed in on the shore and put a candle in it and kept it lit each night for Morgan for a long time. I've shed many tears over her and the words of her family. I'm so glad to see this case still getting attention at least at WS, because it's so frustrating.
I am still at a loss regarding the DNA they recovered on her remains from the rape suspect. I know it couldn't have been DNA from her actual body because she was skeletal by then, so I'm guessing it was on her clothes?
I'm very convinced that the biggest clue in the investigation aside from the DNA is where her body was dumped, absolutely no way did someone just happen to come across that spot, they had to know the general area if not that exact farmland [but I do need to review this thread to see if other information has been put forward to the contrary].
I had actually forgotten about this case until websleuths radio brought it back to attention. Sometimes there are ones I forget about because they go cold.

So many mysteries to this case. I hope the killer can be found.
Wow, I have followed this case from the beginning but never here at WS, and I click on the thread and suddenly I see an argument about Hindu symbolism in art...I am trying to figure out what's going on but every time I peel back a layer I become more in need of a glossary. What does SS stand for and who is she? Thanks :)
I'll just say something, Morgan Harrington's case really hurt me more than most cases ever do. I guess The Lovely Bones coming out right then played a part. I took a bottle that washed in on the shore and put a candle in it and kept it lit each night for Morgan for a long time. I've shed many tears over her and the words of her family. I'm so glad to see this case still getting attention at least at WS, because it's so frustrating.
I am still at a loss regarding the DNA they recovered on her remains from the rape suspect. I know it couldn't have been DNA from her actual body because she was skeletal by then, so I'm guessing it was on her clothes?
I'm very convinced that the biggest clue in the investigation aside from the DNA is where her body was dumped, absolutely no way did someone just happen to come across that spot, they had to know the general area if not that exact farmland [but I do need to review this thread to see if other information has been put forward to the contrary].

Not sure what SS you are referring to? Perhaps it was a member's post?

Talking to the Harringtons on the show tonight was heartwrenching. I just wanted to bring Morgan back to them alive! :tears:

I'm praying that somehow someone hears them on the show and has the one clue they need to finding Morgan's killer!
You have got to listen to Morgan Harrington's parents on Websleuths Radio.

OMG. This is the first time in my radio career that I cried. I had to mute my mic.

The Harrington's come on around :35 minutes or a little bit past.

Here is a poem Gill (pronounced "Jill") wrote for Morgan.

Stuck at the big 2 0 - birthday poem to Mogo

Its another birthday and it aint too happy
in fact it feels kinda crappy
see, you'll always be
still twenty.
They tell me you'll be forever young
and I just have to bite my tongue
coz from what I can see
forever young aint all its cracked up to be.
Morgan, you were such a beauty
but now you're no way cutie.
I hate to be the one to tell
Honey, you look like hell.
In two years you've changed a lot.
There was that awkward stage of bones and rot
and now frankly, don't mean to hurt
though forever young - you look old as dirt.
Oh yeah, how dumb
that's exactly what you have become.
Morgan, you're 20 and holding, - your destiny.
Wish instead you were holding me.
You have got to listen to Morgan Harrington's parents on Websleuths Radio.

OMG. This is the first time in my radio career that I cried. I had to mute my mic.

The Harrington's come on around :35 minutes or a little bit past.

Here is a poem Gill (pronounced "Jill") wrote for Morgan.

Stuck at the big 2 0 - birthday poem to Mogo

Its another birthday and it aint too happy
in fact it feels kinda crappy
see, you'll always be
still twenty.
They tell me you'll be forever young
and I just have to bite my tongue
coz from what I can see
forever young aint all its cracked up to be.
Morgan, you were such a beauty
but now you're no way cutie.
I hate to be the one to tell
Honey, you look like hell.
In two years you've changed a lot.
There was that awkward stage of bones and rot
and now frankly, don't mean to hurt
though forever young - you look old as dirt.
Oh yeah, how dumb
that's exactly what you have become.
Morgan, you're 20 and holding, - your destiny.
Wish instead you were holding me.

I can't imagine how hard writing this poem had to be. God bless this family.
I can't imagine how hard writing this poem had to be. God bless this family.

I know it. The show has been over for more than an hour and I still feel very emotional. And to think the perp is still out there breathing our air is more than I can fathom.
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