Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #2

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So then it would seem we don't know this after all -all other reports saying it was her car and as MBLover points out we can't really trust this link so we'll wait and see I guess!
And that's another reason this blows.

I was initially leaning toward the story version of > it was Morgan's car to JMU -- where they picked up the third party (Sarah?) and changed cars for the rest of the dirve to the arena in C'ville.

That would explain what LE said in that one (literally one?) presser the other day which was something to the effect of (paraphrased) "Morgan's car has nothing to do with the disappearance." He phrased it in an odd way; but I reacall thinking that the only way to construe that remark and have it make any sense, would be if the car were somewhere else away from the area where she was last supposed to have been seen.

His overly cryptic, imo, wording of her condition was unsettling. "She was able to move about freely and converse." WTH????

Another oddity for me was: "The friends are moving on with their lives." WHO SAYS THAT ON DAY 4???? It seemed so random and WEIRD. I'll assume the remark has a purpose about which we are unaware, which is fine - still odd tho.

I wish the friends were doing the news show circuit; But I cant blame them for not doing it, I wouldnt either. I"d be too devastated and unable to communicate anything coherent on TV. So I get that. But I'd love to HEAR their account of the evening.

We've also not been privy to the even seemingly innocuous things that are significant to me even if they're small tidbits in the grand scheme of things. (And if anyone knows please post it?) Maybe I missed it, but I've tried to read all the pages. I may have missed reading some links in their entirety tho.

Below are things I'd like to know; Things that seem like info that would be insignificant enough and OK to reveal. Iow I understand if LE wants to hold back, but some things seem OK to maybe share imo - if not now then later, such as:

(1) How did she have her hair that night?

Does she generally keep it down if she starts the evening with it down? Or is it her habit, generally to pin it up? Also mystery blond in ONE of the several youtubes, seemed to have a top-knot like thing... like a pony tail, but not really... on the top of her head with the rest of the hair down. I didn't say that well

(2) What style of purse did she carry that night?

Did she have a shoulder strap purse or the other kind that you have to grip your hand around?

(3) What style phone did she have?

There are models with the SIM card and those other kinds where the phone contents, info are tied in with the battery. (Did I say that right?)
The photos, texts, phoe numbers adn call log would be huge for LE - you'd think. But we're day 10 right? and we have heard very little which is disturbing; but LE has to do what LE has to do.

Is there evidence of a text regarding Morgan's pivotal statement to the friend when she wwas barred re-entry of, "I'll get a ride OR i'll meet you at the car later."[/b]

That is crucial. Also, for you techy nerds (nerd as a term of endearment of course) can deleted texts be recovered? What if the battery is gone? Just get another one right?

Additionally, what do you guys think about the noise level for talking and hearing on a cell phone in that situation? My point here is... if texting is an option (and we know it was right?) why would a person try to speak in that environment? If the friends are saying that Morgan's statement was SPOKEN, I tend to lean toward not believing that it was even said at all. (sorry) They could probably deduce if calls were placed, but not what was said.
I'd think the friends feel bad and probably want to provide her parents with some feelings of consolation and in the process make things seem less... what's the word...

(Im just not sure how much I'm believing) Sorry to sound harsh, but some people even very good longtime friends have been known to do unusual (and at times deceitful) deeds when certain things are on the line. Maybe later things will come out and it all will make sense and I'll have to eat my words. I hope so.

(4) Did she take a coat?

If so what color/kind? Did she take it IN to the arena or leave it in the car? The mom didn't describe her as taking one. That's kind of important imo.

(5) Was she wearing any large distinctive accessories?

Like those popular wrist band-like bracelets, etc. Which hand?

(6) What was sold at the arena?

Did THEY sell the wrist bands? And were there a gazillion types of souvenir tshirts sold or just a handful of choices?

(7) Does Morgan drink? And for the locals - or anyone who knows - do they sell alcohol at JPJ arena?

If so, what? beer wine? And are they generally picky about carding folks?

(8) Where were their seats?

I believe this was posted here, but I cant find it.

(9) Who went with her to the concert?

That seems simple enough, but i've read conflicting things such as > sarah, amy, morgan... I've read > sarah, amy, morgan and sarah's BF... I've heard > SIX of "the nine" went -- which is it? sheesh. It does make a difference for the dynamics of the evening imo.

(10) Have any photos of the friends (who went to the concert) been posted anywhere in public?

Im just curious to see who all went that night.

(11) Did the friend say whether she ASKED Morgan why the heck - what possessed her to go outside?

That seems crucial to me and so, so obvious (to me).. if a message were exchanged at all, that is. (Iow, if the friend is telling the truth about the message in the first place.)

(12) Where were they parked?

Is there a shuttle? Did they use it? Did they leave coats in the car and make a dash thru the cold?

(13) Has the brother said who Morgan may have known, if anyone, at UVa?

Whoever she knew she likely met thru the brother ?

(14) Were there any RVs there that night?

That seems pretty straight forward info to me, but IDK. And what's the policy for how long an RV can park there?

(15) Locals or anyone - are there dorms and apts right there? close? like walking close? or need-to-get-in-a-car close? ?

If she were barred re-entry, no coat, cold, dark, rainy, no one took her the car keys to wait it out in the car. (That still perplexes me) where could she have likely been tempted to go to escape the cold and the boredom? - or where could she have been invited to go (lured?) to get out of the cold and the boredom?

Is she the adventurous trusting type of personality who would likely go with a friendly looking stranger? Or is she the leery, cautious type? (If the latter, then someone would have to have forcibly removed her with a struggle? which can cause unwanted attn and risk for the perp depending on the area)

You know what I mean? Like I have this friend (and I agree) who says that they'd have to chloroform her or shoot her in the back as she's escaping b/c she is NOT going to any second location, by choice, for any reason, with anyone... period.

It's hard to envison her getting snatched RIGHT THERE from what people have described about the place - at least not w/o someone seeing something. That sort of suggests to me that she may have left willingly and didnt' feel threatened til it was too late; and at the second more ominous location, (vehicle > van, truck, RV, car) or dorm, apt?) it seems more likely in the second location that there'd be fewer or no one else around to hear/see her needing help. Additoinally, there are some ominous looking woods not far away too - (it looks like) - right?

Sorry for the gasbag post.
Wow, excellent post Kant - I have to go to dinner but when I'm back I'll munch on that
I agree Kant......had she been taken forcefully in the vicinity of the arena somebody would have remembered seeing something to that effect. As you said, too many people. I'm on the same page as you seem to be. I think she willingly walked off with someone or several people and realized too late the consequences of her actions.

You mentioned a psychic back in the beginning and I agree 110%. I even think a forensic astrologer might be of assistance. I would do this in a second if this were my child.

Like yourself, I think her friends are the key to a lot. I, too, am doubtful of what's been said on their part. IMO they know why she went outside and it wasn't to smoke a cigarette and it certainly wasn't "she got lost."

I'm so fearful at this point Morgan is no longer alive. I just feel it in my gut she was abducted in the parking lot, taken somewhere, and her body may never be found.

Thanks for your "long" Seriously, you've shed lots of insightful thoughts and possibilities and have given all of us a lot to think about.

God bless Morgan.................may she soon be found.
Lots of good questions... without input from those who were with her, there's not much hope for answers.

DH and I have Virginia Tech season football tix and the folks who usually sit in front of us have given theirs this season to their daughter who is a student. She and 3 other girls have been using them. They all have lovely long hair and one constant is that they can't stick to one hairstyle. They all wear elastics on their wrists and the whole game its up/down... ponytail/topnot... back on their wrists and then five minutes later up again. Also I've noticed that all the girls I've seen this fall in Blacksburg have been carrying oversized bags (Dh even commented how they look like my diaper bag, he thinks it makes me feel good to be similar to 20 yr olds)..... much larger than girls of a similar age have in my area, and usually plain dark colors. In fact I remember walking out of the stadium a few weekends ago, across campus to our parking lot and seeing 5 girls walking together. They each had the exact same bag but in various colors. I remember thinking how important it is to girls that age in a close community to do things like that and how, by the time they're my age (30) its not important at all. I am so weird that I even notice such things.

I don't know how much this helps, probably not any at all. Its so frustrating to be helpless.
I just started reading the Kristi Leigh Cornwell thread, and I think it's possible that whoever took Morgan was not a rookie at this. Putting on my "Dexter' hat for a minute, I wonder if we could map out all of the similar abduction/murders in the Southeastern US in the past 6 months - the two kids in the Appalachian forest who were shot, Kristi, Morgan, are the only cases I can think of at the moment, but perhaps there's a link - the cases traveling north perhaps? the key might be in establishing a pattern.

I think Kristi might be connect....the cell phone and purse was left behind has the cell phone and belonging of Kristi.
Also the two kids were from Va tech too.

here a link but I think it might be children
I agree Kant......had she been taken forcefully in the vicinity of the arena somebody would have remembered seeing something to that effect. As you said, too many people. I'm on the same page as you seem to be. I think she willingly walked off with someone or several people and realized too late the consequences of her actions.

You mentioned a psychic back in the beginning and I agree 110%. I even think a forensic astrologer might be of assistance. I would do this in a second if this were my child.

Like yourself, I think her friends are the key to a lot. I, too, am doubtful of what's been said on their part. IMO they know why she went outside and it wasn't to smoke a cigarette and it certainly wasn't "she got lost."

I'm so fearful at this point Morgan is no longer alive. I just feel it in my gut she was abducted in the parking lot, taken somewhere, and her body may never be found.

Thanks for your "long" Seriously, you've shed lots of insightful thoughts and possibilities and have given all of us a lot to think about.

God bless Morgan.................may she soon be found.
I don't know why she went outside. FWIW Im not a drug user, but I've been to concerts and the smoke from... whatever made me sort of sick. Im not a moron, but I do made mistakes especially if I'm not feeling well. I did wander out the wrong door; it slammed and locked. I got myself locked out. My husband was a few steps behind me. We said the hell with it, went home, made tea and toaster pizzas like the snooze-fests that we are. My point is, it happens. It seems her friends would have asked her why she was outside. Maybe they did ask and we dont know. Maybe they didn't ask and now wish they had. Maybe the whole "get-a-ride-OR-meet-you-later" message was just a story to console her parents and perhaps cover their heinies. Maybe there is a recoverable text to verify it. I guess we'll see... if LE can ever release it all at some point when the time is right? IDK.
Wow - talk about scalding replies. Really, FC, you need to relax!

First, people DO use crack recreationally; they DON'T have to be an addict. People can use opium recreationally; they don't have to be an addict. Nobody but you continues to harp on Morgan being a serious drug user.

Second, and this has been repeated over and over, there are numerous INDOOR smoking areas in this arena.

And, FWIW, I've never seen Law & Order ::p: but I have a brain and 50 years of experience ... 20 of them in my teens and twenties! Just because we're 'old' doesn't mean we're lame ... we did whatever you're thinking of first!

Totally agree here. "Good kids" do a lot that their parents would beat them over if they knew. In law school people would (morbidly) joke "its not addiction if you have a 3.8 GPA." I work on wall street now, most of us in our mid 20s, and among a considerable amount of SMART people there's still a work constantly 5 days a week, party til you can't remember over the weekend. These aren't "junkies" but there's a lot of cocaine, pills, etc.

I'm not condoning it, I think its dangerous and a slippery slope. But every mention of drug use shouldn't be brushed off because the person doesn't look like a junkie. JMO :)
I just started reading the Kristi Leigh Cornwell thread, and I think it's possible that whoever took Morgan was not a rookie at this. Putting on my "Dexter' hat for a minute, I wonder if we could map out all of the similar abduction/murders in the Southeastern US in the past 6 months - the two kids in the Appalachian forest who were shot, Kristi, Morgan, are the only cases I can think of at the moment, but perhaps there's a link - the cases traveling north perhaps? the key might be in establishing a pattern.

And, as someone added later, the teenager who went missing from spring break vacation in South Carolina!

I think your point is a good one and hope LE is looking for a pattern. I have read that they are seeing if they can link the two VT students shot in the campground to Morgan's disappearance.
Yeah it is curious, and it is worrying but on the other hand as I wrote on the FB page, comments to ALL Perez articles are like this and sometimes very abusive or crude and people often write to him about something totally unrelated to the article. That saying there could well be something here and it should be looked into...maybe someoen check with Perez? I am away from computer for a few hours

On the second addy given, it appears to be a quarrel b/t this guy and another person, another guy or a girl. I don't think it was meant for the Morgan page, but just got posted there by mistake. JMO
Sounds like she was abducted from the parking lot. But there are a lot of suspicious elements. She left before the Metallica concert started, when she had waited 6 months to see it. She left to use a washroom outside the stadium when there were plenty of restrooms in the stadium. She called her friends and said she would get a ride home when she could have waited for them to go home with. Was she meeting someone and using going to the concert as a cover? I hope they are checking her cellphone and computer records. Just saying, it all sounds weird.
kant- there are 2 types of phones- 1 is SIM where most stuff is stored on the chip, but newer phones have their own memory. the other is cdma, likeverizon/sprint, that uses the phone memory, regardless of the battery- forensics can now tell when a fone was powered off (like how does ur fone now what time it is when its off). if we assume the purse/fone were less relevant, for a minute, like if she just forgot them in the bathroom, where does that put our theories?
-she was in section 312-look at my very 2nd post-i have all info of where she was, and of other guys who were in her section, including people who had open invite parties at various hotels.
-if u look at clips of opening bands, ask urself if u culd stand to be in the hot/potsmelling/death metal area and not need some air?
-still dont know where her tikstub was, with forgoten purse?
-bak to the uva party, do her friends hav relatives/SOs their or at the party? or did they talk about going somewhere after?
-how come she didnt borrow a fone and call her friends if she was still in the area when the concert was over? did the friends miss some calls from numbers to their fones?
-back to the paperlady, who mite recog a skanky-looking girl w/ 3 duded at 345am, and think the same thing the dudes were-did she see a fone/purse w/ morgan(obvious MH had no where to hide stuff, kwim)-MH outfit wouldnt hav been ok for a frat party, where she,s alone-we know what msg thatd send

-if we knew about the academical village sighting, SAM could at least have gone there to post flyers, since there arent any where she was spotd?
-are LE tryin to act as the heat is off so perp/s will come out of hiding?
-do u think the bogus friends were threatened to keep their mouths shut by a perp?
Sounds like she was abducted from the parking lot. But there are a lot of suspicious elements. She left before the Metallica concert started, when she had waited 6 months to see it. She left to use a washroom outside the stadium when there were plenty of restrooms in the stadium. She called her friends and said she would get a ride home when she could have waited for them to go home with. Was she meeting someone and using going to the concert as a cover? I hope they are checking her cellphone and computer records. Just saying, it all sounds weird.
Many things puzzle me, and this may well be the case. IDK. But I cant figure why she would NEED a cover. She doesn't live at home. She has an apt with a roommate which ~ 30 mins or so drive from her parents.

I'm not disputing the idea b/c to me it is plausible for someone to use a concert as cover; but the WHY stumps me. She's not 15, living at home; She's 20, living off compus, somewhat away from parents and she's a Jr in college. The WHY ...why would she need a cover for a dude? It stumps me.


Many things puzzle me, and this may well be the case. IDK. But I cant figure why she would NEED a cover. She doesn't live at home. She has an apt with a roommate which ~ 30 mins or so drive from her parents.

I'm not disputing the idea b/c to me it is plausible for someone to use a concert as cover; but the WHY stumps me. She's not 15, living at home; She's 20, living off compus, somewhat away from parents and she's a Jr in college. The WHY ...why would she need a cover for a dude? It stumps me.



maybe he was older or married? then secrecy makes sense.
maybe the friends are more involved? maybe someone in her section went outside with her, but that person took her stub and MH didnt or had both stubs? what happened about the ATM card? maybe they gave her some bad stuff and then laid out this whole thing? its not like le was looking for her friends wherabouts too (from evidence, eyewitnesses, cell record, etc) if MHs fone was taken after the party i guess she was at, then she might have a contact of a witness in there.
Do the friends smoke? That would sort of explain why they got separated if they do not smoke.

Could someone have offered her a one-person-only backstage meet and greet opportunity, but only for her - no room for friends? Or a prime up-close, catch-their-sweat floor seat? (or standing whatever)

Were there buses or RVs?

I apologize if these were posted...I've been ill since last Saturday & am pages & pages behind right now!

Parents of missing Va. student fear foul play
Morgan Harrington became separated from her friends at Oct. 17 concert
updated 9:43 a.m. ET, Tues., Oct . 27, 2009
The parents don&#8217;t know why Morgan left the building or decided to find her own way home, saying that wasn&#8217;t the way she normally operated. But they also said that kids aren&#8217;t always ruled by logic.

&#8220;Kids are impulsive,&#8221; Gil Harrington told Vieira. &#8220;I don&#8217;t know if she met up with another friend or so-called friend. I am reassured that she was not lost in a big crowd inside, that we do have contact with her from outside. She gave the message to her friends that she was OK and could get a ride, and that&#8217;s our last communication ... Kids at this age believe that everybody is their friend.&#8221;

The couple said they have gotten strength from the support and prayers of friends. And they maintain hope.

Today Show Video: Disappearance of a child &#8216;a parent&#8217;s worst nightmare&#8217; 7:33
Oct. 27: As the FBI continues to look for missing Virginia Tech student Morgan Harrington, TODAY&#8217;s Meredith Vieira talks to her parents, Dan and Gil Harrington, about their desperate search.

Today Show Video: FBI joins search for missing VaTech student 2:43
Oct. 27: The FBI joins the search for a 20-year-old missing VaTech student who vanished from a Metallica concert 10 days ago. NBC's Norah O'Donnell reports.

Today Show Video: Metallica aids in search for missing fan 5:22
Oct. 24: The popular band - as well as the FBI - has joined the search for Virginia Tech student Morgan Harrington, who disappeared during a concert one week ago. NBC's Amy Robach reports, then sits down with Morgan's parents, Dan and Jill Harrington.

Metallica adds to reward money for missing Virginia Tech student Morgan Harrington
October 27, 4:15 PM
The reward for information about Morgan Harrington has jumped to $150,000 after a generous donation from Metallica.

Metallica heard about Morgan&#8217;s disappearance and posted a message of concern on their Web site. The band&#8217;s front man, James Hetfield contacted the missing student&#8217;s parents to add $50,000 to the reward for information that will lead to Morgan&#8217;s safe return and apprehend her abductor.

See More Photos Of Morgan:

Metallica Concert Video Clues In VA Tech Co-Ed Search?
October 27, 2009
Could YouTube videos and fan photos be the break in the case of 20-year-old Virginia co-ed Morgan Harrington? The Virginia Tech junior vanished without a trace at a Metallica Concert in Charlottesville, Virginia on October 17.

After investigators urged concertgoers to come forward with photos and videos that could help in the case, video surfaces on Facebook and YouTube of a young girl, dressed in black, who looks like Morgan Harrington. From two different angles, the mystery girl is seen leaving the general admission area with three men and then she&#8217;s seen near the stage.


maybe he was older or married? then secrecy makes sense.
Yes, I agree and poster Chili Fires (or was it C6?) mentioned a possible professor liaison which would require discretion; but still, she has an apt away from her parents. But you're saying perhaps it's not only the parents that she's dodging, but perhaps other apt residents would be nosy. Yeah... that's true.

How do we dig that up? What classes is she taking?
Some key piece is missing from this.


maybe he was older or married? then secrecy makes sense.

Dunno... It seems to me that if she only wanted to see a married boyfriend she could have more easily done it without vanishing and attracting all the attention from her family and friends, media and LE. She could easily have said that she was going to visit a friend in another state or got a temporary job out of town or something. Doing a disappearing act would just have meant that she'd had more explaining to do if and when she returned and the married guy might have surfaced.
why does the prof have to be from her school-why not a prof from uva who was also near her in the concert? or maybe a married prof? the thing i cant stand is the news agencies lack of updatednessand clarity. seems like they cant even spell the moms name one way
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