Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #3

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Beth Holloway never gave up hope that Natalie was alive. She kept hopeing and praying and wishing and fighting tooth and nail. The Harringtons have folded after seven days???Huh????

Then we get to the LE released timelines. Are these sightings the same that said she was in the video up close to the stage..the ones her own family could not agree on. Or the sighting of the newspaper lady or the sighting of the scuffle in the parking lot. Or maybe the fellows getting out of their car saying she was so friendly...We have no idea if any of these sightings are correct or even her???

I am very perplexed that there are no pictures of the girls at the concert. Every girl in the whole world are snapping pictures of the whole group in the parking lot and at the concert and sending them to their friends..we have nada?????

Would she be sooooo dumb to leave the concert and hike up on that dark bridge when it gives most of us the willies just looking at the picture?

Here are the facts so far..verified facts...
1. She had a ticket to go to the Metallica Concert (No pictures of her there)
2. Her purse and her cellphone, with out a battery, was found in the RV park. (Yep we found that)
3. Nobody has seen her since...Tuesday. (Sightings are not actual people)

We have LE telling nothing. Parents that have given up. Friends not saying a word. Nary a picture that was sent to a friend showing up. The kids I know send pictures of their every movement and there were several that night.

Something is just not adding up. This case is nothing but speculation.
Im stiill catching up reading.

The parents have given up?

Good point about the photos. People take pictures everywhere for no reason so at a big night out... where are the photos? I could see one out of a group not taking pictures, but ALL of them?

I try but nothing makes sense. She had a ton of friends at the concert so if she needed money for a taxi or another ticket they could have given it to her. Also I can't believe there wasn't one of those friends that got up and went in the back to investigate and see if they could help. Nobody did anything!!!!! It sounds to me like when she called and told them her predicament they said tough and her answer was she would try other things. What a great bunch of friends they were. Not one went to check on her. Darn.

I agree that we are missing something...maybe lots of somethings. And I agree that it seems like the friends didn't do much to help her.

I will say that it would be hard to get a taxi to take you to JMU. My car once broke down in Cville and I needed a ride home to Waynesboro (halfway between Cville and JMU) and two cabs wouldn't go. When one finally agreed he was going to charge me $100! I ended up calling a friend and paying her for gas back and forth...much cheaper for me.

As for tickets - I am wondering if the scalpers were still outside. I read that the box office was closed. Wonder if she could have gotten a ticket? Or wonder if someone lured her away from the arena with promises of getting one ("I have an extra in my car. My buddy didn't show up.")? That might explain why she walked away from the arena area...and then once she was far enough away the predator could have forced her further.
found this on description of stadium, posted oct.18, 2009. interesting perspective.
"My most important advice--get there early! We attended a rock concert there recently. We got within one mile of the arena, then hit heavy traffic. It took us 45 minutes to travel that one remaining mile! Traffic was chaotic as people cut off others, made right turns from left lanes, etc. We saw no local police to help the traffic situation, although two patrol cars were parked at a Taco Bell. So, if your event starts at 7:00, plan to arrive by 6:00 at the absolute latest. The arena has no large-screen televisions (jumbotrons). Our seats were in the lower part of the upper deck; there were no ushers, so there were lots of folks milling about trying to find the correct row and seat numbers. View was good until some folks decided to stand in the aisles and platform areas. Again, no ushers to control the crowds or to enforce the no smoking rules. Restroom facilities were no where near large enough for the crowd present. This arena will not be my first choice in attending future events."
Did Morgan have a black purse?



I heard today in the news conference that it was black with two straps. Can't find a link, for the source but I'm looking...:waitasec:

Adding the link now:

"Rader described her purse as black in color and the type that has two straps and can also be carried as a backpack. Her purse and cell phone were found by a passerby Sunday morning, Oct. 18, in the grassy, overflow parking lot next to Lannigan Field. Both were turned in to University Police."

I think HONEYBUN1807 hit the nail on the head. Since no one is coming fwd w/ real info, it's all just speculation. The rotten smell coming from this case emanates from the friends. And pardon me if it's brutally honest and politically incorrect or whatever, but the so-called pals of hers were either too drunk/drugged to help, or they were sober and didn't give a hoot. Either way, not good. Again, since the family, LE, and all who *really* know anything are not providing info for the public, the public is at a big disadvantage. Maybe they don't want our help? They're sure acting that way. Yet.... I have kids of my own almost that age, and will continue to analyze whatever is floating around in hopes of providing some insight if anything strikes me. As a preventive, I've made my son and daughter read up on this case. My 17-yr old daughter's take, "Why didn't she dress warmer?" My son (age 15) said, "Wasn't there a designated driver or sober person in the group, to watch after anyone who got wasted or lost?"
Kids! They say the darndest things, huh?
I agree that we are missing something...maybe lots of somethings. And I agree that it seems like the friends didn't do much to help her.

I will say that it would be hard to get a taxi to take you to JMU. My car once broke down in Cville and I needed a ride home to Waynesboro (halfway between Cville and JMU) and two cabs wouldn't go. When one finally agreed he was going to charge me $100! I ended up calling a friend and paying her for gas back and forth...much cheaper for me.

As for tickets - I am wondering if the scalpers were still outside. I read that the box office was closed. Wonder if she could have gotten a ticket? Or wonder if someone lured her away from the arena with promises of getting one ("I have an extra in my car. My buddy didn't show up.")? That might explain why she walked away from the arena area...and then once she was far enough away the predator could have forced her further.

You are right about the taxi fare so with that in mind I am really wondering how in the heck her friends thought she could manage? We all know she had no money in her checking account..remember daddy was to work with her on that Sunday. She was overdrawn and if we know that..her friends knew it too. But once again those friends could have pooled money. Which then leads me back to the parents and how supportive they are of the friends who..did nothing.
Here is the reading of MH done by my friend. She says if you have questions she will try her best to answer them.

Older woman very prominent in her (MH's) life. Strict but loving. Dominant, serious, always there, ever present. Feelings of inadequacy where this woman was concerned - but this was MH's issue. MH knew how this person is and how things were conducted in the presence of this person. It wasn't a bad thing - it is just someone who is set in their ways and perfers a certain way to handle business/anything. Kind of a time and place for everything - and everything has it's place. This woman is always on MH's mind - kind of a guide and wanting guidance, direction even if she wasn't around.

The next card the 3 plays very prominently. 3 "brothers" / 3 best friends - 3 males in some fashion. One has a preference for exotic animals - preferably parrots. These 3 are of mixed heritage - possibly Native American and Caucasian or someone of similar coloring. One may possibly have had burns around the face - there is a covering partially on the face/head that looks like what burn victims are wrapped in. This is probably not a fresh injury. There was a promise made by these 3 or there was some kind of exchange made by these 3 to MH. 1 of these guys was the more serious of the bunch, 1 guy laid back and the other just happy go lucky. Don't see any harm coming to MH by any of the 3 really, but seemed to have some kind of interaction.

Next card - speaks of an older gentleman. Kind, loving, thoughtful, but also dominant but in not so severe a way. Always looking out...the protector, the one who understands, the one who is emotional - but in no way a wimp. Very dedicated. A man of high stature. Very loved. The first card and 3rd card seem to surround this reading and is believed to represent the Mother and Father, who seem to be trying to hold everything all together. It also shows that MH wanted it to be this way - surrounded - guided - loved.

Next card - a younger man, but older than MH. This card could represent her brother as the card is connected to the Mother - however, the feeling comes across as a young man who is smitted with MH and is liked by the Mother. Doesn't appear to be a relationship with MH, but does have the potential of possibly becoming a relationship at some point, feels more like a family friend at this point. Young man is well to do and of the same stature as the H family. He's the kind of person who has the "midas touch". Very on top of his game. Feeling of broker or investment banker - financial planner type. Has finished school is more wise than his years.

Next card is a card of transition (doesn't necessarily mean death - but that is a possibility) - moving away from a situation - rising above the mundane - balancing out and over coming obstacles - spreading the wings and moving beyond and above emotions.

Next card - a new beginning - a fresh start (could mean left for somewhere new or could mean new life in the next plane). Emotions and emotional times surround, but MH is well protected in this new beginning. Feels very loved. Halo surrounds this child and she is now protected from any and all harm and appears to be quite content

Next card - issue over money - someone trying to help her to get what she needed, but didn't quite make it. This has to do with another female. Both seem to be striving for the same - working together, but the help either just wasn't good enough or didn't come in time.

Next card is a card of breaking down - anger, rage caused either by herself or another, but this seems to be caused by another female. Injury to one - downfall of one - loss to one. World turned upside down and cracked/broken. MH may have been the one to set these events on course or to start them, but it was finished by another. Could have caused great embarrassment, jealousy, rage, injury in which MH could have run away from - which set other events into motion.

Last card - Offending female - Someone who dyes their hair - not natural colored - completely opposite. This female dresses more for the professional world and not that of a college student. Female appears somewhat older than her years. Prefers to wear earthy tones. Is quite precise in her diction and uses as few words as possible to get her point across - which she is able to do very well. She appears to be rather tall - taller than average or the persona she gives off she sees herself bigger - ego thing. Quite striking in looks, prominent nose (but proportioned) and pouty lips. Medium blue or hazel eyes.
Thanks. That is very interesting.

What info is required to do the reading? Like some say dont tell them anything, just let them hold a personal item that belongs to the person... like that. How did she do it?

very interesting. I dont know anything about this stuff, but I guess there's no way to elaborate on it? (Or that's a stupid question probably? ) :)
found this on description of stadium, posted oct.18, 2009. interesting perspective.
"My most important advice--get there early! We attended a rock concert there recently. We got within one mile of the arena, then hit heavy traffic. It took us 45 minutes to travel that one remaining mile! Traffic was chaotic as people cut off others, made right turns from left lanes, etc. We saw no local police to help the traffic situation, although two patrol cars were parked at a Taco Bell. So, if your event starts at 7:00, plan to arrive by 6:00 at the absolute latest. The arena has no large-screen televisions (jumbotrons). Our seats were in the lower part of the upper deck; there were no ushers, so there were lots of folks milling about trying to find the correct row and seat numbers. View was good until some folks decided to stand in the aisles and platform areas. Again, no ushers to control the crowds or to enforce the no smoking rules. Restroom facilities were no where near large enough for the crowd present. This arena will not be my first choice in attending future events."
Thanks for that.


that is all.

found this on description of stadium, posted oct.18, 2009. interesting perspective.
"My most important advice--get there early! We attended a rock concert there recently. We got within one mile of the arena, then hit heavy traffic. It took us 45 minutes to travel that one remaining mile! Traffic was chaotic as people cut off others, made right turns from left lanes, etc. We saw no local police to help the traffic situation, although two patrol cars were parked at a Taco Bell. So, if your event starts at 7:00, plan to arrive by 6:00 at the absolute latest. The arena has no large-screen televisions (jumbotrons). Our seats were in the lower part of the upper deck; there were no ushers, so there were lots of folks milling about trying to find the correct row and seat numbers. View was good until some folks decided to stand in the aisles and platform areas. Again, no ushers to control the crowds or to enforce the no smoking rules. Restroom facilities were no where near large enough for the crowd present. This arena will not be my first choice in attending future events."

bolded by me. interesting, the spottings of her were in the area and according to this person area was very crowded so maybe more will come forward.
why did she need to go out to smoke?doesnt sound like tuff security to me. fishy how she couldnt get back in.
Thanks. That is very interesting.

What info is required to do the reading? Like some say dont tell them anything, just let them hold a personal item that belongs to the person... like that. How did she do it?

very interesting. I dont know anything about this stuff, but I guess there's no way to elaborate on it? (Or that's a stupid question probably? ) :)

I heard her saying Morgan's name over and over in somewhat of a forceful voice - asking her for any information that she could give her. While doing this, I could hear my friend shuffling the cards. This must have taken roughly 5 minutes. She began talking and I began typing...
Thanks. That is very interesting.

What info is required to do the reading? Like some say dont tell them anything, just let them hold a personal item that belongs to the person... like that. How did she do it?

very interesting. I dont know anything about this stuff, but I guess there's no way to elaborate on it? (Or that's a stupid question probably? ) :)

I heard her saying Morgan's name over and over in somewhat of a forceful voice - asking her for any information that she could give her. While doing this, I could hear my friend shuffling the cards. This must have taken roughly 5 minutes. She began talking and I began typing...

An elaboration on the reading? I'm sure she would have no problem in doing that. Is there anything specific (with one or more of the cards) that you would like more information on?
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