Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #3

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I cant envision her - even if how high the moon (and we dont know that) I cannot envsion her going to some dude's car who says he has an extra ticket. If someone indeed had an extra ticket, it does them NO GOOD in the car; and wallking into the venue they could perhaps unload it on someone for a few bucks. And even if some dude DID have an extra ticket in the car, I can only see her saying, "Great I'll wait here while YOU GO GET IT."

I guss I was thinking about it from when I was 20. I was very trusting. I came from a small town and looking back now I know that I did some really stupid and unsafe things. I remember reading that Morgan was also trusting and thought maybe if the guy "looked safe" (think of Ted Bundy, Scott Peterson, etc.) then she might go with him somewhere. I think sometimes it is still hard for young girls to remember that all "bad guys" don't look scary or unsavory.
OK, y'all can heave tomaters at me, but if this is true, it just screams at me. Screams what? Im not sure, but it screams. Who kisses their friend goodbye, have-a-nice-evening as you're off to the restroom? or have a nice trip to the restroom? I kiss folks goodbye all the time... when the visit or evening has come to an end; when we are parting ways for the day. I do not kiss even my BBF friend on the cheeck when she's going to the restroom or out for a ciggy. But that's me. Everyone's different and that's not a crime.

" 'Amy gave Morgan a kiss on the cheek. and Morgan went to the bathroom,' says Dan Harrington. 'We know that Morgan got out of the building, and then it's like she fell off the face of the earth.' " [
snipped for space

OH - THANK YOU for mentioning this...i was afraid to say this! lol :blushing:
I'm back to wondering if the friends were truthful in the beginning. I think it's quite possible they told LE and Morgan's parents someone else's car was driven to C'Ville because they thought they'd get in trouble for driving her car but recently realized they needed to fess up to the truth...thus the change in info.

Just a thought...

This will be a hard case for us to sleuth if LE is withholding the real time line and facts.
If the facts are laid out to us then there's some serious problems with the info the last people to see Morgan alive the key is her friend's stories.
Why would they lie? or withhold info?
Have the LE even question security? It seems obvious to me, I assumed they all have been thoroughly questioned. Why no footage of her on the surveillance tapes?
This case is troubling due to the lack of info and a time-line.
What's sad is a girl is missing and every minute counts- it has been over 10 days now?
I do hope for her safe return.
Here's my take on everything so far. The whole situation to me seems odd. First the friends, I know we aren't to blame the friends and I'm not I'm just observing the fact that as we know it, they wish to not be interviewed and this could be very well be LE doesn't want them to, but that's something I don't know for sure. The mother already speaks of her in past tense, and is showing little to no emotion. Do you think she knows more than shes saying too, but won't say anything because LE said not to or she's in fear of hurting the case? I'm definitely not saying it's her fault in anyway. I know she loves her daughter, you can just tell.
I also know that with the more secrets that come or the less that's being said, I find that it will be hard to find her with the little we have to go on. When I say we I mean the public. I know for LE it's a hard call to make, but when things start to grow colder don't you think there is a point where you draw the line and let things be known?

I know I have been a big advocate of them having to be careful as to what they release, but I do agree that as time goes on they should be start to release more. However I am starting to fear that they really don't have much more to release (just my opinion).

I won't retell the story I told as few post back, but as far as the mothers behavior I think it is one of the common ways people behave in these type's of situations. I think she feels that she has to remain strong because the matter is still unresolved and there is much work to be done. I think the only way she can do this is to remain very stoic. I think its almost as if people feel if they start to let emmotion slip out they may break down entirely and not be able to be of help. This is all of course only my theories so take it for what is worth.
Hmmmm....on the FB page! Charles Walton: A reporter e-mailed me about this because there has been so much confusion. She is with a reliable station but I cannot mention her name. Here is what she wrote:
..and I wanted to let you know Morgan and her friends drove HER car to JPJA. Her friends then drove it back to JMU where they spent the night Saturday night. The car is now sitting in Morgan's parent's driveway... I've seen it quite a few times in the past week. State police told me originally they thought her friends drove to the concert in one of their cars, but found out late last week that was incorrect.
about an hour ago

AAAARRRGH! :hopping_mad: this car issue is making me nuts, LOL!!! but thanx for sharing with us !!
still on the car:

"the Hook editor. Morgan's dad originally told us that Morgan's car and keys stayed in Harrisonburg. In preparing this cover story, State Police spokesperson Corinne Geller-- asserting a change in info-- told us the contrary scenario we put in this story above. So we spoke again this morning to Dr. Harrington, and he stands by his statement: that Morgan's car was never in Charlottesville. Messages left this morning with Ms. Geller have not been immediately returned, but we'll update as soon as she clarifies....

seriously? LE & Morgan's dad cant get together on who drove to the venue and who had the keys?!! this is crazy.

this car story is giving me a serious headache

NO DOUBT! and if we are to believe that the car is not important then why do they keep changing the story??? dang
Suggest that everyone read Soulscape's charts in Morgan's thread under Forensic Astrology. Soulscape has also posted search information that some of you Charlottesville and area posters could use.
I have a question, I’ve heard the theory that maybe she just ran off being offered up here. I think that this would be an entire possible scenario. As weird as it sounds to most of us sometimes people just run away. In my mind I feel like this unlikely however for one reason. I today’s digitally connected world I think it would be very difficult for someone of her means are resources to just disappear without a trace. With no hits of any of her bank accounts not credit cards no evidence on her computer etc. I know a lot of people like say things like in ‘any major city you can buy a fake identity yada yada yada’ I don’t know if it is true that this information can be had, but I firmly believe that the average person can’t get this type stuff without significant effort. I think it is a TV fantasy that you can go to a shady area of town and ask around and in a few days have a new identity. Maybe if you had connection to organized crime or the underworld in some area’s you could get it but not otherwise. Now I suppose it has only been 2 weeks so maybe someone could have been helping her out and hiding her, but I think it would have been really hard to plan this out without leaving some trace of this.

So do you think she just ran off? Like I said I would think that it would be entirely possible, but I think it would be almost impossible for her to do it without leaving significant evidence that this was are real possibility and nothing we have heard suggest that they have found any of this kind of evidence. Honestly I really hope she just ran off b/c in this situation I think that is the best case.

Hopefully that's what happened and she's safe. The kiss goodbye thingy seems like her friends might have known she'd leave.

But I don't know... Did she have any luggage with her? A change of clothes? Was any of her stuff missing from her home?

I think it's strange that she left in the middle of the concert. Why? If she was a Metallica fan, why couldn't whatever she was going to do have waited until the show was over?
still on the car:

"the Hook editor. Morgan's dad originally told us that Morgan's car and keys stayed in Harrisonburg. In preparing this cover story, State Police spokesperson Corinne Geller-- asserting a change in info-- told us the contrary scenario we put in this story above. So we spoke again this morning to Dr. Harrington, and he stands by his statement: that Morgan's car was never in Charlottesville. Messages left this morning with Ms. Geller have not been immediately returned, but we'll update as soon as she clarifies....

seriously? LE & Morgan's dad cant get together on who drove to the venue and who had the keys?!! this is crazy.

this car story is giving me a serious headache


I know that in my past posts I have repeatedly stated the opinion that we have to trust that LE even if we know don't know everything, but it is getting harder and harder to be of that opinion....

This is just ridiculous, I mean it’s a simple issue whose car did you take....This leaves us with only a few options and none of them are very good:

1. The friends are not being honest and in this case I can't imagine them not being forthcoming with all information from the start unless there is something major to hide. This would not be good b/c I think they would be most likely to lie if they knew something big time bad had already happened.

2. LE either can't get their information straight or they didn't bother to ask. This would really make you question the competence of the whole investigation. Obviously not good at all.

Honestly even if the friends are lying I still put a lot of blame on LE b/c did they not interview the friends sufficiently to see that the stories didn't add up? I mean we are not talking about hardened criminals, these are college students and if they are involved then it certainly would be a case of troubled kids getting into something way over their heads it's hard to imagine they all had their story together and had the cold bloodedness to keep it together under questioning. I certainly hope they interviewed them separately to check if their stories added up. Something is really not right here. I suppose I was wrong in my previous post and wrong to assume this was being handled professionally....

I guess the only positive is if they can't even get this straight at least in my mind it makes the possibility that she disappeared voluntarily more likely since if they can't get what car they were in straight then who knows if they have checked phone records, computers, bank accounts etc.
UVA Police were just at my location of work.
It seems that there is really not much that is being held back, and that there is not much else that is known about the situation.

We were asked if we had surveillance cameras, which we do not, and were asked then to put up posters. Does this seem a little late to anyone, almost 12 days after the fact?

Also, from my understanding of what he has seen in all of the other surveillance footage, she has not been seen in anything. Not 7-11 to get cigarettes, to the bank, etc. Basically, it seems that she just dropped off of the face of the earth after leaving the concert.
I fear "dropping off the face of the Earth" really means being abducted by a lone predator.
From the article in the Hook (a weekly Charlottesville newspaper):

"As for the parking area where it was found, it is what a sign describes as the "RV lot," a small piece of asphalt, gravel, and grass that UVA spokesperson Elizabeth Wilkerson is typically filled with recreational vehicles at football games but reserved for athletes losing their usual parking during concerts.

The triangular parcel is surrounded by Copeley Road, the UVA athletic fields, and the CSX/Buckingham Branch train tracks. Shrouded by trees and not part of concert parking, it does not appear lit like the nearby paid parking lots."

(italics mine)
did anyone consider if she was such a fan that she didnt find some people who were headed to charlotte-so she could catch metallica down there? are there poster in nc/charlotte/raleigh?
What if she was incapacitated in some way (drugs/alcohol/drugged) and she wandered off. Are there any large wooded areas nearby? I think it was chilly that night. How far from JPJ arena has LE searched?
I've been reading these posts nonstop ever since I found the link from facebook a little over a week ago. My baby brother-in-law is in his first year at UVA, so this case hits close to home. I've spoken with him a few times since the concert and each time, he has said that there is NO BUZZ WHATSOEVER on campus about Morgan. He even brought it up to a few people last week when I told him to ask around and feel out people's ideas, and they weren't even aware someone was missing.
The only thing I have to add that I haven't seen previously mentioned is that I think a bit too much is being made of the fact that Morgan (or her dad, whoever) bought the Metallica tickets six months in advance. Even though this particular show was reportedly not sold out, most shows for such mega-bands do. Buying six months in advance is often the only way you can be sure you'll get to go at all.
I've been reading these posts nonstop ever since I found the link from facebook a little over a week ago. My baby brother-in-law is in his first year at UVA, so this case hits close to home. I've spoken with him a few times since the concert and each time, he has said that there is NO BUZZ WHATSOEVER on campus about Morgan. He even brought it up to a few people last week when I told him to ask around and feel out people's ideas, and they weren't even aware someone was missing.
The only thing I have to add that I haven't seen previously mentioned is that I think a bit too much is being made of the fact that Morgan (or her dad, whoever) bought the Metallica tickets six months in advance. Even though this particular show was reportedly not sold out, most shows for such mega-bands do. Buying six months in advance is often the only way you can be sure you'll get to go at all.

Welcome - NoLongerLurking. Glad you joined us. :crazy:

This board is acting weird. I posted too soon. I was going to ask if your brother has any idea/theory why this information isn't being shared at UVA. Do they receive other notifications about crimes in the area?
Suggest that everyone read Soulscape's charts in Morgan's thread under Forensic Astrology. Soulscape has also posted search information that some of you Charlottesville and area posters could use.

Do you have the link? I've visited the Astrology portion before but instead of having to search for it it would be useful for people who don't know where to go to have the link.
Thanks! :)
Wait I found it...
Forensic Astrology - MORGAN HARRINGTON, missing @concert 10/17/09 Charlottesville,VA - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
Oh! And the kiss goodbye! I don't remember reading/hearing about this at all before today, and it makes me think one of two things:
- at least Morgan and probably the friends too were intoxicated by *something*.... I say this because I've seen many a prude get handsy and lovey-dovey after a drink or two, and from what I understand, Ecstasy also makes people want to touch, hug, kiss, etc.

-that she absolutely knew she wouldn't be seeing them again, at least not again that particular evening. As somebody stated before, if you're a kisser at all, you kiss at the end of an encounter, not just on the way to a bathroom and/or smoke break.

I'm up to theory #65,347 right now, lol, but currently thinking that a combination of a planned meeting and abduction occurred. Person she was supposed to meet outside those doors didn't show, perp spotted her waiting, and offered help, took her away from the arena and to who knows where....
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