Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #3

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I'm back to wondering if the friends were truthful in the beginning. I think it's quite possible they told LE and Morgan's parents someone else's car was driven to C'Ville because they thought they'd get in trouble for driving her car but recently realized they needed to fess up to the truth...thus the change in info.

Just a thought...
Sadly, I totally buy that notion. And as much as we're not to blame the friends... WTH????


Somewhat Off Topic, but I noticed in the family photo accompanying the Hook article, Morgan and her brother certainly don't seem to look at all alike. Makes me wonder if one or both is/are adopted. Not that it matters...just wondering.


i think the brother looks a lot like the father and morgan looks more like the mother....especially her coloring...
UVA Police were just at my location of work.
It seems that there is really not much that is being held back, and that there is not much else that is known about the situation.

We were asked if we had surveillance cameras, which we do not, and were asked then to put up posters. Does this seem a little late to anyone, almost 12 days after the fact?

Also, from my understanding of what he has seen in all of the other surveillance footage, she has not been seen in anything. Not 7-11 to get cigarettes, to the bank, etc. Basically, it seems that she just dropped off of the face of the earth after leaving the concert.
Thanks for your input and the other folks too.

This gives me the willies on so many levels.

There were 16000 people there that night were there not?

Did the 3 girls + 1 guy or whatever effing combination they have decided went to the concert and however they freakin got there (sorry Im a little steamed) are we to believe that this group drove from roanoke to JMU then JMU to JPJ Arena and did not stop at ANY Mcdonalds or 7/11 for soda? ciggys? BATHROOM????? GAS?????

That many hours and no one stopped for a bathroom break or they DID stop for a bathroom break but oopps sorry no security cameras. Darn the luck. IS THAT IT?

and of ALL of these possibilites there is not ONE EFFING GLIMPSE OF MORGAN on a camera????

And the group having an outing took NO PICTURES OF HER with a cell phone camera or regualr camera?


sorry for the caps; i'm just livid.

And all this stuff about Morgan spotted here at this time and that place. NO.... "someone matching Morgan's DESCRIPTION was seen. " Big difference, particularly since we already know there was at least one girl there that looked like her, her hair, her attire, from a distance.

So of 16,000 no one has come up with a glimpse of her on a video or a still-shot?


Just b/c my cell phone and purse are at some place does not for a fact mean that I AM THERE>

jus sayin

I've been reading these posts nonstop ever since I found the link from facebook a little over a week ago. My baby brother-in-law is in his first year at UVA, so this case hits close to home. I've spoken with him a few times since the concert and each time, he has said that there is NO BUZZ WHATSOEVER on campus about Morgan. He even brought it up to a few people last week when I told him to ask around and feel out people's ideas, and they weren't even aware someone was missing.
The only thing I have to add that I haven't seen previously mentioned is that I think a bit too much is being made of the fact that Morgan (or her dad, whoever) bought the Metallica tickets six months in advance. Even though this particular show was reportedly not sold out, most shows for such mega-bands do. Buying six months in advance is often the only way you can be sure you'll get to go at all.

NO BUZZ???? Are you serious??

OMG.. This is an outrage.

Gibson Guitar Company is also helping to get the word out about Morgan's disappearance! :clap:

Metallica Offers Help In Search For Missing Fan
Metallica is attempting to help in the search for Morgan Dana Harrington, the Virginia Tech college student last seen at a concert staged by the band this past Saturday (March 17). The 20-year-old Harrington went missing just prior to the group&#8217;s taking the stage at John Paul Jones Arena in Charlottesville.


What we know, but don't know..

Who went to the concert - did Morgan arrive at the concert?

Who's car was driven to the concert - was it Morgan's?

Why did she leave the arena - did she leave the arena?

Why did she kiss her friend before she left to go potty - did she go potty?

Was she wearing a jacket - was it found on the railroad tracks?

Why did her friends leave her - did she have another ride?

Who did she meet in the parking lot - did she know him/her - was it planned?

Why was the battery out of her cell phone - why is this not important?

Why was her purse in the RV parking lot - was she in the RV parking lot?

Was she on Copley Bridge, in the smoking area with a busted nose, on the steps in front of the arena, in the parking lot fighting with someone, in the parking lot walking in front of a Hispanic man, walking near the Academic Village at 3 AM, on Rt. 29 in a dark SUV on the side of the road or at the Comfort Inn?

Has UVA notified students in the area - some say yes, some say that adequate?

So to quote the State Police Officer Lt. Rader..."We have a purse and we have a cell phone. We have a missing girl."

And that is what we know...two weeks later...that is what we know. <sigh>
I wish we knew what the answer from the friends is to questions such as :

Where did you stop EXACTLY on the drive from your apt (or parents' home wherever she started from) to JMU and from JMU to JPJ arena for gas, bathroom, soda, whatever.... And check all those places' security cameras all the way back to the begininng.

Since the friends are telling the whole truth and nothing but truth, they should have no objections to a poly.

If I'm telling the whole truth, right? -- no problem hook me up. Gladly. Bring it. Nothing to hide.

FWIW, the college girls who sit in front of us at VT football games sometimes kiss each other at odd time.. like coming/going and touch downs but I don't get a lesbian vibe from any of them, and sometimes a guy shows up at halftime who one of them is obviously romantically involved with. So.. maybe the kiss is a socially acceptable/normal thing? My DH has remarked on it several times being a typical guy it never escapes his notice. I have no clue..... just sayin'
(The bolded by me excerpts are from “The Hook”.)

According to State Police spokesperson Corinne Geller, the four rode from Harrisonburg to Charlottesville in Morgan's car. Morgan, Geller says, allowed a friend to drive, so she didn't have her car keys with her during the show.

We were told in the beginning not to worry about the car??? When the LE and the parents can’t get their story straight about the car… I’m going to worry about the car. The car issue is important because if it was her car… The friends are acting hinky. As far as the eyewitness that saw the girls after they arrive saying something to the effect of Morgan getting out of her friend’s car… Unless she told him specifically that the car belonged to her friend (which I doubt). How would he know. He just knew she got out of the passenger side. I am totally buying the theory of the friends lying and thinking they won’t get caught about whose car went where and possibly avoid answering why they left.…

"Amy gave Morgan a kiss on the cheek. and Morgan went to the bathroom," says Dan Harrington. "We know that Morgan got out of the building, and then it's like she fell off the face of the earth."

I am a “kiss good-bye” person. All we know about the supposed kiss is that the supposed “friends” are the ones that said that it happened. The chick that did the kissing didn’t kiss her cheek because she was going to the bathroom… That is a load of doo doo. It sounds like MH bailed from the concert for whatever reason, but then we would have to believe that she actually went to the concert.

A thorough law enforcement review of security videos not only from the Arena but from all nearby businesses equipped with surveillance, Geller says, shows no trace of Morgan.

Here we go… Did MH go to the concert? If she did then all we have is a timeline based on eyewitnesses and most of us have seen the reliability of eyewitnesses…

Where are the “friends”??? If it was my friend since elementary school I would be trying to find my friend, but then again I would be telling the truth. I would be sitting with her parents in every interview I could, an answering any question that would help someone remember seeing my friend. Their silence is as deafening as it was in the Natalee Holloway case. Some of the answers if not all have to come from the “friends”. If MH didn’t take off I doubt she will ever be found.
Why would a fan leave the concert before the band even gets on stage? Makes no sense…

Nothing looks good here...
Below is a post from the comments section of Read The Hook

" I'm really confused about the fact that Morgan wasn't seen on any cameras at the arena exiting. If she did leave, then she should be there...somewhere. Especially since she supposedly left before the huge crowd. That alone should have made it easier to see her on there. I really hope they've checked every inch of that arena. It makes no sense that she kissed her friend and said she was going to the bathroom. Girls usually always go to the bathroom in pairs and groups. Especially somewhere like that. And how does she go from going there to ending up outside? This is as shady as it comes. Her purse being found outside doesn't mean she was ever there. It's east [sic] (easy) to toss it."

Here is another comment from the same page. Just wanted to hear your thoughts - you guys here - on this post below.

"Originally it was stated that Morgan parked her car near someone from Pennsylvania and struck up a conversation with that person. Now her father appears to have changed that story. I would do a forensic exam of her car being her Mom and Dad have so much influence in her life and seem to be controlling it. Her Dad has passwords to read her computer email etc., Mom dresses her, something smells funny."

Another one that is interesting in that I wondered the same things - especially the third one in bold.

" the gaps for me are:

-why did the girls never try to reach her between the concert and being declared missing? strange 24 hour gap

-there is an issue between LE and the Dad on details of the car, that is as of today. why would this exist?

-how did the girl who drove with her from VT to JMU,( and went back to JMU that night), get back to VT? if she rode with morgan, who drove her back and why wasnt she trying to find morgan to get her ride back?

i still think JMU is key to this puzzle."

And this one is interesting imo.

"You know something I am a very spiretual person and i have very good intuition and i will tell you this.Something inside me i cant shake off is telling me that this girl Morgan is in that building still.In the Arena.

I feel it so strong i am certain.

If thoughs cameras have not revealed Morgan than she NEVER left the building in the first place.Finding her purse and phone outside is irelivent.Someone could have deliberatly put them there for the police to BELIEVE she left the building.Also eye witness reports as we know are not always acurate so thats not proof either that she ever left the building.How do we know that someone,even a member of SECURITY isent involved with her disapearence.They would have a perfect opertunity to cover this up.

Also a member of security has the opertunity to rigg a security camera or erase material.

If she was taken inside the building it would have been much easier with so much comotion going on.She could be somewhere inside and the murderer if she has been murdered has just WALKED OUT as free as a bird.Maybe im being paranoid but its worth considering everything."
(The bolded by me excerpts are from “The Hook”.)

According to State Police spokesperson Corinne Geller, the four rode from Harrisonburg to Charlottesville in Morgan's car. Morgan, Geller says, allowed a friend to drive, so she didn't have her car keys with her during the show.

We were told in the beginning not to worry about the car??? When the LE and the parents can’t get their story straight about the car… I’m going to worry about the car. The car issue is important because if it was her car… The friends are acting hinky. As far as the eyewitness that saw the girls after they arrive saying something to the effect of Morgan getting out of her friend’s car… Unless she told him specifically that the car belonged to her friend (which I doubt). How would he know. He just knew she got out of the passenger side. I am totally buying the theory of the friends lying and thinking they won’t get caught about whose car went where and possibly avoid answering why they left.…

"Amy gave Morgan a kiss on the cheek. and Morgan went to the bathroom," says Dan Harrington. "We know that Morgan got out of the building, and then it's like she fell off the face of the earth."

I am a “kiss good-bye” person. All we know about the supposed kiss is that the supposed “friends” are the ones that said that it happened. The chick that did the kissing didn’t kiss her cheek because she was going to the bathroom… That is a load of doo doo. It sounds like MH bailed from the concert for whatever reason, but then we would have to believe that she actually went to the concert.

A thorough law enforcement review of security videos not only from the Arena but from all nearby businesses equipped with surveillance, Geller says, shows no trace of Morgan.

Here we go… Did MH go to the concert? If she did then all we have is a timeline based on eyewitnesses and most of us have seen the reliability of eyewitnesses…

Where are the “friends”??? If it was my friend since elementary school I would be trying to find my friend, but then again I would be telling the truth. I would be sitting with her parents in every interview I could, an answering any question that would help someone remember seeing my friend. Their silence is as deafening as it was in the Natalee Holloway case. Some of the answers if not all have to come from the “friends”. If MH didn’t take off I doubt she will ever be found.
I was hoping that LE went all the way back to roanoke and JMU (or that Roanoke and JMU/ Harrisonburg LE do it - however jurisdiction works) for any signs of PROOF that Morgan actually was.... somewhere where people claim she was. There has to be SOME VIDEO TRACE OF HER SOMEWHERE imo.

1-crystalgenie--how is it that there was a full review of security tapes of all businesses in the area and the new UVa poster (forgot your handle, sorry :) )
said that UVa police were in to ask for tapes just recently?
Besides, has anyone seen Fugitive (to make my point)- they should be checking every outhouse/doghouse, etc camera/store purchase inventory within a certain radius.

SAM- thank you for that...I decided not to go to HOme Depot after reading your post....but theyre obviously holding back a lot of info or theyre really sloppy, relying on websites for leads, that rely on them for info to analyze, which they don't want to release. Can we having a staring contest instead?

kant-yep, throw em on a poly. I wonder if we can't trick them into taking some sodium pentathol-tell'em its the new "it" party pill. hehe. While the poly's all warmed up, lets get the people from the RV area in for a whirl at it too.

and from way before, if you, and any others said, "no I wouldnt take a ride from a stranger or even go to his car": it ranges from not that hard, to easy, to very easy to get girls to go in a car with someone they dont know. Sometimes, I've gotten creeped out that the girl wanted a ride, I didn't know her, and wasn't sure what was at the other end of the ride. Other times, I agreed b/c (unbeknownst to the girl, I knew someone who knew her) but otherwise, just think of all the girls that give rides or take rides from guys at the clubs. (I have more ridiculous stories, but I'll save them for later) Some of my friends(girls) who are very smart, have also told me crazy stories of how they tried to look for some common ground with total stranger dudes, because they were desperate for a ride and didnt want to wait for the bus (and these girls were street smart, and barely escaped serious trouble).

I still think it would be reasonable to look at the RSOs/criminal records from people between C-ville/H-burg, Blacksburg and Charlotte metro areas.

My idea is like this: if you close your eyes and drop something out of your hand, guess where it will land and start there-it's not often that you find it there. The item end sup where you least expect it.

Oh yeah, did they scan the local cell towers, to see whose phones pinged in the area during that time? (almost as good as a security camera, maybe better) Then check those people out?
FWIW, the college girls who sit in front of us at VT football games sometimes kiss each other at odd time.. like coming/going and touch downs but I don't get a lesbian vibe from any of them, and sometimes a guy shows up at halftime who one of them is obviously romantically involved with. So.. maybe the kiss is a socially acceptable/normal thing? My DH has remarked on it several times being a typical guy it never escapes his notice. I have no clue..... just sayin'
I could see kiss for touchdowns (YAY!) or coming -- as in first greeting of the day, or going -- as in goodbye ending for this encouter, but kiss-to-the-bathroom? or kiss-for-the-ciggy-break? um no... (imo)

1-crystalgenie--how is it that there was a full review of security tapes of all businesses in the area and the new UVa poster (forgot your handle, sorry :) )
said that UVa police were in to ask for tapes just recently?

Besides, has anyone seen Fugitive (to make my point)- they should be checking every outhouse/doghouse, etc camera/store purchase inventory within a certain radius.

SAM- thank you for that...I decided not to go to HOme Depot after reading your post....but theyre obviously holding back a lot of info or theyre really sloppy, relying on websites for leads, that rely on them for info to analyze, which they don't want to release. Can we having a staring contest instead?

kant-yep, throw em on a poly. I wonder if we can't trick them into taking some sodium pentathol-tell'em its the new "it" party pill. hehe. While the poly's all warmed up, lets get the people from the RV area in for a whirl at it too.

and from way before, if you, and any others said, "no I wouldnt take a ride from a stranger or even go to his car": it ranges from not that hard, to easy, to very easy to get girls to go in a car with someone they dont know. Sometimes, I've gotten creeped out that the girl wanted a ride, I didn't know her, and wasn't sure what was at the other end of the ride. Other times, I agreed b/c (unbeknownst to the girl, I knew someone who knew her) but otherwise, just think of all the girls that give rides or take rides from guys at the clubs. (I have more ridiculous stories, but I'll save them for later) Some of my friends(girls) who are very smart, have also told me crazy stories of how they tried to look for some common ground with total stranger dudes, because they were desperate for a ride and didnt want to wait for the bus (and these girls were street smart, and barely escaped serious trouble).

I still think it would be reasonable to look at the RSOs/criminal records from people between C-ville/H-burg, Blacksburg and Charlotte metro areas.

My idea is like this: if you close your eyes and drop something out of your hand, guess where it will land and start there-it's not often that you find it there. The item end sup where you least expect it.

Oh yeah, did they scan the local cell towers, to see whose phones pinged in the area during that time? (almost as good as a security camera, maybe better) Then check those people out?


great question b/c some of these things are time-sensitive and get recorded over on such-and-such time and it's GONE>

ETA: but that's just it; she wasn't desperate; she'd already been out there and hour plus. so another hour and her friends would have been out and they all go "home" in her car or whoever the hell's car.

sry if this has been answered...these three cases are becoming jumbled.
Did dogs ever search inside the arena?
kant-exactly, why couldnt she wait, and why was she muckin about the area for 42 minutes? and really, she went on the bridge and wasn't able to make it to the dorms, right there, turning off the road?

and the dad says that her account was he lets her go on a long drive, with no money in the bank? who would pay for gas? food? (this must be somehow to trip up the perp--is the ATM missing from the purse?)

and how come they put the names of those girls out, except the "bf of a friend?" and I don't remember Dave Gardner mentioning a dude in the parties car (clearly he was coached on this), unless I was mistaken, or they were.
Hi ya'll. Been too sick to post much, but I've been following along here. Seems to me we haven't gained much ground with this case. It does have some very strange characteristics. :waitasec:

I would still like to know if Morgan's cell was IN her purse when it was found. I can't figure out why the battery had been removed. If she was abducted and the perp was going to toss the phone anyway, why take the battery out???

Also just can't understand why she ever left the arena. I'm a smoker and I know where to go to smoke without getting tossed from an event - even after I've had a few beers! Unless she was seriously intoxicated or ill, her going outside doesn't make any sense - unless it was intentional.

Why did it take her friends so long to become concerned and are they appropriately concerned now or have they simply "moved on with their lives?" I wouldn't be able to move on if I truly believe one of my best friends since childhood was missing or in danger......or worse.

As one of the posters quoted above, I also feel she may be somewhere in that arena. I sure would love to believe LE has searched every square inch of it, but they're being so tight-lipped, who knows?

The behavior of the parents strikes me as odd. I have a 20-year-old daughter and, while I realize all parents have different methods of parenting, they do strike me as a bit controlling. I don't particularly have a problem with that. In fact, it's the reason I still have a shred of hope that Morgan will be found safe. It's possible that she felt smothered and pressured at school and just needed to break away. It would not be the first time.
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