Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #3

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You know it's funny...

No info has been leaked by "sources close to the investigation"... Usually this happens...someone just can't keep their yap shut...

Surprising that none of the security guards or other arena employees have said anything to any member of the press...
I agree if she was seen entering on surveillance tape but not exiting then the crime scene could be at the arena.
The friends not being able to get their stories straight is troublesome- they were either lying or so intoxicated or high they shouldn't have been driving in the first place.
Were they asked to give polys or drug tests? Just troubled greatly by this case.

I haven't read or heard that LE determined she actually entered the arena. I've only seen comments that Morgan hasn't been seen on any surveillance video.
I agree if she was seen entering on surveillance tape but not exiting then the crime scene could be at the arena.
The friends not being able to get their stories straight is troublesome- they were either lying or so intoxicated or high they shouldn't have been driving in the first place.
Were they asked to give polys or drug tests? Just troubled greatly by this case.

You can get an exit trail out of the building and off the premises so even if there wasn't surveillance that covered all the doors, the exits (doors) could be checked for the exit trail.
I haven't read or heard that LE determined she actually entered the arena. I've only seen comments that Morgan hasn't been seen on any surveillance video.

Didn't she go in with all of her friends? But again, you could get a trail inside the building if she went in.
I have Nancy Grace on in the background - the 10pm repeat airing of the earlier show. She just finished up having a phone interview with Morgan's father, who yet again provided information that conflicts with LE. He told Nancy that Morgan called the friend. Why is he contradicting the information provided in the press conferences? Is he sitting on information that hasn't been given to authorities? Has he come up with his own conclusions as to what happened? Does he not trust LE? WTH is going on?
Have been lurking, following this case as a Wahoo living in another state.
VERY upsetting and very curious.
Has it been stated by LE that MH was NOT seen on video tape leaving the JPJ ? Has LE gotten an ID from a door attendant that refused MH re entry after she exited the JPJ?
The lack of info coming from LE seems odd.
College town. Lots of frightened students/ parents. One would think a LE presser daily would draw so much more attention to this case.
Has FBI held any type of public presser?
Below is a post from the comments section of Read The Hook

" I'm really confused about the fact that Morgan wasn't seen on any cameras at the arena exiting. If she did leave, then she should be there...somewhere. Especially since she supposedly left before the huge crowd. That alone should have made it easier to see her on there. I really hope they've checked every inch of that arena. It makes no sense that she kissed her friend and said she was going to the bathroom. Girls usually always go to the bathroom in pairs and groups. Especially somewhere like that. And how does she go from going there to ending up outside? This is as shady as it comes. Her purse being found outside doesn't mean she was ever there. It's east [sic] (easy) to toss it."

Here is another comment from the same page. Just wanted to hear your thoughts - you guys here - on this post below.

"Originally it was stated that Morgan parked her car near someone from Pennsylvania and struck up a conversation with that person. Now her father appears to have changed that story. I would do a forensic exam of her car being her Mom and Dad have so much influence in her life and seem to be controlling it. Her Dad has passwords to read her computer email etc., Mom dresses her, something smells funny."

Another one that is interesting in that I wondered the same things - especially the third one in bold.

" the gaps for me are:

-why did the girls never try to reach her between the concert and being declared missing? strange 24 hour gap

-there is an issue between LE and the Dad on details of the car, that is as of today. why would this exist?

-how did the girl who drove with her from VT to JMU,( and went back to JMU that night), get back to VT? if she rode with morgan, who drove her back and why wasnt she trying to find morgan to get her ride back?

i still think JMU is key to this puzzle."

And this one is interesting imo.

"You know something I am a very spiretual person and i have very good intuition and i will tell you this.Something inside me i cant shake off is telling me that this girl Morgan is in that building still.In the Arena.

I feel it so strong i am certain.

If thoughs cameras have not revealed Morgan than she NEVER left the building in the first place.Finding her purse and phone outside is irelivent.Someone could have deliberatly put them there for the police to BELIEVE she left the building.Also eye witness reports as we know are not always acurate so thats not proof either that she ever left the building.How do we know that someone,even a member of SECURITY isent involved with her disapearence.They would have a perfect opertunity to cover this up.

Also a member of security has the opertunity to rigg a security camera or erase material.

If she was taken inside the building it would have been much easier with so much comotion going on.She could be somewhere inside and the murderer if she has been murdered has just WALKED OUT as free as a bird.Maybe im being paranoid but its worth considering everything."

I've mostly been just reading about Morgan, but I think they really need to take some dogs through that concert hall. I think that she is either still in there, somewhere hidden....OR, she never was there at all. The whole "story" about how Morgan somehow got herself stuck outside while looking for a bathroom, and that kiss with Amy just strikes me as a big lie. I have to wonder if once she and her friend made that first leg of the trip, if Morgan really had no plans to continue on with her friends to the concert, and had her own plans. The fact that NO surveillance camera has spotted her at the concert is very puzzling. :waitasec:

Are we to believe that EVERY PLACE they stopped en route had no security cams?


All I believe right now is

(1) that her mother saw what she was wearing and

(2) she called her dad at whatever time saying she got to JMU.
Everything else is up for grabs unless someone wants to offer up some decent proof and some smidge, inkling of proof is not that hard if they stopped for the bathroom.... or ANYTHING.


That poor girl....

Bold mine.

I'd sure like to know just where her phone pinged for this call. Was it at JMU?
Hey Kant

I can understand you getting freeking frustrated with this case....those girls should be sat down, slapped around the gills and made to start speaking.....

This thing with the car...whats going on......

I am once again thinking back to my twenties....I had a very close bunch of girlfriends and we were wild.....lilfe was one big party......if metallica were around back then (actually I think they were back in the late 80s lol) that would be a good checking out guys, drinking smoking.....ready to headbang/dance etc etc when the band came on...

From what I have read about Morgan she seems very responsible, studios etc etc.....isnt her family religious...have the vicar or something live with them...

NOW I would like to know from her friends what the REAL Morgan is like......

Once again going back to my early twenties, someone else driving my car, they have MY means I either am or in am intending to get p*ssed....
(I think this may be australian terminology lol)

Also its the end of the're all had a good tiime, got separated....quite often we left each other to get home whatever way as that person may be partying with someone they know (the most likely solution) or got lucky...or just met someone they are interested in....

To me Morgan dressed to kill like that was definitely out to attract male attention...or even band members attention.......that is for sure and she would not have wanted to waste that....

The one thing that makes this scenario there is no way my friends at the end of the night would not have worried about me getting home if it was an hour away....nah doesnt seem right and in MY CAR unless I had assured them I was with someone and had a ride......not going to find a way....they would have suggested the we will meet you at the gate and give you the keys to sit in the car.......

No, you're outside....your angry and the friends are going to go home in YOUR car and you have to get your own way home just doesnt add up.....that would p*ss you off even more....unless she was a very generous, easy going girl.....
Didn't she go in with all of her friends? But again, you could get a trail inside the building if she went in.

I think the general belief is that she did go into the arena, but I haven't heard anything definitive that her entrance was caught on tape. Then again, I imagine it would be pretty hard to zero in on her if she entered with hundreds of other people at the same time.
Coming out of Lurk-dom here!

These events have had me mezmerized, it's really close to home. Grew up close to Charlottesville and one of the posters, SAM, sounds like she may be from my hometown.

Few thoughts . . .

1) Friends not reporting her missing right away. My nickname was NO SHOW SHI****. I would get more bombed than my buddies and abandon them for anything that could get me higher. Once I missed a party being thrown for me because I went to an 11 a.m. wedding and I was off to the races by the time the party started at 7. Never showed up. For my own party! That was "normal" behavior for me and my girlfriends wouldn't think to call my family or police unless I was missing for an extended period of time. Someone mentioned it here already, if MH had not shown up/disappeared/etc. before, they probably didn't think THE ABSOLUTE worst had happened. That's the only thing I can think of for their behavior. I feel bad for the friends but think they really felt there was no need to call her parents or anyone - YET - based on previous experiences with MH.

2) Missing a concert she really wanted to see. Been there, done that too. Couldn't WAIT to see a concert in Charlottesville at Tracks (really dating myself here). Another friend showed up right before the concert started with some "goodies" and I spent the ENTIRE SHOW in the parking lot doing the "goodies" with him. I wasn't a regular drug user but whenever THAT stuff showed up, I was there. My desire to get high trumped just about everything else, including seeing the show and especially using good judgement.

3) MH didn't drive to the show - (maybe/maybe not) her own car. Could have been some major pre-show partying going on and quite possibly she was pretty impaired before arriving at the concert. Just speaking for myself here, I would be pretty ripped by 8. I could see myself stumbling around and ending up outside the arena, if only for air. I once went to a friend's cabin in WV, "disappeared" for hours, apparently had been in a blackout, and when I came to, I was in the woods, having no idea what had happened. Covered in dirt, mud and a big NASTY swollen red eye (bug bite).

Is it possible she was impaired, not really conscious of anything around her, wandered off and ended up in the woods or something somewhere around there? Maybe blacked out? Didn't wake up?

Honestly, I'm not trying to paint an ugly picture of MH. Alcohol + drug use is the only thing I can think of that would REMOTELY "explain" the friends not coming forward immediately or even the next morning.

No doubt, this is not the picture any parent wants painted of their daughter, especially affluent, prominent parents in their community. I almost can understand no one (parents, LE, even friends) talking about the alcohol/drugs angle because if she was abducted, the issue is THAT - the abduction and the unsavory person who took her. Perhaps they feel, and maybe it's true, the fact she was impaired isn't really relevant to the fact a criminal took her. But that information (impairment, etc.) would certainly EXPLAIN a lot of the circumstances surrounding her disappearance.

And finally, wonder how much of the area has been searched in and around the arena? The forensic astrology info (I know NOTHING about that sort of thing) mentioned an area 0 - 27 miles from the arena where she could possibly be.

I am currently Hot Springs, VA and in March, Beecher Hackney murdered two employees at the Homestead Resort and literally WALKED AWAY (left his car in the parking lot) and has not been found to date. It seems like it took days for LE to organize and mobilize searches of abandoned houses, barns, woods, etc. I took pictures from my window of the SWAT Team checking out the abandoned houses across the street - DAYS after the crime. AMW just did a segment on it a few weeks ago. Point being, my guess is LE is overwhelmed with all they deal on a daily basis and wonder how much and how far the search has extended. I do know they hold their info close, not releasing details to the public that WE feel we should know. A lot more has happened with the Hackney case than the public is aware of, LE just doesn't share anything. It IS disappointing. And in the MH case, there is so much conflicting info has been released!

Apologies in advance for the long post and trust I'm not trying to disparage MH, just offering my own ideas based on personal experience. THANK GOD I don't party my *advertiser censored** off anymore! I feel I'm not alone in saying that women who partied like I did were LUCKY to survive the crazy stuff we did when MH's age! We don't have the wisdom or judgement or caution in our 20's that we do in our 40's!

Prayers for MH, her family, friends . . . and all the web sleuthers!
I've mostly been just reading about Morgan, but I think they really need to take some dogs through that concert hall. I think that she is either still in there, somewhere hidden....OR, she never was there at all. The whole "story" about how Morgan somehow got herself stuck outside while looking for a bathroom, and that kiss with Amy just strikes me as a big lie. I have to wonder if once she and her friend made that first leg of the trip, if Morgan really had no plans to continue on with her friends to the concert, and had her own plans. The fact that NO surveillance camera has spotted her at the concert is very puzzling. :waitasec:

If there is an exit trail in and out, then she most likely wouldn't be in there. But again, if there is too much contamination for them outside, then the inside would be way too much. I am betting that cadaver dogs were used around the inside and outside of the building. Was this her first and only time going to that arena?
This is EXTREMELY doubtful because of the contamination / number of people there. I don't think that they have the resources of specially trained scent-specific trailing dogs that are able to work through massive contamination. I haven't heard that the dogs that were used were able to trail Morgan from where she left from the concert to anywhere off the campus. Also, haven't heard that the dogs were able confirm or negate that the young woman seen on the bridge was Morgan. Therefore, working inside the arena would be even more heavily contaminated so that would be out other than working cadaver.

I'm pretty sure that they meant cadaver dogs, not scent dogs, since we really can't expect Morgan to be alive somewhere in the arena after all this time. At least that's the kind of dogs I was referring to above.
Someone would want a bathroom break ESPECIALLY if they had been drinking or smoking pot.

I thought from the get-go the purse/phone was a plant.

The longer this goes on and the more ridiculous this case becomes, I'm starting to agree with every inch of the damn arena. I don't think she ever left.
I agree - only I'm torn b/w she-never-left-the-arena OR she-never-arrrived-at-the-arena.

Or add to that, "....of her own volition."

I guess Im having a gi-normous problem with the "sightings" and "interactions" from people who could be basking in their 15 minutes... or 5 minutes as the case may be.

Why are we hearing more from supposed total happenstance STRANGERS than from the life-long friends who WERE RIGHT FREAKIN THERE?


shoot me.
Have they verified that the ticket she purchased was scanned and she (or someone) did make it into the concert?

Have they checked the trunk of the car?
Bold mine.

I'd sure like to know just where her phone pinged for this call. Was it at JMU?
Ive been hesitant to say some things b/c I dont want to offend anyone or get myself in a jam - maybe misunderstood; but I did wonder if she stayed at JMU for whatever reason she had. She's an adult and has a right to be there. I just wonder if something happened to her THERE and no one's talking.

The whole story.... the kiss... the going outside.... the NO TRACE of her anywhere... come on. I could go on... the "we waited a significant amount of time" but yet we didnt' PAGE HER.... (Why? b/c she wasn't there?) The no pix on anyone's phone or camera... the no sightings on security cams... even along the way? the friends not calling anyone the next day....

I'll stop there. You get my drift.
Oh my god SweetVAbreeze.....your post made me laugh.....I am in Australia and way back in the 80s/90s that how a big night out for me and my friends was as well...

But are being honest.......that is why I asked in my post......ask the friends what was Morgan REALLY like....

Was this concert during the week or on the weekend??????

If it was a fri or sat night, early 20 years old would have been planning a good night.....I dont think that has changed from generation to generation.

That is why I beleive the girls were too worried about her making her own way was party night and you all see each other the next day and compare stories...

However to me home being over an hour away makes me think she must have assured them she was getting home ...

I personally think she met a guy or wanted to meet the band and told her friends "not to wait up" so to speak...
I agree - only I'm torn b/w she-never-left-the-arena OR she-never-arrrived-at-the-arena.

Or add to that, "....of her own volition."

I guess Im having a gi-normous problem with the "sightings" and "interactions" from people who could be basking in their 15 minutes... or 5 minutes as the case may be.

Why are we hearing more from supposed total happenstance STRANGERS than from the life-long friends who WERE RIGHT FREAKIN THERE?


shoot me.

Yeah, guess I has to be one of the other. Either she never made it or never left the arena.

As to the sightings, it took forever to even identify the girl in the Youtube video ( think it was youtube). Morgan's own family couldn't even be sure if it was her or not. Sooooo many girls with long blonde hair, soooo many girls in all black, probably many girls in skirts. Nothing so far has been convincing enough for me to confirm/feel ANYONE saw her.
i just started paying attention to this case and a lot of things are bothering me. first off, girls that age do not go to the bathroom by themselves. im ten years older than her and a lot of my girlfriends will still not go to the bathroom by themselves when we are out. i dont have a problem with it, and when i walk away to go off by myself, someone will usually follow me, she probably didnt go to the bathroom. also, i work in a venue/arena and trust me, she is not hidden in there some where. out of the thousands of people that work in my place, less than 10 people have keys to anything (and they are all HR, higher-ups type people, not people who only work when there is an event), and not too many doors have locks there anyways, so she probably isnt locked up some where.
also, if it was her car and she couldnt get back in, why didnt she just have someone meet her at a door and give her back her keys? atleast she could sit in a car and wait for the concert to be over. makes no sense.
and i think the battery was removed from the phone so whoever could take out her sim card. does anyone know if the sim card is missing or if her phone had a memory card and if that is missing???
Originally Posted by kant

Are we to believe that EVERY PLACE they stopped en route had no security cams?


All I believe right now is

(1) that her mother saw what she was wearing and

(2) she called her dad at whatever time saying she got to JMU.
Everything else is up for grabs unless someone wants to offer up some decent proof and some smidge, inkling of proof is not that hard if they stopped for the bathroom.... or ANYTHING.


That poor girl....

Bold mine.

I'd sure like to know just where her phone pinged for this call. Was it at JMU?
I agree. Also, if you're the daughter who calls from JMU to say, "I got here Dad," why not call FROM C'ville as well to say, "I got here?"

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