Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #4

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I'm not sure why you think all pertinent information should be made public. It could compromise the investigation.

I misspoke. ALL pertinent facts need not be (and should not be) released to the public, especially any information that would endanger others or impair the investigation. However MORE information than we currently have would help us help LE.

I won't specify what info is missing, because it has all been rehashed here again and again in this forum. Go back and read the last 3 pages of this thread and you'll see the frustration of many posters. IMO, frustration will lead to sleuthers' dismissal of this case sooner rather than later. And that would be a shame. Morgan needs to be found, and LE needs to help the public help LE.

Also, the information about the H's hiring a strategic communications specialist -- posted by honeybun -- is interesting! Remains to be seen how the family's approach to the situation will change, if indeed it does.

Just a question. Sorry I don't haven't figured out how to quote yet and I am new at this websleuthing stuff. Are they doing this, because they don't like the way the media is portraying them or are they unhappy with the way the police are handling the case?

Hi theforgotten and Welcome to W/S!! Just hit the Quote button at the bottom of the persons post you would like to add a quote to and that should work :dance: Whenever I see Morgans parents on NG they seem more and more unhappy so I think thats why they are taking this investigation into their own hands..I believe they are hiding something though!
Agreed. You can't beg the public to help on one hand, and then be misleading or holding back from the public on the other.

Was she or was she not really ever at this venue? What did her friend REALLY say to her when she called and stated she was locked outside? WHY did her friend(s) NOT go to the door she was at and try to let her in from the inside?????????? That WOULD BE the logical solution to this problem after all.......The public, especially those of us at sites like WS are no dummys but we know a dumb unbelievable story when we hear it......

My understanding is that all the doors are manned by security during events, so it wouldn't be possible for the friends to let her back inside.
Why oh why does someone say once every page or 2 "I don't think she ever even got to the concert?"
If Le has a plan not to release any information that is surely not working. They seem to have nothing, nada. I would say it is time to say what they know and what is going on with the investigation. Say something...please.
Why oh why does someone say once every page or 2 "I don't think she ever even got to the concert?"

I guess with the lack of information and no pictures coming up peoples frustration builds. Each one in their own time comes to that conclusion and..says it. I know once is enough but this whole case is so baffling and we pick this and that apart trying to find answers.

Our imaginations run wild.
Why oh why does someone say once every page or 2 "I don't think she ever even got to the concert?"
Because so little has been released, and what has been released doesn't add up- JMO. Last time I checked, opinions are allowed, right?
And out of my last posts, with questions- the only thing brought from my post was the part about her not being at the concert- when I did have legitimately important questions.
Just an observation :)
Honestly, I know nothing about this suspossed fall or injury or WHATEVER. IF that explains the battery missing out of her cell phone, this injury occured AFTER she went outside the arena and AFTER she used her cell to call one of the friends, to non-chalantly say "I'll just find a ride home". Right??????????
So, if she acciendtly dropped her cell so hard the battery popped out, then the battery cover must be missing too?????? Is it?

Doesn't it tick the rest of you off that we the public are asked to help find this girl, yet are given next to NO info from LE.

I want all her "friends" with her that night to appear on Nancy Grace. She won't put up with lame BS stories........let's hear the TRUTH for once..........

I have re-posted this story on my fb and twitter and it's impossible to get other's to re-post because they don't believe it's real. The lack of info stops this in the tracks.
I had hoped if more knew about it some tips would come forth.
I think LE is making a mistake by not considering her purse thrown down and her cell phone missing a battery not necessary a red flag.
Either she was so drunk, stoned or on drugs she accidentally dropped it sure, but she would have surfaced by now after she was no longer hungover.
I worked at concert venues and clubs and have seen drunk people drop and loose their purse but they don't disappear off the earth either. They return the next day looking for their cell, and purse.
I hope LE has another press conference soon.
Speaking of imaginations running wild, I have thought about Morgan's relationship with her parents and her friends. Could it be the friends have covered for Morgan to her parents in the past. Maybe it is not such an unusual occurence for her to leave her friends and go home with someone else at events such as this or parties, etc. Maybe they sometimes have to drive her car home and were expecting that she would contact them to get her car before her parents had to know she has done this again. I don't know Morgan, her family or her friends. This is just my imagination, as that is almost all we have to go on right now,
Why oh why does someone say once every page or 2 "I don't think she ever even got to the concert?"

Well, if you went to a concert 40+ miles from your original starting point--meaning you were in a car for about 40 minutes traveling there--wouldn't you know if you were in your own car ... or in someone else's car? Wouldn't you know who had the keys to the car--whether you had them or someone else? If it were your friend's car, would you drive it home at the end of the concert minus your friend?

And since you are, let's say, young, wouldn't you and your 3 other friends take dozens of pictures of each other on this fun and exciting night? That's what this generation does--take lots and lots of pictures. Have you seen images of Morgan taken with a digital camera or a cell phone from that night? Neither have I. Nothing.

Have you seen security footage of Morgan waiting outside the arena once she's locked out? Or entering with her friends? Or being taken away by someone? Or talking with someone outside the arena? Or getting into a vehicle driven by a stranger? Neither have I. Where are the images? If any existed, you'd think LE would release them to help resolve this case. So far, nothing.

The list goes on and on. Too much missing information. Sleuthers have begun to arrive at the conclusion that maybe she wasn't even at the concert that night two weeks ago. There's nothing that places her at the arena in terms of photos, videos, or surveillance footage. And, as honeybun suggests, as each sleuther arrives at that conclusion they state it in a post.

Makes sense to me.
Kinda rings Aruba to me, I dont know why that keeps popping in my head...
Agreed, I am not so sure Morgan ever made it to the arena with her friends.

Do we know if LE has gotten with her cell phone carrier to look at pings on her phone? I think it was said that her phone was found with her purse in the parking lot, that's not a certainty that she was there. This is just too bizarre.

I don't get this theory. You do not believe the LE when they say she was spotted inside the arena with an injured chin? I'm not being smart here, I'm just wondering if the people who think Morgan never made it inside the arena are taking the stance that the eye witness accounts of her inside, and then trying to get back inside, are all wrong.
Speaking of imaginations running wild, I have thought about Morgan's relationship with her parents and her friends. Could it be the friends have covered for Morgan to her parents in the past. Maybe it is not such an unusual occurence for her to leave her friends and go home with someone else at events such as this or parties, etc. Maybe they sometimes have to drive her car home and were expecting that she would contact them to get her car before her parents had to know she has done this again. I don't know Morgan, her family or her friends. This is just my imagination, as that is almost all we have to go on right now,

That makes logical sense to me and explains the friend's lack of concern.
Kinda rings Aruba to me, I dont know why that keeps popping in my head...

Thank you for saying this....although I suspect not many others will comment favorably.

I posted my (radical) thoughts about this days ago. Goody-girls who have a secretly brewing rebellion going on internally.....sometimes, these are the girls who make the worst mistakes. And the parents are then BAFFLED. Not MY Daughter, my daughter's a "good girl". Yeah, that's what you THINK. But sometimes, repression of oneself leads to REBELLION. I ought to know. I was rasied that way too.....
I don't get this theory. You do not believe the LE when they say she was spotted inside the arena with an injured chin? I'm not being smart here, I'm just wondering if the people who think Morgan never made it inside the arena are taking the stance that the eye witness accounts of her inside, and then trying to get back inside, are all wrong.

Eyewitnesses are not foolproof. If you believe the eyewitnesses in the Caylee Anthony case, that baby was having a grand time traveling all over the US while she lay dead in the woods. Besides, I'd bet that there were at least a 1000 other girls at that concert that looked like Morgan. I really haven't seen any solid proof that Morgan made it to the concert at all. Calls and text messages from her phone mean nothing to me as we don't know who's hand the phone was in.
Yea-maybe there is a long history of Morgan and her friends going their separate ways hence the lack of alarm by friends.Also if her phone battery falls out they may not be alarmed about not being able to reach her by phone.
I would like to add two things that I have seen asked.

First - the friends names that I have seen are her roommate, Amy Melvin, and the young lady from James madison who went was Sarah Snead. No name has been given for the young man.

Several people have asked about how far the search has gone. This may or may not be a coincidence. By car I live approximately 1 1/2 hrs from Charlottesville. I know helicopters can get here in 10 to 15 min. Both days that it was reported in the news that they were looking for her by helicopter, I heard helicopters flying overhead. I live in the George Washington National Forest. We do not get many helicopters flying overhead so to have heard one both days they were looking for her makes me think I heard the helicopters looking for her.
Speaking of imaginations running wild, I have thought about Morgan's relationship with her parents and her friends. Could it be the friends have covered for Morgan to her parents in the past. Maybe it is not such an unusual occurence for her to leave her friends and go home with someone else at events such as this or parties, etc. Maybe they sometimes have to drive her car home and were expecting that she would contact them to get her car before her parents had to know she has done this again. I don't know Morgan, her family or her friends. This is just my imagination, as that is almost all we have to go on right now,

Yes they have all probably covered for each other a time or two but she has been missing a long time and covering up time is over IMO:banghead:
Thank you for saying this....although I suspect not many others will comment favorably.

I posted my (radical) thoughts about this days ago. Goody-girls who have a secretly brewing rebellion going on internally.....sometimes, these are the girls who make the worst mistakes. And the parents are then BAFFLED. Not MY Daughter, my daughter's a "good girl". Yeah, that's what you THINK. But sometimes, repression of oneself leads to REBELLION. I ought to know. I was rasied that way too.....

I believe what you say is spot on..... I think the parents were clueless to alot of things and I also think her father is wanting certain things(drugs, sex, parties and the like) kept kinda hush hush cause of his job and and reputation. IMO
I would like to add two things that I have seen asked.

First - the friends names that I have seen are her roommate, Amy Melvin, and the young lady from James madison who went was Sarah Snead. No name has been given for the young man.

Several people have asked about how far the search has gone. This may or may not be a coincidence. By car I live approximately 1 1/2 hrs from Charlottesville. I know helicopters can get here in 10 to 15 min. Both days that it was reported in the news that they were looking for her by helicopter, I heard helicopters flying overhead. I live in the George Washington National Forest. We do not get many helicopters flying overhead so to have heard one both days they were looking for her makes me think I heard the helicopters looking for her.

Plus her sister Amanda Melvin

Someone earlier asked if DS could have been the girl partying at 3:30AM seen by paper lady-no, she met up with MH's group actually and they headed out of the area
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