Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #5

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thanks chilifries

clealry the guy wants attention, if he posted it on fb. seems like a loner/loser...maybe his plot has been done in a movie, but how can u determine unconscious and comatose states? in the parkinglot the person would do that. comeone. and idk but ice cream in 40d weather. i doubt that...she tells him whats goin on. prefer if someone asked about a sim card than comeup with / read about (past my curiosity of course)that...grantd i and others have postd various scenarios here but the stupidity really is he and sean connery quote guy friends? fatherly? dont people usually use the word figure after that? but u never know-maybe someone wants to post misleading ideas away from younger, sketchy guys?

switching off to smthn else
just out of curiousity-do u think maybe LE was wholly misleading about the fone being in the purse? maybe she still has it? just a thot..
I've been in that FB group for some time now. I just read NK's posts, and while they clearly indicate he probably has some issues...I'm not sure there is any truth behind them. They seem to be just fantasies, being used to get attention.
However, they are pretty I'm glad it has been confirmed that he was reported to LE. You never know, I guess...and it's best to follow-up on crazies like him. Doesn't have many friends/much of a social life...joined FB not quite a year ago and since then almost all of the activity on his wall has been his own status updates...he's joined a few strange facebook groups. It appears he has a "thing" for African American women. (Kind of irrelevant, but he said a few weird he would like to date the girl from the Progressive Insurance commercials if she were much darker. Just proves my point that he's just a bit odd.)
Searching around on FB...on a woman's picture, he referenced Morgan's disappearance and said that he lives about 3 miles from the JPJ arena. Hmm...
But still, I'm not sure that this person is guilty of doing anything but being a huge creep.
Think NK is just a bit nuts. He has been reported to the FBI and tip line by at least 4 people-I have confirmation of this. These 4 people have been in contact with me by private FB mail and one of them used to work with the FBI. Another one even put forward the idea that maybe CW (the one who has visions) and NK are the same person! They had a number of reasons they believed this. CW posts are concentrated as soon as NK disappears. What do you think?
I've been in that FB group for some time now. I just read NK's posts, and while they clearly indicate he probably has some issues...I'm not sure there is any truth behind them. They seem to be just fantasies, being used to get attention.
However, they are pretty I'm glad it has been confirmed that he was reported to LE. You never know, I guess...and it's best to follow-up on crazies like him. Doesn't have many friends/much of a social life...joined FB not quite a year ago and since then almost all of the activity on his wall has been his own status updates...he's joined a few strange facebook groups. It appears he has a "thing" for African American women. (Kind of irrelevant, but he said a few weird he would like to date the girl from the Progressive Insurance commercials if she were much darker. Just proves my point that he's just a bit odd.)
Searching around on FB...on a woman's picture, he referenced Morgan's disappearance and said that he lives about 3 miles from the JPJ arena. Hmm...
But still, I'm not sure that this person is guilty of doing anything but being a huge creep.

exactly :)
Sorry, don't know how to bump a post from one thread to another, going to try this

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shortened Quote:
Originally Posted by Waddles
Hey everyone, I'm having trouble catching up with posts posted overnight my time.

as a last note can people on the psychic thread please bring over this kind of info to us here as it's pretty pertinent to the case...

Just to be clear, please understand the thread you have linked above is found in the FORENSIC ASTROLOGY FORUM.

The findings and charts in the Astro Forum have NOTHING to do with anything psychic, dream related or vision like images.


I really want to apologise to you and everyone else for my complete ignorance. Goes to show how completely clueless I was on the subject and I'm embarrassed. I understand now! I was mostly focused on how some important info was on the Forensic Astrology thread and not on here but I see all the pertinent info has now been brought over to the MH discussion so it's all good.
Find morgan dot com, discussion section, general discussion, unanswered questions:

There is much of this that does not make sense. My daughter worked in the ticket booth the night of the concert. She said it was really slow from about 8:45 so she was just sitting there looking outside. She is incredibly observant and she also has a great memory. She did not see anyone walking around that looked like she was distressed or trying to talk to someone at a door. She said that she would have gone outside to see if she could help if she noticed a girl alone trying to get back in. I'm shocked that no one has interviewed the people working the windows that night. As of today no one has talked with my daughter. She left the area about 9:30 and drove across the bridge and didn't see anything. It makes me wonder how much time Morgan could have spent outside the arena trying to get back in - or if that even happened. I've heard that she called her friends but more recently I've heard that they called her. My prayers and thoughts are with Morgan and her family!
I can't help but wonder if the friends have taken lie detector tests?
Find morgan dot com, discussion section, general discussion, unanswered questions:

There is much of this that does not make sense. My daughter worked in the ticket booth the night of the concert. She said it was really slow from about 8:45 so she was just sitting there looking outside.

So...this makes it sound like it was possible to still purchase tickets at 8:45... Am I reading that right?
So...this makes it sound like it was possible to still purchase tickets at 8:45... Am I reading that right?

Yes, I had already seen a posting from this girl from the very start on the FB wall. She said she had worked until 9:30 at the box office and felt badly that she had never seen MH and have an opportunity to help. I asked if this meant tickets were still on sale till 9:30 but I think she didn't see that or I posted it in a discussion -I don't remember - but I didn't get a reply. I assume that yes tickets were still on sale. I might see if I can find that but it's a bit tedious on the FB page going back days and days if it was a wall posting.
Also I found from WVAGirl:
10-21-2009, 08:33 PM
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There were not a huge amount of people in the parking lot that night tailgating because of the weather. It was one of the first really cold nights that we have had this year, and most people went into the concert when the doors opened according to the box office guy who was working that night.

He could only see the parking lot in front of his window which still leaves a significant amount of parking area that could have been occupied during the concert.
Yes, I had already seen a posting from this girl from the very start on the FB wall. She said she had worked until 9:30 at the box office and felt badly that she had never seen MH and have an opportunity to help. I asked if this meant tickets were still on sale till 9:30 but I think she didn't see that or I posted it in a discussion -I don't remember - but I didn't get a reply. I assume that yes tickets were still on sale. I might see if I can find that but it's a bit tedious on the FB page going back days and days if it was a wall posting.

Thanks for your reply. I would have thought the box office would have been open any time something is going on. Maybe there was a cut off time for the purchase of tickets for the concert - but I'm sure there were tickets being sold for other events.

It appears that the box office was open... Which kind of opens up other questions...
As in more people, door staff, security and box office knowing she was stuck outside roaming the area or as in she could have bought a second ticket if she wanted to..?
As in more people, door staff, security and box office knowing she was stuck outside roaming the area or as in she could have bought a second ticket if she wanted to..?

Did anyone direct her to the box office - Was there an attempt to purchase another concert ticket - Could she have waited in the box office area to stay out of the cold

If she didn't do any of these things - then to me it would appear that she knew she was leaving the arena (possible prior plans)...

But then the "friends" say that she called them and said she couldn't get back in... So that sounds like she didn't intend on leaving the arena

But then the supposed kiss on the cheek - just to go to the restroom or go smoke - seems like "I'm leaving...see you later" kind of thing to me...
OK I just re read on the discussion board about a guy at Boyd's Tavern about 15miles(or minutes) away from JPJ arena encountering a frantic young man,lost, trying to get to Harrisonburg. Maybe MH planned to meet up with a guy that night(she didn't really care that much about seeing Metallica now but didn't tell her parents because they purchased the expensive tickets)So she speaks with this dude he's on his way- maybe 15 min. away- it's break time now after Lamb of God so MH decides to leave to meet up with him but he's LOST and doesn't show up.This could be the plan that tarheelplaya refers to. So when MH can't find the guy, and can/t get back in ..trouble finds her.
Did anyone direct her to the box office - Was there an attempt to purchase another concert ticket - Could she have waited in the box office area to stay out of the cold

If she didn't do any of these things - then to me it would appear that she knew she was leaving the arena (possible prior plans)...

But then the "friends" say that she called them and said she couldn't get back in... So that sounds like she didn't intend on leaving the arena

But then the supposed kiss on the cheek - just to go to the restroom or go smoke - seems like "I'm leaving...see you later" kind of thing to me...

The friends called her and she said not to worry she was getting a ride. This is what I understood.

The kiss I am in disagreement with most people about. They said she was a loving friend and I believe it could have been an affectionate kiss rather than a hello good-bye kiss. Could have been endearment to a friend saying "take care going to bathroom/smoke" or "come back safely" and she kissed her for being sweet.

If MH had said to her friend "bye I'm meeting such and such" and then kissed her friend then that is another story. Then the friends were told by LE that they had to say she was gone to bathroom or to smoke when really she said good-bye. In that case why would they reveal the kiss but not the good-bye, knowing that would lead to questions...
OK I just re read on the discussion board about a guy at Boyd's Tavern about 15miles(or minutes) away from JPJ arena encountering a frantic young man,lost, trying to get to Harrisonburg. Maybe MH planned to meet up with a guy that night(she didn't really care that much about seeing Metallica now but didn't tell her parents because they purchased the expensive tickets)So she speaks with this dude he's on his way- maybe 15 min. away- it's break time now after Lamb of God so MH decides to leave to meet up with him but he's LOST and doesn't show up.This could be the plan that tarheelplaya refers to. So when MH can't find the guy, and can/t get back in ..trouble finds her.

Hi, thanks for bringing this. I did read that somewhere else but can't remember where.

So she either 1) does not get picked up by the person/people who she was supposed to meet and meets trouble with a complete stranger or 2) she does meet with the friend/friends and something goes awry
Did anyone direct her to the box office - Was there an attempt to purchase another concert ticket - Could she have waited in the box office area to stay out of the cold

If she didn't do any of these things - then to me it would appear that she knew she was leaving the arena (possible prior plans)...

But then the "friends" say that she called them and said she couldn't get back in... So that sounds like she didn't intend on leaving the arena

But then the supposed kiss on the cheek - just to go to the restroom or go smoke - seems like "I'm leaving...see you later" kind of thing to me...

The box office is just windows in the front of the building (sorta like when you go to the movies to buy tickets). There isn't really an area where she could have stayed warm there. When you enter the doors beside of the box office you have to go through one set of doors (where tickets are usually taken) and then through another set of double doors to enter the arena. I have wondered why she didn't ask to stay in that little area - or if she asked and was denied.

I am still confused about why she left the seats alone. When I was in college I don't think I EVER did anything alone. When we went to clubs, concerts, whatever - at least two of us always went to the bathroom together - or to smoke (even though not all of us smoked). It just seems odd that she went alone...and the kiss on the cheek really has me stumped - unless that was a common thing with her friends. IDK
Think NK is just a bit nuts. He has been reported to the FBI and tip line by at least 4 people-I have confirmation of this. These 4 people have been in contact with me by private FB mail and one of them used to work with the FBI. Another one even put forward the idea that maybe CW (the one who has visions) and NK are the same person! They had a number of reasons they believed this. CW posts are concentrated as soon as NK disappears. What do you think?

I don't think CW and NK are the same person, but CW does have some strange posts as well. IMO, he's looking for attention from other FB posters and/or the media.
Did anyone direct her to the box office - Was there an attempt to purchase another concert ticket - Could she have waited in the box office area to stay out of the cold

If she didn't do any of these things - then to me it would appear that she knew she was leaving the arena (possible prior plans)...

But then the "friends" say that she called them and said she couldn't get back in... So that sounds like she didn't intend on leaving the arena

But then the supposed kiss on the cheek - just to go to the restroom or go smoke - seems like "I'm leaving...see you later" kind of thing to me...

Maybe, as has been speculated before, she went in search of an ATM machine to purchase another ticket.
I think until we hear from LE or the family all we can do is play our speculations over and over. There has been nothing new and the story will soon be laid to rest unless they do something soon.

I still think it funny that none of the stations have taken this case and run with it. Beautiful young woman missing, Mitallica concert, college. All make interesting viewing. But perhaps you can't run with a story when there is absolutely no information being released.
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