Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #5

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By the way I asked my daughter why she had said that about her falling in a river as there were no rivers close by and she said she was just guessing based on the talk going TOTALLY unfounded...sorry about that.
Forgive me, but who is DS? One of the friends?

DS is the girl in the video that everybody thought was Morgan. She was up front by the stage with three large men and a big ball they throw around at concerts. She came forward and was me in the video.
But do remember even her parents said she might have gotten hot and taken them off. Her dad said it was her. Her brother said no. Her mother said she couldn't tell. Then DS came forward and said "it was me".

Actually DS came forward and said "it was me" way before the family got to see it. This was just so incomprehensible, it took forever for it to come off the news too, and it was so frustrating as DS had written to me to thank me for trying to get people to quickly remove video of her, yet 24hrs later the press were quoting the family as saying it could be her. And it was not officially declared not her for what seemed like an eternity, and here it is still in this latest news video. Just as an example of what "could" be her. Very silly IMO
Hey everyone. I’ve been reading at websleuths since Laci Peterson first disappeared. I have just now decided to join you since I have enjoyed reading all your theories and thoughts throughout the years.

This is what I think happened to MH.

The reason her friend had her keys and was driving is because she had a drink or two before they left for the concert (she seems the responsible type). She probably had too much for her size and went to the restroom at which time she tripped on the stairs hurting herself. She went outside the get fresh air/sober-up (and/or possibly smoke a cig if she smokes) hence getting locked out. Or, she was so buzzed she didn’t want to embarrass herself any further and wanted to go home. I can certainly see this if the arena was starting to spin and/or she got sick in the bathroom. Maybe she texted her guy friend for a ride and he couldn’t pick her up. LE says they are not suspicious of him and I’m sure they know what they texted to each other by now.

So, she walks over the bridge to an ATM to get money for a cab. On her way back over the bridge to catch a cab at the arena she was either snatched at random or like someone else here suggested she was accidentally hit by a vehicle and they took her and dumped her. If she was hit by a car, though, there should be bits and pieces from the vehicle left behind at the scene. Also, if it was a hit-in-run to hide the body, that person would most likely have grabbed her purse and cell along with her. More likely to me that she was randomly snatched and the perp didn’t care about leaving her purse and cell as he was only interested in her.
The more I think about it, if she did make it to the ATM machine, her bank records would reflect it and there would be a time stamped photo of her that would have been released by LE as her last known location and sighting. Maybe she went looking for one and realized it was too far for her to walk in the dark in her current state, so she turned back to head for the arena when she was snatched.
So, she walks over the bridge to an ATM to get money for a cab. On her way back over the bridge to catch a cab at the arena she was either snatched at random or like someone else here suggested she was accidentally hit by a vehicle and they took her and dumped her. If she was hit by a car, though, there should be bits and pieces from the vehicle left behind at the scene. Also, if it was a hit-in-run to hide the body, that person would most likely have grabbed her purse and cell along with her. More likely to me that she was randomly snatched and the perp didn’t care about leaving her purse and cell as he was only interested in her.

Hi krowdkat, and welcome to posting at Websleuths.

IMO I don't think she was hit by a car. If she were, as you say, "there should be bits and pieces from the vehicle left behind at the scene." Not only that, if she were hit so hard as to actually kill her, there would no doubt be blood on the scene as well. Police have never said they found that. Soooo, that probably isn't it. And if I remember correctly, LE checked UNDER the bridge in one of their first searches as well as on top.

I agree that MH was probably randomly snatched ... or not so randomly because the perp(s) no doubt recognized how beautiful she was, even on the dimly lit bridge. This is a big step for me since I was one of those people who thought she might never have even made it to the concert.

Where are you, Morgan Harrington?
The more I think about it, if she did make it to the ATM machine, her bank records would reflect it and there would be a time stamped photo of her that would have been released by LE as her last known location and sighting. Maybe she went looking for one and realized it was too far for her to walk in the dark in her current state, so she turned back to head for the arena when she was snatched.
Very good point. Her getting to an ATM seems to be ruled out. And I think both sides of the bridge means the Arena side and the Ivy Road side, not the two different travelling directions on the bridge. That is just my first thought.

I still wonder if she walked across the bridge to get to (or try to get to) the residence of somebody she knows. It looks like there are apartments right across the bridge:


Are these apartments?
Good idea about the apartments! That would make a lot of sense. They say all her possible contacts through her brother etc. in the area have been checked out, but no one ever really knows who someone else knows do they? I have acquaintances that none of my friends know about when I think of it.
I read somewhere that she used to live in Charlottesville for years as a child but her parents were certain she didn't have friends there. How would they know for sure?
Krowdkat. Just a tip-it looks like the quote malfunctioned-when you hit the "quote button" on replying it should look like this at the beginning:


On the Facebook discussion a woman named Darlene wrote a post tonight about the volunteer meeting. She said an elderly couple claimed to have seen Morgan the night of the concert with 3 men walking toward the dorms near the Rotunda. They said they had contacted LE but had never heard back from them. What's interesting about this is that to walk from the arena to the rotunda it looks like you would cross over the bridge where she was last seen and head south for about a 1/2 mile.

The Facebook posting is on page 2 of the Friends topic in the discussion area. Darlene also points out that there is a report of newspaper deliverer who said he saw her at about 3:30 AM in the same area with 3 men. She doesn't say what time the elderly couple may have seen her. There is the possibility that LE checked out the newspaper deliverer's story and determined he saw someone other than Morgan so there was no need to follow up on the elderly couple's sighting.
On the Facebook discussion a woman named Darlene wrote a post tonight about the volunteer meeting. She said an elderly couple claimed to have seen Morgan the night of the concert with 3 men walking toward the dorms near the Rotunda. They said they had contacted LE but had never heard back from them. What's interesting about this is that to walk from the arena to the rotunda it looks like you would cross over the bridge where she was last seen and head south for about a 1/2 mile.

The Facebook posting is on page 2 of the Friends topic in the discussion area. Darlene also points out that there is a report of newspaper deliverer who said he saw her at about 3:30 AM in the same area with 3 men. She doesn't say what time the elderly couple may have seen her. There is the possibility that LE checked out the newspaper deliverer's story and determined he saw someone other than Morgan so there was no need to follow up on the elderly couple's sighting.

Maybe it was the same chick (m look-a-like) in the video that was with the three men at the concert with the beach ball, again. Her purse and cell phone (minus battery) on the bridge is so ominous to me. I don't think M would be walking around casually with 3 guys all the while missing her purse and cell. It just doesn't fit.
I get what you mean, though, Chili. This whole thing wreaks of the Holloway Aruba case all over again if you ask me. I've felt this since day one of M's disappearance. We just don't know who the guy/s are yet.
On the Facebook discussion a woman named Darlene wrote a post tonight about the volunteer meeting. She said an elderly couple claimed to have seen Morgan the night of the concert with 3 men walking toward the dorms near the Rotunda. They said they had contacted LE but had never heard back from them. What's interesting about this is that to walk from the arena to the rotunda it looks like you would cross over the bridge where she was last seen and head south for about a 1/2 mile.

The Facebook posting is on page 2 of the Friends topic in the discussion area. Darlene also points out that there is a report of newspaper deliverer who said he saw her at about 3:30 AM in the same area with 3 men. She doesn't say what time the elderly couple may have seen her. There is the possibility that LE checked out the newspaper deliverer's story and determined he saw someone other than Morgan so there was no need to follow up on the elderly couple's sighting.

I believe that LE discounted the newspaper lady's (it was a woman) sighting at 3:30am since they did not include it. But it would be interesting to know what time the couple believe they saw her. I have heard far to many stories of witnesses calling up about a sighting and never being called back :(
Maybe it was the same chick (m look-a-like) in the video that was with the three men at the concert with the beach ball, again. Her purse and cell phone (minus battery) on the bridge is so ominous to me. I don't think M would be walking around casually with 3 guys all the while missing her purse and cell. It just doesn't fit.

True, it doesn't fit. I really got the impression, from what DS (blonde in videos with her boyfriend and his friends) told us, that she met up with MH's group right after the concert (they knew each other) and they all headed out but I could be wrong-she could have stayed around the campus for a party.
I get what you mean, though, Chili. This whole thing wreaks of the Holloway Aruba case all over again if you ask me. I've felt this since day one of M's disappearance. We just don't know who the guy/s are yet.

I know. It makes you want to embed a GPS chip in your child that can only be activated using a security code known by a loved one when LE has determined that foul play is a strong possibility.

If she did meet up with someone I see a few possibilities:

- She saw somebody she knew outside the arena after she was not let back in. If she were alone walking across the bridge this might be unlikely. As you posted above she may have walked over the bridge and then come back to the arena area for whatever reason.

- She knew somebody would be home and walked to their residence. Since college students might be expected to be out on a Saturday night perhaps she talked to somebody she knew in Charlottesville earlier in the day or the day before and found out they would definitely be home. LE should have checked her phone records for at least the week before to find out if she talked to anyone in Charlottesville.

-Her parents said she was texting a boy who didn't live in Charlottesville when she was outside the arena. Perhaps he got in touch with somebody in Charlottesville and told them she was coming.

-The battery fell out of her phone not long after she made the last text and got lost. She could have borrowed a phone from somebody outside the arena and called somebody in Charlottesville with the borrowed phone. You would think if that happened the person would come forward but there are people who won't get involved for whatever reason even if they had nothing to do with her disappearance.
this topic is strictly for discussing a young woman who has gone missing.
Chili, this case just really gets to me. I have a beautiful, slender, almost 6 foot tall 25 y/o blonde haired daughter who is working on her master's degree. She has been in college since she was 17. She still doesn't go anywhere by herself after dark. Nor would she let any of her girlfriends. She was even ruffied at a bar hanging at with her boyfriend and his friends. She thinks the bartender did it because he didn't realize she was with group of her very close friends. Thank gosh they were there for her.

I guess my point is, by all indications, M seems from the media reports and her parents statements that she was a fairly decent an upstanding college girl who generally did what she said she would do. I don't understand why the girls she was with wouldn't insist on her staying put until they could let her back in.

My gut tells me she didn't have alterior motives that night. She doesn't seem like someone who would walk away with strangers.

I think LE and her parents and friends are down playing her level of intoxication that night. Most college kids get that way a time or two or ten. I think the reason it's being down played is for the court of public opinion on her behalf. The same thing was done in the Holloway case.

Unforturnately, I think the only thing going on in this case is that M was a very impaired and very easy prey that night.

I does bother me that the media report said LE isn't looking at it like it's foul play. I hope the WS poster can get that clarified with the reporter.

PS - Could I say, "that night, anymore this night? Goodnight all! Thanks for the warm welcomes.
The only thing I want to mention about her borrowing a strangers cell phone to call a friend is, of the 50 or so relatives and friends I have in my cell, I only know my husband's and daughter's by heart. My daughter probably has over 100 friends and family plugged into hers. I doubt she even knows my cell number by heart. I'll have to ask her. She does know my land line number, though. I've had it since before cell phones where available. LOL
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