Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #6

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Harrington’s scheduled to appear on Dr. Phil
Published: November 9, 2009
Updated: November 9, 2009
The Dr. Phil show was at the Harrington’s Roanoke County home Monday, taping a show scheduled to air Thursday at 4pm.

“I think it’s critical that we keep the story out there,“ Morgan’s father Dan Harrington said.

Video: Harrington’s scheduled to appear on Dr. Phil 2:07


Why didn't Morgan have the keys to HER car? Why didn't any of her "friends" try to help her or wait for her or show any concern, whatsoever??

I still don't think she ever made it to that arena.

:( I'm leaning toward thinking that way, too - that she never made it to the arena. If she did, it seems to me that - considering how striking Morgan's looks are - we would have oodles of reliable eye-witnesses saying that they saw her, especially in her section of seats.

Last night hubby and I saw Steely Dan (AWESOME concert!!!!) at the Univ of Minn. I'm not an observant person.......but I would be able to recall for ID purposes certain people sitting around us at the concert - and these folks were not stunning beauties like Morgan (no offense fellow SD fans).

For example, this morning hubby showed me a photo on his computer of a guy, and asked if I recognized him. I said, "Hey, that's the guy sitting in front of me at Steely Dan." Turns out it was the critic from the Minneapolis StarTribune - a great writer and astute music critic.......but no beauty.........yet I recognized him. Get my point??????

I would expect there to be lots of reliable eyewitnesses in this case.

there are 2 posters on here who seem to have read way too much into my hypothetical scenario. there are many many hypotheticals within this thread that are much more detailed than what i said...and propose much more illegal wrongdoing on the part of the revolving cast of characters. and let me make clear that i did not even hypothetically connect morgan's dad to any wrongdoing. if you reread my original post about my thoughts, i said that morgan psychologically MAY have been vulnerable to an older man because she is close to her dad. her mom said that at one of the first press conferences. her relationship with her dad seems only positive, for goodness' sake. geez, lighten up on me already. thanks to all those who came to my defense. meh.

and by the by, i asked the forensic astrology folks to see if they could discern the age of the "perp" and they said it points to a much older person. interesting. there are known crimes committed by the person or persons people least expect. these same people often insert themselves in the middle of the investigation to divert suspicion from themselves. just sayin
&#9827; Where is the proof she ever made it to the concert?
&#9827; If she DID make it to the concert, where is the surveilance video that proves it?
&#9827; Which of the friends drove HER car? Did SHE not drive due to impairment?
&#9827; Why, if she did in fact, make it TO the concert, did she call her dad at the first appointed time, and then NOT when she actually made it TO the concert?
&#9827; What kind of people just leave you like that? What sort are these "nine" anyway?
&#9827; Why is there not one single picture of this girl from that entire evening, with all those friends, who likely all had cell phones, cameras, etc?
&#9827; If she was impaired, what was the source? The drink? or drugs? If either, did she become sick from this and her friends just abandoned her to deal with it all on her own, or did she hide it from them or WHAT?
&#9827; Why is there no information flowing about the events of that day/night? So many details MISSING...

:eek: I agree with you on all of these items, Magic. They are baffling! I bolded the one that makes no sense whatsoever to me. I mean, did Morgan lie and say that she was already in Charlottsville?? Was she murdered shortly after making that phone call???? Simply baffling.

ew...or maybe it was a teacher from the highschool she left before her senior year.

:eek: Krazy.....I know you're taking some heat for this post.........but as a high school teacher myself (female) - when I read it - my immediate reaction was: BINGO - Krazy has solved the case. Truly, this ties up several loose ends. Morgan's transfer to a new high school for her senior year. Why she couldn't just have the guy over to the apartment she shared with Amy. Maybe the weirdness coming from Morgan's friends.

Now we'll BOTH get slammed, Krazy.

:eek: Krazy.....I know you're taking some heat for this post.........but as a high school teacher myself (female) - when I read it - my immediate reaction was: BINGO - Krazy has solved the case. Truly, this ties up several loose ends. Morgan's transfer to a new high school for her senior year. Why she couldn't just have the guy over to the apartment she shared with Amy. Maybe the weirdness coming from Morgan's friends.

Now we'll BOTH get slammed, Krazy.


For someone who dated one of her 11th grade teachers her senior year of HS, I feel I should comment on this...since I'm the one I'm talking about.

I can tell you for a fact that when people began finding out, I was shunned by most everyone and only one friend understood and wasn't creeped out. I was talked about - not only by students, but faculty too. I was called out by another teacher in the hall about what I was doing... It was very uncomfortable and I can't imagine what HS life would have been like if I had dated my teacher in my Jr. year.

I was not uncomfortable with Coach X while we were alone together or at my parents was a great relief when I graduated and we didn't have to worry about anyone any longer.

I know a lot of people would think this to be creepy... But it wasn't. He wasn't that much older than me and he was my first love. And he wasn't the one who made the first move...I did.

So if MH was in this same position or something similar - I can understand her wanting to transfer schools or being forced to do so and that would make total sense, IMO, of why she completely went out of the Roanoke Co. school system to another county over...
that is one of many possibilities, the others could be

*they Moved
*unplanned pregnancy (adoption)
*problems with another student (being harassed or bullied)
*she went to rehab and Mom & Dad wanted her around a different group of people to keep her clean
I'm not sure if I've read anywhere credible that she didn't not have her ticket stub and wonder if it started as an assumption of ppl thinking she could not get back in due to not having a stub, or maybe it has been reported and I just missed it/don't remember it. But it is irrelevant as far as her getting back in one way or the other b/c once you leave that’s it whether you have a ticket stub or not.

Actually I found out after posting that message you quoted about the no reentry policy, but I also saw something about a ticket stub here:

If you click Disappearance Map and Timeline and then click link 1 on the map the description says:

8:20 to 8:30 pm
"Seen trying to re-enter the John Paul Jones arena, but is told that arena policy requires her to have a ticket stub to do so."
again my opinion but you might want to clairify exactly what you are saying here because it's very possible that people take this as implying that Morgan is somehow involve in a prostition ring. I'm sure that is not what you are saying (hopefully), but the what you point to those cases without explaination its easy to think thats what you are sugest that Morgan was a "working girl" or even part of that lifestyle without there having been even a shread of credible evidence that even hints at that possiblity, would be really not the thing to do at all imo.

We need to be looking at ALL possibilities here - we're trying to find a missing young woman. I don't believe anyone was implying that she was in the trade prior to going missing. However, there are plenty of seedy people luring young woman and girls into prostitution - by whatever means. Seems to me leeches like that would be hanging around college campuses/concert arenas looking for vulnerable girls. Just week before last they busted a child prostitution ring and many WS'ers were wondering how many of the kids they rescued were kids we've been looking for here.

At least she would still be alive.
What I've discerned so far:

IIRC - if I recall correctly
LE - law enforcement
TIA - thanks in advance
FWIW - for what it's worth
POI - person of interest
PIO - public information officer
ITA - I totally agree
MOO - my own opinion
IMHO - in my humble opinion
OT - off topic

corrections? others?

Here is a thread to all of the WS lingo/acronyms that you could ever hope to come across (and probably some that you will never even use). Hope this helps! I keep it bookmarked for easy reference.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
:( I'm leaning toward thinking that way, too - that she never made it to the arena. If she did, it seems to me that - considering how striking Morgan's looks are - we would have oodles of reliable eye-witnesses saying that they saw her, especially in her section of seats.

Last night hubby and I saw Steely Dan (AWESOME concert!!!!) at the Univ of Minn. I'm not an observant person.......but I would be able to recall for ID purposes certain people sitting around us at the concert - and these folks were not stunning beauties like Morgan (no offense fellow SD fans).

For example, this morning hubby showed me a photo on his computer of a guy, and asked if I recognized him. I said, "Hey, that's the guy sitting in front of me at Steely Dan." Turns out it was the critic from the Minneapolis StarTribune - a great writer and astute music critic.......but no beauty.........yet I recognized him. Get my point??????

I would expect there to be lots of reliable eyewitnesses in this case.


I tend to think that she never showed up at the arena either. The no pictures hitting the internet really has me baffled. Kids send pictures right and left with their cell phones.

But then I ask myself "why would LE put out this timeline for Morgan?"

I keep waiting for one of the tabloids to release pictures of the girls at the concert from somebodys cell phone camera. They usually pay a little for that kind of stuff. But so far..nada.
that is one of many possibilities, the others could be

*they Moved
*unplanned pregnancy (adoption)
*problems with another student (being harassed or bullied)
*she went to rehab and Mom & Dad wanted her around a different group of people to keep her clean

I read before that they hadn't moved. They have lived in that house forever.
I don't think she changed friends. They continue to be proud of "the nine" and support them. Plus they have been friends since gradeschool.

Personally I think she had aneroxia and went for some counseling. They changed her school for a fresh start..just my opinion. Have a look at her on Facebook third page in the red dress with her three

I don't buy the high school girl dating the teacher. That would have been three or four years ago...old news.
Personally I think she had aneroxia and went for some counseling. They changed her school for a fresh start..just my opinion. Have a look at her on Facebook third page in the red dress with her three

Is that her facebook page that you mention or the Help Find one?

ETA: I see the photo now, on the Help Find photos. Wow...
I tend to think that she never showed up at the arena either. The no pictures hitting the internet really has me baffled. Kids send pictures right and left with their cell phones.

But then I ask myself "why would LE put out this timeline for Morgan?"

I keep waiting for one of the tabloids to release pictures of the girls at the concert from somebodys cell phone camera. They usually pay a little for that kind of stuff. But so far..nada.

:camera: You're sooo right, honeybun. Surely Morgan would have shown up on at least one camera phone or security camera. At the concert I attended last night, cell phones throughout the arena were clicking away, even though no photography was allowed.

And considering the special attention Morgan paid to choosing her outfit for the concert (kinda weird IMO - seemed more like she was choosing to please a guy) wouldn't you think she would ask somebody to snap a shot of her in her concert duds???

:camera: You're sooo right, honeybun. Surely Morgan would have shown up on at least one camera phone or security camera. At the concert I attended last night, cell phones throughout the arena were clicking away, even though no photography was allowed.

And considering the special attention Morgan paid to choosing her outfit for the concert (kinda weird IMO - seemed more like she was choosing to please a guy) wouldn't you think she would ask somebody to snap a shot of her in her concert duds???


Personally I think they would have snapped pictures all along the way that night. Plus there were four girls..they all had cell phones.

I found out somewhere that JMV is owned by attorneys. With the way people sue I would think that would be camera heaven.
Personally I think they would have snapped pictures all along the way that night. Plus there were four girls..they all had cell phones.

I found out somewhere that JMV is owned by attorneys. With the way people sue I would think that would be camera heaven.

Jane Valez Mitchell????? LOL J/K

I agree about the cameras and lawsuits. Especially when you consider all of the shennanigans that go on during rock concerts. You would think that the arena would be wall-to-wall cameras just to protect the owners. :eye:

Personally I think they would have snapped pictures all along the way that night. Plus there were four girls..they all had cell phones.

I found out somewhere that JMV is owned by attorneys. With the way people sue I would think that would be camera heaven.

Do we know whether they had pics or not? My DD takes pics wherever she goes - via phone or camera. A concert? Absolutely! Hoping LE knows the answer to this question. But then again, if the girls did take pics that night, why wouldn't they release them to show EXACTLY what Morgan was wearing and how her hair was????
Here is a follow-up to that initial reported sighting:

"The girl I saw at Sheetz's in Orange,Va that Sunday morning appeared to be alone as I did not see her talking to anyone. I remember her coming out as I was going in. Her head was down. When I left the store, I distinctly remember seeing her as she was dressed in all black. She was standing next to the trashcan. I saw the letters Pent which made me do a double take to see if it was going to say Pentech, but it was Pentera [sic - Pantera]. She was just standing there not talking to anyone. I reported all I remembered to the State Police. They looked at the video from the store but said they didn't see her, but also said they didn't see me. The cashiers confirmed I was there. So I'm wondering if maybe they would go back and go over the video again. It haunts me when I close my eyes and can see the word Pantera on her shirt and know from the description, it could have very well been Morgan. When I read the description of what she was wearing I got so excited that I immediately put it on Facebook and notified the State Police. I have wracked my brain trying to think of any more details. I got more fliers yesterday at the search and will distribute them in Orange and Gordonsville. I just hope the information might give her parents some hope. I continue to search and pray for her safe return.
Thank you for your comments, because the one that commented he wouldn't put any weight in this wasn't very nice. I am very sure of what I saw and I truly believe I did see Morgan. I would swear on my mothers grave, that's how sure I am."

fwiw. if it was MH, and she was alone, argues for amnesia or leaving by choice, but without purse and cell, how could she sustain that?

Thanks for posting this, I hadn't seen it. IMO, this woman sounds authentic - I know that doesn't mean much, but its my feeling anyway. If Morgan had planned to run away, its hard to imagine she'd be wandering around the next morning, alone. But if she was in the store, did she buy anything? This doesn't mention the cashiers verifying they saw her. I suppose one could try to shoplift if you had no money, but does not sound to me like something Morgan would do. I had thought maybe Morgan had put a smaller purse inside the one found, along with a 'pay-as-you-go' cell phone, whatever cash she had accumulated and perhaps phony I.D. - that way she could ditch the larger bag and make it look more sinister than a runaway. I personally don't think any of this is due to a head injury, but again this is just my feelings. Of course, if she did run away, and was seen alone the next morning, where is she now?
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