Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #6

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Is the press asking any of these obvious questions at any and all possible opportunities? Does LE just stall them, or is nobody asking? :waitasec:

From the articles I've read, at the start of some of the press conferences the LE said they simply wouldn't entertain/answer questions on certain aspects of the case. So yeah, I would guess that maybe the press isn't asking (or getting answers to) even half the questions they (and we) have about that night.

Sigh. Somebody a few pages back spoke of starting to feel despondent with regard to whether this case will be solved, and I'm starting to sympathize with them. In an earlier thread on Morgan, I'd suggested that maybe LE knew way more (like who Morgan had gotten a ride from) than they were admitting, but now, after reading Morgan's mom's blog entry, which was just heartbreaking, my hopes about that are sunk. She does not sound like someone who is holding out hope with regard to some secret piece of information.
hmmm...maybe there are indeed photos and they show a poi that le is interested in. this could lull poi into thinking there is no spotlight on him/her...or more than one suspect. there could even be suspects in surrounding concert seats. imo

notice the use of abbreviations (not used to it yet and poi looks like a fish) i am attempting to use. thank you everyone for all the help in posting abbrev meanings.
Originally Posted by Chili Fries
Since we are discussing her possible psychological state I'll ask one more question...are the pictures of Morgan which show her to be very thin the most recent pictures? That's the impression I got.

I don't know about the pictures. I was kind of thinking prom and high school from the dresses the girls were wearing and thats why I came up with the anorexic idea.
If you notice none of the pictures they posted have the date of the picture. They have an uploaded date but that means nothing.

I am thinking the skinny days were high school days. If they are current days then everybody is looking for the wrong girl because the poster an eater.

They might not bother with a date on photos. I don't; i figure those that i am friends with will recognize them as familiar when and where. Also we didn't set our camera to make a date stamp on it.

Everyone is an eater, even if they only eat lettuce. I don't think her appearance would have changed drastically, and i'm sure her family would think to use some recent photos due to the circumstaces.
also, i seem to remember when morgan first was missing and mom said some odd things like "she has some explaining to do when she gets home" (paraphrased by me). maybe she knew that morgan met a cute boy in the concert and left with him. that could also be another scenario where the girlfriends disapproved and/or told morgan not to leave, but she did anyway.

then, for whatever reason, she got ditched outside...or decided being with the new dude was not such a good idea, so ended up alone and locked outside. because of the venue policy of no readmittance, she would have been so mad at herself and the situation and kicking herself for not listening to her friends. in her phone conversation with girlfriends inside, maybe one came up to the lobby so she could see and hear morgan (cause you cannot hear in a concert no way no how...i was at a metallica concert a coupla years ago with my kids)! if one of the friends observed morgan outside safe, but mad as a hornet, it would have served to reassure the group. if something like that did occur, then morgan prob would have insisted that the others not cut short their good time because of her bad choice. she may have even named someone specific that was coming to pick her up to chill until they could all reunite after the show.

something like that would make sense and account for what we joe public think is callousness on the girlfriends' part. they most likely have been instructed to keep silent for the integrity of the case. friend sarah had such flat affect during her interview...that is common with people who are lying or withholding something and/or trying really hard to keep a "poker face"....

and, for goodness sake, this again is out of my head and a hypothetical scenario. i am not pointing fingers at anyone specific
hey all! i need to correct one of my posts in which i said the forensic astrology folks interpreted morgan's last seen chart to show an older perp. i must clarify that only one of the forensic astrologists had that interpretation. another disagreed with that assessment, so last i read, there was agreement to disagree. the opposing interpretation is that the perp is unknown to morgan and only slightly older. those planets are pretty darn cool, doncha think?
Personally I think she had aneroxia and went for some counseling. They changed her school for a fresh start..just my opinion. Have a look at her on Facebook third page in the red dress with her three

It's possible, especially since some of the pictures she has a much fuller face and then others she's extremely thin.

But, if you've seen her mom in person, she is very, very thin also.
It's possible, especially since some of the pictures she has a much fuller face and then others she's extremely thin.

But, if you've seen her mom in person, she is very, very thin also.

You are certainly right. Her mother is very fine boned and a very petite woman. Morgan on the other hand seems to be a bit larger like her father.

I am not real good with all of that. In the red dress she appears small and petite like her mom. In other pictures she appears larger like her father. It could all be in the pose. She has a square shaped face and that might make her appear larger.

I surely wish we could get a picture of her from that night.


A group over at Facebook now looking at all the videos from the three performances that night. They have centered in on her seating and the stage area.

I don't post over there but thought it interesting that they too are saying "what the heck, no pictures, video".

Perhaps we have gotten the ball rolling. There just has to be a reason LE is keeping concert night pictures taken by the "Friends" secret.
In response to the "poker face" of friends and family...I remember during the Madeleine McCann search, there was a lot of speculation about her parents...and their behavior. After they went back to England, they admitted they had been told NOT TO CRY or show too much emotion because many times the perp "enjoys" seeing parents and friends in agony...which could affect the wellbeing of the child.

It's a stretch but perhaps LE has told the Harrington's and friends the same thing. The parents have been so gracious and her friends have been mum...

I just do not think her friends had anything to do with it!
I'm not seeing any pics that indicate that Morgan is anorexic. Her weight looks like it's stayed the same in all the pics to me. Her stats say she is 5'6" and 120 lbs. I do not consider that underweight. My DD and her friends all hover around that weight or less even. My DD is 5'6" and about 105 pounds.
I read a post recently where the poster stated "they (LE) either know who it is and that is why we are hearing and seeing nothing or they got nothing". Interesting.

I think it would be a terrible shame if they "got nothing" and have released nothing to the public to help find Morgan.
also, i seem to remember when morgan first was missing and mom said some odd things like "she has some explaining to do when she gets home" (paraphrased by me). maybe she knew that morgan met a cute boy in the concert and left with him. that could also be another scenario where the girlfriends disapproved and/or told morgan not to leave, but she did anyway.

then, for whatever reason, she got ditched outside...or decided being with the new dude was not such a good idea, so ended up alone and locked outside. because of the venue policy of no readmittance, she would have been so mad at herself and the situation and kicking herself for not listening to her friends. in her phone conversation with girlfriends inside, maybe one came up to the lobby so she could see and hear morgan (cause you cannot hear in a concert no way no how...i was at a metallica concert a coupla years ago with my kids)! if one of the friends observed morgan outside safe, but mad as a hornet, it would have served to reassure the group. if something like that did occur, then morgan prob would have insisted that the others not cut short their good time because of her bad choice. she may have even named someone specific that was coming to pick her up to chill until they could all reunite after the show.

something like that would make sense and account for what we joe public think is callousness on the girlfriends' part. they most likely have been instructed to keep silent for the integrity of the case. friend sarah had such flat affect during her interview...that is common with people who are lying or withholding something and/or trying really hard to keep a "poker face"....

and, for goodness sake, this again is out of my head and a hypothetical scenario. i am not pointing fingers at anyone specific

As I have stated before, this case, like NO Other, reminds of the Nat. Holloway case. For Many reasons.........
I'm wondering if LE has thourghly interviewed all of the bands "roadies" and etc. WHAT IF, while standing in the bathroom line, she met a guy who "claimed" to be with the band and able to get her a meeting with them.? Why else would she have left the building before the band started to play???????????????? And another question, wasn't she tracked as to moving around the perimeter of the arena, in that bus parking lot....could the band's Bus have been parked there or could some guy have convinced her that it was even if it wasn't? Or her home computer will tell all, a meeting with an online boy????????
In regard to the lack of pictures - I have one thought. During the search we were asked to look for a camera. I wonder if it was Morgan that was taking all the pics (or at least it was her camera that they used) and the other girls thought that since she had the pics there was no need for them to take pics, too?
hmmm...maybe there are indeed photos and they show a poi that le is interested in. this could lull poi into thinking there is no spotlight on him/her...or more than one suspect. there could even be suspects in surrounding concert seats. imo

notice the use of abbreviations (not used to it yet and poi looks like a fish) i am attempting to use. thank you everyone for all the help in posting abbrev meanings.

I think the battery of the phone may have been taken from the phone so that pics and texts from that night would not be seen? i wish we know what kind of phone she has...idk, i just dont think that battery being missing was an accident...
maybe someone has already addressed this, but i can't remember...if the battery is gone, but the sim card remains, doesn't that mean that the info is still retrievable with a replacement battery? i don't know enough about it. has this already been laid to rest?

interesting about instructions to look for camera during searches. very interesting
maybe someone has already addressed this, but i can't remember...if the battery is gone, but the sim card remains, doesn't that mean that the info is still retrievable with a replacement battery? i don't know enough about it. has this already been laid to rest?

interesting about instructions to look for camera during searches. very interesting

Yes, the SIM card will contain contacts, text messages, videos, photos, basically anything stored on her phone. If a replacement battery is put in, it should work.
IIRC, the couple who reported seeing Morgan fall near the stage had also earlier seen her taking pictures (of her friends, I think) while she was in the audience. The couple commented that they were afraid she might fall over backwards because of her leaning back, probably to get everyone in the group into the pix.

I hope LE has asked Morgan's look-alike, Dee, to say exactly where she was that night, to reduce the chance of mistaken "sightings" in and around the arena.

As something of an "old-timer," I hadn't thought of using a cell phone to take pictures (although my kids do it all the time) because back in the day, we used cameras to take pictures! So the photo capability is an added reason to want to ditch the battery (in addition to Voicemail messages, call history, etc.).

Any ideas why the person who dropped/threw the phone did not take the entire phone?

An ametuer who had some reason to panic and hurt Morgan may not have thought all of this out........he(?) removed the battery and he(?) succeeded somewhat in that no further calls could come in or out. WAS the SIM card intact? If so, LE has more info than they are letting on...........and the whole "morgan calling her friend with the non-chalant comment, I've been locked worries....I'll find a ride home or I'll meet you after the show" is SUCH BS it's not even funny!!!!!! HOW in the world did her so called "friends" buy this story??? Reminds me of the saying "with friends like these, who needs enemies". Her "friends" let her down. SHAME ON THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JMHO
maybe someone has already addressed this, but i can't remember...if the battery is gone, but the sim card remains, doesn't that mean that the info is still retrievable with a replacement battery? i don't know enough about it. has this already been laid to rest?

interesting about instructions to look for camera during searches. very interesting

i have heard it both ways - but im no expert - so that is good if the sim card is not part of the battery. i still believe that the battery was removed for more than just eliminating pings...its just one of the many things that are niggling at me about this whole situation. also krazykids, i agree with you concerning her possibly being involved w/someone older and either the friends didnt know or they did not approve. i am especially curious about her move to a new school for senior year. have you had anymore thoughts on this theory?
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