Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #6

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yes, by gosh, posters' comments are sometimes irresponsible and lead to unfounded focus on innocent people. there are numerous examples on here and other blogsites and even the facebook group that name people...the "hippy" guy comes to mind. people have even mentioned lawsuits about that and i agree that the unfounded naming and damaging of the innocent is a crime itself. that is why i try to be as careful as i can and just posit a theory with no names. horrible things are done by people in our society that we are supposed to trust. clergy, policemen, teachers, coaches are a few examples that come to mind. it is a terrible fact that we cannot discount.
oh yeah, and who'da ever thunk a fellow soldier and trusted psychiatrist (!) would shoot up a room full of his comrades
Ummm I don't know if randomly speculating about teachers is productive... there's been no mention of that whatsoever and it seems to have just materialized out of thin air and could lead down to a road in violation of TOS.

The possible head injury is something I hadn't considered fully.... if she was that disoriented she could be so confused she doesn't know who she is.... which could provide some hope... or could have made her VERY vulnerable to people.

I still have my hinky reader up though about the friends' account. Either something is being withheld on LE's orders or there is still a piece of the puzzle untold.

Reports from LE, while withholding answers about her condition, do stress that in supposedly confirmed visual sightings MH was not in any obvious distress. Could she have had a concussion or other head injury and not been reported as being in obvious distress? I suppose so.

Again, even if MH was impaired for whatever reason, the question is what happened to her after 9:30. Did she get in someone's car by choice or forcibly? Did she get/fall/get coerced into some other form of transport? Did she wander off confusedly or run off on purpose?

Agree on friends' accounts, but hope LE has more details that aren't being divulged.
You're right about some of the supposed sightings stating she didn't seem to be in distress... good points,

I find the purse abandoned one of the most disturbing elements..... I just don't leave my purse and not realize it when I am in control of myself.
You're right about some of the supposed sightings stating she didn't seem to be in distress... good points,

I find the purse on the bridge one of the most disturbing elements..... I just don't leave my purse and not realize it when I am in control of myself.

Wasn't the purse found in the RV parking lot....NOT on the bridge?
The purse thing leads me to believe that something went horribly wrong. However, IF she had a head injury and was disoriented in any way, it would make sense that she would lose personal items without noticing. It would also explain why she was wandering around (I'm not sure if I read that it seemed like she was wandering around aimlessly, so this is just extra-strength speculation). As far as these sightings go, I tend to believe that most of them are cases of mistaken identity. A blonde girl wearing all black clothing wouldn't necessarily stand out at a concert performed by the likes of Metallica, even if she was as pretty as Morgan - at least, not to me. The whole case is such a complex puzzle, I really have no idea what could have happened to poor Morgan. We don't know very many details, but I have a very hard time believing that she went missing outside the venue voluntarily.
You're right about some of the supposed sightings stating she didn't seem to be in distress... good points,

I find the purse on the bridge one of the most disturbing elements..... I just don't leave my purse and not realize it when I am in control of myself.

To my knowledge, the sightings on the bridge don't say whether MH had her purse then or not, though apparently she did in UHall parking lot, and from what I read it was found (mostly) intact in the corner of the Lannigan Field/R.V. parking lot closest to Copeley Road and the jogging track.

Staying with the purse thread, here are the possible ways I see it getting there:

1) she could have left it there by mistake before crossing over bridge,
2) she could have left it there as "collateral" or something before crossing bridge (wild speculation one poster had, imho),
3) she could have crossed bridge, done whatever she was doing, come back to the R.V. lot and then dropped it, lost it in a struggle (again, no evidence of that), or purposely left it behind, but no eyewitnesses reported seeing her coming back across the bridge or at a bank, restaurant, or store,
4) someone dropped/tossed it there during her departure, in whatever form
5) someone dropped/tossed it there after whatever happened to MH (choosing the location by design or randomly),
6) the purse was lost somewhere else, and moved by an unrelated party to the parking lot,
7) it may have been found somewhere else and/or at some other time but reported by finder to UVA police as being found there and then.
Taking some time away has given me a chance to think and I'd like to share some thoughts with you. I apologize in advance for the long post.

My best friend is an addict. She had a great job for a 22 year old, her own place and seemed happy. Not long after we became friends she started going out with some other friends drinking and partying. Within weeks she was caught at work drunk and was fired. A month or so later she began selling things from her apartment and soon was living with me because she had been evicted. It was then that I learned she was addicted to cocaine. While living with me she would disappear for days - sometimes weeks - on drug binges. She would come home full of promises to change...but she never did. She stole, she lied, she was sick, she was moody...and on and on. Over the next few months she went from cocaine to heroin.

Throughout this ordeal I noticed many things and learned many things about an addict. I find it hard to believe that MH was a heavy drug user and no one knew. There would have been many signs – financial, emotional, physical…etc. No matter how far you swim in the river of denial – somewhere deep inside – you know…you just know. If MH’s family saw any of these signs I have to believe they would have done something. Her father is a psychiatrist…something would have been done. Furthermore – if she were going off on a drug binge she would have taken her purse with her for at least her ID, I think and her cell phone to make contacts to get her drug of choice.

As for recreational drug use – she probably did experiment…maybe even at the concert, but I find it hard to believe that it caused her to black out/freak out so much that she wandered off.

I don’t think she met anyone online and then planned to meet a total stranger at the concert. She and her friends seem too smart for that. Plus it just seems totally random. She had her own place and lives alone – why plan to meet in another town and miss a concert she was excited to go to?

If she fell - I don’t think the fall was severe enough to give her a concussion or whiplash. She was standing one step up and thought she was on the group so she didn’t fall that far really and the witnesses said she broke her fall with her arms extended. I’m clumsy. I fall a lot and have never had whiplash, brain injury or a concussion from a fall down a stair or two. Plus she reportedly tried to get back in multiple times so she couldn’t have been that disoriented.

So – for me that leaves two scenarios. Either she planned to meet someone that she knew at the concert and they either never showed up or something went wrong when they met OR she was abducted by a stranger. (Guess that’s three scenarios, huh?)

The fact that LE has been doing random searches makes me believe it couldn’t have been someone she knew or that her friends knew about of they would be focusing on that person. So – that leaves the only scenario of being that she was abducted by a stranger.

All of this is IMO, of course.
The things that were mentioned as items to look for in last weekend's search (necklace, cell phone battery, among others) make me wonder if they think Morgan dropped the purse, the cell phone, and then the other items as a sort of "bread crumb trail" to mark her path?
Since we are discussing her possible psychological state I'll ask one more question...are the pictures of Morgan which show her to be very thin the most recent pictures? That's the impression I got.

The reason I'm asking is because I wonder if she had an eating disorder. Even if she didn't have an eating disorder, if she had recently lost weight she would probably have been more easily intoxicated by a drug or alcohol than when she was a little heavier. If she did have an eating disorder that could mean that she internalizes control which may indicate passive aggressive behaviour. A person in passive aggressive mode would tell her friends "I'm OK, don't worry about me. I'll handle it on my own" when she really means that she needs help.

Chili Fries!!

You made my exact point! I was just thinking about this early this morning. I am very familiar with eating disorders because of several personal experiences. Anyway, I was looking at the pictures and the ones where she is very thin worried me. She does have the look of an anorectic...and you are right about that having a huge effect on her alcohol consumption. One of my best friends was affected very seriously by anorexia while we were in college. She would only drink around our 3 best friends, because she suffered black outs. She would have half hour conversations with people and not remember it at all the next day!! She was also very passive aggressive, not letting us know when she needed or wanted help!! I hope this isn't the case for Morgan :(
If she fell - I don’t think the fall was severe enough to give her a concussion or whiplash. She was standing one step up and thought she was on the group so she didn’t fall that far really and the witnesses said she broke her fall with her arms extended. I’m clumsy. I fall a lot and have never had whiplash, brain injury or a concussion from a fall down a stair or two. Plus she reportedly tried to get back in multiple times so she couldn’t have been that disoriented.

While the fall may not have appeared to be a serious fall by the person reporting it (and maybe it wasn't)...unfortunately we don't know since we weren't there.

However I would like to bring up a point that even a small fall can be very serious. I have a friend who was exiting her Winnebago...took one step...went to take the next step down to the ground...misstepped fell down one step and broke her neck.

While it's obvious MH didn't break her neck - we don't know how the fall may have affected her or if she hit any part of her head (besides her chin) on the concrete floor or on a seat.
happy to report that I saw a digital billboard featuring Morgan about 75 miles away from the jpja, in Stafford!
Weekend Harrington search parties found items, but no leads
November 9, 2009
State Police say the more than 500 volunteers who showed up to search in the Charlottesville area over the weekend found parts of clothes as well as other objects, but no leads in the search for missing Virginia Tech student Morgan Harrington.

Search for missing VT student Morgan Harrington reveals nothing new
Monday, November 09, 2009
Virginia State Police spokeswoman Corinne Geller said the search produced a couple of articles of clothing, none of which appeared relevant. She said police didn't find any significant clues or build on any possible leads.

Bob Smither of the Texas-based Laura Recovery Center for Missing Children said that more than 600 volunteers participated in Sunday's search. He said teams started in the morning and searched for two to four hours until there was no more daylight. Smither said much of the search was done on "challenging" rural terrain.

"This is certainly not the end of the search for Morgan," Smither said.

A map documenting the timeline of sightings of Harrington in the hour before she was last seen:

Search party finds no new clues to disappearance
Nearly 1,600 volunteers gather to search Charlottesville area for Harrington
November 9, 2009
The effort was headed by the Texas-based Laura Recovery Center, which worked with local rescue teams to search in and near Charlottesville. LRC co-founder Bob Smither said he believes the weekend search for Harrington was more extensive than most community searches.

&#8220;Law enforcement and search teams have done wonderful jobs,&#8221; Smither said. &#8220;But to get thousands of people out there, you&#8217;re going to find more stuff than a few [would].&#8221;

&#8220;The best scenario is obviously if we found Morgan safe and sound, and the worst scenario is that we don&#8217;t find her,&#8221; Mr. Harrington said. &#8220;There&#8217;s almost nothing worse than not having closure.&#8221;

Items found during Harrington search, but no leads
November 8, 2009
Updated: Monday, November 9, 2009 @ 10:33 a.m.
Volunteers in Charlottesville sacrificed their weekend to search for a missing Virginia Tech student. About 1,400 volunteers helped with the search.

State police say the search parties did recover various articles of discarded clothing and objects. But according to a news release, "None of those items has proven relevant to the case. Investigators are still continuing their efforts to pursue new leads as they come in from the tip line and through email."

Video: Volunteers wrap up three day search for Morgan Harrington (11/8) 1:53

Video: Hundreds Search Charlottesville Area For Morgan Harrington 1:52


Why didn't Morgan have the keys to HER car? Why didn't any of her "friends" try to help her or wait for her or show any concern, whatsoever??

I still don't think she ever made it to that arena.
Why didn't Morgan have the keys to HER car? Why didn't any of her "friends" try to help her or wait for her or show any concern, whatsoever??

I still don't think she ever made it to that arena.

I agree about her having the keys to her car... even when I've had someone drive my car (few times yes and not because of my being impaired.. there are other reasons) I''ve still been the one to have my keys in my purse.

I don't like where any of this is going.

Saying prayers for Morgan's return.
Just wanted to pass on something I noticed on the Find Morgan FB page. The local radio station issued an alert about a man seen on campus "flashing", two women. Here's the link to the station that issued the alert-

I see it's not at UVA, but at Bridgewater.

11/09/09 Bridgewater College students are being warned about a man that has been seen at several locations around campus, exposing himself at least once.
Campus Police are investigating the report in which a Hispanic male in his late 20's or early 30's allegedly exposed himself in his vehicle Friday morning as he was driving out of the McKinney Hall parking lot.

A suspicious person with a similar description was also reported standing near both Bowman Hall and the entrance to the Kline Campus Center parking lot.
Here is a link to more info on the newspaper lady's sighting on the Lawn ...

She describes long blonde hair, black tee, miniskirt, boots but NO TIGHTS.

Thank you, I am glad to read about this in more detail! You know, I just don't think these sightings are Morgan :( I keep feeling like people are seeing a blonde girl dressed in black and they assume it's her. I don't see why she would take off her tights, epecially with it being pretty cold....

If Morgan were to go somewhere with strange guys, you think she'd call or text her friends..."Hey, I'm partying with some cool guys I met, talk to you tomorrow!" If she had innocently lost her purse (which I don't see happening) you think she' d ask to borrow their phone to let her friends know.... there would at least be a record of this in a call/text to her friends. Even though she's been described as trusting, I just can't see her taking off with trangers and not letting her friends know.....
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