Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #9

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We had a young woman murdered in our county a couple days ago, and i have a friend who was friends with her. My friend is completely distraught, (she had just hung out with her the weekend before) and is bordering on mentally unstable at the moment out of grief for her friend who was found murdered in her apartment.

I kept thinking about this today (my friend was freaking out that they'd never catch the guy; well they caught him today) anyhow i keep thinking about the reaction from my friend, compared to that of Morgan's friends.

My friend wasn't even with her friend who was murdered (Jami) when she got killed, my friend did nothing that could potentially contribute to Jami's death. Jami was killed by her neighbor who supposedly was stalking her and is mentally unbalanced, and is a disorganized killer.

Morgan's friends could have prevented this tragedy from happening had they accompanied her to the bathroom, or at least went outside to wait with her or even leave, at the least get her her own car keys until the end of the concert. We see such lack of guilt, pleas, or strong emotion from Morgan's friends. It's baffling..

My friend was hysterical, upset, angry at everything in the world, scared, grieving and it sure showed. She said all sorts of things in her grief (which still isn't over yet). My friend wasn't friends with Jami as long as these girls had known Morgan. I want to ask what gives?
Why don't they seem to care about Morgan? Why don't they talk about it at all? Bottling all that up inside isn't healthy.. and their silence sure isn't keeping Morgan in their perspective or helping bring attention to Morgan's cause and finding her.

My condolences to your friend on her loss. Your friend grieves because she cares. Like anyone one does that loses someone they are close to. One has to question the depth of the caring by Morgan’s friends. Lifelong friends or not, something is amiss with these young ladies. I don’t care how strong you are or how much you are trying to put up a brave front; these are 20 year old kids. If they were hurting or upset, worried or nervous for Morgan, it would be very obvious. You could see it in them from a block away. From what I can gather they seem to be just the opposite. No one sees that in them. Like so many here, I continue to question their involvement in all of this.
Lamar Advertising has posted photos of Morgan Harrington on about a dozen billboards across the state, including Roanoke.
Actually people of all races enjoy different types of music. I am sorry but this statement is offensive, insensitive, and brings nothing new to the table.

I think the point being made was that if Blacks were not as plentiful at a particular event then they might stand out or be noticed more. I don't think the statement was meant to be the things that you accuse it of nor do I think it was.
Just had a thought. No photos/video of MH from that night have been released, and the police haven't really said one way or the other whether there is any. The other thing that they are being very closemouthed regarding is the identity of the mystery BF that accompanied them.

Might the police be holding back photos because he is in them? I'm thinking this guy has to be a "somebody" given that his identity still hasn't come out. Politician's son? State witness? Professor? Something is definitely being covered up.
Walker, this is very offensive. I know a lot of people who happen to be black and yes they do like heavy metal music. In fact i know a lot of people of various different races that like all sorts of different music from rap to heavy metal.
It's not nice to judge people like that, it's just wrong and closeminded.

You have made some really good posts in the past, however this is just horrible that you'd say something so ignorant that "blacks do not follow metal".

You cannot judge a person like judging a book by the cover, you have to walk in their shoes first (as the saying goes) or at least know them very well personally.

Music isn't a moral issue; but rather just a matter of taste. Liking metal doesn't mean that you are good; but it doesn't mean you are bad either. Saying one group doesn't tend to follow metal doesn't reflect either positively or negatively on them.

Interestingly, no one has answered my question: if you were actually in the audience that night, what percentage of the audience would be Black?

(Because I am thinking that if the percentage were low, we might have heard some witnesses describing Morgan as accompanied by two White women & one Black man or maybe some other combination of Black & White men and women; the photo might represent her main social group or at least part of it).
I just had someone send me this video today of Morgan’s parents on Geraldo Rivera (Fox News) seven days after she went missing. Maybe it’s old news to the folks here on the forum but there have been numerous discussions here about weather Morgan was at the JPJ that night. People have referred to LE statements that they have no video footage of her there her at all. So why is it that in this video at the 3:02 minute mark Morgan’s dad says they have footage of her there? I didn’t join this forum on Morgan until after it had begun. Did I come in late and miss the discussion on this point. And why is it that Dr. Harrington never mentioned it again after this interview and LE states they have nothing on video? Can anyone clear this up for me? Sorry about the link. I don't know why it links as a "screen" like that.

I wonder if that was Dee on the video and not Morgan and they realized it later?
I think the point being made was that if Blacks were not as plentiful at a particular event then they might stand out or be noticed more. I don't think the statement was meant to be the things that you accuse it of nor do I think it was.

I second that. Many other people continue to post detail opinions based on the way they know life and little things aren't picked at. I don;t know what difference it would make if someone in the group would stand out or not, but the comment was not saying anything bad about anyone. I think its offensive to say they are just rich girls which I've heard on more than one occasion. Thats not even a fact. The one friends dad is a cop. Lets try to focus on fatcs we may have overlooked.
I wonder if that was Dee on the video and not Morgan and they realized it later?

In the beginning everybody thought DS was Morgan and her family was viewing that video and even they said they were having a hard time deciding if it was Morgan. That might be what DH was refering to.
Is anybody else as suprised as I am that LE has not held a press conference or update since that first initial press conference where they announced Morgan was missing. I find that extremely unusual.
Actually people of all races enjoy different types of music. I am sorry but this statement is offensive, insensitive, and brings nothing new to the table.

Music is part of one's culture. How is the statement offensive? JMO: Metal draws heavily upon certain European cultural icons in both a celebratory way & also with irony, and therefore its main appeal is to Whites & White Latinos.
I just had someone send me this video today of Morgan’s parents on Geraldo Rivera (Fox News) seven days after she went missing. Maybe it’s old news to the folks here on the forum but there have been numerous discussions here about weather Morgan was at the JPJ that night. People have referred to LE statements that they have no video footage of her there her at all. So why is it that in this video at the 3:02 minute mark Morgan’s dad says they have footage of her there? I didn’t join this forum on Morgan until after it had begun. Did I come in late and miss the discussion on this point. And why is it that Dr. Harrington never mentioned it again after this interview and LE states they have nothing on video? Can anyone clear this up for me? Sorry about the link. I don't know why it links as a "screen" like that.

I hadn't seen that video before and one thing that struck me as odd is when Geraldo (~6:48) asks Gil if she suspects anyone from Morgan's known circle of friends/acquaintances or if she feels it is a stranger abduction, and she does not answer the question. Rather she mentions that Morgan is surrounded by a circle of love, great friends and they want her back.

Makes me wonder if there is some suspicion on involvement by someone Morgan knows? Could also explain the silence of the friends. To me, unless the friends know a lot more about what happened, they certainly are acting very inappropriately. I'm not blaming them for harming Morgan, but the parents are obviously devastated and the friends have moved on, like trying to forget a concert they didn't enjoy.
I guess LE must have a suspect in mind. I think thats why there has been no searches and no tv conferences. I guess they r waiting till that someone makes a mistake and leads them to Morgan.
Sorry if my above post sounded harsh, I just can't imagine going back to "business as usual" while my friend is missing. It's not like several years have passed since she went missing. If Morgan is still with us, imagine how scared she must be... :(

Imagine how scared her friends must be if they think they know who hurt her, but LE doesn't have enough to go on to arrest him. In such an instance, I'd keep quiet too.
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - VA-Morgan Dana Harrington, 20 Charlottesville #8

Originally Posted by quiqui
Something just dawned on me that I don't think has been brought up. The week preceding/weekend of October 17th was JMU's Homecoming. The football game was on the 17th at 3:30pm. This weekend brings lots and lots of extra traffic and people to is also a weekend filled with parties in various forms.

I know there is speculation by some that Morgan never made it to Charlottesville. If it was true she stayed in Harrisonburg who knows who she may have come in contact with.

For what it's worth they played Villanova.

Originally Posted by Walker
Did they win? (Might mean extra partying going on.)

Wonder if she attended the game.


Sorry this is a late response, I've been away for a few days. JMU lost their Homecoming football game on October 17th horribly --- Villanova won 27-0.
Imagine how scared her friends must be if they think they know who hurt her, but LE doesn't have enough to go on to arrest him. In such an instance, I'd keep quiet too.

I hear what you are saying, though if I thought I knew who had grabbed and hurt my friend, silence would not be the option I would choose. I might be scared, but what is the alternative? To let him/her hurt someone else? I don't think I could have that on my conscience :(
Does anyone know:

Was this Morgan's first year at Virginia Tech? Did she transfer there as a junior, from -- maybe -- James Madison University? TIA.

I believe this was her Junior year at VA Tech. Another poster mentioned previously that she may have attended JMU in the past. I haven't been able to find anything that indicates this, so I'm not sure.

I posted a while back that after looking through her facebook friends it appears the majority are in the Roanoke/Tech area. She seems to have more friends in the UVA network then the JMU network, for what it's worth.
I posted a while back that after looking through her facebook friends it appears the majority are in the Roanoke/Tech area. She seems to have more friends in the UVA network then the JMU network, for what it's worth.
Yes, at least 16 of her Facebook friends attend UVA or just live in Charlottesville. Granted many of those may not be people she knew well enough to call and ask for a ride or to stay at their house...but she did know people in Charlottesville.
Yes, at least 16 of her Facebook friends attend UVA or just live in Charlottesville. Granted many of those may not be people she knew well enough to call and ask for a ride or to stay at their house...but she did know people in Charlottesville.

Yeah facebook friends are an interesting phenomenon...I have a lot of people on mine that I would either A) not know how to contact in an emergency or B) not want to contact in an emergency.

I originally glanced at it after the mention that she may have attended JMU. I imagined if she had, she would have more than a few FB friends from JMU.

Another interesting tidbit about Facebook is that the regional network "Charlottesville, VA" also covers Harrisonburg. If you type Harrisonburg into the network search the closest one is Cville. So a lot of people who actually reside in Harrisonburg (and other areas not really anywhere close to Cville) have Charlottesville as their network.
you know that comment by her parents that she didn't know anyone in charlottesville is just a lie and they should be honest or not comment on something at all.
1)going to school in va (high school) most people would go to one of the instate schools either instantly or transfer. she went to not 1 but 2 public schools, so that would make alot of people she would know potentially going to that va school.
2)her brother went there. i would not be surprised if his friends still live there or she met people visiting him
3)im sure some of her new college friends have friends at other va colleges whom i would not be surprised if they have gone to visit
4)i would not be surprised if colleges that close are always interacting, this friend visiting that, certain parties, concerts, games, etc.

I could go on.
SS's statement seemed to be said so matter-of-factly in that video, it was a far cry from an emotional plea, considering her "best friend" is missing and most likely presumed deceased. I wish we knew what "it" was as well, it's odd to word something like that. Does "it" refer to Morgan going missing or does "it" refer to what they should have done to begin with, not leave Morgan alone and use the buddy system.
These friends of hers don't seem to care, they seem to be silent in hopes this will all go away.
I agree that heroine is a reach, however the painkiller industry seems to be booming among the young people. I watched a show on it, somehow had linked a video in the basement on the Haleigh thread. It seems a lot of young people snort of smoke oxys and i would think that would be what Morgan would do instead of shooting heroine. Painkillers pills may also be a gateway to using heroine if the individuals keep searching for a high. (just to add more ideas to this angle).. i do wish we knew about 6 months ago..

there is a site that i think you may find interesting that discuss her interview. i think it was ***********

sorry i guess its against tos
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