Found Deceased VA - Morgan Dana Harrington, 20, Charlottesville, 17 Oct 2009 - #9

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Well, I am going to sign off for a while. I don't feel like I am contributing anything helpful at this point. I feel like we just keep going around and around in circles. It is so frusturating!

In the meantime, I will be handing out fliers and praying for her return. I also want to ask everyone to pray for law enforcement, that they may be able to work as best they can to find Morgan. And pray for the Harrington's...Lord knows they need all the strength they can get.
Some points.....

>> there was a statement from the university that the basketball players were cleared

>> the LE put out the info that she was hitch hiking....and I don't think they used just "one guy's" word on that

>> I agree with Kemo that she would probably not have to use the concert as some sort of cover up for a clandestine meeting....although she might have gone out to buy drugs or to have someone give her drugs???

>> while I also have questioned the "friends" non caring attitude and lack of concern, I think they have all lawyered up....and are lying doubt to protect their own reputations and futures at this point

>> the more I see, the more I feel that drugs and alcohol may have led this poor girl to some really bad decisions....

>> I hate to say it but with cases involving young adult women, the odds seem to go down as the days/weeks/months go by

I'm not saying there was a "cover up"./...but more of a CYA.....from various sides....

immediate searches might have helped....but I don't really see that much searching ?? I just hope that they didn't drop the ball from the start here

Maybe the LE has a POI/s? Or some plan/leads?? Or.....more and more they may just be "flying blind" here??
Totally just my own opinion, but I wouldn't rule out the basketball player/players. They're apparently the last ones Morgan is known to have interacted with before her disappearance, and particularly if they are the ones who said she was hitchhiking, which I do not believe.

Even if she made it to 7-11 and back, there is no saying at least one of them weren't watching her. And her purse/phone being found where they were is too weird to me unless she was abducted at that spot.
(Cut short for space)

Whoa...So are you saying that Morgans purse was found and the conversation with the basketball players took place in the same spot. I did not realize that. And then one left for nine days. My meter is running.

If we believe these rumors (and to be clear, they are just rumors at this point), then this basketball player was a person of interest. That seems to be a more than reasonable reason to take a leave of absence. It's also quite possible that the player (and maybe the others) feel a sense of guilt, as though maybe they could have done something to prevent it from happening. Bottom line is, law enforcement seems to have cleared the players. It isn't really pertinent at this point, unless you simply believe the police are wrong or still tracking the players in hopes of them making a mistake.
I apologize if this has already been posted. I'm catching up on the last few days :)

A non profit organization has created floats to spread info about Morgan in Christmas Parades around the Roanoke area.

I hope some new/positive information results from this. We can hope right?
I haven't seen this rumour posted here...a poster named jerzE who says he or she is a friend of the friends posted on the forum that the friends went back to Charlottesville to look for Morgan on Sunday morning and then called the Harringtons when they still hadn't heard from her. jerzE posted this on December 1st in the What If Morgan Just Left thread.

Sort of odd if it's true... were they thinking she'd still be standing around? Not being mean, just wondering.. if they thought something was wrong enough to drive back, you think they'd call the police first?
Not sure if this has been posted before, but at 13:20, police ask for Morgan's friends to get involved, etc:

***sorry MeoW333! I was checking some past comments and I see you did indeed post this already. I won't delete it just because I know that can wreck a thread. Good to watch though! ***
i thought it was her too, but in this photo it looks lke the same girl but i think it might be a guy.


Thanks, Wanttohelp, that looks like the same person. Do you have the link to that video? Thanks
If we believe these rumors (and to be clear, they are just rumors at this point), then this basketball player was a person of interest. That seems to be a more than reasonable reason to take a leave of absence. It's also quite possible that the player (and maybe the others) feel a sense of guilt, as though maybe they could have done something to prevent it from happening. Bottom line is, law enforcement seems to have cleared the players. It isn't really pertinent at this point, unless you simply believe the police are wrong or still tracking the players in hopes of them making a mistake.

They cleared one of the athletes, not every athlete.
IMO, there is rarely smoke without fire. If someone who is local has heard something, and in fact many many locals have heard the same is worth visiting, albiet as a RUMOR only.

RSBM/BBM: This statement is so true! If locals are saying the same types of things, then most likely there is a thread of truth at the very least in those rumors. So far we've heard that Morgan supposedly used drugs in the past (VirginiaDoll, did you hear a specific drug(s) named?) IMO, it'd be way different if she had a problem with, say, cocaine vs a pot habit. We've also heard the rumor that she associated with possible heroin users. If this is true, odds are that she may have used it herself, and this opens up some possibilities for different scenarios for the night of the concert. Another rumor we've heard concerns Morgan's reputation as a man stealer. This could at the very least cause a major undercurrent of anger with her friends, if nothing else. Another rumor is that Morgan was known for ditching out on her friends. IMO, this bit of information rings very true to me, and it would explain some of the friend's behavior. They didn't think much of Morgan taking off from the concert because this is something she normally did.

It's called crowd surfing. I did it in my younger days. I also never got groped or had my clothes ripped off.
Granted this is a well over a decade and then some ago. Nowadays i have no idea who people do.

I used to do it sometimes when I was in my mid to late teens and going to concerts all the time, so about 10 years ago. There was a period when we were going to concerts each weekend, I've seen a lot of them. The ones that were outside (normally festival type events) tended to have the worst crowd surfing with the "bad stuff" happening. Girls usually wore bathing suit tops and other skimpy clothing, and those tops were ripped off about 3/4 of the time. I've seen and heard about girls getting groped and even (sorry to be graphic here) have seen men stick their hands up girls skirts and um, worse. Sometimes those guys got in trouble with security or the cops, but normally they didn't. It's hard to see who just violated you while you are being passed around a crowd by hundreds of hands. I do know that many venues prohibit moshing and crowd surfing these days since it can be so dangerous. Anyhow, sorry for the OT, just wanted to help answer the poster's question about crowd surfing.
I've lost track - did the friends stay in Charlottesville the night of the concert, or did they drive back to Harrisonburg? In either case, I can see where they might have stopped by the arena area, hoping against hope they'd find Morgan before they had to head back to Roanoke and her parents. Though I had not heard before that the friends called Dr. Harrington - I'd thought it was the other way around? In any case, thanks for the info, Chili Fries.

I agree, Virginia Doll, my mind just keeps going round in non-productive circles - somehow seem to think if I think about it hard enough, something will make sense. I can see what you are saying about more than 1 perp but, looking at other cases, it seems amazing what one hell-bent crazy can do. Thinking about Brooke Wilberger, who was snatched by a lone perp, in an apartment complex parking lot, who had a van and apparently was all ready, with tape and such to keep his victim quiet. Guess it depends on how prepared the perp would be - not just someone driving around who senses a good opportunity for his disgusting desires.

I'm not trying to pick on the basketball players, just hearing LE say they are in the clear, when it hadn't even been made public that he was a suspect doesn't necessarily put my mind to ease. If they suspect someone but need more proof etc. seems like they might let the suspect be 'cleared' while they did more behind the scenes work. Its not like he is going anywhere, right?

O.K. now I'll duck for cover after I type this.....if someone found themselves a POI, and is from a country that does not have an extradition agreement with the U.S. they could return if things got too hot, no? Doubt this would be the move of choice, but just wondering out loud, and with simple speculation, not blame, as I haven't a clue what happened to Morgan, nor do I want to make it appear as I'm trying to make anyone in particular a suspect. (I'm now safely hiding behind large boulders. LOL)

They stayed in Charlottesville and left the following morning. I think it is post #119? a guy that knows the 9 responded to questions.
Calling someone a "racist" really doesn't mean anything. Disagree with Obama's health plan? You are racist. Disagree with his escalation of the war?You are racist. Disagree with high taxes & huge entitlement programs? You are a racist. Disagree with anything leftwing? You are racist. Think that college athletic programs are insane? You are racist.

We are not going to derail this conversation now- Honeybun did say "these men were not raised like Morgan" that is tinged with racism .Honeybun also said when talking about MH's brother would her parents want her involved with "all that" that is tinged with some type of judgmental attitude about Alex. You Walker talked about the antisocial quality of rock concerts that parents should never endorse. Nobody here is left wing we are trying to be objective about the few facts we are aware of.
If we believe these rumors (and to be clear, they are just rumors at this point), then this basketball player was a person of interest. That seems to be a more than reasonable reason to take a leave of absence. It's also quite possible that the player (and maybe the others) feel a sense of guilt, as though maybe they could have done something to prevent it from happening. Bottom line is, law enforcement seems to have cleared the players. It isn't really pertinent at this point, unless you simply believe the police are wrong or still tracking the players in hopes of them making a mistake.

Posted by LRS9S; One more question: is there any confirmation one way or another of Morgan's sexual orientation? Is it possible that any number of the "guy problem" scenarios posted on this forum could actually be true but for the fact that they're really "gal problems"? Just throwing that out there
Calling someone a "racist" really doesn't mean anything. Disagree with Obama's health plan? You are racist. Disagree with his escalation of the war?You are racist. Disagree with high taxes & huge entitlement programs? You are a racist. Disagree with anything leftwing? You are racist. Think that college athletic programs are insane? You are racist.

I don't think it is one bit racist for Honeybun or anyone else to look at the people who were last known to be with Morgan (just as, for example, Joran van der Sloot and the Kalpoe brothers were suspects in Natalee Holloway's disappearance, not because of nationality or race, but because she got in a car and left with them). So in Morgan's case, the list would include her friends, the people who called her or texted her that night, the basketball players and others in that physical space where the phone was found, etc. It is also worth noting that many basketball players are white Americans or Europeans from Lithuania, Italy and other countries where basketball is played. I am one person who was taken aback by a major player leaving that team just after--just after--Morgan disappeared. If he was cleared--that answers one question. But I am going to look at the LE statements to see just what was said about "clearing" the player.

I don't see for one moment how saying "these men were not raised like Morgan" is a racist statement. One man was raised in Africa and one in the inner city of Gary, Indiana..the murder capital of the world. Morgan was raised in upperclass VA. That is a statement of..what is.

The statement about Morgans brother was made months lets move on..please. We already chewed on that bone.
i didnt know that people raised in africa were more prone to be rapists, or for that matter people from a matter of fact i am from indiana and im not a rapist...

well.... I lived in Indiana for a few years, in Lake County - though in the south county - but I've been through Gary, and I now live just north of Roanoke and I must say, Gary Indiana is like night and day from where I live in VA - heck it was night and day from where I lived in South Lake County Indiana!

Regardless of race, national origin, color or creed - where you are raised does impact the person you turn out to be. And there are poor of all color/race living in crap neighborhoods all over this country - and there are crap parents all over this country raising their kids in horrid conditions (we read about these children every day on this forum and they are from all races and socio-economic backgrounds).

people overcome their circumstances all the time - and some kids make it out alive and get an education and get ahead, that is inspirational. Just as true is that there are some people who have a physical advantage and play sports and are given opportunities for an education and all that college level sports gives them.

But, as we've read on this forum time and time again - there are those people that for whatever reason, black-white-red-yellow doesn't matter, poor-rich-middle class doesn't matter, they are broken beyond repair and they seek out victims and hurt them.

Could it be a childhood friend, college acquaintance, friend of the family - oh sure it could, and it could just as easily be a college athlete with a propensity for violence and an opportunity? you bet.

definitely not a racist comment, it is reality - it doesn't matter who they are, all of the aforementioned are suspect in my view.
well.... I lived in Indiana for a few years, in Lake County - though in the south county - but I've been through Gary, and I now live just north of Roanoke and I must say, Gary Indiana is like night and day from where I live in VA - heck it was night and day from where I lived in South Lake County Indiana!

Regardless of race, national origin, color or creed - where you are raised does impact the person you turn out to be. And there are poor of all color/race living in crap neighborhoods all over this country - and there are crap parents all over this country raising their kids in horrid conditions (we read about these children every day on this forum and they are from all races and socio-economic backgrounds).

people overcome their circumstances all the time - and some kids make it out alive and get an education and get ahead, that is inspirational. Just as true is that there are some people who have a physical advantage and play sports and are given opportunities for an education and all that college level sports gives them.

But, as we've read on this forum time and time again - there are those people that for whatever reason, black-white-red-yellow doesn't matter, poor-rich-middle class doesn't matter, they are broken beyond repair and they seek out victims and hurt them.

Could it be a childhood friend, college acquaintance, friend of the family - oh sure it could, and it could just as easily be a college athlete with a propensity for violence and an opportunity? you bet.

definitely not a racist comment, it is reality - it doesn't matter who they are, all of the aforementioned are suspect in my view.

yes i agree, i have lived all over the us as well, but i dont think being raised in a certain state is a sufficient reason to suspect a person. its all the reasons that you mention that go into suspecting someone. i suspect all of the people that were anywhere near her that night because of exactly that : they were near her that night.
is there something wrong with the "quote" feature on here? the incorrect author is being displayed, isnt it?
is there something wrong with the "quote" feature on here? the incorrect author is being displayed, isnt it?

i think it is messed up, lol.

I agree - I think this comes down to opportunity with this case, who was there and had the opportunity to harm her.
i think it is messed up, lol.

I agree - I think this comes down to opportunity with this case, who was there and had the opportunity to harm her.

yeah, i do too. it very well could be one or both bb guys - i sure hope not since they do have somewhat of a tarnished image depending on who you look at. but, all we are sure of is that she is gone and most likely not of her own choice. i think if she had a head injury or anything like that and no one else was involved then she would have been found by now. i think for the very fact that she has not been found is probably evidence of another persons involvement...i could be way off on that, but thats what i think :twocents:
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