VA - Nicole Lovell, 13, Blacksburg, 27 January 2016 #2 *Arrests*

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My GD goes to that same school as NL did. I know for a fact that the bullying is terrible there. My GD is a recipient of the same bullying. Kids can be so mean and cruel. I really feel for this little girl as I know as a teen I was picked on and bullied all the time. Boys can be mean too. Just like the kid that NL said was her bf, one picture on IG said she loved him and he said he loved her the next picture he is telling her she is too ugly! that he didn't want to have anything to do with her. I read all these comments with a heavy heart as all this sounded so familiar to what I went through. She wanted so bad to belong, to be loved. But she didn't feel important or loved. Incredibly sad. :tantrum:

:hug: :grouphug: Bullying is a horrible problem not only in our nation, but the world. My heart :heartbeat: goes out to your granddaughter! Encourage her to stay off the computer.... I know it happens in school, but she needs to be distracted to stay away from the computer at home.
They also said "chilling videos" of DE and NK from before they were arrested. Neither of the videos are chilling at all.

As for the mark on NK's face... if it really was a cut/laceration of some kind, I suspect it would be mentioned in many of the articles. The fact that it hasn't been, tells me it's just her messed up hair. If you look at the charging documents you'll notice the warrant for her arrest was issued at 12:49am and the commitment order was signed at 1:34am. The booking process is a little different in each jurisdiction so it's impossible to know what time her booking photo was taken - but it likely would have been after 1:34am. It's really no surprise her hair is all messed up like that. She was likely rather distraught to be busted for what she'd done.

My 2 cents, fwiw.

OH, and I noticed last thread some questions about NK and DE being connected on SM in anyway. It's not much (since he didn't really update that old FB account since last year) but neither of them were friends on FB, nor did they have any mutual friends. At least on FB - who's to say if they weren't linked on some other SM platform.

:thinking: Snapchat or Instagram?
Its anybody's guess at this time. I do think more information will come out possibly on the relationship between the two who have been arrested. I hope so at least. I wish a reporter would ask some of their friends about the connection between the two. Not many people are going to go out and help get rid of a body after someone has murdered them. At least I hope there are only a very few who will do this.

All I know there is no way in hell anyone could ever make me help them get rid of a dead body.. not even if they were my boyfriend.....not even if I thought I was in love with them.

But sadly in recent years there have been several male offenders who did have help from females and helped to cover up the murder/s they had done. Heck, we have read right here about tag team offenders who both participated in the violent crimes together from rapes to murders.

At least for now all we know is she helped him discard Nicole's dead body and helped cover the murder up. That is subject to change though as the investigation goes along. I even wondered if NS may helped lure Nicole along with him. Was Keepers ever a friend of Nicole's on any of the social media sites she was on? I sure hope they find Nicole's cell phone and have already confiscated both of theirs. I think that will tell LE a lot of about the relationship and if all three knew each other.

So she could be his girlfriend I suppose or a good friend of his. Whatever the relationship happens to be between the two its a creepy one when both are capable of doing what they both have done. He sure seem to know NK would help him so she may be more involved than she is letting on. I imagine when the forensic evidence comes back it will either show she wasn't there when Nicole was being killed or it will show she was.

I think she was killed the day of the abduction so NS kept this all a secret for days. It seems if she really was forced to do something she didn't want to do after disposing of her body she would have immediately called 911 then.

I cant even begin to comprehend how cold someone would have to be in order to discard a dead body and then walk away as if they had thrown out trash.:(

In her mugshot she looked stoic, emotionless and giving off a sense of coldness imo.


:goodpost: You know, OceanBlueEyes, you have such a way of describing people... She seemed very cold. Honestly! It wouldn't surprise me if she was saying "he did it" and he was saying "she did it." I mean if that is not hair and is a cut, and she looks "rough", maybe she had "him" lure Nicole and "she" attacked Nicole and "he" helped "her" conceal Nicole's body.
They also said "chilling videos" of DE and NK from before they were arrested. Neither of the videos are chilling at all.

As for the mark on NK's face... if it really was a cut/laceration of some kind, I suspect it would be mentioned in many of the articles. The fact that it hasn't been, tells me it's just her messed up hair. If you look at the charging documents you'll notice the warrant for her arrest was issued at 12:49am and the commitment order was signed at 1:34am. The booking process is a little different in each jurisdiction so it's impossible to know what time her booking photo was taken - but it likely would have been after 1:34am. It's really no surprise her hair is all messed up like that. She was likely rather distraught to be busted for what she'd done.

My 2 cents, fwiw.

OH, and I noticed last thread some questions about NK and DE being connected on SM in anyway. It's not much (since he didn't really update that old FB account since last year) but neither of them were friends on FB, nor did they have any mutual friends. At least on FB - who's to say if they weren't linked on some other SM platform.

Dang lawyers! It was Instagram! Great link BTW! That's weird! Why do you have to answer "was a firearm allegedly used in the offense?" You're practically admitting guilt if you answer yes or no... :thinking:
Ah. So the 1pm court appearances scheduled for both were not 'extra' bail hearings, but the original times for their initial hearings then? I was wondering why there was nothing reported about it.

Yeah, there will have to be bail hearings! Will they wave their rights to appear, or will they get a Million dollar bond? Like OceanBlueEyes said, "where are the parents?"
Unsure - if they were - you'll never see those accounts now, since they generally go *poof* after an arrest.

Natalie's FB is still there. Oh the irony that one of her 'liked' pages is "I wish life had an 'undo' button". That most certainly would have been nice - for Nicole.
Dang lawyers! It was SnapChat! Great link BTW! That's weird! Why do you have to answer "was a firearm allegedly used in the offense?" You're practically admitting guilt if you answer yes or no... :thinking:

The question about use of a firearm may be because: (1) if a firearm *had* been used, there could be increased penalties, depending on the accused's history, or (2) statistical data. (So opines my hubby who was LE in Virginia - different area, though - many years ago.)
Both students are from the Baltimore suburbs, where Keepers attended Hammond High School. According to a program from the school's May 2015 commencement, Keepers graduated with a Certificate of Merit and National Honors Society designation.

Maryland neighbors remember Keepers fondly, with one telling The Roanoke Times she has "nothing negative" to say except that Keepers was a smart girl who came from a "lovely family." Across-the-street neighbor Thomas Lee, meanwhile, told the Associated Press Keepers was a great girl and a "loner-type" who kept to herself.

That's interesting.

Eisenhauer was a walk-on athlete for Tech’s cross country and track and field teams.

At the Virginia Tech Invitational, about two weeks before Lovell’s body was found, he competed as an unattached runner in the one-mile run where he finished 31st with a time of four minutes and 32 seconds.

Anyone know what a "walk-on athlete" is?
I know there is a "trend" of people encouraging and helping people commit suicide. Does anyone know if Nicole was depressed and said anything about "wanting to die" on SM? I suspect the case is sexually motivated, but just throwing that random thought out there.

On her instagram account she says it a LOT
Thinking out loud: If the police arrested DE for murder before an autopsy, knowing that NL had a potentially life threatening medical condition - the COD must be something else relatively obvious, no? We know it wasn't a gun.
I guess they could charge him with murder even if she died from complications of not having her meds or from alcohol poisoning - but in that case I would think the charge would not be 1st degree murder and the arrest wouldn't be as immediate as it was here.
Or - was the way her body was disposed possibly violent, leading them to believe someone else had to be involved?

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Anyone know what a "walk-on athlete" is?

"Walk-on athlete" usually refers to someone who played or participated in sports in high school, who then becomes part of a team (college) without being actively recruited beforehand (scouting) or without being awarded a scholarship to play or participate in said sport.

Hope this helps.
I can't even say how bad I feel for Nicole's family. It's so senseless and tragic, I just feel terrible for them. What an understatement. I've written and deleted this about 10 different ways and just can't get it right.

All those tips that came in so fast made me wonder if she went to a party with DE that night. Maybe something happened there that made her especially memorable or maybe the fact that she looked so young ?

ETA: Maybe he used a knife. :(
I can't even say how bad I feel for Nicole's family. It's so senseless and tragic, I just feel terrible for them. What an understatement. I've written and deleted this about 10 different ways and just can't get it right.

All those tips that came in so fast made me wonder if she went to a party with DE that night. Maybe something happened there that made her especially memorable or maybe the fact that she looked so young ?

She had beautiful blue eyes! My niece has eyes that color!
Something tells me NK wasn't overly popular on campus. Her facebook page indicates that only 27 friends wished her a happy birthday. That seems kind of low for a college girl who was active on campus.
I have a relative who is a criminal defense attorney in New York, though she originally practiced in Virginia. The following is based on her opinion and experience and in no way is a black-and-white legal explanation or definition. She says the case going into juvenile court IS very unusual and should have nothing to do with the victim and everything to do with the accused. She says "the whole point of the juvenile justice system is the offender's relative maturity/culpability compared to adults. States can have weird rules and it can be discretionary at the margins, such as for someone who recently turned 18." As in: it's possible LE decided these two were somehow not mature enough to be charged as adults.

She says she is going to keep investigating, but that it *could* be that the court is considering this in Juvenile court due to their relatively young age (which she agreed would be ridiculous) and then the prosecution may be able to move them to regular "grown-up court" later once it becomes clear how serious the charges are. Like I said, she is now very interested and told me she is going to do some reading on the subject.
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