VA - Nicole Lovell, 13, Blacksburg, 27 January 2016 #2 *Arrests*

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what are you seeing that I missed? It looks like almost all underage drinking, etc. It seems pretty typical for a large university. Unless BBurg has radically changed in the last 6 years, it's a very safe place with good security. I worked overnight at the 24 hr math emporium and knew a lot of the police because they would check in on us or come give kids rides or escorts after hours.

A number of high profile bad things have occurred, but I'd rate overall safety for students as very high, unlike places like VCU or UVA, or even GMU.

Agree. It's such a great place it is really sad to know some devastating things have happened. Once a Hokie, you live a breathe it. Most will say Blacksburg was one of the best times of their life.
Which again... Makes it even sadder to see the unfortunate things that have happened.
And I don't live there. So I am not being bias. :)
Two law enforcement officials familiar with the investigation said that Eisenhauer and Nicole had sexual contact before her disappearance and that he lured her out of her home to kill her.

Wow. I'm so sad about all of this.

yes I am too, and that young friend of hers that is a BMS student posts that she is in high school. She should be careful as to what she is posting as well. :(
I went down the rabbit hole on Insta/FB and that guy posing in front of his camo shower curtain. He's so gross. It looks like she met him on Kik from what I gather. Looks like he was trolling her also.
what are you seeing that I missed? It looks like almost all underage drinking, etc. It seems pretty typical for a large university. Unless BBurg has radically changed in the last 6 years, it's a very safe place with good security. I worked overnight at the 24 hr math emporium and knew a lot of the police because they would check in on us or come give kids rides or escorts after hours.

A number of high profile bad things have occurred, but I'd rate overall safety for students as very high, unlike places like VCU or UVA, or even GMU.

Vandalism, larceny, harassment, burglary, burglary, burglary, vandalism, DUI, drug/narcotic violation, underage possession of alcohol, drug/narcotic violation, drug/narcotic violation, PI, fraud. I didn't list them all. I see a lot of drug/narcotic violations. If you say it's typical, I'll take your word for it. What happened to pot? Looks like a lot more narcotics than alcohol.

Bullies suck!
Vandalism, larceny, harassment, burglary, burglary, burglary, vandalism, DUI, drug/narcotic violation, underage possession of alcohol, drug/narcotic violation, drug/narcotic violation, PI, fraud. I didn't list them all. I see a lot of drug/narcotic violations. If you say it's typical, I'll take your word for it. What happened to pot? Looks like a lot more narcotics than alcohol.

Bullies suck!

It's college. That is when the majority of the "experimenting" occurs.
Now, look up VCU, Radford (lol), WVU, JMU, uVA. All the same- if not more.
A classmate told a counselor that Nicole was dating an adult. Counselor did nothing.

yeah I actually found that post.. it was to the school resource officer (police officer) and he now says she didn't tell him.
He is outside at pickup when the kids get out of school. I have seen him go talk to parents in parked cars.
It's college. That is when the majority of the "experimenting" occurs.
Now, look up VCU, Radford (lol), WVU, JMU, uVA. All the same- if not more.

I didn't look up this college. Someone else did. If you post the links I might take a look, but otherwise I'm not interested in any other colleges at this point.

Bullies suck!
Thoughts on this:
- while searching through NK ig something struck me as out of place. There is a photo of her- in what could possibly be a dorm room with bunk beds or maybe a kids room that had panda and polar bears on the wall and they were wearing panda/bear type hoodies and one was piggy backing the other. Did any of you all see this?
What college student has this? Didn't NL love pandas?

Something really bothered me about this.
Is it possible perhaps she was tutoring, mentoring, babysitting for NL?
I read NL was into singing and acting? NK was Into theatre. Possible that perhaps she was in a middle school program with the theatre dept as extra curricular?

- in the IG post where the guy is calling her names and we saw the response "LG" I do believe that to have been the same person. I also believe he was using this referring to "little girl". Perhaps based on her interaction he was in some way calling her out based on the juvenile back and forth-- perhaps they had already been sexually involved at that point:.. And he was mad? Perhaps the reason he did what he did was that he got scared?

YES thank you!!! I seen that too and was kinda spooked by it! I was wondering if someone else seen that too. I hadn't seen anyone mention it yet. I too am bothered by that! I seen that and if you look (modsnip) Then of course Nicole had something similar. Thanks for noticing that too now I don't feel weird about being spooked by it.
First off I stumbled upon this site and knew I was addicted because all these stories and seeing you guys care about these issues /cases and not letting it go cold made me want to make an account. I read every comment on the sheiver (sp) case and totally knew the husband was a dirt bag . I got addicted to the mcstay case after seeing it on enews.

Anyways did someone stumble upon Nicoles body , or did a cadaver dog find it ?


Welcome to Websleuths, Detectivemilfy!

Info about just how Nicole's body was discovered hasn't been publicly released.
YES thank you!!! I seen that too and was kinda spooked by it! I was wondering if someone else seen that too. I hadn't seen anyone mention it yet. I too am bothered by that! I seen that and if you look (modsnip) Then of course Nicole had something similar. Thanks for noticing that too now I don't feel weird about being spooked by it.

I had to read through the thread 1 and 2 before I determined nobody had mentioned that. The posts are so redundant I didn't want to bring it up again if it had already been discussed. I stared at that until my head hurt. Very very odd to me. Possibly the connect initially was through NK? Just so weird. All of this.
I don't think the majority of these kids are taking gen-ed classes. It was pointed out that DE was NK's math tutor. Why would a first semester freshman at VT in engineering need a math tutor?!?

Unless it has changed, you have to be accepted into the engineering major after you have passed an introductory class.

As somebody who has taken all the engineering level math classes at VT, they aren't a cakewalk! Freshman could easily start off with Calc III or Differential Equations if they had the prerequisites. In my experience, kids who placed in via AP or high school calculus were often not well prepared for the VT expectations. If they work hard, it's fine--they just have some skill gaps to fill in.

it might not have been formal tutoring anyway. In my major, we all swapped our skill set around and tutored each other.
I'm still trying to get a feel for DE and NK's relationship. I'm pretty sure they must have been involved somehow, and at first I was thinking she must have a major crush on him to help him with such a horrific crime. But now I'm thinking, maybe it was the other way round?

I think in spite of his achievements DE was very insecure when it came to dating, but he adored NK. She however played with him, left him hanging, leading him on, she was the dominant one, but nevertheless enjoying his attention. I don't think their relationship was healthy and nourishing. So at some point in frustration he turned to younger girls to get romantic attention and feel appreciated and wanted. When NK found out she was livid and jealous and demanded that he break it off, or even that he bring Nicole so that she could talk to her. Maybe she was the mastermind behind the killing. Maybe she even demanded that he kill her to prove his loyalty to NK. And he went along with her evil demands in order not to lose her.

jmo just speculation moo

That sounds like the TX cadet case. It will be interesting to know what went on between the two perps. At the very least I think they hooked up. now that police say there was a sexual relationship with the victim I wonder if NK is where they got hat info from. I think NK is talking
Wow! There are so many theories about the "whys" in this horrible crime. I find it hard to believe a guy would kill a young girl because "she was going to expose their relationship." The article mentioning this theory came out before the COD was revealed, so it is a few days old.

I do not feel there is a plausible reason why either accused perpetrated this murder, at least not to anyone who would ever be prone to kill someone over such a flimsy excuse. In other words, there were already very serious issues that defined DE's behavior as abnormal, making it impossible for a sane person to understand his motives.

If this was premeditated, serial killer in training type of thing would not the murder be better planned? Why did they not know where to drop the body? (Unless NK is lying about that). They say now he lured to kill but the murder seems haphazard; why throw the cell phone in the lake? You would find a better hiding place than that
Vandalism, larceny, harassment, burglary, burglary, burglary, vandalism, DUI, drug/narcotic violation, underage possession of alcohol, drug/narcotic violation, drug/narcotic violation, PI, fraud. I didn't list them all. I see a lot of drug/narcotic violations. If you say it's typical, I'll take your word for it. What happened to pot? Looks like a lot more narcotics than alcohol.

Bullies suck!

I also attended the University of Chicago. You'd find much worse there. I'm just putting the number of issues in context of the size of school. Also, the offenses tend to not be violent, unlike other VA schools. Students take precautions, but there is no feeling of fear or unease around campus or around town. I think that the BPD also do a pretty good job of policing.

if you think that drug list is alarming, you'd be shocked by the high schools around the NOVA area. Back in the 90s, there was a heroin ring running out of one high school. I currently teach at a school for kids who are not allowed on school property due to drug use and/or possession. That has been eye opening to say the least.
Why in the world does the name of a 13-year-old witness in a murder investigation appear in this article!? She's a child who just lost a friend in a horrific, senseless killing; and who now is accused by a school RO of lying about her efforts to protect her friend. Thirteen-years-old, and her name is splashed all over an article in the Washington Post. And we talk about protecting children?

Here's yet one more example of how offtrack we are as a society. The girl is a juvenile, a kid, being treated as an adult. Not on some secret social media page, but right out there in the American mainstream media. Exploit much?


ETA: I removed the link. It can be found elsewhere in this thread. I refuse to post it again.
Where is the crime scene I wonder?

Iirc it was said that she was killed on the university grounds. I assume NK must have told them that yet not told them exactly where? Because I have seen no reports about a section or room being taped off and forensic evidence being gathered.

Or maybe she was killed in the car while it was parked at campus? In which case the car would have been towed. No reports about that either.

Did they clean up so well after the stabbing that LE are not able to find the crime scene?

Or did I overlook something?
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