VA - Nicole Lovell, 13, Blacksburg, 27 January 2016 #2 *Arrests*

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I'll have to google it then. I thought it was a peace sign, too. I wish the media would use a different photo. This is a funny/joking pose, but she was so much cuter and more than this.

I googled "why do teens take selfies with 2 fingers by their nose"
Now this is getting a little silly. A corpse flower blooming is an event that always attracts long lines of people, and usually makes the local news.

Everyone I knew at VT had fun going to see that; the lines were huge.

I'm so glad they got that opportunity. Again, I prefer :rose: :rose: To each his own. I'd like to see what other experiments she was into. . . Odd plants - cool. Being involved in the death of a 13 y/o - not good at all.
Yes, I read no SA as well. Though, that can be upgraded as evidence warrants - they aren't releasing everything.

If there was no sex involved with their relationship, there was, perhaps, something else. Posing nude? Acting out some fantasy of DE that didn't involve actual sex?

I have no idea, of course.

I don't recall reading in MSM that there was no SA. Does anyone have a link? I can't imagine any other reason for the relationship on DE's part to be honest. To me he appears to be a predator. JMO of course
I googled it and the student population is about 30,000 people. They have had their share of serious things but I'm not sure the crime logs would be much different at any other large university.

Well VT definitely does have its dark cloud. Not every large university has had mass murder, police being murdered (2), a student decapitated in a coffee shop, the murder of several students as well. In all the 11 years I worked there I know of 40+ loosing their lives. Many more being injured. It seems that more people were determined to go there after the mass murders. The new president added an additional 2,000+ new students to the freshman class this year. So many in fact that there wasn't enough housing and they had to rent off campus housing for students..
I'll have to google it then. I thought it was a peace sign, too. I wish the media would use a different photo. This is a funny/joking pose, but she was so much cuter and more than this.

You can't get a straight answer on what it means. But mostly it doesn't sound good. Some sound dirty and some sound B itchy. I'm sure lots of kids do this because "it's cool" idk?
It actually does. I looked it up. Everything with teens has a meaning.

The two fingers in just a cute peace like sign, some calling it "throwing dueces", it's nothing. I saw the picture. It has no meaning other than a fun symbol they do in pics with each other or selfies.
On the hand sign, I think it just means 'stay fierce.' Apparently either Beyonce or Katy Perry originated it, and it's an empowerment thing (though it's similar to some dirty gestures, so I guess it's up for debate). I did read that it has joined the illustrious 'duck face' as a new cool social media selfie. From what we know of Nicole, I suspect she just knew it was popular and decided to copy it.

Google 'stay fierce selfie'. :)

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The post from Dec 13, 2015 verifies that article that a friend knew she was dating a 20 yr old. The school certainly doesn't want to take credit for not following up on what her friend reported. I don't know that it would have changed the path her life was on, but for her friend that doubt will remain forever.

was trying to add all sm in one spot....sadly I've gotten distracted and now sleepy! Will have to do later. But seems some did notice and try to warn of the age differences, and the concern for her.
Friend reported slain Va. teen’s relationship with adult to school

Two law enforcement officials familiar with the investigation said that Eisenhauer and Nicole had sexual contact before her disappearance and that he lured her out of her home to kill her.

Wow. I'm so sad about all of this.
I don't recall reading in MSM that there was no SA. Does anyone have a link? I can't imagine any other reason for the relationship to be honest.

Maybe she just wanted a boyfriend. . . Apparently she was so reviled by her classmates, no boy would even want to admit to even being her friend. She went outside the box to get a boyfriend. Doesn't mean there was sex. Doesn't mean there was no sex. I think she just wanted to go on a date, have a boyfriend who brought her pretty flowers, watch a movie with, someone she could confide her most secret wishes to who "got her" and what she had been through in her short 13-year-old life.
Maybe she just wanted a boyfriend. . . Apparently she was so reviled by her classmates, no boy would even want to admit to even being her friend. She went outside the box to get a boyfriend. Doesn't mean there was sex. Doesn't mean there was no sex. I think she just wanted to go on a date, have a boyfriend who brought her pretty flowers, watch a movie with, someone she could confide her most secret wishes to who "got her" and what she had been through in her short 13-year-old life.

I think maybe I wasn't clear. I just wanted to clarify that I didn't mean that I couldn't think of any other reason for Nicole to want a relationship with DE, I was thinking more about why DE would be interested in a 13 year old girl. My mind went to him taking advantage of a lonely girl....a predator. I have no doubt that poor Nicole just wanted to love and be loved. It's him I think had ulterior motives
First off I stumbled upon this site and knew I was addicted because all these stories and seeing you guys care about these issues /cases and not letting it go cold made me want to make an account. I read every comment on the sheiver (sp) case and totally knew the husband was a dirt bag . I got addicted to the mcstay case after seeing it on enews.

Anyways did someone stumble upon Nicoles body , or did a cadaver dog find it ?
I've been following this from both my own social media and teachers from the school, community members, and alums from VT, mass media, and all the posts here...
Forgive me if I am repeating anything that has already been said because I am trying hard not to do that-- as I see it is happening a lot in this thread.
A few things I've been thinking/seen/heard I thought might be worth sharing for input and/or others thoughts.
- I have an immediate family member with a liver transplant. Alcohol or drugs would not have immediately caused death or signs of sickness. Additionally, liver failure would not have begun 1-3 days after her missed dose. So I do not believe she got sick and he panicked and killed her.

- the night she disappeared if she took her blanket I believe it was because Virginia got slammed with snow- depending on the area it was anywhere from 20-40 inches. If she snuck out- she probably didn't have a coat. I think it would be a probable theory to consider that she took the blanket to wrap around her. The apartments are 3 levels. Unless she lived on top she would have just had to climb out the window. No jumping or anything involved.

- the town of Blacksburg while it has had its fair share of some unsettling instances, is a small, quaint, very intimate town where most who live there know each other, their kids, most are very active in the community. A lot of the people who live there either were raised there or are alums who stayed there and built their lives after college. I say this to paint a picture as to how it is not unreasonable to believe there were a lot of tips coming in. It's the type of place where you would not want to reside if you were a very private person. Kind of everyone in your business type of place.

- the school sits right there immediately off campus. The apartment she lived in is not far from there. You would not have to have a car to get from the hall they lived in to her apt.

- I believe she was killed the night she left. There is no possible way either suspect took her into the dorms. They are like Fort Knox. Esp with her being a female in his dorm and a child for either dorm. No way.

- VT has a very diverse student population. Very well respected for engineering, pamplin school of business etc. a lot of the students come from Virginia and specifically from the DMV (DC, Maryland, northern Virginia) area. Ot is not unheard of that the two suspects would be from neighboring towns and High schools in Maryland. It would also not be unheard of that although they both went to schools somewhat near each other-- that they would have NEVER cross paths before meeting on campus.

- I know a teacher at her school who knew her. While bullying goes on everywhere - from what I understand while bullying is not acceptable in any form it was not apparent that it was anything more than the average tease or name calling done by your typical Tweens. She had a lot of girl friends and was active when at school.

Thoughts on this:
- while searching through NK ig something struck me as out of place. There is a photo of her- in what could possibly be a dorm room with bunk beds or maybe a kids room that had panda and polar bears on the wall and they were wearing panda/bear type hoodies and one was piggy backing the other. Did any of you all see this?
What college student has this? Didn't NL love pandas?
Something really bothered me about this.
Is it possible perhaps she was tutoring, mentoring, babysitting for NL?
I read NL was into singing and acting? NK was Into theatre. Possible that perhaps she was in a middle school program with the theatre dept as extra curricular?

- in the IG post where the guy is calling her names and we saw the response "LG" I do believe that to have been the same person. I also believe he was using this referring to "little girl". Perhaps based on her interaction he was in some way calling her out based on the juvenile back and forth-- perhaps they had already been sexually involved at that point:.. And he was mad? Perhaps the reason he did what he did was that he got scared?
First off I stumbled upon this site and knew I was addicted because all these stories and seeing you guys care about these issues /cases and not letting it go cold made me want to make an account. I read every comment on the sheiver (sp) case and totally knew the husband was a dirt bag . I got addicted to the mcstay case after seeing it on enews.

Anyways did someone stumble upon Nicoles body , or did a cadaver dog find it ?

Hi and welcome Detectivemilfy! Glad you decided to join us :)

As for your question, we don't know exactly how it happened. They found her pretty quickly, so we assume that NK talked, or they tracked her car gps or cell pings to that location and started looking around. We don't know for sure.
Not sure we should be linking to social media accounts? (She def. had more than one FB from what I've seen.)

Seeing her social media posts, it's so sad she was worried about being single or having a boyfriend. Tweens, teens, and young women need to know there is more to life than having a boyfriend. It seemed to really bother her. You have a lifetime to let all of that be a part of your life. You only have a short time to enjoy childhood.
From this link it says that NK is now charged as accessory BEFORE the fact. This gives me a theory.

DE and NK were catfishing NL. I bet you on this. I don't think they intended to kill her, but yes to lure her to either engage in sexual activity or bully/violate her somehow. Then it hit the fan (think NL sayin mmmmkay no I don't think so bye, and these a-hole lost it and stabbed her to death.
Holy Cow! You couldn't pay me to go to school there... :hills:

what are you seeing that I missed? It looks like almost all underage drinking, etc. It seems pretty typical for a large university. Unless BBurg has radically changed in the last 6 years, it's a very safe place with good security. I worked overnight at the 24 hr math emporium and knew a lot of the police because they would check in on us or come give kids rides or escorts after hours.

A number of high profile bad things have occurred, but I'd rate overall safety for students as very high, unlike places like VCU or UVA, or even GMU.
I have an almost-19 year old daughter who is a freshman in college. She met her boyfriend on Kik. I have learned a lot in the past year about the lives of teens. First, please don't blame the parents for not being aware of everything going on in the digital world. I am super connected, had rules for sites and interactions online, etc. Her father and I (and her older brother) were always giving her advice and examples of what to do and not to do on SM. And I had access to her SM accounts, including passwords. She still managed to have two "online" relationships in high school with supposed "boyfriends," that most likely were creepy old catfish. In both cases, although she had figured out how to work around all of my checks and balances, she had the good sense to never give out addresses and full names, or send explicit pix. And eventually she demanded video chats, and the "boys" disappeared. I found out about these "relationships" after the fact, and after she turned 18. And when she met her current boyfriend, she told me it was online during a discussion about a favorite band. That was true, but the discussion was on a messaging app called Kik, which I hadn't even heard of until then. Luckily, she told me that she was going to meet him, that they had been talking for a while, and that she arranged to meet him in a public mall and with her best friend and the friend's boyfriend present, in case he was a creep. She told him she would only meet him there, and would not go anywhere alone with him. So, at least I had put some sense into her. He turned out to be ok, but that is often not the case at all. She is highly intelligent and is now majoring in a hard science field with a significant merit scholarship. My point is, I did everything that everyone says to do, and I still found out that teens have secrets that we as parents will never know. Also, younger teens today are as or more "worldly" than 17 year olds were even 5 to 10 years ago. There is no way to keep up with the amount of "adult" exposure available to these kids. Think about it. A teen can take their phone into a restroom and within minutes access all sorts of free *advertiser censored*, and do so without any tracking or history. They can learn how to clear all their cache. They can even figure out how to manipulate the cell phone records on the service providers' websites (my niece did so). And this doesn't mean they are bad or looking for trouble. They are just kids figuring out their world, which is pretty messed up these days. And they sometimes come upon evil, like poor Nicole did.
I'm still trying to get a feel for DE and NK's relationship. I'm pretty sure they must have been involved somehow, and at first I was thinking she must have a major crush on him to help him with such a horrific crime. But now I'm thinking, maybe it was the other way round?

I think in spite of his achievements DE was very insecure when it came to dating, but he adored NK. She however played with him, left him hanging, leading him on, she was the dominant one, but nevertheless enjoying his attention. I don't think their relationship was healthy and nourishing. So at some point in frustration he turned to younger girls to get romantic attention and feel appreciated and wanted. When NK found out she was livid and jealous and demanded that he break it off, or even that he bring Nicole so that she could talk to her. Maybe she was the mastermind behind the killing. Maybe she even demanded that he kill her to prove his loyalty to NK. And he went along with her evil demands in order not to lose her.

jmo just speculation moo
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