VA - Nicole Lovell, 13, Blacksburg, 27 January 2016 #3 *Arrests*

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"Transcript" of NK's 2/5 bond hearing:

Keepers took the stand during her bond hearing, explaining her mental health issues, including thoughts of suicide in eighth and ninth grade. She said it was during that time her parents got her involved in a Christian Counseling Center program in Columbia, Maryland where she learned “techniques to reduce stress.” She told Judge Robert Viar, “If I do get bail my parents will start looking for a psychiatrist near my house so I can get the help that I need. ”

Keepers also testified she sought help at the Cook Counseling Center at Virginia Tech as soon as she got to the university in August because she was having a hard time transitioning from high school to college. She started seeing a psychiatrist who prescribed medication to deal with depression and anxiety attacks. It was at Cook Counseling where “I learned how to love myself,” she said.

She also admitted to “cutting” on and off until 2014 when she made herself a promise she said. “I chose instead of putting an end to my life I chose to make a decision and be strong about it. ” Keepers then got a semicolon tattoo behind her ear as a permanent promise to herself, her family and God to never do anything suicidal again. Project Semicolon is an organization aimed at providing “hope and love for those who are struggling with mental issues, suicide, addictions and self-injury.”

Keepers parents each took the stand, as Lovell’s own parents sat in the front two rows of the courtroom listening to the details. Lovell’s own father, David Lovell eyed Keepers throughout the trial.

Her father, Tim Keepers described them as an extremely close family. Tim Keepers, wife Sara Keepers as well as Natalie’s siblings – a sister and twin brothers, all live in the Laurel, Maryland home where her father promised she’d be held up if released on bond. “We all talk together. My sons love Natalie our daughters love Natalie. Close very strong, Christian family. We’re very happy.”

The father described the moments after learning of his daughter’s arrest as “complete and utter devastation. It still is extremely confusing to me. We are still very, very, very, sad,” calling his daughter an absolutely wonderful role model to the rest of his kids. He described learning of her arrest as like “being punched in the stomach by someone much bigger than you.”

Tim Keepers, an aerospace engineer, described their home as one that stressed education, education before chores. It was all about “deadlines or school work.” He says he had to tell his daughter, Bs were ok in school.

Tim Keepers broke down, hanging his head while on the stand when explaining how his daughter wanted to follow in his footsteps. “She wanted to follow… follow in my footsteps and also be an aerospace engineer,” he said fighting back tears.

He said his daughter didn’t drink or do drugs. Her lawyers said she liked Swedish Fish and was a member of the Disney Princess Club.

Sara and Tim Keepers both said they became aware of their daughter’s friend, David Eisenhauer in October or November when he “dropped everything to take her to the hospital” when she needed an appendectomy. “He did so at great speed,” Tim Keepers said.

Upon questioning by Pettitt, both parents said their daughter never called them to say Eisenhauer asked her for assistance or to move a dead body and did not hear about it until she had been arrested.

Keepers’ parents offered to pay for home electronic monitoring in order to get their daughter released on bond and out of the Western Virginia Regional Jail where she is being held in isolation, paid for by the Commonwealth, her defense lawyer said.

In arguing for her release, Keepers lawyers said being with her parents would allow her medical and dietary needs to be met. Keepers, who said she suffers from a gluten allergy as well as seasonal allergies, said she is not being fed a gluten free diet in jail. The jail is also giving her half the dosage of her anti-anxiety and depression medicine, in direct contradiction to psychiatrist orders.

Prosecutor Mary Pettitt, opposed to bond, argued one of the charges against Keepers, accessory before the fact to the first degree murder, “essentially puts her in the same place as the person that committed the murder.” Keepers is also facing a charge of improper disposal of a body and being an accessory after the fact.

In announcing his decision denying bond, Viar called the case a tragedy in every sense of the word. He said the one tie Keepers had to the community, (Virginia Tech, where she has been banned from campus) she severed . Viar said he’d be relying on a company out of state to provide for the safety of citizens in Virginia and Maryland.
I'm not so sure about that. She might make a deal and get early parole or whatever.
There would have to be a reason for someone to make a deal. There is a ton of implicating evidence against both of them. I don't see any sweetheart deal for either.

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This is a great post because so many factors come into play. A lot of people will be blaming themselves for not doing something in this tragic case. I have been screaming from day one "But the parents saw her Facebook posts and did nothing."

However, at the end of the day, we know Nicole's parents loved her very much. I know, personally, I am not a perfect parent. I wake up everyday telling myself I'm going to do my best. Some days I exceed my best, some days I don't. I want my children to be safe, to succeed in life, and to be loved and be happy. I try to protect them. If something like this happened to them - or some other tragedy, I'm sure a website forum could pick apart my parenting too and find it not perfect. I think all of us, if we were to be honest, could say the same.

Absolutely agree! It is a good post. And it is honest- Def not meant to pass judgement on anyone as another tried to throw a Passive judgmental jab at me for.I Don't think in any way it is blame on her family. I think as parents we all try and do what we can. And we all can stand to have some constructive feedback from an honest family member or friend to help us along the way. But I also am not one to consider as I have seen others doing that it is to question what others have done either. It does take a village. But we must begin at home. We don't know everything that may or may not have been done... By anyone. But there were clearly some issues on all ends that were never handled with a favorable outcome.
With that said- the big picture in my post was the "what can we as parents do-- to make sure we are doing all we can-- to educate, prepare and armor or kids with everything they need to prevent being targeted, abused or hurt by predators that are lurking everywhere. They come in all shapes and forms- as seen with this case....
A lot of "aha" moments and lessons learned for my own home from this.
Yeah. That's the way it will be looked at. For what it's worth, the kid did mention her concerns on a post to Nicole's Facebook that back up her claim, she gave her real name and mentioned handing the RO a slip of paper with a guys name, or usename, on it. Even if she is telling the truth, it won't matter though, it's just her word against LE.

She was probably interviewed on the 28th BECAUSE of the SM they would have known by then that she had been concerned about Nicole associating with an 18yr old. Maybe she assumed that she was being interviewed because of her claim that she had notified the school officer previously? I don't understand why she would lie. But people lie all the time. JMO
"Transcript" of NK's 2/5 bond hearing:

Keepers took the stand during her bond hearing, explaining her mental health issues, including thoughts of suicide in eighth and ninth grade. She said it was during that time her parents got her involved in a Christian Counseling Center program in Columbia, Maryland where she learned “techniques to reduce stress.” She told Judge Robert Viar, “If I do get bail my parents will start looking for a psychiatrist near my house so I can get the help that I need. ”

Keepers also testified she sought help at the Cook Counseling Center at Virginia Tech as soon as she got to the university in August because she was having a hard time transitioning from high school to college. She started seeing a psychiatrist who prescribed medication to deal with depression and anxiety attacks. It was at Cook Counseling where “I learned how to love myself,” she said.

She also admitted to “cutting” on and off until 2014 when she made herself a promise she said. “I chose instead of putting an end to my life I chose to make a decision and be strong about it. ” Keepers then got a semicolon tattoo behind her ear as a permanent promise to herself, her family and God to never do anything suicidal again. Project Semicolon is an organization aimed at providing “hope and love for those who are struggling with mental issues, suicide, addictions and self-injury.”

Keepers parents each took the stand, as Lovell’s own parents sat in the front two rows of the courtroom listening to the details. Lovell’s own father, David Lovell eyed Keepers throughout the trial.

Her father, Tim Keepers described them as an extremely close family. Tim Keepers, wife Sara Keepers as well as Natalie’s siblings – a sister and twin brothers, all live in the Laurel, Maryland home where her father promised she’d be held up if released on bond. “We all talk together. My sons love Natalie our daughters love Natalie. Close very strong, Christian family. We’re very happy.”

The father described the moments after learning of his daughter’s arrest as “complete and utter devastation. It still is extremely confusing to me. We are still very, very, very, sad,” calling his daughter an absolutely wonderful role model to the rest of his kids. He described learning of her arrest as like “being punched in the stomach by someone much bigger than you.”

Tim Keepers, an aerospace engineer, described their home as one that stressed education, education before chores. It was all about “deadlines or school work.” He says he had to tell his daughter, Bs were ok in school.

Tim Keepers broke down, hanging his head while on the stand when explaining how his daughter wanted to follow in his footsteps. “She wanted to follow… follow in my footsteps and also be an aerospace engineer,” he said fighting back tears.

He said his daughter didn’t drink or do drugs. Her lawyers said she liked Swedish Fish and was a member of the Disney Princess Club.

Sara and Tim Keepers both said they became aware of their daughter’s friend, David Eisenhauer in October or November when he “dropped everything to take her to the hospital” when she needed an appendectomy. “He did so at great speed,” Tim Keepers said.

Upon questioning by Pettitt, both parents said their daughter never called them to say Eisenhauer asked her for assistance or to move a dead body and did not hear about it until she had been arrested.

Keepers’ parents offered to pay for home electronic monitoring in order to get their daughter released on bond and out of the Western Virginia Regional Jail where she is being held in isolation, paid for by the Commonwealth, her defense lawyer said.

In arguing for her release, Keepers lawyers said being with her parents would allow her medical and dietary needs to be met. Keepers, who said she suffers from a gluten allergy as well as seasonal allergies, said she is not being fed a gluten free diet in jail. The jail is also giving her half the dosage of her anti-anxiety and depression medicine, in direct contradiction to psychiatrist orders.

Prosecutor Mary Pettitt, opposed to bond, argued one of the charges against Keepers, accessory before the fact to the first degree murder, “essentially puts her in the same place as the person that committed the murder.” Keepers is also facing a charge of improper disposal of a body and being an accessory after the fact.

In announcing his decision denying bond, Viar called the case a tragedy in every sense of the word. He said the one tie Keepers had to the community, (Virginia Tech, where she has been banned from campus) she severed . Viar said he’d be relying on a company out of state to provide for the safety of citizens in Virginia and Maryland.

So it appears now that it was her lawyer and NK asking for bail citing the ridiculous reasons of diet (that we all think is BS now), etc.
who are these lawyers anyway. Swedish fish, mattresses, Disney princess club..: way to bring up the important stuff... Smh
According to the chief's statement there on FB, she was interviewed by investigators on the 28th and gave no info regarding recent contact or conversations with Nicole. Most teenage girls at this point would have said something to the affect of "SEE!! I knew I was right, I told officer Haynie about this guy and I was worried about Nicole" etc., so forth and so on. According to investigators that interviewed her, she said nothing.

That's a whole lot of CYA, if that's what's really going on. The school resource officer, the Chief, the investigators, Lt. Albert, BPD spokesman... seems a little far-fetched to me.

It is too bad she didn't tell her mom she made the report. She did seem stand up for calling out her friend about the age difference. Opinion will go in favor of the LEO unless someone else know something. Did she tell a friend she reported it?
The full scale of the depravity of these murderers is yet to be known. Natalie has gone from seeming like she might have been coerced or bullied into this to appearing to be an equal or the leader in this. I am not sure what is going to happen when we hear about David's actions. I am thankful that there appears to be no sexual assault.

Thoughts are with Nicole's family as I am sure they have many more details than we do. I can only imagine what a nightmare it is to think about your child experiencing these monsters.
VA courts do allow cameras!!! This particular part of the prosecution is being held in juvenile court, thus no cameras. It will be up to the judge later whether cameras are allowed or not.

Jens Soering, and Elizabeth Hassom were UVA college students. Very intelligent. Both in prison for killing her parents. It was one of the first trials on TV, and that was here in VA.

That's what I had read about the cameras. Fingers crossed

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Wonder if the interview with the teen friend was tape recorded.

I suspect it was either audio recorded or documented in a police report, or both. In this day and age where LE have to be super-duper accountable for everything they do and say, there is no question in my mind there is a transcript of this interview.
Her Facebook had her best friend posting, in her defence, saying she was nicest person she ever met, and she would never do something like this... and their was another girl posting similarly. When the evidence was clearer, they changed it to, IF she had done something, she must have been forced to.

If she had never said how exciting it was to be a part of this grand plan, I MIGHT believe that.
You never truly know what is inside someone, till it comes out.
So it appears now that it was her lawyer and NK asking for bail citing the ridiculous reasons of diet (that we all think is BS now), etc.
who are these lawyers anyway. Swedish fish, mattresses, Disney princess club..: way to bring up the important stuff... Smh

I had to look into the Disney Princess Club... Makes me realize I need to keep a VERY close eye on what my children do online when they get older!! Example -->
I really think it should be considered before judging the family of NK by what they have said or have not to what they might possibly be going through at this exact moment. By all accounts, social media, statements from people that know the family, etc that it appears that they are a normal, God fearing family that is doing the best they can. NK seemed to be very family orientated - not many college kids base the majority of their social media threads and photos around their family. She did. It was very clear they were close.
In a few days they have gone from sending their child off to College to realizing that she will never set foot outside again. She has not only been accused but admitted in one of the darkest ways I have ever seen that she was involved.
No matter what-- parents-- good ones are wired to be there for their kids. It doesn't mean they support her actions... If she is intolerant of gluten products she could become violently sick. As any parent this would concern them. There is not a switch that turns off immediately that makes a parent stop doing what they have done for the last 18 years. They probably realize the chance of bond would be the only time they will ever be on her presence again.
I'm willing to bet based on the character statements from others a very heartfelt message will be displayed to her family. I'm also willing to bet they have been advised to say nothing yet.
We have no ability to even remotely walk in either NK family's shoes or the victims families shoes. And just as we have no right to judge or point fingers at NLs family for clearly providing very little supervision, guidance, insistence to attend school, stay out of trouble, provide counseling for her esteem issues etc. we should be just as understanding to the other side.
Nobody deserves to raise a child and have them murdered OR be faced with the fact that they have raised a sociopath under their own roof. Can you imagine how this must feel and the state of delusion, confusion and utter heartbreak this would play in all involved.
Now-- I haven't seen anything from the DEs family. I think his dark, narssistic ways have been looming for a long time. I feel we are going to find out shortly that his arrogance and nauseating demeanor was a clear indicator as to what is to come.
You may even find his family has nothing to say or support to give. I have a feeling they won't be as surprised as NKs family.

I also have a feeling they were clinging to the hope that de dragged her into helping him cover this up and that was the extent to her involvement. I'm sure they were blindsided by the information txt came out during the hearing

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The thing about gluten is, it can take anywhere from 2 to 4 months to get totally out of your system. This particular link sets it at three to four months ( Anyone with a serious gluten problem is going to be aware of that fact, and would know better than to occasionally supplement their diet with Swedish Fish and pasta.

Gluten is gluten. It's awfully interesting how prison food seems to be a problem for her, but her favorite foods don't. Under the circumstances, pardon me if I don't take the complaints regarding her dietary needs too seriously.

Four of my close family members have celiac. My one sister is so sensitive that if her food gets cross contaminated by the smallest amount of gluten she gets violent ally ill within hours. No way could she eat that pasta.

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We're all perplexed how everyone in this case met each other. Both DE and NK seem to come from Christian families, and last fall DE "dropped everything" according to NK's father to take NK to the hospital for an appendectomy. That sounds like something a church friend would do without hesitation. Perhaps they met though a church group on campus and bonded because they are from the same area?

Wild speculation, just a hunch to follow, not based on media reports. Opinion subject to change.
I have a question regarding KIK-- looking for insight.
Why is KIK to blame for this?
Why are they being scrutinized?
Is KIK expected to do the job of parents?
I'm going to say this and I do not mean any disrespect at all... But I would be remiss to not be open and voice my thoughts on how blame seems to be spread to all sorts of channels when something like this happens. Social media, groups, schools, neighbors, etc. when did it become someone else's job to raise and mentor our kids? And when is it alright to disagree- especially in the event of tragedy like this.
We have seen NUMEROUS inappropriate sites, threads, discussions and comments by the very naive and confused victim. And I truly feel sadness in my heart that she was so desperately looking for fullfiment. But what confuses me-- is that she didn't appear to be starving for affection from friends or the community...: but boys/men. And before blame keeps getting thrashed on everyone else... I'm left wondering if her parents saw these signs? Vulgar posts? Cries on social for acceptance from boys/men. Did she get help?
Nobody has never not experienced some sort of bullying. Esp at that age. You have to be a Barbie doll at that point in your life for the boys to start looking. But it appears on all accounts she had friends and such. So define the bullying. Just a few pre puberty boys who act stupid? That was a quick five minute discussion with my parents. Is that ok to allow our 13 year old to not regularly attend school? Not seek help for them or provide guidance and teach them how to rise above this?
I think kids coming up now don't get the same speech most of us 30 something and over got from our parents. Coming up a lot of us were raised with the theory of "this is life, a stage, it will pass" "how can I help you get through this" " I understand your pain-- but you cannot use this as a crutch to miss school, underachieve, disregard rules and authority" etc. I see a lot of excuses as to why the mentality may have been what it was--- but I've heard nothing pertaining to what may have been done to provide the necessary guidance to move on, build and grow from it.
I hope this comes of right-- as my heart is huge. And my empathy towards others often leads me to be a push over.... But I have a hard time understanding why what appears to be lack of a solid foundation at home becomes the fault of everyone else in the community and now social media and law enforcement.

This really is a great post and I could easily spend a few hours responding, but I wont (you're welcome) ;)

As for kik - folks blame the app because it's a skeezy app, notoriously used by sketchbag pervy trolls. Although I'm sure Nicole didn't know that and her mom never even heard about it (much like folks on this thread). My 17 yr old knows it and doesn't use it, but my 18 yr old has it and it drives me nuts. My 15 yr old did have it but he decided it was stupid and deleted it. This is the data-world teens live in these days. As far as I'm concerned, when you're an app developer and you've got a link directly to LAW ENFORCEMENT in the front page of your app's site, to assist LE in the investigations of crimes that involve your app....... it's an app NO kid needs to be using. End of story on kik.

Here's the biggest problem in today's world: even in the most solid, monitored, healthy, well-educated home, kids will find a way into the digital world and go places they should never go. Because... they're kids, and that's what kids do. They click on things, they go "oh sick!" then click on something else, then delete their history. It's not because they're bad kids, or that they have bad parents who don't pay attention, it's simply because they're curious. Just like us adults who click/download/watch stuff and then go "I can never unsee that, why did I click that?!" Mix that natural curiosity with teens (and teen girls especially) with body-image issues, self-esteem issues, and the general madness that comes along with being a confused teenager and sometimes they find themselves in trouble online.

I see the same questions come up all the time in cases where something awful happened to a kid and SM was involved. For me, the only time I can ever justify in my mind a parent bearing some part of the blame is when it's established they were just a rotten, absent parent that let their kid run wild and do whatever. And there are parents just like that, unfortunately. But more often, it's that the parents had NO IDEA what their kids were doing online. Not too different than 30+ years ago when parents had no idea where their teens really were, or who they were hanging out with. Simply because curious teens lie to their parents or hide/sneak to do what they want to do. They do the sneak thing, and eventually the phase passes and they stop doing it. Most of them get through their teen years okay, look back and go "well that was pretty stupid". Sadly, some don't make it through :(

I'm no expert on any of this, I just have 7 kids from ages 33 down to 12 (going on 25). From the time my oldest was 10, I've been online - and they've all been raised with "internet safety" rules as well as learning how to tie their shoes, brush their teeth, define their own personal boundaries and being taught they can come to me (or dad) if they need to talk. The digital world a HUGE part of their world and as parents we HAVE to stay informed on what's going on, so that we can protect them as best as we're able.

I see a lot of opinions on her taking the medication. MOO is there are more people on this medication now than not on it. AND they are not going around plotting murders. Yes, it affects everyone differently. If she felt like it was having an adverse effect on her, she should have told the person who prescribed it to her. Did she just one day say, I want to kill someone? We know she said she was excited about it. Surely there was follow-up visits. Didn't the dr evaluate how she was doing on the medicine? It's just when you are busted, then 'Oh, the medication".
We live in a privileged world now. No one is responsible for their actions. You can't do enough for people. They want, need, expect more, yet they don't see the need to do more for themselves. Others should do it, and pay for it.
Every kid on the team gets a trophy, even the ones who are late to every practice, put no effort in, have no natural ability and the parents are crying that their baby wants to play.
Is this a result of us, as parents, wanting better for our kids? If so, we are truly doing a dis-service to them. I know college graduates, who took longer than 4 yrs to graduate cause they kept changing their major, and their parents kept paying, who then came home and won't get a job, cause they don't want to. Yet have an iPhone, drive a nice car and go out with friends and on vacations with them, with NO JOB. The parents seem clueless on how to fix this. I guess you have to go on Dr Phil's show and let him tell you before you can act.
My friend told me her daughter needed some time off before going to work. She just got out of school! I told her to tell her daughter she needed some time off from keeping her up before she retires.
Interestingly, my adult children and I use kik for instant messaging multiple times per day. It is faster than texting, allows us to have group conversations, and costs nothing.

I do occasionally get random trolls trying to message me. I just block them. But then, I am a 60 yo grandma, well aware of the ways of the world. All of my kids are adults. Would I want my 13 year old on this app? Oh heck no!
How did they hone in on Nicole? Why her??

Based on what we know, she was an easy mark. DE picked what he considered "a loser" to continue the harassment. He's a bully gone amok. Make her feel good about herself and then let her have it. IMHO... Trouble is, Nicole was a "winner" at living and he had no idea. He only saw one part of her.
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