VA - Nicole Lovell, 13, Blacksburg, 27 January 2016 #3 *Arrests*

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Tried to go to NK FB and it tried to take me off FB to another place. If the murder was filmed would they have downloaded it already? Where is the phone if filmed by phone? Why buy a shovel but not bury the body? Alex M has speech impediment and he came in dead last in the race after being coached by Eisenhaur who apparently knows the area very well.
This Alex M guy seems fishy to me.

"Accused Alexandria serial killer spars with judge over 'excessive ...
Washington Post › local › 2015/10/01
Mobile-friendly - Oct 1, 2015 - Alex Malycke, a friend of Severance's who attended the hearing and said he had written to him in jail, ..."

Fishy in regards to what? This case?
Tried to go to NK FB and it tried to take me off FB to another place. If the murder was filmed would they have downloaded it already? Where is the phone if filmed by phone? Why buy a shovel but not bury the body? Alex M has speech impediment and he came in dead last in the race after being coached by Eisenhaur who apparently knows the area very well.

Same thing happened to me-- I was on my phone and took me out of the Facebook app and to the web. It was weird. Perhaps they are monitoring it and gathering IPs or something? It was driving me nuts.
I can't possibly read all of these threads so I ask for corrections on what I post here so I can get up to speed.

DE, 18, was a HS athlete, at VA Tech studying Engineering. Family is well off. Also an athlete at VA Tech. He trolled a teen site for dating and hooked up with NL, a 13 year old at some point. She lied about her age. They had a sexual relationship. NL was telling people (friends - other kids) about DE. He didn't want to get caught and charged with statutory rape.

DE sought the advice of his friend NK, 19, a 1st year VA Tech student with a history of being on anti-depressants meds for 5 years after a spell of cutting herself which is claimed to be the result of being bullied in HS. NL and DE then spend 3 weeks planning to lure NL out of her home so that they can kill her to keep her quiet about DE. They make a few dry runs past NL's house during the planning. NK makes the most suggestions for the plan, including the choice of murder weapon.

DE meets NL at her bedroom window. She leaves with him voluntarily, having told an 8 year od she was meeting him that night. DE takes her to NK's dorm room. DE and NK then kill NL by stabbing her/slitting her throat, put her in the trunk of a car, go to a store to buy cleaning supplies and a shovel. They drive to the state border and dump NL's body off of the side of the road.

NK says she was just along for the ride, that DE did the murder, she only helped him get the body in and out of the trunk. She had NL's Minion blanket in her dorm room.

She was present when the murder occurred.

LE figured out who is involved from SM accounts and the 8 year old neighbor. They locate NK, then DE.

One of them leads LE to her body (or GPS in the car/phone does).

They pled not guilty and are held without bond.

NK's dad is worried that NK is allergic to her jail mattress and the jail gluten.

Do I have this right?

Do we know of any other children that DE was trolling for? Is NK also a pedophile?

He is charged with first degree murder. Is she?

When are the executions?

Can't possibly make all the correction to this necessary in my phone - but there are some variances, some incorrect info, questionable parts etc. I will log in later and make adjustments if nobody beats me to it.
I keep wondering Nicole's connection to the campus. Of course it's entirely possible they simply found her on Kik. But all week it feels as if there is more missing to the puzzle and I'm sure there is. I would be curious if NL has relatives that work on campus and Nicole was used to tagging along from time to time.

It's been years since I watched Nancy Grace. But I did yesterday evening after several of you said the gluten thing would make smoke come out of her ears. She had a guest who said NL had been seen on campus before. He sounded nuts. As if he said it simply to take the opposite opinion of everyone else. NG got him off the screen fast. As nutty as he came across, he also voiced rumors that she'd visited campus.

Also, is it possible there is a 3rd person involved? Of course Keepers could be lying and she was there the entire time, but for the sake of another theory, let's say she wasn't. You all mentioned the possible amount of blood ( :( ) it's not out of the realm of possibility that there was a 3rd person who participated or helped in some capacity. Just a theory of course!

I'm very curious if anyone in her family worked on campus.

I watched it too, and when the defense expert said the bit about NL being seen on campus, my boyfriend asked me if he was being sarcastic. I told him the exact same thing you did---that the producers clearly just put him on there to have an opposing argument of some kind. His statements seems so outlandish and unbelievable that NG didn't even really bother to respond to them. She's always arguing back and forth with the defense experts' opinions, so I figure they had to put someone up there to make up something just so she could rant about it.
Here's my theory about the 'POLICE' text:
The cops obtained an arrest and search warrant for DE. After he's in custody and the search warrant had been issued, they find texts in his phone back and forth with NK. They might have even been innocent texts about nothing but the cops realize these two are close and decide to go speak to NK to see if she knows anything. When they go to her dorm room, she's at her BF's but her roommate was there. So then the roommate texts NK & tells her the cops are looking for her and headed that way. She immediately sends the "POLICE" text to DE, not knowing he'd already been arrested or that the police had custody of his phone. Once they arrive at her BF's place, confront her with the knowledge of the text to DE, and ask her if she'd mind going back to the dorm and letting them look around, she figured the jig was up and pointed them in the direction of the blanket.

But that's just a theory.
Fishy in regards to what? This case?

Not necessarily the case.. But the fact he wants to help out DE and at one time was involved in exchanging letters with and supporting what was mentioned as his "friend" that was on trial in Alexandria Va for being an "alleged serial killer" /murderer. Alex's mugshot looks creepy too, not that is a factor at all. Lol. I'm probably looking way too hard into it but it's late and it does seem a little odd to me at this moment.

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Haayturtle, about what you posted a few posts above, about the Alex guy: I really think we are not supposed to "sleuth" him (at least, not post about it on WS!) since he is not a victim or named POI or suspect in this case.

But ...:eek:
Haayturtle, about what you posted a few posts above, about the Alex guy: I really think we are not supposed to "sleuth" him (at least, not post about it on WS!) since he is not a victim or named POI or suspect in this case.

But ...:eek:

You I'll delete! Sorry! I'm new at this ! [emoji52]

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I can't possibly read all of these threads so I ask for corrections on what I post here so I can get up to speed.

DE, 18, was a HS athlete, at VA Tech studying Engineering. Family is well off. Also an athlete at VA Tech. He trolled a teen site for dating and hooked up with NL, a 13 year old at some point. She lied about her age. They had a sexual relationship. NL was telling people (friends - other kids) about DE. He didn't want to get caught and charged with statutory rape.

I want to know if DE, as you say, "trolled a teen site for dating and hooked up with NL" (and then, everything unraveled from there) OR if DE and NK trolled a teen site together, looking for someone to murder. My intuition keeps telling me that NK may have been the mastermind and DE was simply along for the ride.

NK says she was just along for the ride, that DE did the murder, she only helped him get the body in and out of the trunk. She had NL's Minion blanket in her dorm room.

She was present when the murder occurred.

Why would NK want the blanket, to the point of storing it in a suitcase? Why not leave it with the body or dispose of it with the cleaning supplies? Why would she immediately tell law enforcement where to find the blanket? Was she in some way proud that she had it?

To me, it makes no sense that NK would not have been present for the murder, as she originally claimed. If I understood correctly, she admitted to being there immediately before the murder, and then again, immediately after the murder, so the idea of NK not being present for the murder itself, seems like a complicated acrobatic trick. With everything happening at the time, how did NK manage to be there, then not there, and then, there again? DE would have no time to be her chauffeur. So I do believe she must have been present when the murder occurred. My intuition keeps telling me that she is the one who did it.

Do we know of any other children that DE was trolling for? Is NK also a pedophile?

That to me is the 64 thousand dollar question. Was DE someone who trolled for children on the internet? Or was NL targeted for some other reason? Was this crime originally about sexual deviance, and it evolved into murder? Or was it never about anything other than finding someone to murder?

Do we know that DE's inappropriate behavior with NL involved a physical relationship, or could it have all been carried out online?

Is DE actually a pedophile? Is NK?

And does NK have a boyfriend separate from DE? If she does, is he a pedophile? Could this other boyfriend have been the one to have an inappropriate relationship with NL and then NK enlisted DE's help to carry out her long and involved plot for revenge?

If the murder was plotted for weeks in advance, it doesn't seem like a crime of passion. It doesn't even seem as though it was some knee-jerk reaction to DE's fear that he was going to be exposed by NL. Instead, all of the plotting makes the murder seem more like a crime of revenge. But why would DE or NK need revenge against NL, a child? The only thing that makes sense to me is if NK was jealous of NL. But why?

Or maybe DE is a pedophile and he did not want to be exposed by NL. But if that is the case, why in the world would NK go along with all of this plotting for weeks?

To me, it makes more sense that DE got pulled into NK's scheme, because he wanted to be a helpful friend to her.

None of it makes sense though. I'm grasping at straws.
The way I've understood MSM reports, LE says that NK says something to the effect that she didn't kill Nicole but that she "went along for the ride". If taken literally, that means, to me, that she was present when Nicole was killed. I don't think there necessarily was any being there, then not being there, then being there again.

But at this point ...IDK. Big ball of confusion. I think we may have to wait a while to learn much more, but maybe not ... I thought we were basically not going to know anything much, for a while, from the tight-lipped stance that was first taken by LE...but some new stuff HAS come out, so maybe there will be more sooner than I expect.
Regarding the question why NK kept the blanket in her room - maybe it has evidence on it that proves DE was there with Nicole. Just in case he wants to blame everything on her.
Regarding the question why NK kept the blanket in her room - maybe it has evidence on it that proves DE was there with Nicole. Just in case he wants to blame everything on her.

I was just thinking about that possibility. Or maybe getting rid of it...and weren't the cleaning supplies in the suitcase, too, according to reports? -- was a task "assigned" to her and she just had not had what she felt was a "safe" chance to do so, yet. I wonder if she had a trip home or somewhere else out of town scheduled any time soon (thinking of the suitcase)?
Regarding the question why NK kept the blanket in her room - maybe it has evidence on it that proves DE was there with Nicole. Just in case he wants to blame everything on her.

True, that's possible.

There was already quite a bit of evidence to link DE to NL, even without the blanket, though. There is the whole digital trail.

Even if the blanket had DE's DNA on it, I would think NK would feel possession of the blanket would link her to the crime, more than DE. But I don't know.

NK's statements in court make her appear clueless and out of touch. Could that be part of a scheme to throw suspicion off of herself? Or is she truly so inept that she keeps digging a deeper hole for herself?

Do we know if the murder weapon has been found or where it was purchased? Could there have been more than one weapon?

I believe NK said the original plan was to slit the throat. Did law enforcement confirm it was a stabbing death? I do not understand how anyone could participate in a stabbing death, unless it was done in the heat of an extreme emotionally charged moment. It's different from shooting a gun or even from slitting a throat.

If law enforcement cannot prove which one of them committed the murder, can they still both be convicted for it? Does it matter if both claim to be the accessory to the crime?
During the bond hearing for Natalie, the DA stated the murder weapon had been located. No details given about where. Assuming it was a knife since cause of death was stabbing, but it wasn't revealed in court what the weapon was, only that it was located.
I look for the charges to change once the Grand Jury meets and decides on charges. We're still very early in the case, and much of what has been said may change. So far we're hearing from Natalie's side, but, prosecutors and investigators have to see if what she says is true, or minimized. Not sure when the Grand Jury meets, and when this particular case will be sent to them.
True, that's possible.

There was already quite a bit of evidence to link DE to NL, even without the blanket, though. There is the whole digital trail.

Even if the blanket had DE's DNA on it, I would think NK would feel possession of the blanket would link her to the crime, more than DE. But I don't know.

NK's statements in court make her appear clueless and out of touch. Could that be part of a scheme to throw suspicion off of herself? Or is she truly so inept that she keeps digging a deeper hole for herself?

Do we know if the murder weapon has been found or where it was purchased? Could there have been more than one weapon?

I believe NK said the original plan was to slit the throat. Did law enforcement confirm it was a stabbing death? I do not understand how anyone could participate in a stabbing death, unless it was done in the heat of an extreme emotionally charged moment. It's different from shooting a gun or even from slitting a throat.

If law enforcement cannot prove which one of them committed the murder, can they still both be convicted for it? Does it matter if both claim to be the accessory to the crime?

Leopold and Loeb were both convicted although it was never proven (nor admitted) who did the actual stabbing.
Did I see where someone posted the transcripts? I thought I remembered reading it sonewhere here but can't locate now-- anyone know?
I wonder if she kept the blanket as a memento or a treasure to remember it by. I think she was heavily involved in the brutal crime. JMO
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